Mooch off on another overseas vacation on taxpayer dime. Takes kids and mother with her

Really? So a new requirement of presidents and their families should be that they are not allowed to take vacations until the president is out of office?

That's some real freedom right there...

"presidents and their families"???? Hey stupid. The president is not going on this vacation. So what possible justification is there for mooch taking this trip with taxpayer money? THINK
If you provide political officials and political leaders with a set salary and set limits on travel expenditure, then you have to expect they might spend right up to that limit.

While people might not like it, the reality is that the spending is all quite legal, and if the limit is x dollars, they will probably spend x dollars.

Rather than complaining about what the Obama's do with it, it would make more sense to define what the limit should be for future administrations.
The Obama's are multi-millionaires and could wait until they are our of public office so the whole family, including Daddy could travel the world together. Unless Daddy isn't welcome or interested.

Really? So a new requirement of presidents and their families should be that they are not allowed to take vacations until the president is out of office?

That's some real freedom right there...

Read what I stated again very slowly and tell me where I said they weren't allowed to take vacations. If it is too difficult to understand, have someone explain it to you.
this thread is about the abuses of Michelle Obama of us TAXPAYERS.

not only are we supporting her freeloading mother. but we've had to pay for 100's of hers and Obama's gallivanting all over the country to give hateful speech's and gawd know how MANY FUNDRAISERS for their party.

they are classless and losers in my book

LOL You're a classless loser in mine!

BTW, you keep talking about your book. Where can I get a copy? It should be good for a few belly laughs.

The truth is that Mrs. Obama is essentially a diplomatic ambassador for our country around the world. You racist, partisan sickos may not like her, but the rest of the world does, a lot. She is not 'on vacation.' She is working for us to create and improve how others around the world see us: something Bush not only didn't do but destroyed.

And, tiny little minds like yours probably don't realize it, but how the rest of the world perceives us is very, very important. So she is doing important work for the US, including taking her mother with her. The people around the world value family, and taking her mother shows respect for family and elders. What Mrs. Obama is doing is far beyond monetary value.

BTW, Staphinfection, people who live off welfare don't pay taxes, so what are you complaining about? Do you feel you are speaking on behalf of others. Don't speak on my behalf: I'd much rather pay for this instead of for wars.

Last point: you actually think Bush didn't 'gallivant' all over the country doing fundraisers for the GOP? If you think that, you are exponentially incorrect.

Conservatives will never concede what a fine job the First Lady does in representing our country around the world. Michelle Obama and the girls are received as rock stars around the globe and they do nothing but enhance our global reputation

Can we discuss the global reputation of Republicans?
I bet the Secretary of State represents us for far less.
I hope Mrs. Obama experiences great pleasure and excitement during her vacations and her trips overseas, and pays no mind to all these pathetic nobodies who are just hatin' for the sake of hatin'. May her and her family see as much of the world as they Will, and may they develop fond memories of the beautiful things they get to see and learn and experience while away.

YEAH fer sure. why should they care it's OFF taxpayers backs. you all go go go go go
Hell why stop with the mommy. take your whole clan with ya
Did you complain when our first lady and daughters traveled to Africa all those times. How many trips did our first lady take on vacations or good will ambassadors. Did you attack Laura when she made those trips or do you only attack black first ladies?

I don't know how many trips the Bush family made to Africa, but I do wonder how many trips the Obama family has made to Africa. I would think Africa would be a place of interest for African-Americans.
Especially one who was born there.
If you provide political officials and political leaders with a set salary and set limits on travel expenditure, then you have to expect they might spend right up to that limit.

Limit? There is no limit. The obama's are free to steal all they want. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

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