Moral equivalency dooms civilization


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Posted: August 17, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2006

The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant and so devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored because it cannot survive their being repeated.
– Robert Jackson, chief U.S. prosecution counsel at the Nuremberg Tribunal

When World War II ended, German police arrested that nation's Nazi leadership and they were tried in German courtrooms, correct? No, of course not. They were arrested by the Allies and taken back to their home countries where they were tried under the criminal justice system there.

No, you say that's not correct either? Well, good for you. The Allies convened the Nuremberg Tribunal and tried the individuals responsible under an amalgam of international law, convicted the bulk of them, sent some to jail and executed others.

Why did we do it that way? Read again the opening quote from Mr. Jackson:

"May it please Your Honors,

"The privilege of opening the first trial in history for crimes against the peace of the world imposes a grave responsibility. The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant and so devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored because it cannot survive their being repeated. That four great nations, flushed with victory and stung with injury stay the hand of vengeance and voluntarily submit their captive enemies to the judgment of the law is one of the most significant tributes that Power ever has paid to Reason." (Read the full address.)

We did it that way because it was necessary for civilization to survive. We did it for "crimes against the peace of the world." In today's self-inflicted multicultural "paradise," such a concept is beyond the intellectual grasp of the great bulk of the West's leftists. The idea that one culture could possibly be superior to another violates what passes for the leftist conscience: Tolerance.

Therefore, a culture that leaves little baby girls to die in the ditch, while it values and cares for little baby boys, cannot possibly be judged superior to a society that cares for both equally. A culture that denies women education is simply "different" than one that provides educational opportunities for all. A culture whose government is based on graft, corruption, intimidation and violence is no better – or no worse – than one whose government is based on laws that treat all citizens equally and fairly, and which punishes graft and corruption.

And a culture that promises rewards to an individual who straps a vest laden with explosives, nails and ball bearings – then walks into a crowded public space and detonates it – is no better or worse than the culture being attacked. To judge one against the other violates the modern liberal conscience. (If you have any doubts about where this leads, examine the staged photos coming out of Reuters and the Associated Press.)

Yet the modern liberal conscience is capable of judgment: It has judged that the war on terror is unnecessary and those prosecuting it are evil. Why? Because they have violated the liberal conscience. For this reason – violation of the liberal conscience – those defending the West against murderous Islamic assault and violent imposition of an Islamic theocracy must be prosecuted for their "crimes against humanity." Try Rumsfeld for war crimes; bow down five times a day to bin Laden and maybe he won't hate us so much.

When I read that police are arresting Islamic terrorists for plotting to blow up airliners full of innocent people, I know that the war on terror is nearly over. The vermin that began World War II were not arrested by police, read their Miranda rights, and then assigned an ACLU attorney and a court date in the nation's criminal justice system. They were held in prisoner of war camps and tried under what international law the Allies saw fit to grant for "crimes against the peace of the world."

Likewise, the Islamic terrorist vermin plotting mass murder to impose an Islamic theocracy that will consume the entire world need to be removed from the nation's criminal justice system, interred in prisoner of war camps for the duration of the conflict, and when the conflict is over tried, found guilty and executed for their "crimes against the peace of the world." Any pronouncements issued by the U.S. Supreme Court may be safely ignored, inasmuch as the Constitution gives them no authority to issue any decisions or pronouncements affecting the president's conduct of a war. Congress can stop such pronouncements and power grabs by forcing the court to adhere to its constitutional mandate; surely separation-of-powers raids into the executive's turf is bad judicial behavior and as such warrant impeachment.

As Robert Jackson asked of the court when the Nazis were brought to Nuremberg for justice, "Who was responsible for these crimes if they were not?"

Excellent article, Stephanie. The saddest sentence in the whole article was this: "In today's self-inflicted multicultural "paradise," such a concept is beyond the intellectual grasp of the great bulk of the West's leftists."

The terrorist enemy is far, far worse than the Nazis, but the deluded left can't come to terms with that reality. If the leftists are successful in getting world opinon to accept their views on the war against the terrorists, there will be no civilization as we know it left, nor will there be peace anywhere in the world.
Excellent article, Stephanie. The saddest sentence in the whole article was this: "In today's self-inflicted multicultural "paradise," such a concept is beyond the intellectual grasp of the great bulk of the West's leftists."

The terrorist enemy is far, far worse than the Nazis, but the deluded left can't come to terms with that reality. If the leftists are successful in getting world opinon to accept their views on the war against the terrorists, there will be no civilization as we know it left, nor will there be peace anywhere in the world.

To even attempt to equate the the threat of terrorism with the actuality of what occured under Hitler's reign of terror during the Third Reich shows the depths of the rights intellectual bankruptcy.

