Mooch off on another overseas vacation on taxpayer dime. Takes kids and mother with her

I can't understand the repeated outrage of conservatives over the Obama's having the grandmother as part of the family

Conservatives used to boast about their strong family values. Yet they think elderly family members should be just cast aside

The bottom line is their complete, all-encompassing hypocrisy. They like something when it supports their side of the street. Something that is equal to and parallel to what they like for themselves, but belongs to the other side of the street (Democrats), they abhor. Pure, undiluted partisanship.

For example, their support of Ben Carson. They like him because he is black. Oh, he's a conservative, but they really like him most because he is black. Yet they have gone on and on and on vilifying Democrats for, according to them, voting for and liking Obama because he is black. Total hypocrisy.
I can't understand the repeated outrage of conservatives over the Obama's having the grandmother as part of the family

Conservatives used to boast about their strong family values. Yet they think elderly family members should be just cast aside

The bottom line is their complete, all-encompassing hypocrisy. They like something when it supports their side of the street. Something that is equal to and parallel to what they like for themselves, but belongs to the other side of the street (Democrats), they abhor. Pure, undiluted partisanship.

For example, their support of Ben Carson. They like him because he is black. Oh, he's a conservative, but they really like him most because he is black. Yet they have gone on and on and on vilifying Democrats for, according to them, voting for and liking Obama because he is black. Total hypocrisy.
Why attack an elderly grandmother?

She is a widow, worked hard all her life, did a wonderful job raising her children and is now helping to raise her grandchildren

To conservatives, this makes her a freeloader
This doesn't include vacations and when the fool is out of office it won't include secret service protection either.
This doesn't include vacations and when the fool is out of office it won't include secret service protection either.
Of course it includes vacations or in this case, an official visit to another country.
Why do you object to elderly people being part of a family?
I can't understand the repeated outrage of conservatives over the Obama's having the grandmother as part of the family

Conservatives used to boast about their strong family values. Yet they think elderly family members should be just cast aside

The bottom line is their complete, all-encompassing hypocrisy. They like something when it supports their side of the street. Something that is equal to and parallel to what they like for themselves, but belongs to the other side of the street (Democrats), they abhor. Pure, undiluted partisanship.

For example, their support of Ben Carson. They like him because he is black. Oh, he's a conservative, but they really like him most because he is black. Yet they have gone on and on and on vilifying Democrats for, according to them, voting for and liking Obama because he is black. Total hypocrisy.
Why attack an elderly grandmother?

She is a widow, worked hard all her life, did a wonderful job raising her children and is now helping to raise her grandchildren

To conservatives, this makes her a freeloader
Unbelievable, isn't it?
According to the site I found, the Obama's will have to pay for grandma's plane ticket, probably have to pay for the kids' tickets as well, maybe even Mrs. Obama since I'd think that the only one who ends up on the ticket list would have to be "official" types... I'll have to look it up.
I hope Mrs. Obama experiences great pleasure and excitement during her vacations and her trips overseas, and pays no mind to all these pathetic nobodies who are just hatin' for the sake of hatin'. May her and her family see as much of the world as they Will, and may they develop fond memories of the beautiful things they get to see and learn and experience while away.

The Obama's are multi-millionaires and could wait until they are our of public office so the whole family, including Daddy could travel the world together. Unless Daddy isn't welcome or interested.
I hope Mrs. Obama experiences great pleasure and excitement during her vacations and her trips overseas, and pays no mind to all these pathetic nobodies who are just hatin' for the sake of hatin'. May her and her family see as much of the world as they Will, and may they develop fond memories of the beautiful things they get to see and learn and experience while away.

YEAH fer sure. why should they care it's OFF taxpayers backs. you all go go go go go
Hell why stop with the mommy. take your whole clan with ya
Did you complain when our first lady and daughters traveled to Africa all those times. How many trips did our first lady take on vacations or good will ambassadors. Did you attack Laura when she made those trips or do you only attack black first ladies?

I don't know how many trips the Bush family made to Africa, but I do wonder how many trips the Obama family has made to Africa. I would think Africa would be a place of interest for African-Americans.
I hope Mrs. Obama experiences great pleasure and excitement during her vacations and her trips overseas, and pays no mind to all these pathetic nobodies who are just hatin' for the sake of hatin'. May her and her family see as much of the world as they Will, and may they develop fond memories of the beautiful things they get to see and learn and experience while away.

The Obama's are multi-millionaires and could wait until they are our of public office so the whole family, including Daddy could travel the world together. Unless Daddy isn't welcome or interested. all Presidents

They could travel around the globe to enhance US interests and sell the US brand
I hope Mrs. Obama experiences great pleasure and excitement during her vacations and her trips overseas, and pays no mind to all these pathetic nobodies who are just hatin' for the sake of hatin'. May her and her family see as much of the world as they Will, and may they develop fond memories of the beautiful things they get to see and learn and experience while away.

YEAH fer sure. why should they care it's OFF taxpayers backs. you all go go go go go
Hell why stop with the mommy. take your whole clan with ya
Did you complain when our first lady and daughters traveled to Africa all those times. How many trips did our first lady take on vacations or good will ambassadors. Did you attack Laura when she made those trips or do you only attack black first ladies?

I don't know how many trips the Bush family made to Africa, but I do wonder how many trips the Obama family has made to Africa. I would think Africa would be a place of interest for African-Americans.
Obamas have been there several times......conservatives complained
Wow... weve come a LONG way from blacks picking cotton.

No, Blacks have come a long way from picking cotton. Ignorant bigots are still pretty much the same...

I'm not a racists I just became one right there to prove a point to shootspeeders who happens to be a racist bigot. Sarcasm at it's finest to prove a point.

let me congratulate you on how stupid it was. that we the people can't talk about the money these Politicians spends (Especially these royal Obamas) without being accused of being a RACIST. you did get an atta boy for it though

Sometimes we need to act stupid to make the morons look retarded.

I'm not sure you are acting stupid.
The Obama's are multi-millionaires and could wait until they are our of public office so the whole family, including Daddy could travel the world together. Unless Daddy isn't welcome or interested.

Really? So a new requirement of presidents and their families should be that they are not allowed to take vacations until the president is out of office?

That's some real freedom right there...
Unlike previous First Ladies..........Moochell adds real class as America's current First Lady.


Omg, she showed skin. Above her knee even. Does that offend you as a Muslim, a cock gobbler, or both?
She has to travel with the mother and kids to PROMOTE HER:

let girls learn. how stupid as if they aren't now
and her lets move agenda. we've been asking she move OUT from our lives now for a long time. does she listen. No

what a waste and JOKE on us

Too bad she can't do us all a favor and promote some learnin' on your ignorant ass. I cringe everytime I read one of your rants. Where did you get an education - a hobo camp under a L.A. overpass?

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