Mods and Admins Getting Scarce Around Here...

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Glad someone mentioned it besides me. Every time they get a mod from the pond here, that person no longer posts much. None of them do, actually. I think I see Westwall more than any and that's a good thing but I sure miss the others. AngelsandDemons has real life situations going on (she said if anyone asked to tell you guys that) and as soon as things get settled better, she will be able to post more. The rest of them....rare sightings. Which is too bad cuz I like all of them.

Except for the very rare occasion, I don't take anything that's said here personal.

If I became a mod I'd stop posting. The fun would be over.

What I'd wanna know is ---- would it get rid of that weird chewing thing in your sigline?

That thing gives me the creeps.
The modding/user problem comes up when someone gets a little TOO sensitive.

If someone posts "I don't like blacks," that's really not a problem. And too many people see even the slightest disagreement against their faith as an attack. And so on...

This board is the Wild West. Isn't each and every new member given warning in their introduction threads? Outside of the CDZ and the Lounge things can get hairy. And they will.

The best solutions are to pos/neg good/bad posters, rate threads, and back out of threads that you can't get a grip on. A lot of members avoid certain forums entirely.
Its not about being sensitive, its about every thread being derailed into some sort of nonsense by the same people. Good topics are destroyed and the discussion is dumbed down to personal insults, attacks and racial nonsense. Someone posting 'I don't like blacks' isn't the problem...its when every thread someone posts blacks are inferior, calls someone a fag, calls all Christians dumb asses and so matter what the topic. Its when someone has a different opinion and the ad hominem attacks begin.

This is where the moderators need to step in...or before long, this is going to be a forum that is nothing more than a sounding board for radicals on both sides and an entropic mishmash of vitriol and attacks. Maybe that's what the admin wants, I don't know, but it sure does get old quick.

Yeah, but at the same time, "light" moderation is supposed to be just that: "light" moderation. And it is my experience here that those those derail and heavily insult alot also tend to go way over the line and then they get pinked and so, the problem often solves itself.

CK is right when he mentions that the system tends to correct itself more often than not. How many times was I so upset at something really ugly that a member wrote and was just about to neg him for it, only to refresh the page and see that he (or she) was suddenly pink....
I haven't seen one active poster go pink and I have no desire to neg someone when it has no purpose.
Otherwise, mods are then forced to parse practically every word, because even for very innocuous statements, I bet you can find someone here willing to press the report button, if for no other reason, then out of pure spite. And then that means way too much work for mods for stuff that is, well, Kindergarden stuff.

That's not true. If you get a handle on the nonsense, the 'Kindegarten' stuff will stop. What is the point of having a discussion that is fueled by nothing more than personal attacks and ALWAYS a derailment of the OP? The most common argument here is "you are an idiot", "all democrats are stupid", "all conservatives are racists", "all Christians are dumb", "all blacks are stupid", "faggot" or something along those lines. Posters aren't even creative with their insults, because they don't have to be. Other members see this, and they do it too (I'm guilty)...then the forum turns into nothing but a hate filled flamefest.

I will stick with my previous suggestion, take the badlands out of active topics. To go even further, those posters who continually derail threads and spew personal attacks, send them to the badlands don't have to ban them, just temporarily vanquish them.

I think you might find it to be refreshing when you can actually discuss a topic without wading through the nonsense and ad hominem attacks.

My High School driver's ed teacher gave me some of the best advice of my life:

"If you see someone doing something very stupid and maybe dangerous on the road, do two things: bring yourself out of danger, and LAUGH at the idiot who is causing the problem, so that you don't start making the same mistakes".

That is really, really good advice that he gave me, imo.

We are not in high school.
Glad someone mentioned it besides me. Every time they get a mod from the pond here, that person no longer posts much. None of them do, actually. I think I see Westwall more than any and that's a good thing but I sure miss the others. AngelsandDemons has real life situations going on (she said if anyone asked to tell you guys that) and as soon as things get settled better, she will be able to post more. The rest of them....rare sightings. Which is too bad cuz I like all of them.

Except for the very rare occasion, I don't take anything that's said here personal.

If I became a mod I'd stop posting. The fun would be over.

What I'd wanna know is ---- would it get rid of that weird chewing thing in your sigline?

That thing gives me the creeps.

That's why it's now it shouldn't bug you now that you know.....
If nonstop racial nonsense, attacks on Christianity, personal attacks, posts laden with curse words, and thread hijacking means everything is going along fine...then so be it.

The modding/user problem comes up when someone gets a little TOO sensitive.

If someone posts "I don't like blacks," that's really not a problem. And too many people see even the slightest disagreement against their faith as an attack. And so on...

This board is the Wild West. Isn't each and every new member given warning in their introduction threads? Outside of the CDZ and the Lounge things can get hairy. And they will.

