Mooch off on another overseas vacation on taxpayer dime. Takes kids and mother with her

Liberals have hijacked this thread into a complaint about how many vacations Bush took. The issue is the First Tranny and all the vacations she takes. Nobody voted for mooch.
Fortunately there aren't enough of you racist assholes to make a difference about which first family is allowed to travel to where and when and your whining and crying is nothing more than a bunch of irrelevant'spissing into the wind.
Oh? Because we object to wasted tax dollars so Michelle and her family can vacation we're racist??

Your an idiot and stupid one at that.
Oh? Because we object to wasted tax dollars so Michelle and her family can vacation we're racist??

Your an idiot and stupid one at that.
I was responding to SHOOTSPEEDERS. Do you want do defend him and claim he is not a racist or lump yourself in with him? Otherwise, if the shoe fits.......
Oh? Because we object to wasted tax dollars so Michelle and her family can vacation we're racist??

Your an idiot and stupid one at that.

Far from a vacation, it is a diplomatic mission abroad representing our nation......just like all First Ladies do
Nope. Just another vacation with all her hangers on payed for by we the taxpayer.

How many is that? I lost count.
Oh? Because we object to wasted tax dollars so Michelle and her family can vacation we're racist??

Your an idiot and stupid one at that.

Yep. and the people got sick and tired of hearing that from them, so they put their party in MINORITY statues of congress after only six years of these TWO abusers of us, the Obama's..............

so they can wail on with their racist racist racist nobody gives a shit anymore
Oh? Because we object to wasted tax dollars so Michelle and her family can vacation we're racist??

Your an idiot and stupid one at that.

Far from a vacation, it is a diplomatic mission abroad representing our nation......just like all First Ladies do

Then....everyone who goes overseas for vacation is on a diplomatic mission representing America. Got it.
The president and his family shouldn't be forbidden from taking vacations, that's silly. Unfortunately, there's a huge safety risk which means it does cost the tax payers a bit when they do. I don't particularly like Obama or his wife, but I certainly don't want any fruit loop out there getting famous for killing any of them. That shit would look really bad for us as a country when we can't keep our president and his family safe. Ultimately it's a necessary evil that is worth paying for.
The president and his family shouldn't be forbidden from taking vacations, that's silly. Unfortunately, there's a huge safety risk which means it does cost the tax payers a bit when they do. I don't particularly like Obama or his wife, but I certainly don't want any fruit loop out there getting famous for killing any of them. That shit would look really bad for us as a country when we can't keep our president and his family safe. Ultimately it's a necessary evil that is worth paying for.

wth. we are talking about his WIFE abusing us taxpayers. None of them has a NEED for some of the vacations they take. especially when the DEMOCRATS with Obama leading the wailing on how WE were in the worst Recession since the Great Depression. SHE could have cut back on her jaunts. but I guess that never crossed her ENTITLED mind. so what does she do. she takes the babysitter we get to pay for too

oh yeah, the jokes on us
No one /needs/ to take a vacation... So why should being the president, or married to the president, mean someone /can't/ take vacations when they wish?

I've been known to take 2 vacations in one year, hell my parents take at least 4 a year, so what?
Oh? Because we object to wasted tax dollars so Michelle and her family can vacation we're racist??

Your an idiot and stupid one at that.

Far from a vacation, it is a diplomatic mission abroad representing our nation......just like all First Ladies do

Then....everyone who goes overseas for vacation is on a diplomatic mission representing America. Got it. you meet with heads of state when you travel overseas?
All these trips have cost americans milliions of dollars. It's pure stealing but both the press and the GOP give here a pass. No wonder she's the most hated woman in america.

Michelle Obama Announces Travel Plans London And Milan - Breitbart

june 4 2015
First Lady Michelle Obama plans to travel to the United Kingdom and Italy in June, visiting the cities of London, Milan, and Vicenza, according to the office of the First Lady.
The First Lady plans to travel with her mother Marian Robinson and her two daughters Malia and Sasha.

Obama will visit London to promote her “Let Girls Learn” initiate, hosting an event with students. She will visit Milan as part of the Presidential Delegation to the Milan Expo 2015. The First Lady is planning events to support healthier families and communities as part of her “Let’s Move” agenda.

I don't have a problem with perks for those who assume the white house. I honestly don't.

Now if they would stop screwing up school lunches, and messing up the economy with bad policy... that would be a plus in my world.

If they lived as paupers, and screwed everything up, that would still be bad.
Oh? Because we object to wasted tax dollars so Michelle and her family can vacation we're racist??

Your an idiot and stupid one at that.

Far from a vacation, it is a diplomatic mission abroad representing our nation......just like all First Ladies do

Then....everyone who goes overseas for vacation is on a diplomatic mission representing America. Got it. you meet with heads of state when you travel overseas?

Especially when I can't hold my pee any longer.
this thread is about the abuses of Michelle Obama of us TAXPAYERS.

not only are we supporting her freeloading mother. but we've had to pay for 100's of hers and Obama's gallivanting all over the country to give hateful speech's and gawd know how MANY FUNDRAISERS for their party.

they are classless and losers in my book

LOL You're a classless loser in mine!

BTW, you keep talking about your book. Where can I get a copy? It should be good for a few belly laughs.

The truth is that Mrs. Obama is essentially a diplomatic ambassador for our country around the world. You racist, partisan sickos may not like her, but the rest of the world does, a lot. She is not 'on vacation.' She is working for us to create and improve how others around the world see us: something Bush not only didn't do but destroyed.

