More Reasons to Vote For Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This roundup should strengthen Trump supporters desires to see him in office:

Andrea Mitchell Compares Trump and George Wallace Voters, 'I've Seen This Before' - See more at: Andrea Mitchell Compares Trump and George Wallace Voters, 'I've Seen This Before'

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in Time: 'Trump Is ISIS's Greatest Triumph' - See more at: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in Time: 'Trump Is ISIS's Greatest Triumph'

Charles Barkley Trashes Trump, Calls His Supporters ‘Losers’ - See more at: Charles Barkley Trashes Trump, Calls His Supporters ‘Losers’

The Washington Post Denounces “Fringe News” @ The Washington Post Denounces “Fringe News” In other words, anything that doesn't meet their Progressive agenda.

Donald Trump Says This Supreme Court Justice ‘Really Let Us Down’ @ Donald Trump Says This Supreme Court Justice ‘Really Let Us Down’ He continues to say what the majority of Americans think!

This Is Donald Trump’s Favorite Supreme Court Justice

Trump says Clarence Thomas is "very strong and consistent"

Yeah for The Donald! The story & video are @ This Is Donald Trump's Favorite Supreme Court Justice
There are infinite reasons why you guys should nominate Trump. He's not an empty suit like Marco Rubio....he scares the bejeeezus out of the media and the establishment and he like puppies if you know what I mean....

There's two reason to vote Trump over Cruz. He isn't the loserterian Cruz is and I doubt he is a economic extremist in reality. Secondly, Trump is right about quite a bit of our trade policies, while Cruz won't do shit to fix the problem.

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