More cracks in Trumps Christian act

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Two Corinthians walk into a bar was pretty good and his fake story about the bible mommy gave him was to throw up. Drumpf saying he does pray to a god stopped just short of saying HE is the One True God Yadda Yadda but this is a hoot -

Four links, two to conservative sites, pick and choose as you wish.

Trump Just Made An Embarassing Mistake In Church That Has Many Shaking Their Heads

Donald Trump Confuses Communion Plate For Offertory During Church Visit

Trump reportedly mistakes communion plate for offering plate

Betcha the fundie nutters are turning themselves into pretzels lying about this one.
Two Corinthians walk into a bar was pretty good and his fake story about the bible mommy gave him was to throw up. Drumpf saying he does pray to a god stopped just short of saying HE is the One True God Yadda Yadda but this is a hoot -

Four links, two to conservative sites, pick and choose as you wish.

Trump Just Made An Embarassing Mistake In Church That Has Many Shaking Their Heads

Donald Trump Confuses Communion Plate For Offertory During Church Visit

Trump reportedly mistakes communion plate for offering plate

Betcha the fundie nutters are turning themselves into pretzels lying about this one.

Are they Conservative sites or are they Cuckservative sites.
Two Corinthians walk into a bar was pretty good and his fake story about the bible mommy gave him was to throw up. Drumpf saying he does pray to a god stopped just short of saying HE is the One True God Yadda Yadda but this is a hoot -

Four links, two to conservative sites, pick and choose as you wish.

Trump Just Made An Embarassing Mistake In Church That Has Many Shaking Their Heads

Donald Trump Confuses Communion Plate For Offertory During Church Visit

Trump reportedly mistakes communion plate for offering plate

Betcha the fundie nutters are turning themselves into pretzels lying about this one.

Are they Conservative sites or are they Cuckservative sites.

What's the difference?
I guess this proves that Trump will use any excuse to take out his wallet to show how rich he is.

Too bad all that wealth can't buy him a little common sense.
Two Corinthians walk into a bar was pretty good and his fake story about the bible mommy gave him was to throw up. Drumpf saying he does pray to a god stopped just short of saying HE is the One True God Yadda Yadda but this is a hoot -

Four links, two to conservative sites, pick and choose as you wish.

Trump Just Made An Embarassing Mistake In Church That Has Many Shaking Their Heads

Donald Trump Confuses Communion Plate For Offertory During Church Visit

Trump’s cringeworthy gaffe during Communion at Iowa church | New York Post

Trump reportedly mistakes communion plate for offering plate

Betcha the fundie nutters are turning themselves into pretzels lying about this one.

As a Catholic I would make the same mistake in other churches. The collection is given well before Holy Communion, and there is no communion dish passed amongst the crowd.

Trump seems like he realizes he needs to play the part more for his own candidacy's sake. So he is trying.

But even if we Christians are onto him, that is not the issue here at all. Devout Christians do not vote for the candidate who is also the most Christian or devout. They vote for the candidate that appears to give them the best chance of running this country in the way they would prefer. And if Trump has a far better chance of getting done what they would like to see than some devout church attendee, like maybe Bush, their choice is easy -- Trump.
Last edited:
Which one is which Godless liberals? Stupid thread and this isn't going to take Trump can smell the desperation as Trump keeps steam rolling


The soulless believers seem upset that not all Christians are the same, they seem to believe Christians should all be devout and placed in their preconceived box. Faith ranges from simply believing they have a soul to extreme life dedication.
I have never "taken communion" but I'll bet I could tell the difference between a plate full of little crackers or grape juice/wine and a plate full of money.

Think it through. If the plate had been shiny and empty, it would not be passed around. Even I know you have to have little cracker things and the little cups of grape juice actually ON the plate before you can put one in your mouth.

By the same token, its very likely there was money already on the collection plate. Of all people, Drumpf would be able to recognize cash and the way he's been stealing it from vets, its more likely he'd take the cash than add to it.

There is simply nothing that you fools won't lie about when it serves your idiotic agenda of higher taxes for the little guy and slashed taxes for the 1%.
Two Corinthians walk into a bar was pretty good and his fake story about the bible mommy gave him was to throw up. Drumpf saying he does pray to a god stopped just short of saying HE is the One True God Yadda Yadda but this is a hoot -

Four links, two to conservative sites, pick and choose as you wish.

Trump Just Made An Embarassing Mistake In Church That Has Many Shaking Their Heads

Donald Trump Confuses Communion Plate For Offertory During Church Visit

Trump’s cringeworthy gaffe during Communion at Iowa church | New York Post

Trump reportedly mistakes communion plate for offering plate

Betcha the fundie nutters are turning themselves into pretzels lying about this one.

