Mitts speech on the senate floor.... a lesson to democrats

I heard a story on a Facebook group about a fight for culture in the 1970s how Americans mostly white fought for three days mostly teenagers.. the Latinos that used to harass their sisters and mothers they refused to speak English try to have no go zones on streets the families built.

And for three days in the 1970s white Americans beat the living shit out of Latinos kicked there fucking asses for three days. kids would go home to their parents and their mothers we complain I don’t wanna see son coming home hurt I want to move!

Can you imagine if these women these whiny fucking women supported their sons Effort To protect the American culture in Boston what Boston would look like today.. sad
I hope when all is said and done, white people will finally get the satisfaction of regaining their white pride back. I'm so glad Trump is helping your people feel good again....because in the very near future, you white bastards are gonna be a minority and Karma will come a knocking at your doors...Cant wait to see you eat your first plate of chittlins and greens....LOLOLOLO
You would love to expand your urban slave plantations so wouldn’t you lol

it’s not about race it’s about culture because as I said mostly white, but blacks and assimilated Latinos were on the Americans side
The ONLY reason you moved was because of the color of their skin, so stop lying.
I was one of the very few American families that didn’t move this is why I am the most experienced person when it comes to culture in the world

You were probably one of the first ones to move.
Shit I wish I was! I’d be a lot better off.. now I have this burden to awaken Americans

Are you following the footsteps of JB Stoner
No idea what you’re talking about I’m talking about what I experienced in the inner city of a major city in America

You're a racist, plan and simple.
I was one of the very few American families that didn’t move this is why I am the most experienced person when it comes to culture in the world

You were probably one of the first ones to move.
Shit I wish I was! I’d be a lot better off.. now I have this burden to awaken Americans

Are you following the footsteps of JB Stoner
No idea what you’re talking about I’m talking about what I experienced in the inner city of a major city in America

You're a racist, plan and simple.
If that’s what makes you feel better sure
You were probably one of the first ones to move.
Shit I wish I was! I’d be a lot better off.. now I have this burden to awaken Americans

Are you following the footsteps of JB Stoner
No idea what you’re talking about I’m talking about what I experienced in the inner city of a major city in America

You're a racist, plan and simple.
If that’s what makes you feel better sure

It has nothing to do with how it makes me feel, you are what you are and your post prove it time and time again.
Shit I wish I was! I’d be a lot better off.. now I have this burden to awaken Americans

Are you following the footsteps of JB Stoner
No idea what you’re talking about I’m talking about what I experienced in the inner city of a major city in America

You're a racist, plan and simple.
If that’s what makes you feel better sure

It has nothing to do with how it makes me feel, you are what you are and your post prove it time and time again.
Are the politicians on Chicago racist?
I love hearing the libtards crying. Romney is a piece of shit and his state will through him out of office. Get use to losing. Your going to lose more and more.

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America lost in Nov 2016.

No we didn’t. Only the Democrats and there ignorant followers did. Guess what. You will lose again in November.

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Yes America lost, racist trash won. That's why we vote.

The only racist is the Democrats and there pathetic followers. All the racist groups are left wing losers. You idiots say the same shit over and over thinking if you say it enough we will believe it. You are the racist. You show it with every post.

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Trump is like a mob boss and for some odd strange reason, his comments made today about his hatred of Mitt and Nancy, at that prayer meeting, was kinda like a "signal" to his core cra cra supporters. Its like he put a target on their backs??? I'm feeling kinda uneasy about this guy now, I think Trump is up to something. I hope the Intel community gets it.

Another delusional left wing moron spouting out bullshit.

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God Bless Acquitted Exonerated President Trump.

He wasn't exonerated, Republican senators didn't have the balls to judge him.

The entire idea that President Trump would need to go to the President of Ukraine for special favors to defeat 1% Joe, Slow Joe, Sleepy Joe, Corrupt Joe- whatever you want to call him- is ridiculous and absurd.

He couldn't even beat the 37 year old homo mayor of a small college town.

Finished in 4th place.
Even funnier is that at the time Biden was not even a declared candidate. I guess Trump can see into the future too.

Biden announced his candidacy in April 2019, when did Trump ask Ukraine to investigate the Bidens…...I mean corruption in Ukraine. :abgg2q.jpg:
Listen, unless your some brain dead hick from Who'sville, which most Trump supporters are, we all know the man needs interference help to win anything in life. Because that's what lazy losers do, reach out and corrupt in order to advance in life. But here's the deal, Biden without Trump, is not a good candidate, I mean the man's bus has Malarky pasted all over it, he's so yesterday. (sigh) That shit will not play well in urban areas and I don't care what connections you had or have with Obama.

Asshole. I’m from NJ and more people here like President Trump then the ones that don’t. You make fun of people because your a pathetic brainwashed scumbag. Get use to losing asshole.

