Morality of Non-Believers


Rational and proud of it.
Oct 1, 2008
There are many who still claim that the only source for true morality is faith in religion. For those who hold faith in an organized religion, it is typically the scriptures from which morality is known and learned to practice. For people who belong to organized religion, it seems impossible that atheists or agnostics or other non-believers can have morals or practice true morality in their lives. I've started this thread to refute that idea and start a discussion.

Moral theory and principles

Godless morality | The God Blog | Jewish Journal

Godless Moral Values: Can Godless Atheists Have Moral Values? Morality Does Not Depend on Religion, Gods

For non-believers, morality has more than one aspect.

There is the social contract i.e. If I won't kill you, you won't kill me. Non-believers might contend that the social contract is evolutionary, or biological. Maybe its even genetically hardwired into our operating systems: the human race has survived through cooperation between individuals, and those who cooperated were more likely to survive to reproduce than those who didn't. And because human beings intellectualize or make instinct cognitive, it seems that this is something humans determine and not a natural sense and so perceive it as something more than instinctive.

Godless Morality, by Peter Singer

And there is the Golden Rule, which I won't spell out. But the implications are vast when thought of as the categorical imperative. Kant, a religious philosopher, took this to a deeper level saying that the Golden Rule should be not just "Treat others as you wish to be treated." but "Treat others as you believe all individuals should treat eachother in your society." The Golden Rule is logical from a human persepctive.

Categorical imperative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ethic of reciprocity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And for non-believers, morality isn't just about right and wrong, black and white, but good and bad (which are, of course, subjective) and shades of gray. For example, a terrorist is captured who is known to have knowledge about an impending nuclear attack on a city. Is it right that one terrorist be tortured to force him to divulge that information and avert the killings of millions of innocent people, or is torture always wrong? Should a woman who conceived from rape or incest have an abortion, or is abortion always wrong? Should a man convicted of murder be murdered in turn?

As a non-believer I struggle with the meaning of life. If there is no creator or God, if the Universe is seemingly without purpose and if there isn't a universal relevance for intelligent life, then there can be no meaning for existence. We exist simply because we do. There is no meaning. Not a very comfrorting outlook, I know.

But, since human beings operate by taking in information and making sense or meaning out of the seeming chaos of the Universe, it only seems logical that human beings must then "make" meaning for their lives. And the only way that I've been able to make meaning out of my life is to examine what it means for humans to be human.

Since contradiction is anathema to human meaning the social contract is necessary for me to have a meaningful existence. That means that hypocritical behavior such as "do as I say, not as I do" would be meaningless in the grander picture. Same with the categorical imperative.

What makes human beings special are the ability to love, to laugh, to reason, to think abstractly, and to understand meaning (and there are probably other capacities that I have missed).

So to make my life meaningful, I must love, laugh, think and behave with reason, seek knowledge and deeper understanding of the Universe, and think about what my life means. That means I must have a sense of morality. There it is, morality is logical for happiness.

So non-believers can use reason to have morality. Morality may be biological, it may be evolutionary, but it is necessary for survival, healthiness, and happiness.

This is, of course, just the tip of the iceberg.
you are addressing external containment vs internal containment...or the freudian concept of id and super ego...i do not know why people insist their goodness comes from god and their evil from a demon or devil..evil does exist...showing itself as indifference in the people who listened and watched kitty genovise murdered and did nothing...immoblized by their lack of humanity and spine.
you are addressing external containment vs internal containment...or the freudian concept of id and super ego...i do not know why people insist their goodness comes from god and their evil from a demon or devil..evil does exist...showing itself as indifference in the people who listened and watched kitty genovise murdered and did nothing...immoblized by their lack of humanity and spine.

That made me think of something:

If God embued man with free will, and humankind is supposed to use that free will to do God's will, then if Satan tricks you into committing a sin even though you thought you weren't doing something wrong, is it still a sin?

For example: by thinking that since God gave us the ability to reason and then using that ability to reason you see the illogic of and error in the Bible and you, therefore, are unable to believe that Christ is your savior, you go to Hell. Is that just?
Not only that, but the Christian faithful, for the most part, don't have "faith in religion". We don't worship religion.

We worship God. There's a difference, do a little research, Colom.
Oh good grief, not the Peter Singer thing again.

Remember, people, Peter Singer is in prison, doing hard time, for terrorism.

Also remember that he thinks it should be okay for ppl to have sex with animals, and it should be acceptable in our society.

So now you know about the level of Colom's debate. He's a follower of a terrorist who promotes beastiality.