If any one is having trouble coming to grips with that, it is the right wing-nuts that now control the GOP and its noise machine. There is no equivalency between Nazi Germany, where millions died in concentration camps, and the sporadic random attacks, or threats of attack, from terrorist organizations. While these attrocities are horrific and tragic, they do not compare to the scope of the organized horror perpetrated by the Third Reich.

Laying the blame for terrorism on "multi-culturalism" is a gross oversimplification of the real causes of terrorism. But that is the best the right can do...Catchy buzz phrases which have little to do with the actual problem at hand. But that is all the right has to offer ...Catch phrases...Buzz words...Empty rhetoric. When they come up with something meaningful, they might regain some of the moral high-ground they have lost us since the invasion of Iraq.
To even attempt to equate the the threat of terrorism with the actuality of what occured under Hitler's reign of terror during the Third Reich shows the depths of the rights intellectual bankruptcy.

If any one is having trouble coming to grips with that, it is the right wing-nuts that now control the GOP and its noise machine. There is no equivalency between Nazi Germany, where millions died in concentration camps, and the sporadic random attacks, or threats of attack, from terrorist organizations. While these attrocities are horrific and tragic, they do not compare to the scope of the organized horror perpetrated by the Third Reich.

Laying the blame for terrorism on "multi-culturalism" is a gross oversimplification of the real causes of terrorism. But that is the best the right can do...Catchy buzz phrases which have little to do with the actual problem at hand. But that is all the right has to offer ...Catch phrases...Buzz words...Empty rhetoric. When they come up with something meaningful, they might regain some of the moral high-ground they have lost us since the invasion of Iraq.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Same as the left calling Bush a Nazi, hey Bully?
I give it a 2.5/10 with 5 as average.

Yeah...That's about where I peg it, 2-3/10, for now. Given the authoritarian nature of Chimpy and Co and the right wing-nuts in this country though, it could increase dramatically at any given time.

BTW, have you ever noticed how Alberto Gonzalez sounds like and evil Mr. Rogers?
To even attempt to equate the the threat of terrorism with the actuality of what occured under Hitler's reign of terror during the Third Reich shows the depths of the rights intellectual bankruptcy.

Bully, sometimes your blindness to reality make me wonder what world you live in. To say that today's threat of terrorism cannot be equated with the actuality of Hitler's reign of terror is just asinine. I guess we could agree that Hitler showed more compassion for his victims by gassing them than by cutting off their heads. ;) In the end who was the declared enemy of both the Nazis and the terrorists? Is it not the Jewish people?

Since Stephanie's post riled up your feathers so much, I am sure you'll want to read a Jewish writer's thoughts on how Nazism and today's terrorists are similar. Islamofacists sound a lot like German Nazis to me, only they're ten times worse .

August 18, 2006
The Swastika and the Scimitar
Anti-Semitic paranoia is alive and well among Muslims.
By Jonah Goldberg, National Review
Excellent article, Stephanie. The saddest sentence in the whole article was this: "In today's self-inflicted multicultural "paradise," such a concept is beyond the intellectual grasp of the great bulk of the West's leftists."

The terrorist enemy is far, far worse than the Nazis, but the deluded left can't come to terms with that reality. If the leftists are successful in getting world opinon to accept their views on the war against the terrorists, there will be no civilization as we know it left, nor will there be peace anywhere in the world.

I think whats really ironic about this is that much of the post modern movement that is responsible for this multiculturalism and moral equivalancy was a reaction to WW2 to prevent it from ever happening again. People assumed that if we could "accept" everyone regardless of what they thought was good or bad and regardless of their background we could avoid it... Honestly, i dont think they really thought it through.
To even attempt to equate the the threat of terrorism with the actuality of what occured under Hitler's reign of terror during the Third Reich shows the depths of the rights intellectual bankruptcy.

If any one is having trouble coming to grips with that, it is the right wing-nuts that now control the GOP and its noise machine. There is no equivalency between Nazi Germany, where millions died in concentration camps, and the sporadic random attacks, or threats of attack, from terrorist organizations. While these attrocities are horrific and tragic, they do not compare to the scope of the organized horror perpetrated by the Third Reich.

Laying the blame for terrorism on "multi-culturalism" is a gross oversimplification of the real causes of terrorism. But that is the best the right can do...Catchy buzz phrases which have little to do with the actual problem at hand. But that is all the right has to offer ...Catch phrases...Buzz words...Empty rhetoric. When they come up with something meaningful, they might regain some of the moral high-ground they have lost us since the invasion of Iraq.

Yeah there is absolutely nothing similar about the hate rhetoric from the Nazis and the Terrorists. I mean yeah they both want to commit genocide against Jews. They all want to rule with an iron thumb. They are both dedicated to fanaticism for their cause, but there is absolutely nothing similar about them.

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