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he started his investigation almost 2 yrs before the phone call,,,

that was revealed on rachel maddow,,,

Anything to back that up with.

the rachel maddow show,,,she never lies,,,

Post it.

go look it up,,,

You made the claim, back it up.

He post the video moron. Open your fucking eyes dipshit.

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It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.
Yeah.....Which is why the Trump defense eviscerated that claim.

Unassailable. LOL. Good one.

Dude, you gotta admit (well, you don't have to) that this wasn't really a real trial. It was a "Get Trump off asap" kind of thing. Trump was guilty, by his own words. He admitted to getting the president of Ukraine to help him with the 2020 election against Biden.
The difference being, Trump supporters don't see that as an impeachable offense, because they support the POTUS that did it. Plain and simple.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a stupid law. But it is the law.
But the bribery part of it, isn't a stupid law. And Trump is guilty of that too.
He did no such thing. Where do you people come up with this nonsense? The President of Ukraine didn't even start an investigation into corruption in Ukraine, let alone one onf Biden. Trump never asked him to, either.

Never mind that asking for Ukraine to follow the rules (our law) regarding their reduction of corruption in their country in order to get US aid, the very fact Trump did NOT ask anyone to help him with a political opponent. Even the guy in question said that.

Trump wasn't guilty of anything but winning an election.

The President of Ukraine didn't even start an investigation into corruption in Ukraine because he perceived Donald Trump's demand to be an act of corruption.

Nice lie. Your full of shit. The Ukraine President said there was nothing wrong on the call and the call shows it. You left wing idiots should just move out of the country. Not one person will miss any of you. All you do is lie and and expect people to believe it.

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National Socialist workers party I will never be a democrat

What's it like to wish death on people you don't even know? I can't even fathom that.

I've worked, lived around and been friends with a lot of Mexicans my entire life, who were either here illegal at the moment, or had come here illegally and got their citizenship later on. And I can honestly tell you, that every single one of them are/were hard working, god fearing decent folks. Extremely family oriented. Rarely to do see them getting a divorce. That's with the exception of the youngers Mexicans who've grown up in this country and have become what the old mexicans calls "Americanized."

I can't imagine someone wishing death or injury to those kind of folks. Or what kind of evil mentality it takes to even think that way.
You’re extremely selfish have you seen our American cities go to shit have you seen millions of proud Americans move out of cities taking their American culture with them handing it over to disgusting cultures all because our politicians would not fight for us..

You don’t know what it’s like to have your neighborhood schools flooded with poor illiterate foreigners destroying your American childS education watching the disrespectful culture in front of your face and not being able to do anything about it!
Stop thinking about yourself stop thinking about your few Mexican friends and think about the millions of people that lost their neighborhoods they have deep roots in all because of Latinos all because of Haitians all because of African immigrants. And because of our politicians.. I want them all to pay for the disrespect..

JB Stoner couldn't have said it any better himself. What a crock of shit.
Who? I’m testifying of what I went through.. just facts

The ONLY reason you moved was because of the color of their skin, so stop lying.

Your a racist asshole. You always bring up skin color. My High School was 45% black. Big deal. It’s Assholes like you who give your own kind a bad name

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I know this is already said and my post will disapear.....but until goes.

GOP senator Mitt Romney gave the speech of his life condoning Trump and his fellow senators for acquitting the clown Trump and he did so alone and with a feeling of doom from fellows GOP Trump supporters...BUT THAT'S WHAT BIG MONEY CAN DO AMERICA!!

Big money could give a rats fuck about Trump, his tweets, his supporters, Mitch, the GOP senators, even his home base. He has no one to answer to, but his concious and his will to seek satisfaction from his immortal soul of what is right.

I say this because if Democrats are now left with the people deciding Trumps fate and we are backing a socialist old white man Bernie, who's core supporters are young people wanting gov. handouts and a Gay guy, who's more than qualify, but will turn off 1/3 of our base, BOTH CAN NOT SUSTAIN THEMSELVES WITHOUT SELLING THEIR SOULS TO BIG CORPORATIONAL DONORS. WHO WILL IN FACT ONCE AGAIN, OWN THEM AND US

Obviously you would sell your soul and allow a billionaire to buy the election in order to get rid of trump. All we need to know about your character.

A Trump Humper should never question someone else's character.

The problem is you don’t have facts. Demtards don’t know what facts are. They just lie.

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JB Stoner couldn't have said it any better himself. What a crock of shit.
Who? I’m testifying of what I went through.. just facts

The ONLY reason you moved was because of the color of their skin, so stop lying.
I was one of the very few American families that didn’t move this is why I am the most experienced person when it comes to culture in the world

You were probably one of the first ones to move.
Shit I wish I was! I’d be a lot better off.. now I have this burden to awaken Americans

Don’t even argue with Dumbassbrotha. He wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped him in the face.

