Mitt Romney: The Me Too Man of Peace!


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
"You can't kill our way out of this mess!"

Oh gosh..really?

Now he's more peace, love and granola then Obama?

Etch-A-Sketch strikes AGAIN!!!


What we just saw..was Romney "capture" Obama's foreign policy.

This might very well blow up in his face.
What we just saw..was Romney "capture" Obama's foreign policy.

This might very well blow up in his face.

you are right he captured it, but Romney turned it inside out and showed the people what its about and its high time people saw Obama for what he is.

You know better than to expect a HUGE diff in Foreign policy between Dem/Rep choices. We always seem to have EXCESSIVELY bad judgement regardless of Admin in this one area.

Somehow -- when they are sworn in and briefed as to how screwed up our "secret" foreign entanglements and commitments go --- they all behave the same..
What the hell.

Most of the time was spent on the middle east.

About 10 minutes on China....

Not a frigging thing on Europe.

This was a foreign policy debate ?
Dear Sallow,

I agree, I agree, I agree. Not only do I agree with the OP; I am simultaneously doing a Willard debate recap. ;)

Regards from Rosie
Romney wasn't there to serve conservatives red meat tonight.

He was there to give hope to the former Obama sheeple that there is a better path.
Romney agreed with everything Obama said, and the USMB Republicans spin it into a Romney win. Freakin' classic. :laugh2:
Romney agreed with everything Obama said, and the USMB Republicans spin it into a Romney win. Freakin' classic. :laugh2:

Let me dumb it down for you.

From that CNN poll... 63% said Obama qualified on foreign policy.. 60% say Romney qualified on foreign policy.

A tie is a MASSIVE win for Romney, since he scores 2-to-1 better on the economy.

Barry be toast.
Romney agreed with everything Obama said, and the USMB Republicans spin it into a Romney win. Freakin' classic. :laugh2:

Let me dumb it down for you.

From that CNN poll... 63% said Obama qualified on foreign policy.. 60% say Romney qualified on foreign policy.

A tie is a MASSIVE win for Romney, since he scores 2-to-1 better on the economy.

Barry be toast.

Your guy agreeing with almost everything Obama said is a tie? You obviously don't know what the word debate means.
"You can't kill our way out of this mess!"

Oh gosh..really?

Now he's more peace, love and granola then Obama?

Etch-A-Sketch strikes AGAIN!!!



Swallow is back......ding ding....lets get it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and republicans dont get in nearly as many wars as it's not suprising he doesnt like war...he wants to keep the military large enough so we dont have to go to's a concept you wouldnt understand though

You know better than to expect a HUGE diff in Foreign policy between Dem/Rep choices. We always seem to have EXCESSIVELY bad judgement regardless of Admin in this one area.

Somehow -- when they are sworn in and briefed as to how screwed up our "secret" foreign entanglements and commitments go --- they all behave the same..

I know better?

Yeah..I do know better. I watched the Republican primary debates.

Romney completely did a 180.
"You can't kill our way out of this mess!"

Oh gosh..really?

Now he's more peace, love and granola then Obama?

Etch-A-Sketch strikes AGAIN!!!



Swallow is back......ding ding....lets get it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and republicans dont get in nearly as many wars as it's not suprising he doesnt like war...he wants to keep the military large enough so we dont have to go to's a concept you wouldnt understand though

Still projecting your faggotness I see.

No can't swallow my jiz.

But guess what?

DJ High Tek? Still wants ya.


You know better than to expect a HUGE diff in Foreign policy between Dem/Rep choices. We always seem to have EXCESSIVELY bad judgement regardless of Admin in this one area.

Somehow -- when they are sworn in and briefed as to how screwed up our "secret" foreign entanglements and commitments go --- they all behave the same..

I know better?

Yeah..I do know better. I watched the Republican primary debates.

Romney completely did a 180.

Romney has multiple answers for every question posed.

You know better than to expect a HUGE diff in Foreign policy between Dem/Rep choices. We always seem to have EXCESSIVELY bad judgement regardless of Admin in this one area.

Somehow -- when they are sworn in and briefed as to how screwed up our "secret" foreign entanglements and commitments go --- they all behave the same..

I know better?

Yeah..I do know better. I watched the Republican primary debates.

Romney completely did a 180.

Romney has multiple answers for every question posed.

Of course he does.

Etch-a-sketch doesn't cover it.

But Obama's line about bayonents and horses? From 1916?


Romney got torn up tonight..big time.

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