More Evidence for No Aliens?

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015
Besides all the wonderful videos of the Mars land rovers we saw in 2019, I just learned that SETI@home was shutdown in 2020. Sorry, it's a few months late. That's great news for the God didn't create aliens crowd :pinkygirly:. When will SETI toss in the towel when it has gone from government funding, private funding, and now crowdsourcing?

I think those who want aliens, i.e. atheists and their scientists, are scratching their heads. Now, they will be saying there are too many stars and galaxies, so it's the reason we aren't finding intelligent aliens like in the sci-fi books, film, and other media. At the outset, it was the reason given for being able to find aliens.

At the outset for the Mars Rover mission last year, NASA gave us as one of the reasons, "Right Conditions for Life":


Besides all the wonderful videos of the Mars land rovers we saw in 2019, I just learned that SETI@home was shutdown in 2020. Sorry, it's a few months late. That's great news for the God didn't create aliens crowd :pinkygirly:. When will SETI toss in the towel when it has gone from government funding, private funding, and now crowdsourcing?

I think those who want aliens, i.e. atheists and their scientists, are scratching their heads. Now, they will be saying there are too many stars and galaxies, so it's the reason we aren't finding intelligent aliens like in the sci-fi books, film, and other media. At the outset, it was the reason given for being able to find aliens.

At the outset for the Mars Rover mission last year, NASA gave us as one of the reasons, "Right Conditions for Life":


There IS alien life form out there, just NOT on Mars. MAYBE on Uranus................................;)
Besides all the wonderful videos of the Mars land rovers we saw in 2019, I just learned that SETI@home was shutdown in 2020. Sorry, it's a few months late. That's great news for the God didn't create aliens crowd :pinkygirly:. When will SETI toss in the towel when it has gone from government funding, private funding, and now crowdsourcing?

I think those who want aliens, i.e. atheists and their scientists, are scratching their heads. Now, they will be saying there are too many stars and galaxies, so it's the reason we aren't finding intelligent aliens like in the sci-fi books, film, and other media. At the outset, it was the reason given for being able to find aliens.

At the outset for the Mars Rover mission last year, NASA gave us as one of the reasons, "Right Conditions for Life":


Aliens are already here. How do you think we went from being an ape-like species for 5 million years and then in the past 100,000 years or so, are about to try to land humans on Mars? Aliens intervention, that's how.
Besides all the wonderful videos of the Mars land rovers we saw in 2019, I just learned that SETI@home was shutdown in 2020. Sorry, it's a few months late. That's great news for the God didn't create aliens crowd :pinkygirly:. When will SETI toss in the towel when it has gone from government funding, private funding, and now crowdsourcing?

I think those who want aliens, i.e. atheists and their scientists, are scratching their heads. Now, they will be saying there are too many stars and galaxies, so it's the reason we aren't finding intelligent aliens like in the sci-fi books, film, and other media. At the outset, it was the reason given for being able to find aliens.

At the outset for the Mars Rover mission last year, NASA gave us as one of the reasons, "Right Conditions for Life":


Where does the Bible say there are no aliens?
Besides all the wonderful videos of the Mars land rovers we saw in 2019, I just learned that SETI@home was shutdown in 2020. Sorry, it's a few months late. That's great news for the God didn't create aliens crowd :pinkygirly:. When will SETI toss in the towel when it has gone from government funding, private funding, and now crowdsourcing?

I think those who want aliens, i.e. atheists and their scientists, are scratching their heads. Now, they will be saying there are too many stars and galaxies, so it's the reason we aren't finding intelligent aliens like in the sci-fi books, film, and other media. At the outset, it was the reason given for being able to find aliens.

At the outset for the Mars Rover mission last year, NASA gave us as one of the reasons, "Right Conditions for Life":


I have no reason to accept that either atheists or their scientists want aliens. The search for life off of this planet is a “natural” product of exploration of planets in our solar system and beyond.

What absolutely terrifies the hyper-religious is discovery off of this planet.
Religious extremists typically rail against science because they are terrified by it. The discovery of life elsewhere in the cosmos and even abiogenesis terrify them because eventual confirmation of the process of abiogenesis and/or discovery of life beyond earth is utterly devastating to the religious articles of supernatural creation. This is why we see the frantic claims from creationists that abiogenesis will never be confirmed and that “aliens” cannot exist. Christian creationist is a very earthly affair. Life off of this planet is contrary to that creationism.

The religious extremists demand that because not every answer to every question is known, it must be "the gods did it" when we have no reason to believe the gods did anything.

They may choose to remain ignorant and never explore beyond the bibles but that would require that humanity never proceed beyond ancient fears and superstitions.
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No one really knows.

Anyone who claims to, is delusional.
There HAVE to be other life forms out there, Sparky. The universe is FAR too vast for this to be otherwise. God did NOT create JUST Earth and its Earthlings. This HAS to be so.
@b61, don't panic. There appears to be substantial evidence that our earth has ben visited many times through the eons. Too many folks expect an alien life form to look somewhat human & be made out of flesh & blood, which of course is absolutely impossible. It could be that we are being visited by an unknown life form from a parallel Dimension that could possibly(???) be right next to our 3 & 1/2 dimensional continuum that we humans reside in. It's just an educated guess that the physicist community has tossed onto the table of remote possibilities. For me I an content here on our earth & hope we remain 'undetected' forever but that's just how I see it. Other folks seem to want to meet other life forms for some reason or another.
Besides all the wonderful videos of the Mars land rovers we saw in 2019, I just learned that SETI@home was shutdown in 2020. Sorry, it's a few months late. That's great news for the God didn't create aliens crowd :pinkygirly:. When will SETI toss in the towel when it has gone from government funding, private funding, and now crowdsourcing?

