Mitt Romney Warns Taxing Billionaires Will Cause Them To Buy Paintings Instead Of Stocks


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Republican freakouts over taxes is nothing new since they've been doing it since 1980, but what is new are the ridiculous claims they make to try and screw the working class of this country. Romney immediately lied on Bret Baier's Fox News show when he said the Build Back Better Democratic legislation was not popular with the American people.

It certainly is. Especially taxing the very wealthy, of which Mitt Romney is a member. But his lies didn't stop there. Romney said,
"It's not a good idea to tax billionaires -- they're gonna look at it and say I don't wanna invest in the stock market because as that goes up I'm gonna get taxed -- so maybe I will instead invest in a ranch or in paintings or things that don't build jobs"

Reminder...this was the guy GOP voters were gung-ho about nominating and voting to be president less than 10 years ago....I wonder if conservatives will ever get tired of fearmongering about what billionaires will do if they are taxed.
My largest investment is my house...that is where most of my wealth is....when my property value goes up, my taxes go it is insane to me that a guy who has a fucking elevator in his house for his cars believes that the wealthy shouldn't pay taxes on their wealth....trickle-down economics is not a thing, it doesn't work..never has...

But as much as the GOP base hates Mitt ....he knows that they will always be cheerleaders and worshipers of those with wealth.....even if it means voting against their own best interests....all for the sake of feeling like they belong to the team...
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"Republican freakouts over taxes is nothing new since they've been doing it since 1980, but what is new are the ridiculous claims they make to try and screw the working class of this country. Romney immediately lied on Bret Baier's Fox News show when he said the Build Back Better Democratic legislation was not popular with the American people.

It certainly is. Especially taxing the very wealthy, of which Mitt Romney is a member. But his lies didn't stop there. Romney said,
"It's not a good idea to tax billionaires -- they're gonna look at it and say I don't wanna invest in the stock market because as that goes up I'm gonna get taxed -- so maybe I will instead invest in a ranch or in paintings or things that don't build jobs"

Reminder...this was the guy GOP voters were gung-ho about nominating and voting to be president less than 10 years ago....I wonder if conservatives will ever get tired of fearmongering about what billionaires will do if they are taxed.
My largest investment is my house...that is where most of my wealth is....when my property value goes up, my taxes go it is insane to me that a guy who has a fucking elevator in his house for his cars believes that the wealthy shouldn't pay taxes on their wealth....trickle-down economics is not a thing, it doesn't work..never has...

But as much as the GOP base hates Mitt ....he knows that they will always be cheerleaders and worshipers of those with wealth.....even if it means voting against their own best interests....all for the sake of feeling like they belong to the team...
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I was at byu with romney. I remember johnny miller the golfer, but don't remember romney

"Republican freakouts over taxes is nothing new since they've been doing it since 1980, but what is new are the ridiculous claims they make to try and screw the working class of this country. Romney immediately lied on Bret Baier's Fox News show when he said the Build Back Better Democratic legislation was not popular with the American people.

It certainly is. Especially taxing the very wealthy, of which Mitt Romney is a member. But his lies didn't stop there. Romney said,
"It's not a good idea to tax billionaires -- they're gonna look at it and say I don't wanna invest in the stock market because as that goes up I'm gonna get taxed -- so maybe I will instead invest in a ranch or in paintings or things that don't build jobs"

Reminder...this was the guy GOP voters were gung-ho about nominating and voting to be president less than 10 years ago....I wonder if conservatives will ever get tired of fearmongering about what billionaires will do if they are taxed.
My largest investment is my house...that is where most of my wealth is....when my property value goes up, my taxes go it is insane to me that a guy who has a fucking elevator in his house for his cars believes that the wealthy shouldn't pay taxes on their wealth....trickle-down economics is not a thing, it doesn't work..never has...

But as much as the GOP base hates Mitt ....he knows that they will always be cheerleaders and worshipers of those with wealth.....even if it means voting against their own best interests....all for the sake of feeling like they belong to the team...
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What he was addressing was taxing people on unrealized gains and his expression of concern about what happens tax wise when the values go down is a legitimate concern as that would be an unrealized loss. It is one thing to talk about top rates. It another to tax people in a way that had never been done before at the federal level.
Funny thing is that employee expenses and the costs of creating job is already tax-deductible ... see Schedule C (to the Form 1040); lines 14, 19 and 26 for writing off employee expenses ... and Form 4562 for writing off job creation costs ...

... and ... sadly ... the OP is wrong ... it doesn't matter if we buy stocks or art ... if we sell it for more than we bought it for, we'll pay capital gain taxes on the difference ... the advantage is that the capital gain tax rate is about half the earning income rate, and is free of social security taxes ...

Bubba didn't finish Middle School ... he doesn't understand he pays 1/3 his income in taxes, and I don't, so to him this is fair ... many share this American Dream, making some other moron pay our fair share of the tax load ...
Democrats will chase innovators away. Talk to other countries that have tried this, and they'll tell you, the billionaires simply moved away to greener pastures. Democrats apparently would rather see tomorrow's innovations come from foreign countries.

"Republican freakouts over taxes is nothing new since they've been doing it since 1980, but what is new are the ridiculous claims they make to try and screw the working class of this country. Romney immediately lied on Bret Baier's Fox News show when he said the Build Back Better Democratic legislation was not popular with the American people.