No wonder you hate God so much, fella.
you are addressing external containment vs internal containment...or the freudian concept of id and super ego...i do not know why people insist their goodness comes from god and their evil from a demon or devil..evil does exist...showing itself as indifference in the people who listened and watched kitty genovise murdered and did nothing...immoblized by their lack of humanity and spine.

That made me think of something:

If God embued man with free will, and humankind is supposed to use that free will to do God's will, then if Satan tricks you into committing a sin even though you thought you weren't doing something wrong, is it still a sin?

For example: by thinking that since God gave us the ability to reason and then using that ability to reason you see the illogic of and error in the Bible and you, therefore, are unable to believe that Christ is your savior, you go to Hell. Is that just?

I would wonder where that supposed reason came from. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. Man has free will yes and that will running wild leaves one's mind subject to all sorts of forces. Been there, done that, no thank you.
you are addressing external containment vs internal containment...or the freudian concept of id and super ego...i do not know why people insist their goodness comes from god and their evil from a demon or devil..evil does exist...showing itself as indifference in the people who listened and watched kitty genovise murdered and did nothing...immoblized by their lack of humanity and spine.

First: By saying goodness comes from their god the religious nutjobs are placing more importance on their own ideology, it's an ego stroke for them, but also detriments all humanity because then people feel less compelled to be good just to be good, as well as making all accomplishments invalid for humans as a way to make them feel worthless no matter how great their accomplishment.

Second: Blaming all evil on some "other being" is practiced as a way to avoid their own guilt. It makes it easy to say 'the devil made me do it" and thus avoiding the responsibility of their own actions, while also granting an excuse to hate or even harm others with 'they serve the devil so they are evil'.
Rationalizing the behavior of one who's shoes you have never walked is a presumptive endeavor. Faith is not a mental exercise.
Rationalizing the behavior of one who's shoes you have never walked is a presumptive endeavor. Faith is not a mental exercise.

Um ... if that was aimed at me, need I remind you, I HAVE walked those shoes ... they didn't fit and felt dirty ... so I changed them as soon as I was no longer under the legal control of my mother.
Then you didn't do it for faith. So you didn't walk in the shoes. Wow you are either up very early or very late!!
Then you didn't do it for faith. So you didn't walk in the shoes. Wow you are either up very early or very late!!

Insomniac ... but since I make my own schedule as my own boss it doesn't matter.

No, this was the reason I didn't follow the christian religion, most were following exactly what I stated ... and the book was written for that one reason. If you want to worship in a way you feel good with, fine, but it doesn't change facts.
A lot of people in churches are not faithful. I don't look to people. We are wresting with ourselves and each other. I look to God. There I find my peace and life makes sense.

You know what true religion is?

James 1:27 (Whole Chapter)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Very simple really. If there is too much mental activity and rationalization attached to it, it is probably not of God.
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If people took that one verse and ignored most of those which state the opposite to heart, I would agree with you. But they don't. There is no "one" god, we create our gods, that's the benefit of being at the top of the food chain. To every other animal we are their gods, as well as those above them in the food chain. Religion isn't the problem, it's those that think theirs is the only true one, for it is them that will beat down all advancement for the sake of preventing people from finding out that ... it really doesn't matter which one you follow.
If they just take Jesus's word about the greatest commandment the world would instantly heal itself.
If they just take Jesus's word about the greatest commandment the world would instantly heal itself.

Not really ... oppressed differences cause far more harm than those expressed in a healthy manner. So if everyone behaved the same way, no matter what that was, it would destroy the world faster.
Personal view, leaving all other aspects out:

The Judeo-Christian religious foundation provides man with guidelines he can use to live harmoniously in an assumed societal structure and to counteract the instincts of his fallen nature. A diety is assumed (not addressing that).

Other religions, it seems to me, do the same, with the exception of Islam which is essentially intolerant of diversity.

Standing aside from philosophical terminology and examination, I view morality as a naturally occuring instinct, which will influence the behavior of man in direct porportion to how effectively it was introduced to him during childhood.
What is all this blather about? There is no god is a mute point. Those who think there is a supreme being are scared little ignorant morons or sociopathic assholes using religion as a tool to control others.
What is all this blather about? There is no god is a mute point. Those who think there is a supreme being are scared little ignorant morons or sociopathic assholes using religion as a tool to control others.

Jeez, Huggy, and I thought I was bitter...
What is all this blather about? There is no god is a mute point. Those who think there is a supreme being are scared little ignorant morons or sociopathic assholes using religion as a tool to control others.

Jeez, Huggy, and I thought I was bitter...

Hang on to your chalks and choaks there mountain man. I am not bitter..just getting worn out on the nonsense religion has imposed on the human race.

I am hopeful that people will come to thier senses and start thinking smarter and acting better towards one another.

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