More Lies: Democrats Now Claim They Never Wanted To “Defund The Police”


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

More Lies: Democrats Now Claim They Never Wanted To “Defund The Police”​

26 June 2021
Democrats are now claiming that they never wanted to “defund the police.”
Far-left Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) claimed in an interview that the Democrats did not support the “defund the police” movement.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki bizarrely suggested that it was Republicans that wanted to defund the police.

This walk back comes as crime soars in left-wing cities across the United States.

Obviously Progressive Marxists prefer not to discuss their accomplishments as it refere to increased crime, open borders, little girls being raped, uncontrollable spending, anarchy in the streets of Blue Plantation cities, rising Black on Black shootings, and Black on White/Asian racist attacks....
Indeed, there's no evidence of fraud, BLM is peaceful, PM/DSA Democrats never screamed 'defund the police' and I won't c*m in your mouth.
Some of The Greatest lies of all time!
The lying Quisling complicit leftist media is the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party but it is also RINOs who enabled Democrat vote fraud.
Well it seems that some would like to believe that ALL democrats supported defunding the police which is just reorganization of the police force.

Norman Oklahoma defunded and they have a slight tilt towards the conservative side.

Hirono says that she does not support it. I would take her word for it unless there is some source where she says the opposite.

Only 18% of respondents supported the movement known as "defund the police," and 58% said they opposed it. Though white Americans (67%) and Republicans (84%) were much more likely to oppose the movement, only 28% of Black Americans and 34% of Democrats were in favor of it.

This survey shows that 1 in 5 support defunding

Not every democrat supports defunding and only a few republicans support it.
Democrats are the dumbest, most treasonous criminal F*s, and they think the rest of America is as dumb as hell...and they are right about a lot of them, like the snowflakes on this board.

If you just listen to Democrats, ignore them accusing others, and realize they are really talking about themselves, you understand who they are and what they are up to.

More Lies: Democrats Now Claim They Never Wanted To “Defund The Police”​

Being a good democrat these days involves a pathology of mental illness supported by lies and delusion, where they first do something, then assign the doing of it to the republicans while vilifying it and deny they ever did it themselves.

In the animal world, dogs foaming at the mouth like this are put down to end their suffering and danger to everyone else.
A really poorly thought out slogan, thrown out when angry & not rational.. Improve our policing, help our police do a better job fits better. sometimes we tend to run our mouths in anger. A lot of that going on now. In Both political party's
The high level of the Democratic Party's chronic dishonesty is an indication that they are a dangerous socialpathic political cult.
It is the sort of bald face lying that Marxist dictators are notorious for.
I generally don't reply to idiotic rants like your's but if I applied that rule to all Trumpleton's I'd never reply to any of you.

First, the essential lie your side is promoting is to mischaracterize the reform most Dems are in favor of. Which is essentially a response to this basic truth..........

DALLAS — The police chief here said Monday he feels that law enforcement officers across the country are being asked to take on too much, comments that came as his department was still investigating the mass shooting of Dallas police officers last week and protesters in other cities continued demonstrations against how officers use force.

Even as the Dallas police worked to sift through massive amounts of evidence from the shooting rampage that killed five officers — an effort that entails watching hundreds of hours of videos and conducting scores of interviews — David Brown, the Dallas police chief, said he believes officers in his city and nationwide are under too much strain.
“We’re asking cops to do too much in this country,” Brown said at a briefing Monday. “We are. Every societal failure, we put it off on the cops to solve. Not enough mental health funding, let the cops handle it. … Here in Dallas we got a loose dog problem; let’s have the cops chase loose dogs. Schools fail, let’s give it to the cops. … That’s too much to ask. Policing was never meant to solve all those problems.”
The reality is that there will be people who rat out other people to send them to the cattle cars and the labor camps. We know who will suffer with the ones blamed at the end of this era. They will be surprised as they always are.
Democrats are the dumbest, most treasonous criminal F*s, and they think the rest of America is as dumb as hell...and they are right about a lot of them, like the snowflakes on this board.

If you just listen to Democrats, ignore them accusing others, and realize they are really talking about themselves, you understand who they are and what they are up to.

Aren’t you the guy that spent five years calling Hillary Clinton a “proven criminal”, who was “going to jail”?

Aren’t you the guy who claimed that the Mueller investigation was a “witchhunt”even as 10 Trump staffers plead guilty/were convicted of multilevel crimes, including passing Republican polling information to known Russian spies?

You clowns are still falsely claiming that Mueller exonerated Trump.

You have no credibility Sleazy. You’ve lied about everything since the first time you called Hillary a “crook”.

What are you up to about 80,000 posts now in lavish praise of Trump as he destroys the nation.

Do you think we don’t see who and what you are?
Democrats are the dumbest, most treasonous criminal F*s, and they think the rest of America is as dumb as hell...and they are right about a lot of them, like the snowflakes on this board.

If you just listen to Democrats, ignore them accusing others, and realize they are really talking about themselves, you understand who they are and what they are up to.

Aren’t you the guy that spent five years calling Hillary Clinton a “proven criminal”, who was “going to jail”?

Aren’t you the guy who claimed that the Mueller investigation was a “witchhunt”even as 10 Trump staffers plead guilty/were convicted of multilevel crimes, including passing Republican polling information to known Russian spies?

