Mitt Romney 'formally not invited' to CPAC after impeachment vote on witnesses

I don't think they are pissing off anybody. Romney has been a problem for many years. Even if he switched parties, I don't think it would hurt Republicans one bit, especially if we got a real Republican to take his place.

What are "real" republicans? Why can't the republican party have diverse ideology while still supporting the party platform? Don't you think it's important to have representatives that can work across the aisle. To require all members be in lock step doesn't seem like it would promote democracy but rather the opposite. That's kinda scary.

Well WTF do you think the Democrat party is all about? It's only recently there have been some new problems because of the Socialists. But look how they voted yesterday, and as I said, same with Clinton. Clinton clearly committed a crime higher than a misdemeanor, and yet five Republicans still voted against throwing him out of office.

As always, Rush is right. Rush repeatedly said there is no getting along with the Democrats. They see us as their worst enemy. The only way to get along with Democrats is to do things their way whether they are in power or not. So don't even try.

Reagan learned the hard way, Trump is learning the hard way, and there is no middle ground between good and evil.
Wow..what a sad post. You see the world as black and white and it is not that way, Rush has been spewing his brand of hate for the past thirty years. It shows. People like you have bought into his brand of garbage without question. I guess you missed all the times that Rush said he was an entertainer. An entertainer who makes tens of millions off of the gullible.

Yes, he is an entertainer. So what? That doesn't mean what he says isn't the truth. He's absolutely correct on so many things while still entertaining at the same time.
The more outrageous Rush is, the more money he makes. The more angry people get, the more they tune in, the more money he makes. Think about it.

Not at all. Years ago I was ignorant about politics. I didn't care much about it. As I got older and into my early 30's, I started to pay more attention.

One day at a family doing, my father and I were arguing about politics; our favorite pastime Dad and son thing we did. My then brother-in-law was helping my sister bring dinner to the table. As he listened on, he said "You must be a diehard Rush fan" as he chuckled. I had no idea WTF he was even talking about. Rush? That's one of my favorite bands out of Canada!!!!

Some time went by, and the Democrats did something (I forget what now) that really pissed me off. I recalled the comment my brother-in-law made to me months ago, and found this Rush guy.

I was amazed. It was like my thoughts were being amplified over the radio. Unlike the left who are slaves to NPR and CNN, Rush didn't tell me what to think, he broadcast what I've been thinking all along, and from that time, I was a fan. It's that way with most of his listeners.
I know who Jim "Traficant" is. He was entertaining as hell.
Just like Trump. Who’d figure that Trump supporters and Trafficant supporters were one in the same. I’ll have to remember this. It says a helluva lot. Corruption is secondary to the entertainment value they provide.
Hey Dummy, learn to read. I never said I supported him. I simply said he was entertaining.

Are you really this dumb, or is it an act?
Hey dumbass where did I say you were?
In the post I quoted, moron.

Right here:

Just like Trump. Who’d figure that Trump supporters and Trafficant supporters were one in the same. I’ll have to remember this. It says a helluva lot. Corruption is secondary to the entertainment value they provide.
So what...Idiot. You said he was entertaining I said like Trump. What you insecure mind reads into it afterward is your psychological issue. Where Di I say Nosepick is a Trafficant supporter?
You claimed I supported him.

You have been caught in yet another lie, idiot.:5_1_12024:
Trying to play appeasement patty cake with Trump lynching Democrats has consequences
What are "real" republicans? Why can't the republican party have diverse ideology while still supporting the party platform? Don't you think it's important to have representatives that can work across the aisle. To require all members be in lock step doesn't seem like it would promote democracy but rather the opposite. That's kinda scary.

Well WTF do you think the Democrat party is all about? It's only recently there have been some new problems because of the Socialists. But look how they voted yesterday, and as I said, same with Clinton. Clinton clearly committed a crime higher than a misdemeanor, and yet five Republicans still voted against throwing him out of office.

As always, Rush is right. Rush repeatedly said there is no getting along with the Democrats. They see us as their worst enemy. The only way to get along with Democrats is to do things their way whether they are in power or not. So don't even try.

Reagan learned the hard way, Trump is learning the hard way, and there is no middle ground between good and evil.
Wow..what a sad post. You see the world as black and white and it is not that way, Rush has been spewing his brand of hate for the past thirty years. It shows. People like you have bought into his brand of garbage without question. I guess you missed all the times that Rush said he was an entertainer. An entertainer who makes tens of millions off of the gullible.

