More Economic GOOD NEWS: Jobless rates lowest since 2008


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
New jobless claims sink; 4-week average lowest since '08 -

WASHINGTON (AP) — Initial claims for unemployment benefits fell slightly in the U.S. last week.
The Labor Department said Thursday that new jobless benefit claims dropped 6,000 to a seasonally adjusted 439,000, nearly matching analysts' estimates. It's the fourth drop in five weeks.

The four-week average of claims, which smooths volatility, fell nearly 7,000 to 447,250, the lowest total since the week of Sept. 13, 2008, just before Lehman Brothers collapsed and the financial crisis intensified.

Most economists expect jobless claims will soon drop below 425,000, a level that will likely signal sustained job creation.

The report comes a day before the Labor Department is scheduled to release the March employment report. Economists expect it will show the economy generated 190,000 jobs last month, the most in three years and only the second gain since the recession began.
As more unemployed are removed from eligibility? LOL

Census counters account for how many?
As more unemployed are removed from eligibility? LOL

Census counters account for how many?

As those rooting for the economy to fail chime in........

Many of those job gains will be a result of temporary government hiring to conduct the 2010 Census. Some will also represent delayed hiring from February, when massive snowstorms hit the East Coast and closed many businesses. Still, economists expect that employers are adding jobs even excluding those factors.
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As more unemployed are removed from eligibility? LOL

Census counters account for how many?

As those rooting for the economy to fail chime in........

Many of those job gains will be a result of temporary government hiring to conduct the 2010 Census. Some will also represent delayed hiring from February, when massive snowstorms hit the East Coast and closed many businesses. Still, economists expect that employers are adding jobs even excluding those factors.

False Assumption.

The criticism is about the math. Bad Math. Mis-report, mis-characterize all you want. It's all about perception with You, till reality bites you in the ass.
As more unemployed are removed from eligibility? LOL

Census counters account for how many?

As those rooting for the economy to fail chime in........

Many of those job gains will be a result of temporary government hiring to conduct the 2010 Census. Some will also represent delayed hiring from February, when massive snowstorms hit the East Coast and closed many businesses. Still, economists expect that employers are adding jobs even excluding those factors.

False Assumption.

The criticism is about the math. Bad Math. Mis-report, mis-characterize all you want. It's all about perception with You, till reality bites you in the ass.

:eusa_pray: Someone wants the economy to FAIL
Earlier in the month there was a news report that said these unemployment numbers would reflect a gain of 200,000 jobs. This report is not as good as we hoped.

The thread title is very misleading.
The jobless rate is not the lowest it has been since 2008. That is a bold faced lie. Even the OP and the link provided doesn't support that dishonest statement.

When you look at the construction starts numbers, down 3%, those are not as good as we were led to believe they would be either. Even for the time of year, construction starts being down 3% is pretty grim.

I do hope the economy gets better, but posting dishonest propaganda won't make it happen.
Earlier in the month there was a news report that said these unemployment numbers would reflect a gain of 200,000 jobs. This report is not as good as we hoped.

The thread title is very misleading.
The jobless rate is not the lowest it has been since 2008. That is a bold faced lie. Even the OP and the link provided doesn't support that dishonest statement.

When you look at the construction starts numbers, down 3%, those are not as good as we were led to believe they would be either. Even for the time of year, construction starts being down 3% is pretty grim.

I do hope the economy gets better, but posting dishonest propaganda won't make it happen.

The key word here is Propaganda.
Earlier in the month there was a news report that said these unemployment numbers would reflect a gain of 200,000 jobs. This report is not as good as we hoped.

The thread title is very misleading.
The jobless rate is not the lowest it has been since 2008. That is a bold faced lie. Even the OP and the link provided doesn't support that dishonest statement.

When you look at the construction starts numbers, down 3%, those are not as good as we were led to believe they would be either. Even for the time of year, construction starts being down 3% is pretty grim.

I do hope the economy gets better, but posting dishonest propaganda won't make it happen.

The key word here is Propaganda.

ECONOMIC GOOD NEWS is propaganda to those praying for the economy to FAIL :eusa_pray:
Earlier in the month there was a news report that said these unemployment numbers would reflect a gain of 200,000 jobs. This report is not as good as we hoped.

The thread title is very misleading.
The jobless rate is not the lowest it has been since 2008. That is a bold faced lie. Even the OP and the link provided doesn't support that dishonest statement.

When you look at the construction starts numbers, down 3%, those are not as good as we were led to believe they would be either. Even for the time of year, construction starts being down 3% is pretty grim.

I do hope the economy gets better, but posting dishonest propaganda won't make it happen.

The key word here is Propaganda.

ECONOMIC GOOD NEWS is propaganda to those praying for the economy to FAIL :eusa_pray:

Who wants the economy to fail? That is just stupid. We all need to economy to improve.

We don't need fairy tales and bullshit - that won't help anything.
The people who deny it is starting to recover dont seem to want the recovery.
Earlier in the month there was a news report that said these unemployment numbers would reflect a gain of 200,000 jobs. This report is not as good as we hoped.

