Capitalism: A Space Adventure [Xenomorph/Robot Theorems]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does capitalism ('TrumpUSA') inspire you to think about existence (e.g., intelligent life)?

This is a capitalism-patriotism space-adventure (political in tone/theme, which is why I chose not to post it in the Writing section --- a good decision, right?) inspired by the intelligence-destruction film Alien: Covenant.

Cheers (signing off),



"Two space-traveling robots named Cyclonus and Agus were bored with their routine missions near the planet of Cybertron. They were both excellent space-pilots and warriors and were looking for something more unusual and perhaps even dangerous. Cyclonus/Agus decided to investigate a strange S.O.S. signal emanating from a faraway organic planet called Earth. The signal regarded the citation of a new terrifying alien species called 'Xenomorph' which seemed to harbor the intention of invading/colonizing Earth after NASA discovered fingerprints of their existence/ambition on Earth's moon. Cyclonus and Agus requested to seek out these Xenomorphs together and were granted licenses. This was their first real exciting mission, and they were intrigued by humanity's embracing of capitalism-theory (a competitive economics system!) and wondered how the Xenomorphs would respond to such 'organized civilization bravado.' Cyclonus/Agus would never be bored again..."


"The S.O.S. signal was in the form of a digital encoded image of a female human space-traveler named Ripley holding her cat and holding a facial expression of doubt and concern after encountering one of these semi-insect, semi-dragon like large terrifying Xenomorphs (or 'Xenos'). The signal-image also included portraits of the Xenos in their developmental/infancy stages, obviously signifying the species' evolution towards complete wrath and malice (they resembled octopi-like mini-dragons reaching out for something to hold on to like predatory parasites. Cyclonus/Agus realized that these Xenos were intrigued by humanity's interest in capitalism-theory and perhaps see if competitive economics on Earth would make for a 'fertile' colonization scheme (since capitalism --- e.g., 'TrumpUSA' --- was a thing of 'pride')."


"Cyclonus and Agus were given a special space-vessel by the exploratory council on Cyberton. The space-vessel was named Theodine and it had all the necessary equipment, facilities, and amenities to make the voyage towards the region of space where the Xenos were though to dwell. Cyclonus/Agus intended to first travel to that region and then travel to Earth's moon to see if there were still any Xenos lingering around there or if there was any evidence of Xeno-intentions on a hidden/underground lair or base on Earth's moon. Cyclonus/Agus boarded Theodine and headed towards that region of space where the Xenos dwelled, a region close to the galaxy called Diamedes. The space-vessel Theodine was also 'furnished' with handsome laser-guns and temperature-control. Cyclonus piloted Theodine, while Agus took notes and made drawings/blueprints of robots contending with Xenos. Theodine was a very fine ship, and Cyclonus/Agus intended to learn a thing or two about 'human capitalism'."


"Agus drew renditions of robots facing Xenos and how they'd have to move around and evade them when the time came for battle. According to the scientists' official reports on the planet Cybertron, the Xenomorphs moved like insects and dragons simultaneously and possessed corrosive acid for blood, making it extremely deadly to shoot them and create metal-eating internal-liquid sprays. Agus made renditions of robots facing Xenos and having to basically shoot and duck/dodge to avoid any corrosive acid-blood from spraying onto their robot-bodies and causing irreparable corrosion/damage/deformation. Agus started thinking that if these Xenos were intrigued by TrumpUSA capitalism on Earth, then they had to be thinking very intently about the 'ironies' of life itself."


"Cyclonus and Agus finally arrived in the Xeno-region near the galaxy Diamedes. They immediately noticed a very large and unusual space vessel hovering over one of the organic planets in that space region. They concluded correctly that the hover vessel, which resembled a giant crown of thorns(!), was a vessel in which the Xenos traveled and must therefore be harboring several Xenos (and possibly even a Xeno commander or queen!). Cyclonus/Agus decided to dock onto a hidden area on that planet where the Xeno-vessel hovered and then prepared to fly towards the large/unusual vessel and somehow enter it to engage with the Xenos. Cyclonus told Agus that this was the sort of 'imaginative mission' which would finally add some richness/color to their otherwise war-bored lives. They were in for a real adventure."