Yes, he is an entertainer. So what? That doesn't mean what he says isn't the truth. He's absolutely correct on so many things while still entertaining at the same time.
The more outrageous Rush is, the more money he makes. The more angry people get, the more they tune in, the more money he makes. Think about it.

Not at all. Years ago I was ignorant about politics. I didn't care much about it. As I got older and into my early 30's, I started to pay more attention.

One day at a family doing, my father and I were arguing about politics; our favorite pastime Dad and son thing we did. My then brother-in-law was helping my sister bring dinner to the table. As he listened on, he said "You must be a diehard Rush fan" as he chuckled. I had no idea WTF he was even talking about. Rush? That's one of my favorite bands out of Canada!!!!

Some time went by, and the Democrats did something (I forget what now) that really pissed me off. I recalled the comment my brother-in-law made to me months ago, and found this Rush guy.

I was amazed. It was like my thoughts were being amplified over the radio. Unlike the left who are slaves to NPR and CNN, Rush didn't tell me what to think, he broadcast what I've been thinking all along, and from that time, I was a fan. It's that way with most of his listeners.

It sounds like you are agreeing.
Not sure if there was a thread on this yet or not, I didn't see one in Politics.

Judging by reactions online, there are a number of conservatives who are angry:

Mitt Romney 'formally not invited' to CPAC after impeachment vote on witnesses

The chairman of CPAC announced that Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is "formally not invited" to the conservative group's annual conference this year.

Matt Schlapp, the head of the American Conservative Union, said Romney is not allowed at the event after the Utah Republican voted in favor of summoning witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump. Romney was one of two Republicans who joined 47 Democrats in supporting the motion, which failed to pass on Friday.

"BREAKING: The 'extreme conservative' and Junior Senator from the great state of Utah, @SenatorRomney is formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020," Schlapp wrote in a tweet, which featured a photo of a troubled-looking Romney.

As I said the other day Romney should make it official and switch parties to Democrat then moved his useless ass to California because the mormons won't have him anymore. San Fagcisco would better suit the asshole where there'll be more of his kind around like Pelosi, Harris etc. Or maybe LA where he can hob-nob with Baggy Lips Waters and Schiff for brains.

I'd say he's more of an Independent these days. He still believes in the traditional republican platform which the trump republicans no longer believe in.
You have it backwards . It is Trump who is an independent, not Romney.

By your own admission, it is Romney who wants the same old same old, so he couldn't possibly be considered at all independent.

We will have to disagree. Trump is not an independent. He is attempting to convert america from a republic to an authoritarian country where everyone must do exactly as he demands or he will crush them. I'm just waiting for him to start having his opponents and those who speak out against him assassinated. I imagine that will be coming soon since the senate republicans have said he can do whatever he wants without recourse.
You think he is going to have people assassinated?

Did you skip your pills this morning or something?
What are "real" republicans? Why can't the republican party have diverse ideology while still supporting the party platform? Don't you think it's important to have representatives that can work across the aisle. To require all members be in lock step doesn't seem like it would promote democracy but rather the opposite. That's kinda scary.

Well WTF do you think the Democrat party is all about? It's only recently there have been some new problems because of the Socialists. But look how they voted yesterday, and as I said, same with Clinton. Clinton clearly committed a crime higher than a misdemeanor, and yet five Republicans still voted against throwing him out of office.

As always, Rush is right. Rush repeatedly said there is no getting along with the Democrats. They see us as their worst enemy. The only way to get along with Democrats is to do things their way whether they are in power or not. So don't even try.

Reagan learned the hard way, Trump is learning the hard way, and there is no middle ground between good and evil.
Wow..what a sad post. You see the world as black and white and it is not that way, Rush has been spewing his brand of hate for the past thirty years. It shows. People like you have bought into his brand of garbage without question. I guess you missed all the times that Rush said he was an entertainer. An entertainer who makes tens of millions off of the gullible.

Yes, he is an entertainer. So what? That doesn't mean what he says isn't the truth. He's absolutely correct on so many things while still entertaining at the same time.
The more outrageous Rush is, the more money he makes. The more angry people get, the more they tune in, the more money he makes. Think about it.

Not at all. Years ago I was ignorant about politics. I didn't care much about it. As I got older and into my early 30's, I started to pay more attention.