I think those who want aliens, i.e. atheists and their scientists, are scratching their heads. Now, they will be saying there are too many stars and galaxies, so it's the reason we aren't finding intelligent aliens like in the sci-fi books, film, and other media. At the outset, it was the reason given for being able to find aliens.

At the outset for the Mars Rover mission last year, NASA gave us as one of the reasons, "Right Conditions for Life":


What if, there is at least one intelligent form of life in each galaxy? We still wouldn't be able to communicate with them if they are in a different galaxy. The Hubble Deep Space Fields show thousands of galaxies even in the "most empty" looking part of space.
Besides all the wonderful videos of the Mars land rovers we saw in 2019, I just learned that SETI@home was shutdown in 2020. Sorry, it's a few months late. That's great news for the God didn't create aliens crowd :pinkygirly:. When will SETI toss in the towel when it has gone from government funding, private funding, and now crowdsourcing?

I think those who want aliens, i.e. atheists and their scientists, are scratching their heads. Now, they will be saying there are too many stars and galaxies, so it's the reason we aren't finding intelligent aliens like in the sci-fi books, film, and other media. At the outset, it was the reason given for being able to find aliens.

At the outset for the Mars Rover mission last year, NASA gave us as one of the reasons, "Right Conditions for Life":


Aliens are already here. How do you think we went from being an ape-like species for 5 million years and then in the past 100,000 years or so, are about to try to land humans on Mars? Aliens intervention, that's how.

Sounds like you know these aliens. Make a youtube video of your statement so we can see some of these aliens and how they happened.
Where does the Bible say there are no aliens?

I think you asked me this before and want it for other important questions as well. When will you learn, open your mind to it, change your life, find peace, and die with joy in your heart because of it?

You learn something new every day. It appears the Christians have furthered defined what type of aliens Jesus did not die for. They are extraterrestrial beings capable of making moral choices, having intellect, emotion, and a will. It's like they are like us except they could look way different. This is who God did not create. If microbes or other type of lower life is found, the it just shows abiogenesis which is troubling for Christians, but not a deal breaker. (I think only showing the Resurrection didn't happen would do it.)

It seems we have sent probes or some telescope examination to all the planets and moons in our solar system and have only Mars and Europa left. I think the last Mars Rover mission is on its way to Mars to study below its surface now.

What the Bible says is interesting in Ezekiel 1. What beings were at the wheels? It is long, so I'll let you read it yourself. It probably isn't aliens.

As for the others, you can look here -- What Does the Bible Say About Aliens?.
I have no reason to accept that either atheists or their scientists want aliens.

Then please write NASA to stop wasting taxpayers' money to send rover missions and the like looking for aliens. I think the last one launched in 2020 is called Perserverance and is going to do a costly study of the areas below the surface of Mars where they think sheets of ice are.

Religious extremists typically rail against science because they are terrified by it.

:link:. I've never seen an article or social media stating your minority opinion.

They may choose to remain ignorant and never explore beyond the bibles but that would require that humanity never proceed beyond ancient fears and superstitions.

If you can't provide a link, then aren't you the one who has fear of their atheism being exposed? The believers have way more evidence than you of no aliens and science backing their beliefs.

You may as well be like harmonica who has buried his head in the ground.
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@b61, don't panic. There appears to be substantial evidence that our earth has ben visited many times through the eons. Too many folks expect an alien life form to look somewhat human & be made out of flesh & blood, which of course is absolutely impossible. It could be that we are being visited by an unknown life form from a parallel Dimension that could possibly(???) be right next to our 3 & 1/2 dimensional continuum that we humans reside in. It's just an educated guess that the physicist community has tossed onto the table of remote possibilities. For me I an content here on our earth & hope we remain 'undetected' forever but that's just how I see it. Other folks seem to want to meet other life forms for some reason or another.


This one?
I have no reason to accept that either atheists or their scientists want aliens.

Then please write NASA to stop wasting taxpayers' money to send rover missions and the like looking for aliens. I think the last one launched in 2020 is called Perserverance and is going to do a costly study of the areas below the surface of Mars where they think sheets of ice are.

Religious extremists typically rail against science because they are terrified by it.

:link:. I've never seen an article or social media stating your minority opinion.

They may choose to remain ignorant and never explore beyond the bibles but that would require that humanity never proceed beyond ancient fears and superstitions.

If you can't provide a link, then aren't you the one who has fear of their atheism being exposed? The believers have way more evidence than you of no aliens and science backing their beliefs.

You may as well be like harmonica who has buried his head in the ground.
So tell us about the evidence you “Bielbers”have for the non existence of aliens.

Having evidence for the non existence of something is an interesting notion.
Anyone who has ever researched the Roswell incident does not have a brain if they say there are no alines out there,there are but they are not green creatures as Hollywood has made them out to be.
Anyone who has ever researched the Roswell incident does not have a brain if they say there are no alines out there,there are but they are not green creatures as Hollywood has made them out to be.

Please provide the evidence. It's under conspiracy theory and hoax by Britannica.

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