"Cyclonus and Agus managed to climb onto the Xenos' hovering vessel and were about to enter when they spotted a Xeno crawling up one of the walls of the vessel, having spotted them, and was drooling! Obviously this menacing and rather shrewd-looking alien creature wanted to attack the two robots (Cyclonus and Agus) and prevent them from entering. Agus attempted to make a plea for peace/negotiation by telling the Xeno that he and Cyclonus only wished to enter their hovering vessel to chat with one of the creatures' commanders, and the Xeno thought about the offer intently for a small amount of time before deciding to lunge towards the two robots, forcing Cyclonus to blast the Xeno right in the face with his laser-cannon-gun and causing it to explode. Agus grabbed Cyclonus and flew the two robots away from the Xenos' spraying corrosive acid-blood. Cyclonus/Agus realized that if these aliens were curious about TrumpUSA capitalism, they wouldn't be very forthcoming about any political 'visions'(!)."


"Cyclonus and Agus entered the hovering vessel and wandered around the very large complex. They heard faint sounds but didn't pick up any life-forms moving towards them on their radar-screens (on their wrist-watches). They continued to explore the vessel and somehow managed to move towards the center of the vessel, near the command-center, where they used their laser-cannon guns to burn down the large metal door and enter. They met a strange Xeno-queen who was living in a cybernetic wall connected to organic skeletons feeding her energy through tubes. The Xeno-queen introduced herself as 'Revana' and demanded that the two exploring robots (Cyclonus and Agus) drop their laser-cannon-guns before they could talk/negotiate."


CYCLONUS: We're honored to meet you, Queen!
AGUS: You're unusual-looking but with feminine beauty, Revana!
REVANA: You may dispense with the flattery; I know you're daredevils.

CYCLONUS: Alright; we wish to know your intentions towards Earth.
AGUS: Why do you seek to colonize/invade such a simple/harmless planet?
REVANA: It seems to me that 'TrumpUSA capitalism' is rather 'ornamental.'

CYCLONUS: Well, yes, our theorists on Cybertron guess TrumpUSA is a 'panel.'
AGUS: TrumpUSA capitalism is a great 'panel' for all kinds of 'networking-gizmos.'
REVANA: It's these 'gizmos' and 'toys' that lured us towards human civilization!

CYCLONUS: Do you intend to destroy human civilization?
AGUS: Perhaps you seek to absorb it into your own --- slavery/symbiosis(?).
REVANA: Perhaps both; I haven't decided...what do you two robots seek?

CYCLONUS: We merely want to persuade you not to destroy Earth.
AGUS: We'd also like you to not invade/colonize human civilization (TrumpUSA).
REVANA: What is the root of such missionary conviction you two harbor?

CYCLONUS: Our teachers on planet Cybertron tell us of the value of democracy!
AGUS: We believe TrumpUSA capitalism can be a 'tower' for peace-optimism.
REVANA: It's capitalism on Earth that generated petroleum-driven Gulf War.

CYCLONUS: We know that; however, TrumpUSA has become a 'canvas.'
AGUS: They've elected a capitalism-baron as President; they're focused on promises!
REVANA: Well, it seems they also entreat a good deal of media scandals.

CYCLONUS: However, Trump managed a nuclear-test crisis involving North Korea.
AGUS: That was during Labor Day weekend 2017!
REVANA: Yes, I know of that; it was impressive; PyeongChang Olympics was good too.

CYCLONUS: Yes, the PyeongChang Games of 2018 saw an alliance between the Koreas!
AGUS: We notice you've been keeping 'tabs' and 'updates' on TrumpUSA signatures...
REVANA: I'm not the Xeno-queen for no reason, Cyclonus/Agus.

CYCLONUS: Listen to reason then and stand down and depart from Earth's moon.
AGUS: We'll even stage an entertaining laser-gun battle with two of your Xeno-fighters.
REVANA: That sounds like an enticing proposition; I'd rather see you two fight than humans!