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Who? I’m testifying of what I went through.. just facts

The ONLY reason you moved was because of the color of their skin, so stop lying.
I was one of the very few American families that didn’t move this is why I am the most experienced person when it comes to culture in the world

You were probably one of the first ones to move.
Shit I wish I was! I’d be a lot better off.. now I have this burden to awaken Americans

Are you following the footsteps of JB Stoner

Your starting to sound like Al Sharpton. You should be proud.

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I was one of the very few American families that didn’t move this is why I am the most experienced person when it comes to culture in the world

You were probably one of the first ones to move.
Shit I wish I was! I’d be a lot better off.. now I have this burden to awaken Americans

Are you following the footsteps of JB Stoner
No idea what you’re talking about I’m talking about what I experienced in the inner city of a major city in America

You're a racist, plan and simple.

You didn’t even grow up in an inner city. I grew up in an inner city. Your a racist piece of shit and you know it because all you do is call everyone who doesn’t agree with your ignorant ass a racist.

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Shit I wish I was! I’d be a lot better off.. now I have this burden to awaken Americans

Are you following the footsteps of JB Stoner
No idea what you’re talking about I’m talking about what I experienced in the inner city of a major city in America

You're a racist, plan and simple.
If that’s what makes you feel better sure

It has nothing to do with how it makes me feel, you are what you are and your post prove it time and time again.

Now that’s the pot calling the kettle black. Coming from the biggest racist here. Superdunbfuck

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I have seen more Americans, born and raised, commit more atrocities on other Americans, than I have seen foreigner do it.
When was the last time you heard about a Mexican man raping his child?
I want to make it clear I didn’t read past this.

So 80% of the females coming across the southern border have been raped by Mexicans. Thousands of illegals were arrested last year by ice for sexual assaults..

I can’t debate someone who’s completely uninformed.. enjoy your Mexicans retard lol

Illegal Aliens Were Responsible For Over 48,000 Assault Offenses In 2017
Let me tell you who's not giving Illegals jobs....its not the poor black guy down the street, the trailer trash white girl up the street. Its not Asian's who can barely speak a sentence. Its Small business owning white Harry and his wife Louise and its Wall Street fat cats like Trump. So if you want point blame, find a fuckin mirror white people and say Hi!!

Trump hires migrant workers every year, instead of Americans.
I have seen more Americans, born and raised, commit more atrocities on other Americans, than I have seen foreigner do it.
When was the last time you heard about a Mexican man raping his child?
I want to make it clear I didn’t read past this.

So 80% of the females coming across the southern border have been raped by Mexicans. Thousands of illegals were arrested last year by ice for sexual assaults..

I can’t debate someone who’s completely uninformed.. enjoy your Mexicans retard lol

Illegal Aliens Were Responsible For Over 48,000 Assault Offenses In 2017
Let me tell you who's not giving Illegals jobs....its not the poor black guy down the street, the trailer trash white girl up the street. Its not Asian's who can barely speak a sentence. Its Small business owning white Harry and his wife Louise and its Wall Street fat cats like Trump. So if you want point blame, find a fuckin mirror white people and say Hi!!

Trump hires migrant workers every year, instead of Americans.
Trumps business do,, trump didn’t interview any illegal if you have proof show a link
I have seen more Americans, born and raised, commit more atrocities on other Americans, than I have seen foreigner do it.
When was the last time you heard about a Mexican man raping his child?
I want to make it clear I didn’t read past this.

So 80% of the females coming across the southern border have been raped by Mexicans. Thousands of illegals were arrested last year by ice for sexual assaults..

I can’t debate someone who’s completely uninformed.. enjoy your Mexicans retard lol

Illegal Aliens Were Responsible For Over 48,000 Assault Offenses In 2017
Let me tell you who's not giving Illegals jobs....its not the poor black guy down the street, the trailer trash white girl up the street. Its not Asian's who can barely speak a sentence. Its Small business owning white Harry and his wife Louise and its Wall Street fat cats like Trump. So if you want point blame, find a fuckin mirror white people and say Hi!!

Trump hires migrant workers every year, instead of Americans.

Congress should make a law.
Are you following the footsteps of JB Stoner
No idea what you’re talking about I’m talking about what I experienced in the inner city of a major city in America

You're a racist, plan and simple.
If that’s what makes you feel better sure

It has nothing to do with how it makes me feel, you are what you are and your post prove it time and time again.

Now that’s the pot calling the kettle black. Coming from the biggest racist here. Superdunbfuck

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elongdumbass shut your mouth and let your ass talk, because that bullshit you have spewed the last 9 post came right out of your ass. You've got a alligator mouth with a humming bird ass.

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