You clowns are still falsely claiming that Mueller exonerated Trump.

You have no credibility Sleazy. You’ve lied about everything since the first time you called Hillary a “crook”.

What are you up to about 80,000 posts now in lavish praise of Trump as he destroys the nation.

Do you think we don’t see who and what you are?

What have your statements attacking Easyt65 got to do in regard to your zeal in defunding.
police? In attacking Easyt65 you actually proved his point.
The high level of the Democratic Party's chronic dishonesty is an indication that they are a dangerous socialpathic political cult.
It is the sort of bald face lying that Marxist dictators are notorious for.

You use expressions like “the Democrats chronic dishonesty” without a hint of irony.

You’re still claiming the election was stolen and the Donald Trump won.

You’re still claiming that Obama was born in Kenya.

That Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

That the Clintons are criminals.

That tax cuts “trickle down”.

The past 40 years of Republucan tax and economic policies, have wiped out all of the economic benefits achieved by working Americans since the rise of the union movement in the Guilded Age.

The only way the GOP can keep you fools voting for them, is to lie about the results of their policies. It’s to demonize the policies of the Democrats, which have saved your asses after every Republican economic crash.

Every day you post over and over again about the dishonesty of Democrats. When you do you make yourself look stupid and gullible.

More Lies: Democrats Now Claim They Never Wanted To “Defund The Police”​

26 June 2021
Democrats are now claiming that they never wanted to “defund the police.”
Far-left Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) claimed in an interview that the Democrats did not support the “defund the police” movement.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki bizarrely suggested that it was Republicans that wanted to defund the police.

This walk back comes as crime soars in left-wing cities across the United States.

Obviously Progressive Marxists prefer not to discuss their accomplishments as it refere to increased crime, open borders, little girls being raped, uncontrollable spending, anarchy in the streets of Blue Plantation cities, rising Black on Black shootings, and Black on White/Asian racist attacks....
Indeed, there's no evidence of fraud, BLM is peaceful, PM/DSA Democrats never screamed 'defund the police' and I won't c*m in your mouth.
Some of The Greatest lies of all time!
The lying Quisling complicit leftist media is the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party but it is also RINOs who enabled Democrat vote fraud.

Again with the fake controversy.

Define "defund the police".
The high level of the Democratic Party's chronic dishonesty is an indication that they are a dangerous socialpathic political cult.
It is the sort of bald face lying that Marxist dictators are notorious for.

You use expressions like “the Democrats chronic dishonesty” without a hint of irony.

You’re still claiming the election was stolen and the Donald Trump won.

You’re still claiming that Obama was born in Kenya.

That Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

That the Clintons are criminals.

That tax cuts “trickle down”.

The past 40 years of Republucan tax and economic policies, have wiped out all of the economic benefits achieved by working Americans since the rise of the union movement in the Guilded Age.

The only way the GOP can keep you fools voting for them, is to lie about the results of their policies. It’s to demonize the policies of the Democrats, which have saved your asses after every Republican economic crash.

Every day you post over and over again about the dishonesty of Democrats. When you do you make yourself look stupid and gullible.

It's a troll.
I believe the WH / Dementia Joe are targeting Americans who have an IQ below that of plant life, dead voters, and indoctrinated snowflakes by desperately doing an about-face on supporting domestic terrorists' Marxist 'Defund The Police' movement and claiming instead that the GOP, not Democrats, want to 'Defund The Police'.

Bwuhahahahahaha....WTF? Again, to buy this BS you have to be either an almost non-existent-IQ human, a dead voter, or an indoctrinated snowflake to believe and / or parrot this reality-denying con Democrats are trying to pull after seeing how Americans - VOTERS - are hammering Democrats on this issue.

"While conservatives were calling for funding and defending understaffed and overwhelmed police departments, “defund the police” became a majority position among Democrats, with polling revealing 55 percent supporting defunding (not to be confused with diverting resources; that was a separate poll question).

Even Democrats acknowledged their errors, with Biden saying in a leaked December call with civil rights leaders that his party’s “defund the police” rhetoric was how Republicans “beat the living hell out of us across the country.”

“[If] we are going to run on Medicare for All, defund the police, socialized medicine, we’re not going to win,” House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, a Democrat from South Carolina, said on a different call in November, with Democrat Rep. Abigail Spanberger of Virginia adding that if their party couldn’t reevaluate the platforms they relied on for the 2020 election, they would lose in a landslide in the 2022 midterms."

These Top Democrats Go Further Than Biden on Diverting Police Funds​

Interviews with superdelegates and members of a Biden-Sanders task force found near-unanimous sentiment for redirecting money away from policing, with positions beyond what Joseph R. Biden Jr. has proposed.


The "defund the police" movement, is one of reimagining the current police system to build an entity that does not violate us, while relocating funds to invest in community services.

Let’s be clear, the people who now oppose this, have always opposed calls for systematic change.

— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
June 9, 2020


Democrats lost seats in the House and lost Senate races in states where they thought they had a chance, including North Carolina and Montana. At least some officials blame those losses on the defund the police debate.
- Democrats brace for new 'defund the police' attacks

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