Are they Conservative sites or are they Cuckservative sites.
Two Corinthians walk into a bar was pretty good and his fake story about the bible mommy gave him was to throw up. Drumpf saying he does pray to a god stopped just short of saying HE is the One True God Yadda Yadda but this is a hoot -

Four links, two to conservative sites, pick and choose as you wish.

Trump Just Made An Embarassing Mistake In Church That Has Many Shaking Their Heads

Donald Trump Confuses Communion Plate For Offertory During Church Visit

Trump reportedly mistakes communion plate for offering plate

Betcha the fundie nutters are turning themselves into pretzels lying about this one.

Are they Conservative sites or are they Cuckservative sites.

What's the difference?

They both lie but Lucy Hamilton is saying this didn't happen. If it didn't happen, then Lucy Hamilton should post proof of that.

It did happen so she and the other brainless RWNJ traitors are lying about it. SSDD
The soulless believers seem upset that not all Christians are the same, they seem to believe Christians should all be devout and placed in their preconceived box. Faith ranges from simply believing they have a soul to extreme life dedication.

Posts like this are funny....

See if we call everyone a Christian when all they do is "simply believing they have a soul", then they live like pagans.

Then people on this forum, which I've seen thousands of times, call Christians hypocrites, because they call people like the above, "christian", and yet they live like trash.

And they are right. You call yourself Christian, and you are no more christian, than Pol Pot. Pol Pot likely believed he had a soul, and likely also believed the 1.5 Million he slaughtered had souls too.

Hypocrite. Christianity is based on the Bible. The Bible has some basic moral beliefs you are supposed to follow if you are a Christian. You don't get to make it up, and just call whatever bonkers version of faith you subscribe to, is "christian". You are not a Christian.

Even Jesus said "Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?'"

And how will he respond?

And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

Lot of people on the day of judgement, are going to say "wait wait I'm a Christian!" and Jesus is going to kick them right out. Depart from me, you workers of LAWLESSNESS. Lawlessness. People who say there is no moral right and wrong. There is no defined morality.

"I'm a Christian who just simply believes I have a soul!".... Yeah... Well Jesus says that's not going to work out well for you. So either you believe Jesus Christ... Christ meaning Christian.... or you don't, and if you don't, then stop calling yourself a Christian. Because you are not.
The soulless believers seem upset that not all Christians are the same, they seem to believe Christians should all be devout and placed in their preconceived box. Faith ranges from simply believing they have a soul to extreme life dedication.

Posts like this are funny....

See if we call everyone a Christian when all they do is "simply believing they have a soul", then they live like pagans.

Then people on this forum, which I've seen thousands of times, call Christians hypocrites, because they call people like the above, "christian", and yet they live like trash.

And they are right. You call yourself Christian, and you are no more christian, than Pol Pot. Pol Pot likely believed he had a soul, and likely also believed the 1.5 Million he slaughtered had souls too.

Hypocrite. Christianity is based on the Bible. The Bible has some basic moral beliefs you are supposed to follow if you are a Christian. You don't get to make it up, and just call whatever bonkers version of faith you subscribe to, is "christian". You are not a Christian.

Even Jesus said "Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?'"

And how will he respond?

And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

Lot of people on the day of judgement, are going to say "wait wait I'm a Christian!" and Jesus is going to kick them right out. Depart from me, you workers of LAWLESSNESS. Lawlessness. People who say there is no moral right and wrong. There is no defined morality.

"I'm a Christian who just simply believes I have a soul!".... Yeah... Well Jesus says that's not going to work out well for you. So either you believe Jesus Christ... Christ meaning Christian.... or you don't, and if you don't, then stop calling yourself a Christian. Because you are not.

IMO, Christian is as Christian does. The "soul" is an enticing myth and part of that whole line of myths, but has nothing at all to do with the teachings of Jesus.

People like Drumpf and Palin, with their lies about our vets, their outright theft from our disabled vets, their constant, daily lies, the booze, drugs, sleeping around on their spruces, illegitimate kids, stealing property from Americans and others, cheating employees, lying about hiring illegals, beating up people either at rallies or parties they've crashed, literally stealing clothing during a blizzard, not paying their bills -

The list goes on and on.

They are not Christians any more than their followers are.

Two Corinthians walk into a bar was pretty good and his fake story about the bible mommy gave him was to throw up. Drumpf saying he does pray to a god stopped just short of saying HE is the One True God Yadda Yadda but this is a hoot -

Four links, two to conservative sites, pick and choose as you wish.