One day at a family doing, my father and I were arguing about politics; our favorite pastime Dad and son thing we did. My then brother-in-law was helping my sister bring dinner to the table. As he listened on, he said "You must be a diehard Rush fan" as he chuckled. I had no idea WTF he was even talking about. Rush? That's one of my favorite bands out of Canada!!!!

Some time went by, and the Democrats did something (I forget what now) that really pissed me off. I recalled the comment my brother-in-law made to me months ago, and found this Rush guy.

I was amazed. It was like my thoughts were being amplified over the radio. Unlike the left who are slaves to NPR and CNN, Rush didn't tell me what to think, he broadcast what I've been thinking all along, and from that time, I was a fan. It's that way with most of his listeners.

Rush tells how his listeners to think every day. His broadcast is pure opinion. Rush is entertaining I will give him that. But don’t confuse his opinion for news.
Not sure if there was a thread on this yet or not, I didn't see one in Politics.

Judging by reactions online, there are a number of conservatives who are angry:

Mitt Romney 'formally not invited' to CPAC after impeachment vote on witnesses

The chairman of CPAC announced that Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is "formally not invited" to the conservative group's annual conference this year.

Matt Schlapp, the head of the American Conservative Union, said Romney is not allowed at the event after the Utah Republican voted in favor of summoning witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump. Romney was one of two Republicans who joined 47 Democrats in supporting the motion, which failed to pass on Friday.

"BREAKING: The 'extreme conservative' and Junior Senator from the great state of Utah, @SenatorRomney is formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020," Schlapp wrote in a tweet, which featured a photo of a troubled-looking Romney.

As I said the other day Romney should make it official and switch parties to Democrat then moved his useless ass to California because the mormons won't have him anymore. San Fagcisco would better suit the asshole where there'll be more of his kind around like Pelosi, Harris etc. Or maybe LA where he can hob-nob with Baggy Lips Waters and Schiff for brains.

I'd say he's more of an Independent these days. He still believes in the traditional republican platform which the trump republicans no longer believe in.
You have it backwards . It is Trump who is an independent, not Romney.

By your own admission, it is Romney who wants the same old same old, so he couldn't possibly be considered at all independent.

We will have to disagree. Trump is not an independent. He is attempting to convert america from a republic to an authoritarian country where everyone must do exactly as he demands or he will crush them. I'm just waiting for him to start having his opponents and those who speak out against him assassinated. I imagine that will be coming soon since the senate republicans have said he can do whatever he wants without recourse.
You think he is going to have people assassinated?

Did you skip your pills this morning or something?

I think Trump is capable of anything considering his history and recent actions. Your other comment isn't worth addressing.
Not sure if there was a thread on this yet or not, I didn't see one in Politics.

Judging by reactions online, there are a number of conservatives who are angry:

Mitt Romney 'formally not invited' to CPAC after impeachment vote on witnesses

The chairman of CPAC announced that Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is "formally not invited" to the conservative group's annual conference this year.

Matt Schlapp, the head of the American Conservative Union, said Romney is not allowed at the event after the Utah Republican voted in favor of summoning witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump. Romney was one of two Republicans who joined 47 Democrats in supporting the motion, which failed to pass on Friday.

"BREAKING: The 'extreme conservative' and Junior Senator from the great state of Utah, @SenatorRomney is formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020," Schlapp wrote in a tweet, which featured a photo of a troubled-looking Romney.

Can Willard "Mitt" Romney be expelled from the Republican party and forced to run as an independant?
Just like Trump. Who’d figure that Trump supporters and Trafficant supporters were one in the same. I’ll have to remember this. It says a helluva lot. Corruption is secondary to the entertainment value they provide.
Hey Dummy, learn to read. I never said I supported him. I simply said he was entertaining.

Are you really this dumb, or is it an act?
Hey dumbass where did I say you were?
In the post I quoted, moron.

Right here:

Just like Trump. Who’d figure that Trump supporters and Trafficant supporters were one in the same. I’ll have to remember this. It says a helluva lot. Corruption is secondary to the entertainment value they provide.
So what...Idiot. You said he was entertaining I said like Trump. What you insecure mind reads into it afterward is your psychological issue. Where Di I say Nosepick is a Trafficant supporter?
You claimed I supported him.