And, tiny little minds like yours probably don't realize it, but how the rest of the world perceives us is very, very important. So she is doing important work for the US, including taking her mother with her. The people around the world value family, and taking her mother shows respect for family and elders. What Mrs. Obama is doing is far beyond monetary value.

BTW, Staphinfection, people who live off welfare don't pay taxes, so what are you complaining about? Do you feel you are speaking on behalf of others. Don't speak on my behalf: I'd much rather pay for this instead of for wars.

Last point: you actually think Bush didn't 'gallivant' all over the country doing fundraisers for the GOP? If you think that, you are exponentially incorrect.
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Were you all aware that the president and his family have to pay for all their personal meals at the White House? Midnight snack? That'll be $5 please!
Hmmm while finding a source to include with the above I found this article ~ The cost of living... in the White House

Which says that not only do they pay for food, but they actually have to pay the staff, and this relevant to the OP bit:

"If they want to bring someone on Air Force One who isn’t in the official traveling delegation, they have to reimburse the American people the equivalent of first-class airfare for the flight."
All these trips have cost americans milliions of dollars. It's pure stealing but both the press and the GOP give here a pass. No wonder she's the most hated woman in america.

Michelle Obama Announces Travel Plans London And Milan - Breitbart

june 4 2015
First Lady Michelle Obama plans to travel to the United Kingdom and Italy in June, visiting the cities of London, Milan, and Vicenza, according to the office of the First Lady.
The First Lady plans to travel with her mother Marian Robinson and her two daughters Malia and Sasha.

Obama will visit London to promote her “Let Girls Learn” initiate, hosting an event with students. She will visit Milan as part of the Presidential Delegation to the Milan Expo 2015. The First Lady is planning events to support healthier families and communities as part of her “Let’s Move” agenda.

I don't have a problem with perks for those who assume the white house. I honestly don't.

Now if they would stop screwing up school lunches, and messing up the economy with bad policy... that would be a plus in my world.

If they lived as paupers, and screwed everything up, that would still be bad.
They`re screwing up school lunches? Just how fat are you?
this thread is about the abuses of Michelle Obama of us TAXPAYERS.

not only are we supporting her freeloading mother. but we've had to pay for 100's of hers and Obama's gallivanting all over the country to give hateful speech's and gawd know how MANY FUNDRAISERS for their party.

they are classless and losers in my book

LOL You're a classless loser in mine!

BTW, you keep talking about your book. Where can I get a copy? It should be good for a few belly laughs.

The truth is that Mrs. Obama is essentially a diplomatic ambassador for our country around the world. You racist, partisan sickos may not like her, but the rest of the world does, a lot. She is not 'on vacation.' She is working for us to create and improve how others around the world see us: something Bush not only didn't do but destroyed.

And, tiny little minds like yours probably don't realize it, but how the rest of the world perceives us is very, very important. So she is doing important work for the US, including taking her mother with her. The people around the world value family, and taking her mother shows respect for family and elders. What Mrs. Obama is doing is far beyond monetary value.

BTW, Staphinfection, people who live off welfare don't pay taxes, so what are you complaining about? Do you feel you are speaking on behalf of others. Don't speak on my behalf: I'd much rather pay for this instead of for wars.

Last point: you actually think Bush didn't 'gallivant' all over the country doing fundraisers for the GOP? If you think that, you are exponentially incorrect.

Conservatives will never concede what a fine job the First Lady does in representing our country around the world. Michelle Obama and the girls are received as rock stars around the globe and they do nothing but enhance our global reputation

Can we discuss the global reputation of Republicans?
this thread is about the abuses of Michelle Obama of us TAXPAYERS.

not only are we supporting her freeloading mother. but we've had to pay for 100's of hers and Obama's gallivanting all over the country to give hateful speech's and gawd know how MANY FUNDRAISERS for their party.

they are classless and losers in my book

LOL You're a classless loser in mine!

BTW, you keep talking about your book. Where can I get a copy? It should be good for a few belly laughs.

The truth is that Mrs. Obama is essentially a diplomatic ambassador for our country around the world. You racist, partisan sickos may not like her, but the rest of the world does, a lot. She is not 'on vacation.' She is working for us to create and improve how others around the world see us: something Bush not only didn't do but destroyed.

And, tiny little minds like yours probably don't realize it, but how the rest of the world perceives us is very, very important. So she is doing important work for the US, including taking her mother with her. The people around the world value family, and taking her mother shows respect for family and elders. What Mrs. Obama is doing is far beyond monetary value.

BTW, Staphinfection, people who live off welfare don't pay taxes, so what are you complaining about? Do you feel you are speaking on behalf of others. Don't speak on my behalf: I'd much rather pay for this instead of for wars.

Last point: you actually think Bush didn't 'gallivant' all over the country doing fundraisers for the GOP? If you think that, you are exponentially incorrect.

Conservatives will never concede what a fine job the First Lady does in representing our country around the world. Michelle Obama and the girls are received as rock stars around the globe and they do nothing but enhance our global reputation

Can we discuss the global reputation of Republicans?
The global reputation of American Republicans:

I can't understand the repeated outrage of conservatives over the Obama's having the grandmother as part of the family

Conservatives used to boast about their strong family values. Yet they think elderly family members should be just cast aside

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