CYCLONUS: It's a deal then...
AGUS: Show us to the battle arena for your pleasure.
REVANA: I'm pleased...good work.


"Cyclonus and Agus were escorted to the battle arena on the Xeno hovering vessel where they were surrounded by 6 rather menacing-looking Xenos who prepared to fight them to the death. Cyclonus/Agus had reasoned that they didn't come this far without a satisfying contest with the Xenos, something to take back to them to Cybertron where they would be celebrated as heroes/gods(!). They had already convinced the ominous Xeno-queen Revana that avoiding a costly invasion or destruction agenda on Earth would rob the universe of a rather 'shimmering capitalism gem' in TrumpUSA. Cyclonus/Agus fought valiantly and ferociously with the 6 fighter-Xenos in the battle arena and managed to kill them all (with their laser-cannon-guns and wrestling/leaping skills)."


"Queen Revana awarded Cyclonus and Agus with a reinvented robotic caricature-rendering of the two robots. Cyclonus was made to look more like a 'robot general/commander' to complement his otherwise purely knight-warrior looking composition (so he could present it to his peers/elders on Cybertron and boast about the honors gained from Revana). Agus was made to look more like a scholar or laborer (complete with a defensive shield used to ward off any parasitic enemy trying to avert him from a diligent labor/task) to complement his otherwise rather purely pilot-looking composition (so he could present it to his peers/elders on Cybertron and boast about the duty-honors gained from Revana). Cyclonus/Agus decided that these caricature-laurels presented by the Xenos/Revana would make them 'celebrities' on Cybertron."


"When Cyclonus/Agus returned to Cybertron and presented the report on the Xeno-queen Revana's decision to stand down and not destroy/invade human civilization ('TrumpUSA'), the council on Cybertron decided to honor the two daredevil robots with special prizes and luxuries and even offer them the chance to retire. However, Cyclonus and Agus decided to remain space-pilots for the remainder of their days. The report the two daredevil robots submitted regarding Revana was translated by Cybertron scientists and politicians and 'converted' into a laser-video goggle displaying device which would present a nice compendium of notes about the history of warfare in the known universe and why the Xenos were no longer a threat to humanity. When NASA received these goggles in a special satellite-vessel launched from Cybertron, President Trump declared this space-gift a 'trophy'."


TRUMP: Cyclonus/Agus really saved our planet!
CARTER: Yes, they did, Mr. President...
TRUMP: It seems Cybertron is a friendly planet, Carter!
CARTER: It does seem so, sir.
TRUMP: Perhaps capitalism on Earth has become 'honorable.'
CARTER: Cybertronian robots deem us to be rather 'valuable.'
TRUMP: There's no way we'd survive an invasion by those Xenos.
CARTER: Those Xenos were very nasty, Mr. President.
TRUMP: Who'd think isolated capitalism (TrumpUSA) would create prayers?
CARTER: It's a great miracle...
TRUMP: It's intriguing that robots praise TrumpUSA, but Xeno-aliens don't!
CARTER: Perhaps robots are more sensitive to our brand of 'simple governance.'
TRUMP: Perhaps...
CARTER: American sci-fi film-makers are creating a passion-film inspired by this ordeal.
TRUMP: Yes, it's called Alien: Covenant; I'm excited to see it (perhaps on Netflix!).



So far every new chapter in the Aliens saga has done nothing except prove how devoid Hollywood is of any common sense. In Prometheus, it's perfectly understandable for crew to remove their helmets and breath the air after only a few minutes on the planet, and against all safety regs.

And in the next installment, it's perfectly cool to land your drop ship in a swamp and then jump into it and trudge across the ground on an unknown alien planet without protection. And then it's totally cool to bring back some sort of life form into the ships med bay and shoot off your gun into the engine or fuel tank or whatever it was, blowing the ship up. All within 30 minutes of landing. Should of called these idiot made films "Ripley's believe it or not".

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