More democrat voting corruption

do you think this claim is more or less credible than your thread about vote stuffing in arizona?

Of course, only you pond scum, think it isn't!
Well no, by default just about everything is more credible than your claims.

This one just happens to also have no evidence to back it up

Of course it does... you pond scum simply refuse to admit that the people you want in office are MORE CORRUPT, and much better at being corrupt, then many of the idiots on the right!
Do you get off on being this dumb?
1st post
do you think this claim is more or less credible than your thread about vote stuffing in arizona?

Of course, only you pond scum, think it isn't!
Well no, by default just about everything is more credible than your claims.

This one just happens to also have no evidence to back it up

Of course it does... you pond scum simply refuse to admit that the people you want in office are MORE CORRUPT, and much better at being corrupt, then many of the idiots on the right!
Do you get off on being this dumb?

Apparently YOU DO!
5th post
I am 76 years old. I am entitled to vote without showing so much as a hair. An invasion of my rights.

yes you are, thank you.

its the crazy right wingers that insist on a bigger government, and MORE government in the lives of people ... sane people with a ounce of dignity trying protecting their privacy don't accept their bullcrap.
Was it Josef Stalin who said:

"Those who cast the votes, decide nothing. Those who count the votes, decide everything."

The Democrats have learned well at the feet of their master.

Now if they can just get the public to accept the "calibration error" excuse for another election, they'll remain politically viable for at least two more years. After which, they can think of yet another way to rig the elections.
10th post
Video Votes for Republicans Switched to Democrats in Illinois The Weekly Standard

They said the screen appeared to be poorly calibrated, so that while pressing anywhere in the box for a Democrat registered a vote for the Democrat, only pressing the bottom half of the Republican box did so for the Republican. The only way to make the correct vote, they said, was to press the incorrectly checked box to “uncheck” it, then press low in the Republican’s box. The voters say they were able to figure this out without calling over an election judge for help.

oh jebus, did you even watch your own video....? the finger was purposely hitting near the LINE between the 2 candidates, NOT the republican candidate dead on which means there is a calibration problem....sheesh

AND DIEBOLD is a republican owned electronic voting machine company who supposedly changed the vote in the 2004 elections from kerry to bush...

and NOW they are doing this so a democrat wins? Seems odd republicans would want to switch votes to democrats?
Expert Confirms Voting Machines in Illinois and Maryland Rigged for Democrats

even our resident dems and libs should be upset about this-------------are you?

I'm concerned that you would so readily accept the word of a biased site. It pains me that you're allowed to vote, considering your lack of critical thinking skills.

can you disprove any of it? if so, lets see it. otherwise STFU and accept the fact that dems are trying once again to rig an election.

is vote rigging OK with you ? WTF is wrong with you libs?

Dems once again trying to rig an election??? Rigging elections is a repug specialty. Used quite effectively in Ohio during the 2004 elections. You shouldn't be throwing stones, living in a glass house and all.
Expert Confirms Voting Machines in Illinois and Maryland Rigged for Democrats

even our resident dems and libs should be upset about this-------------are you?

I'm concerned that you would so readily accept the word of a biased site. It pains me that you're allowed to vote, considering your lack of critical thinking skills.

can you disprove any of it? if so, lets see it. otherwise STFU and accept the fact that dems are trying once again to rig an election.

is vote rigging OK with you ? WTF is wrong with you libs?

Apparently most of it can be put down to voter error. I guess y'all aren't as smart as you think you are. Maybe take a kid along to help you.

Md. Board of Elections Probe Republican-To-Democratic Ballot Switch Claims CBS Baltimore
Expert Confirms Voting Machines in Illinois and Maryland Rigged for Democrats

even our resident dems and libs should be upset about this-------------are you?

I'm concerned that you would so readily accept the word of a biased site. It pains me that you're allowed to vote, considering your lack of critical thinking skills.

With Dan Rather trying to use 1972 MS Word Generated documents to influence an election, NBC splicing George Zimmerman's 9-11 call, and ABC's refusal to have another voice on the healthcare debate, you should be concerned with yourself about what you deem 'Biased'.
15th post
Bill of Rights , you dumbass

I am 76 years old. I am entitled to vote without showing so much as a hair. An invasion of my rights.

We're almost the same age, and you're full of shit!... Quote me that voting right you speak of!

Quote it to the class, a link to being able to vote without ID'ing yourself, would suffice!

the Bill of Rights doesn't require ANYONE to have a damn Voter ID Card. you moron
the machine was screwed, of course it was the dems that rigged it, obviously they wanted to get busted .... have any charges been filed or was the problem so simple the voters solved the problem on the scene ?
This is how the world works:

Democrat sees voting machine error that favors Republican -- he reports that the machine needs fixing.

Democrat sees voting machine error that favors Democrats -- he reports that the machine needs fixing.

Republican sees voting machine error that favors Republican -- he reports nothing.

Republican sees voting machine error that favors Democrats -- he calls FOX News.

There's no fraud anywhere. It's just the usual pack of bedwetting Republicans searching desperately for a conspiracy theory, and getting their excuses for losing in place ahead of time.

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