Money makes the world go 'round...


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2004
Columbus, OH
With the costs of Dubbyuh's dirty little war spiralling ever higher, and with less and less to trim from the budget, and Congressional leaders expressing frustration with having to shift funds from one Pentagon account to cover expenses in another, somethings gotta give.

The Administration may actually have to bite the bullet and raise taxes. We are, after all, a nation at "war" and it should be fully expected that each individual bear his and her fair share of the burden. After all, our boys are over there dying...The least we can do is pony up some cash to support them. After all, the greatest risk many of us are taking is getting out of bed in the morning.

But it seems the Administration is content to try and wage war on the cheap which, ultimately, puts our troops at greater risk, and leaves us with no reserves to face other threats that might arise. This, however seems to be of no concern to Dubbyuh and his handlers. They're more intent on the poll numbers and political infighting that in the messy neccessities that arise from the waging of war.
Kerry voted against the 87 billion dollar continued support package(after he voted for it). Kerry is the cheapskate. How did you get so inverted?
Originally posted by Hobbit
Raising taxes will only hurt the economy, ultimately lowering tax revenue. Bush knows this.

I suppose this is the wrong forum to recommend that we give our president a line item veto so he can trim away excess spending. Seems that in wartime that would be a tool to not play war on the cheap, while not raising taxes either.

Since I balanced my checkbook the other day, I feel as smart as the fed.
three fourths of the 87 billion dollars went to pay contractors. kerry and a few others had enough integrity to vote against it. if he wasn't such a wimp he could stand up and turn it into a positive for his campaign. it was just called troop support, idiot. do your homework.
Originally posted by Quad
three fourths of the 87 billion dollars went to pay contractors. kerry and a few others had enough integrity to vote against it. if he wasn't such a wimp he could stand up and turn it into a positive for his campaign. it was just called troop support, idiot. do your homework.

Yes. Contractors providing services for the troops.
Originally posted by Quad
three fourths of the 87 billion dollars went to pay contractors. kerry and a few others had enough integrity to vote against it. if he wasn't such a wimp he could stand up and turn it into a positive for his campaign. it was just called troop support, idiot. do your homework.

I see what you mean. The contractors should have worked for free, idiot!
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Uh Huh...KBR and Haliburton price gouging on fuel and food, to name a couple.

Heck man, it's still the federal government.
Originally posted by insein
Trying to back your way into supporting the troops and bashing bush. Clever but you're still a troll.

The troops are just doing the job that Poppy Bush's idiot son sent them to do. He could, at least, provide the money to let them do it. This ain't a game he's playing...real people are being killed every day. And if he tries to wage war on the cheap, more of our troops are going to come home in body bags than they would have otherwise.

If the truth of this is not evident to you, then you are blind.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
He could, at least, provide the money to let them do it.

Then talk to your lover Kerry and make sure he doesn't vote against funding in the future.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
The troops are just doing the job that Poppy Bush's idiot son sent them to do. He could, at least, provide the money to let them do it. This ain't a game he's playing...real people are being killed every day. And if he tries to wage war on the cheap, more of our troops are going to come home in body bags than they would have otherwise.

If the truth of this is not evident to you, then you are blind.

But kerry voted against the 87 billion in troop support, that yes, was to pay contractors providing services to the troops.

Your guy sucks worse in this regard, so STFU.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
But kerry voted against the 87 billion in troop support, that yes, was to pay contractors providing services to the troops.

Your guy sucks worse in this regard, so STFU.

Yeah, and Dubbyuh ramrodded an $87 billion dollar tax cut package through Congress.

And the horse-faced geek ain't my guy.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Yeah, and Dubbyuh ramrodded an $87 billion dollar tax cut package through Congress.

And the horse-faced geek ain't my guy.

Are you a Naderbator?
Naderbation causes weakness of character. It makes you decadent and shiftless.
nah. contractors rebuilding iraqi civilian structures.

further demonstrating your lack of knowledge about the 87 billion dollars and your succeptability to the punditry of chickenheaded yes-men.

the 87 billion dollars went to building iraqi physical therapy centers, garbage trucks, postal uniforms, etc. it was contractor payments for construction and funding to rebuild the iraqi infastructure.

stuff that bush said we wouldn't have to pay for when congress approved the war and stuff that we wouldn't have to pay for if we had given the weapons inspectors a little more time and agreed to let the UN govern reconstruction.

this is where you stop pretending like you know what the 87 billion dollars were for and move on to something else.

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