It certainly is. Especially taxing the very wealthy, of which Mitt Romney is a member. But his lies didn't stop there. Romney said,
"It's not a good idea to tax billionaires -- they're gonna look at it and say I don't wanna invest in the stock market because as that goes up I'm gonna get taxed -- so maybe I will instead invest in a ranch or in paintings or things that don't build jobs"

Reminder...this was the guy GOP voters were gung-ho about nominating and voting to be president less than 10 years ago....I wonder if conservatives will ever get tired of fearmongering about what billionaires will do if they are taxed.
My largest investment is my house...that is where most of my wealth is....when my property value goes up, my taxes go it is insane to me that a guy who has a fucking elevator in his house for his cars believes that the wealthy shouldn't pay taxes on their wealth....trickle-down economics is not a thing, it doesn't work..never has...

But as much as the GOP base hates Mitt ....he knows that they will always be cheerleaders and worshipers of those with wealth.....even if it means voting against their own best interests....all for the sake of feeling like they belong to the team...
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Wealthy people always figure a way to say Fuck You Libturd Tax Eaters and find another way

Libturd disasters
Democrats will chase innovators away. Talk to other countries that have tried this, and they'll tell you, the billionaires simply moved away to greener pastures. Democrats apparently would rather see tomorrow's innovations come from foreign countries.
They don't want innovators, they want dumb asses..................Won't work
Knowing mittens, this is his dog whistle to get in on some of this Hunter Biden artwork grift. I guess drawing pictures with your dick while on a meth binge is the new standard for multi-million dollar classic art.

For an extra $500K Hunted will draw stick figures in the body fluids of a 10-year old he just raped. It must be fun being a soulless democrat.
Here's what is guaranteed to happen. And when it does, just remember the party that caused it.

The wealth tax is a terrible idea.

Even the most oppressive tax regimes in Europe (like Sweden and Denmark, where the top tax bracket is 63% and capital gains are taxed at 43%) have abandoned the wealth tax.

That’s right, even the most ardent, socialist countries realized that a wealth tax doesn’t work. As a matter of fact, nine countries in Europe abandoned the tax.

Why? Because people were leaving in droves to avoid paying the oppressive levy.

In France, 513 wealthy households left the country every year for 35 years because they were tired of paying a wealth tax – taking an estimated $175 billion of assets with them.

But when the wealth leave, they take more than their money… they also stop investing and creating jobs.

So France also lost 400,000 jobs (adding 2% to unemployment)

Even worse, Sweden raised $500 million with their wealth tax, but lost $166 billion from capital leaving the country.

The wealth tax simply does not work. In fact, it hurts any country that imposes one, because…

Rich people are excellent at legally avoiding taxes. And they’re also the most mobile.

How much is provided to the WalMart family?
How much to Jeff Bezos?

Trillions. How much has the stock market rose since 2008? It isn't because the economy has been so great. It's because of the trillions that have been pumped into it.
Trillions. How much has the stock market rose since 2008? It isn't because the economy has been so great. It's because of the trillions that have been pumped into it.

Who provided trillions to them? How?

How much has the stock market rose since 2008?

A lot.


It isn't because the economy has been so great. It's because of the trillions that have been pumped into it.

And that's why we need a wealth tax, because the Fed?
Democrats will chase innovators away. Talk to other countries that have tried this, and they'll tell you, the billionaires simply moved away to greener pastures. Democrats apparently would rather see tomorrow's innovations come from foreign countries.

He just will force them to buy his trillions in bonds instead of stocks and our 401K's will go to hell.

"Republican freakouts over taxes is nothing new since they've been doing it since 1980, but what is new are the ridiculous claims they make to try and screw the working class of this country. Romney immediately lied on Bret Baier's Fox News show when he said the Build Back Better Democratic legislation was not popular with the American people.

It certainly is. Especially taxing the very wealthy, of which Mitt Romney is a member. But his lies didn't stop there. Romney said,
"It's not a good idea to tax billionaires -- they're gonna look at it and say I don't wanna invest in the stock market because as that goes up I'm gonna get taxed -- so maybe I will instead invest in a ranch or in paintings or things that don't build jobs"

Reminder...this was the guy GOP voters were gung-ho about nominating and voting to be president less than 10 years ago....I wonder if conservatives will ever get tired of fearmongering about what billionaires will do if they are taxed.
My largest investment is my house...that is where most of my wealth is....when my property value goes up, my taxes go it is insane to me that a guy who has a fucking elevator in his house for his cars believes that the wealthy shouldn't pay taxes on their wealth....trickle-down economics is not a thing, it doesn't work..never has...

But as much as the GOP base hates Mitt ....he knows that they will always be cheerleaders and worshipers of those with wealth.....even if it means voting against their own best interests....all for the sake of feeling like they belong to the team...
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So we've moved on from this guy.....but you folks want to still use him to attack us?
Talk about defining the meaning of "Beating A Dead Horse".
So we've moved on from this guy.....but you folks want to still use him to attack us?
Talk about defining the meaning of "Beating A Dead Horse".
You haven't moved on from him....

The same goofy ass arguments to justify fucking over the middle class to lavish luxuries on the privileged few is the same goofy shit you are still committed to....

You want to move on from him -- stop advocating for the same shit he advocates for

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