The thread title is very misleading.
The jobless rate is not the lowest it has been since 2008. That is a bold faced lie. Even the OP and the link provided doesn't support that dishonest statement.

When you look at the construction starts numbers, down 3%, those are not as good as we were led to believe they would be either. Even for the time of year, construction starts being down 3% is pretty grim.

I do hope the economy gets better, but posting dishonest propaganda won't make it happen.

The key word here is Propaganda.

ECONOMIC GOOD NEWS is propaganda to those praying for the economy to FAIL :eusa_pray:

When was the last time the Federal books were in the green Jackass?
Economic bad news is reality for America....stop making this alleged recovery out to be something that it's not.
Construction spending at lowest point since ?02 - Stocks & economy-

You do realise this whole thing was caused by overbuilding because of the mortgage cos went crazy giving ANYONE who breathed a loan right?

We have a surplus of housing and commercial buildings and until we absorb them construction wilkl suck.

The rest of teh economy will recover before construction does. Construction is a really unstable field to go into. My dad did it all his life and got fucked every few years.

I would never suggest for anyone to go into construction unless you learn how to SAVE half of everything you make for the down times. Its why much of it is now done by illegals.
The people who deny it is starting to recover dont seem to want the recovery.

Don't eat the Jello! Don't drink the Kool-Aid! Who are the Anti Capitalist's, Anti Free Market advocates on this board? Who are You trying to fool besides each other???
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
The people who deny it is starting to recover dont seem to want the recovery.

I want a recovery, who doesn't?
That said, the Op and the title of the thread is very dishonest.

Propaganda won't bring back the economy, wishing it so won't make it happen.

The numbers related to unemployment and to construction starts don't really indicate the recovery we were told to expect.

Those that spread lies and propaganda are delusional, and only intend to spread their delusions to others.

Go spread out a blanket and sing kum-bay-ah, it will do just as much good for our economy as accusing those who only want real honest information as those "that don't want the economy to recover".

In the realm of the economy, wishing it so won't make it better any more than waving a magic wand at it.
Economic bad news is reality for America....stop making this alleged recovery out to be something that it's not.
Construction spending at lowest point since ?02 - Stocks & economy-

You do realise this whole thing was caused by overbuilding because of the mortgage cos went crazy giving ANYONE who breathed a loan right?

We have a surplus of housing and commercial buildings and until we absorb them construction wilkl suck.

The rest of teh economy will recover before construction does. Construction is a really unstable field to go into. My dad did it all his life and got fucked every few years.

I would never suggest for anyone to go into construction unless you learn how to SAVE half of everything you make for the down times. Its why much of it is now done by illegals.

Now wait a second...last week you said it was because of the war...the week before that it was Wall Street greed and the week before that it was the Republicans doing this or you guys really need to get your talking points straight.
Here's the problem with the unemployment figure - it is cooked with government jobs.

Private Sector employment is still shrinking. Who is going to pay for the huge increase in government spending if the private sector doesn't recover?

Private-sector employers shed 23,000 jobs in March, surprising economists who expected job growth last month and raising doubts that Friday's government report on March unemployment will be as positive as hoped.

Forecasters expected the private sector to add 40,000 jobs last month. But the ADP Employer Services report, released on Wednesday, said otherwise, underlining the shaky nature of the economic recovery.

Big losers in the ADP report were the construction industry, which lost 43,000 jobs in March, and factories, which shed 9,000 jobs. On the plus side, service providers added 28,000 workers last month.

The official February U.S. unemployment rate was 9.7 percent, down from its recent high of 10.1 percent in October. Forecasters expect to see no change in the rate for March. Most economists say unemployment will remain well above 9 percent for the remainder of 2010.

The ADP number does not always correlate to the government's unemployment figures. However, because ADP counts only private-sector employment, not government jobs, it may show a clearer picture of the state of U.S. joblessness. Friday's government report will be inflated by as many as 100,000 new temporary jobs -- workers hired for this year's census. Throughout the course of this year, the Commerce Department expects to hire more than 600,000 census workers, whose jobs will end when the survey does. ...
The people who deny it is starting to recover dont seem to want the recovery.

I want a recovery, who doesn't?
That said, the Op and the title of the thread is very dishonest.

Propaganda won't bring back the economy, wishing it so won't make it happen.

The numbers related to unemployment and to construction starts don't really indicate the recovery we were told to expect.

Those that spread lies and propaganda are delusional, and only intend to spread their delusions to others.

Go spread out a blanket and sing kum-bay-ah, it will do just as much good for our economy as accusing those who only want real honest information as those "that don't want the economy to recover".

In the realm of the economy, wishing it so won't make it better any more than waving a magic wand at it.

Title and thread were copied verbatum from the USA Today article

Nice try
It includes GOVERNMENT JOBS...the private sector is continuing to shrink.

That is not good news - but the government will continue to push their erroneous stats.

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