Zen Bonobo
If Mitt were a Lutheran, he would be a walk over above the rest of that field. He is the least nauseous theist among those contenders. Still and all, he is a theist with an inner agenda that would tinge everything he touches. To leave any part of a Republican administration intact that has done the deeds of the past 7 years or so would be a major mistake for the voting public whether they are party stalwarts, independents or crafty swing voters.
John Kennedy to his credit, made common cause with the American religist of the waning Eisenhower years. His religious expression was quite orthodox for his day and had a long history of accommodation within the body of mainstream churches. It was the time of the John Roncalli Papacy which brought my mother the reforms of Vatican II. She was little changed or affected in her ways of piety, just as John Kennedy was. The Kennedy's were an American family of Irish descent. They were Irish Catholics. As such they were not submissive to the crown or the Church of England. They were outcast in the British Isles.
Mitt and his immediate ancestors were outcasts in their own country. They have a history of being a little strange. They are essentially a sect that has parallels with the development of Islam in that their patriarch had visions, received new scripture and condoned polygamist unions. Their way and abrasiveness had them driven out of many towns of the Eastern states and they continued to be driven until they arrived in the vicinity of the great inland Salt Lake and they establish their new Galilee.
Mitt could be the savior of the reformed Republic. I am put off by his high flown visions of the strength of the nation being in its ability to coerce the world by way of our big bombs and willingness to use them. All the while there is an internal erosion of justice and shared benefits of nationhood among the people in the United States and its feeder nations in non-US America. We are still driving off indigenous peoples from forests, mountains and basins in the Americas that contain vital substances that we (the US) wants, no DEMANDS. Mitt will continue to be part of that.
The Kennedy clan came to wealth and power despite, no in spite of their theism of choice. The result was that Joseph P. sent two sons to war. One was vaporized at the controls of a bomber and the other returned a hero of the Pacific. Mitt, sends his sons to the Mormon Mission field in relatively safe places.
The whole ruling elite of the US has become very much like the situation that prevailed among the pre-Columbian civilizations of the Americas. Those elites needed and need now, blood sacrifices of other peoples kids. They are the temple elite. They are the remnants of a powerful but weakening Temple/Tabernacle Culture.
Mitt made a good case and said the right things about the freedom of religion and the religion of freedom. Still, my senses that were developed in my military training and my meat hunting youth, are stimulating the follicles on the back of my neck. Politicians are the remnant of the hunter mentality. I remain wary. I will not be hunted. I will continue to hide in the brush and tree lines as my fellows are lured into the killing fields for their votes.
I love hyperbole. Especially if I may turn it on those with whom I must contend.
John Kennedy to his credit, made common cause with the American religist of the waning Eisenhower years. His religious expression was quite orthodox for his day and had a long history of accommodation within the body of mainstream churches. It was the time of the John Roncalli Papacy which brought my mother the reforms of Vatican II. She was little changed or affected in her ways of piety, just as John Kennedy was. The Kennedy's were an American family of Irish descent. They were Irish Catholics. As such they were not submissive to the crown or the Church of England. They were outcast in the British Isles.
Mitt and his immediate ancestors were outcasts in their own country. They have a history of being a little strange. They are essentially a sect that has parallels with the development of Islam in that their patriarch had visions, received new scripture and condoned polygamist unions. Their way and abrasiveness had them driven out of many towns of the Eastern states and they continued to be driven until they arrived in the vicinity of the great inland Salt Lake and they establish their new Galilee.
Mitt could be the savior of the reformed Republic. I am put off by his high flown visions of the strength of the nation being in its ability to coerce the world by way of our big bombs and willingness to use them. All the while there is an internal erosion of justice and shared benefits of nationhood among the people in the United States and its feeder nations in non-US America. We are still driving off indigenous peoples from forests, mountains and basins in the Americas that contain vital substances that we (the US) wants, no DEMANDS. Mitt will continue to be part of that.
The Kennedy clan came to wealth and power despite, no in spite of their theism of choice. The result was that Joseph P. sent two sons to war. One was vaporized at the controls of a bomber and the other returned a hero of the Pacific. Mitt, sends his sons to the Mormon Mission field in relatively safe places.
The whole ruling elite of the US has become very much like the situation that prevailed among the pre-Columbian civilizations of the Americas. Those elites needed and need now, blood sacrifices of other peoples kids. They are the temple elite. They are the remnants of a powerful but weakening Temple/Tabernacle Culture.
Mitt made a good case and said the right things about the freedom of religion and the religion of freedom. Still, my senses that were developed in my military training and my meat hunting youth, are stimulating the follicles on the back of my neck. Politicians are the remnant of the hunter mentality. I remain wary. I will not be hunted. I will continue to hide in the brush and tree lines as my fellows are lured into the killing fields for their votes.
I love hyperbole. Especially if I may turn it on those with whom I must contend.