The best solutions are to pos/neg good/bad posters, rate threads, and back out of threads that you can't get a grip on. A lot of members avoid certain forums entirely.
Its not about being sensitive, its about every thread being derailed into some sort of nonsense by the same people. Good topics are destroyed and the discussion is dumbed down to personal insults, attacks and racial nonsense. Someone posting 'I don't like blacks' isn't the problem...its when every thread someone posts blacks are inferior, calls someone a fag, calls all Christians dumb asses and so matter what the topic. Its when someone has a different opinion and the ad hominem attacks begin.

This is where the moderators need to step in...or before long, this is going to be a forum that is nothing more than a sounding board for radicals on both sides and an entropic mishmash of vitriol and attacks. Maybe that's what the admin wants, I don't know, but it sure does get old quick.

Posters have made that comment for as long I've been here yet the board continues onward.

I like that mods generally have a light touch. There are lots of boards that are highly moderated.
The modding/user problem comes up when someone gets a little TOO sensitive.

If someone posts "I don't like blacks," that's really not a problem. And too many people see even the slightest disagreement against their faith as an attack. And so on...

This board is the Wild West. Isn't each and every new member given warning in their introduction threads? Outside of the CDZ and the Lounge things can get hairy. And they will.

The best solutions are to pos/neg good/bad posters, rate threads, and back out of threads that you can't get a grip on. A lot of members avoid certain forums entirely.
Its not about being sensitive, its about every thread being derailed into some sort of nonsense by the same people. Good topics are destroyed and the discussion is dumbed down to personal insults, attacks and racial nonsense. Someone posting 'I don't like blacks' isn't the problem...its when every thread someone posts blacks are inferior, calls someone a fag, calls all Christians dumb asses and so matter what the topic. Its when someone has a different opinion and the ad hominem attacks begin.

This is where the moderators need to step in...or before long, this is going to be a forum that is nothing more than a sounding board for radicals on both sides and an entropic mishmash of vitriol and attacks. Maybe that's what the admin wants, I don't know, but it sure does get old quick.

Posters have made that comment for as long I've been here yet the board continues onward.

I like that mods generally have a light touch. There are lots of boards that are highly moderated.

^ that

True, for the most part. Theres one heavy-handed, maude (IMO) but yeah, this isn't the only board on the interwebz. Delicate flower? Then go to a heavily -mauded board of which there are many. :thup:
... I've been seeing quite a bit of time now where there's no mod at all on the board.

Now if you look RIGHT NOW, there's not only no mod, there's NO ADMIN either. There is NO ONE here to moderate ANYTHING on the board. It's a FREE FOR ALL.

I see a LONG LIST of admins and mods... what are they mods or admins for if they're hardly ever here?

just be glad facist dictater xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx here and finally gone.I considered leaving here many times when I first got here and he was the administrater.He really abused his power.he would come on threads in the conspiracy section and call them idiots without looking at the evidence and addressing it.good riddance.How he ever got to be the administrater here in the first place is beyond me.
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If nonstop racial nonsense, attacks on Christianity, personal attacks, posts laden with curse words, and thread hijacking means everything is going along fine...then so be it.

The modding/user problem comes up when someone gets a little TOO sensitive.

If someone posts "I don't like blacks," that's really not a problem. And too many people see even the slightest disagreement against their faith as an attack. And so on...

This board is the Wild West. Isn't each and every new member given warning in their introduction threads? Outside of the CDZ and the Lounge things can get hairy. And they will.

The best solutions are to pos/neg good/bad posters, rate threads, and back out of threads that you can't get a grip on. A lot of members avoid certain forums entirely.
Its not about being sensitive, its about every thread being derailed into some sort of nonsense by the same people. Good topics are destroyed and the discussion is dumbed down to personal insults, attacks and racial nonsense. Someone posting 'I don't like blacks' isn't the problem...its when every thread someone posts blacks are inferior, calls someone a fag, calls all Christians dumb asses and so matter what the topic. Its when someone has a different opinion and the ad hominem attacks begin.

This is where the moderators need to step in...or before long, this is going to be a forum that is nothing more than a sounding board for radicals on both sides and an entropic mishmash of vitriol and attacks. Maybe that's what the admin wants, I don't know, but it sure does get old quick.

Yes, we try and moderate with a light hand. That being said we can't be everywhere. I am usually on late so play whack a stilhaus kitchen fairly frequently:lol: So by all means when you see a thread problem, REPORT it! You all are the first line of defense here.

We go through EVERY report. We don't always act on them though, we deal with obvious violations and our goal is always the maintenance of the thread. Sometimes that is not possible and we'll close them, but our goal is to maintain them. People who abuse the forum will be dealt with in time. We won't just ban someone because we don't like them. We will build up a body of evidence and then we will act.

Our mandate is to work with you.....not against you.
Passover begins tonight.

Some folks might be busy.


who says we needz any steenkin maudes?


Do you have any spare goat's blood????

psttt...sheep...not goats blood

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