Moderator contact.


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
When you need to contact a moderator, you first have to figure out who the moderators are, and then try to figure out which one might be online before you IM them. Why don't you just use the screen name Mod,and give all the moderators access to it. That way people wouldn't be as likely to try taking care of mod business in the open forum. Think of it as a sock account that all the mods share.
When you need to contact a moderator, you first have to figure out who the moderators are, and then try to figure out which one might be online before you IM them. Why don't you just use the screen name Mod,and give all the moderators access to it. That way people wouldn't be as likely to try taking care of mod business in the open forum. Think of it as a sock account that all the mods share.
Ohhh come on have been here long enough to know who the mods are and how to contact them off the main board....jeeeze thank God you are not on my side.....
When you need to contact a moderator, you first have to figure out who the moderators are, and then try to figure out which one might be online before you IM them. Why don't you just use the screen name Mod,and give all the moderators access to it. That way people wouldn't be as likely to try taking care of mod business in the open forum. Think of it as a sock account that all the mods share.
Ohhh come on have been here long enough to know who the mods are and how to contact them off the main board....jeeeze thank God you are not on my side.....

Of course I know who the mods are. Many don't. One poster even tried to contact them through a thread on the open board today. That happens more often than you might realize. It's just a suggestion to make things easier.
When you need to contact a moderator, you first have to figure out who the moderators are, and then try to figure out which one might be online before you IM them. Why don't you just use the screen name Mod,and give all the moderators access to it. That way people wouldn't be as likely to try taking care of mod business in the open forum. Think of it as a sock account that all the mods share.

Problem is then all our paperwork, notes, records wouldn't identify "who done it" in the mod room..

I've asked Admin several times to put the mod list somewhere more obvious -- Just gonna do it myself. I'll add a Moderator list with the link in sticky section of Announcements.

As far as who is ON -- If we're on duty --- it shows in the right hand panel on the HOME PAGE.. About 1/2 way down.. That's how I figure out which mods are here... It's easy..

I'll go post that list... Thanks...
Evididently, a nice lady called Helen Waite oversees all moderator activities here. Whenever I have had any concerns with moderator overreach, the answer is always the same.

If I want any response to the situation, I can just go to Helen Waite.

When ya send 4 or 6 PMs/hour --- Ya MIGHT HAFTAWAITE... Get it???
When ya send 4 or 6 PMs/hour --- Ya MIGHT HAFTAWAITE... Get it???
When you send 6 to 8 in the same time frame, its all I can do to keep up.

I have long since given up when it comes to words all in caps, though. The current score is flac 916, doggy man 3.
When you need to contact a moderator, you first have to figure out who the moderators are, and then try to figure out which one might be online before you IM them. Why don't you just use the screen name Mod,and give all the moderators access to it. That way people wouldn't be as likely to try taking care of mod business in the open forum. Think of it as a sock account that all the mods share.

Most mods are known and can easily be contacted and the issue anyone might be having would or could be resolved within a day.

Everyone on this board knows each mod and if you do not know them after all these years then that is your own issue.

Usually if you PM a mod it is taken care of and they might respond back via PM or not...

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