Trump Just Made An Embarassing Mistake In Church That Has Many Shaking Their Heads

Donald Trump Confuses Communion Plate For Offertory During Church Visit

Trump’s cringeworthy gaffe during Communion at Iowa church | New York Post

Trump reportedly mistakes communion plate for offering plate

Betcha the fundie nutters are turning themselves into pretzels lying about this one.

As a Catholic I would make the same mistake in other churches. The collection is given well before Holy Communion, and there is no communion dish passed amongst the crowd.

Trump seems like he realizes he needs to play the part more for his own candidacy's sake. So he is trying.

But even if we Christians are onto him, that is not the issue here at all. Devout Christians do not vote for the candidate who is also the most Christian or devout. They vote for the candidate that appears to give them the best chance of running this country in the way they would prefer. And if Trump has a far better chance of getting done what they would like to see than some devout church attendee, like maybe Bush, their choice is easy -- Trump.
don't you hand the money to the statues?

Two Corinthians walk into a bar was pretty good and his fake story about the bible mommy gave him was to throw up. Drumpf saying he does pray to a god stopped just short of saying HE is the One True God Yadda Yadda but this is a hoot -

Four links, two to conservative sites, pick and choose as you wish.

Trump Just Made An Embarassing Mistake In Church That Has Many Shaking Their Heads

Donald Trump Confuses Communion Plate For Offertory During Church Visit

Trump’s cringeworthy gaffe during Communion at Iowa church | New York Post

Trump reportedly mistakes communion plate for offering plate

Betcha the fundie nutters are turning themselves into pretzels lying about this one.

Are they Conservative sites or are they Cuckservative sites.
Two Corinthians walk into a bar was pretty good and his fake story about the bible mommy gave him was to throw up. Drumpf saying he does pray to a god stopped just short of saying HE is the One True God Yadda Yadda but this is a hoot -

Four links, two to conservative sites, pick and choose as you wish.

Trump Just Made An Embarassing Mistake In Church That Has Many Shaking Their Heads

Donald Trump Confuses Communion Plate For Offertory During Church Visit

Trump reportedly mistakes communion plate for offering plate

Betcha the fundie nutters are turning themselves into pretzels lying about this one.

Are they Conservative sites or are they Cuckservative sites.

What's the difference?

They both lie but Lucy Hamilton is saying this didn't happen. If it didn't happen, then Lucy Hamilton should post proof of that.

It did happen so she and the other brainless RWNJ traitors are lying about it. SSDD

Huh? Where did I say it didn't happen? I said are they Conservative sites or are they Cuckservative sites.
Which one is which Godless liberals? Stupid thread and this isn't going to take Trump can smell the desperation as Trump keeps steam rolling



The one with the green felt in the bottom (top pic) is the collection plate.

The one that is all metal (bottom pic) is the communion plate.

How's that for a "godless liberal" Bitchy Irish Ass?
Two Corinthians walk into a bar was pretty good and his fake story about the bible mommy gave him was to throw up. Drumpf saying he does pray to a god stopped just short of saying HE is the One True God Yadda Yadda but this is a hoot -

Four links, two to conservative sites, pick and choose as you wish.

Trump Just Made An Embarassing Mistake In Church That Has Many Shaking Their Heads

Donald Trump Confuses Communion Plate For Offertory During Church Visit

Trump reportedly mistakes communion plate for offering plate

Betcha the fundie nutters are turning themselves into pretzels lying about this one.

Are they Conservative sites or are they Cuckservative sites.

What's the difference?

Cuckservatives are Conservative sell-out's, you would also refer to them as RINO's, except the Cuckservatives are even more sold out than the RINO's.
Two Corinthians walk into a bar was pretty good and his fake story about the bible mommy gave him was to throw up. Drumpf saying he does pray to a god stopped just short of saying HE is the One True God Yadda Yadda but this is a hoot -

Four links, two to conservative sites, pick and choose as you wish.

Trump Just Made An Embarassing Mistake In Church That Has Many Shaking Their Heads

Donald Trump Confuses Communion Plate For Offertory During Church Visit

Trump reportedly mistakes communion plate for offering plate

Betcha the fundie nutters are turning themselves into pretzels lying about this one.

Are they Conservative sites or are they Cuckservative sites.

What's the difference?

Cuckservatives are Conservative sell-out's, you would also refer to them as RINO's, except the Cuckservatives are even more sold out than the RINO's.

Also as Cuckservatives now across the world, we must refer to them as CINO's - Conservative In Name Only.

Here in Europa, the classic examples of the Cucks are Merkel and in Britain Prime Minister David Cameron.
It's a funny world. In this country politicians who make a public spectacle of their faith are immediately consigned to the 5% backwater.

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