You have been caught in yet another lie, idiot.:5_1_12024:
Show me where I said Nosetro is a Trafficant supporter? You can’t. Damn liar.
Well WTF do you think the Democrat party is all about? It's only recently there have been some new problems because of the Socialists. But look how they voted yesterday, and as I said, same with Clinton. Clinton clearly committed a crime higher than a misdemeanor, and yet five Republicans still voted against throwing him out of office.

As always, Rush is right. Rush repeatedly said there is no getting along with the Democrats. They see us as their worst enemy. The only way to get along with Democrats is to do things their way whether they are in power or not. So don't even try.

Reagan learned the hard way, Trump is learning the hard way, and there is no middle ground between good and evil.
Wow..what a sad post. You see the world as black and white and it is not that way, Rush has been spewing his brand of hate for the past thirty years. It shows. People like you have bought into his brand of garbage without question. I guess you missed all the times that Rush said he was an entertainer. An entertainer who makes tens of millions off of the gullible.

Yes, he is an entertainer. So what? That doesn't mean what he says isn't the truth. He's absolutely correct on so many things while still entertaining at the same time.
The more outrageous Rush is, the more money he makes. The more angry people get, the more they tune in, the more money he makes. Think about it.

Not at all. Years ago I was ignorant about politics. I didn't care much about it. As I got older and into my early 30's, I started to pay more attention.

One day at a family doing, my father and I were arguing about politics; our favorite pastime Dad and son thing we did. My then brother-in-law was helping my sister bring dinner to the table. As he listened on, he said "You must be a diehard Rush fan" as he chuckled. I had no idea WTF he was even talking about. Rush? That's one of my favorite bands out of Canada!!!!

Some time went by, and the Democrats did something (I forget what now) that really pissed me off. I recalled the comment my brother-in-law made to me months ago, and found this Rush guy.

I was amazed. It was like my thoughts were being amplified over the radio. Unlike the left who are slaves to NPR and CNN, Rush didn't tell me what to think, he broadcast what I've been thinking all along, and from that time, I was a fan. It's that way with most of his listeners.

Rush tells how his listeners to think every day. His broadcast is pure opinion. Rush is entertaining I will give him that. But don’t confuse his opinion for news.

No, not at all. You highlight something else he's said so many times "Folks, if you ever want to know what Democrats are up to, just pay attention to what they accuse the Republicans of."
Well WTF do you think the Democrat party is all about? It's only recently there have been some new problems because of the Socialists. But look how they voted yesterday, and as I said, same with Clinton. Clinton clearly committed a crime higher than a misdemeanor, and yet five Republicans still voted against throwing him out of office.

As always, Rush is right. Rush repeatedly said there is no getting along with the Democrats. They see us as their worst enemy. The only way to get along with Democrats is to do things their way whether they are in power or not. So don't even try.

Reagan learned the hard way, Trump is learning the hard way, and there is no middle ground between good and evil.
Wow..what a sad post. You see the world as black and white and it is not that way, Rush has been spewing his brand of hate for the past thirty years. It shows. People like you have bought into his brand of garbage without question. I guess you missed all the times that Rush said he was an entertainer. An entertainer who makes tens of millions off of the gullible.

Yes, he is an entertainer. So what? That doesn't mean what he says isn't the truth. He's absolutely correct on so many things while still entertaining at the same time.
The more outrageous Rush is, the more money he makes. The more angry people get, the more they tune in, the more money he makes. Think about it.

Not at all. Years ago I was ignorant about politics. I didn't care much about it. As I got older and into my early 30's, I started to pay more attention.

One day at a family doing, my father and I were arguing about politics; our favorite pastime Dad and son thing we did. My then brother-in-law was helping my sister bring dinner to the table. As he listened on, he said "You must be a diehard Rush fan" as he chuckled. I had no idea WTF he was even talking about. Rush? That's one of my favorite bands out of Canada!!!!

Some time went by, and the Democrats did something (I forget what now) that really pissed me off. I recalled the comment my brother-in-law made to me months ago, and found this Rush guy.

I was amazed. It was like my thoughts were being amplified over the radio. Unlike the left who are slaves to NPR and CNN, Rush didn't tell me what to think, he broadcast what I've been thinking all along, and from that time, I was a fan. It's that way with most of his listeners.

Rush tells how his listeners to think every day. His broadcast is pure opinion. Rush is entertaining I will give him that. But don’t confuse his opinion for news.
It's funny to me how Dimwingers whine and cry about Rush, but turn around and claim they listen to him every day.

I'm sure Rush thanks you for his fat wallet, Rube.:5_1_12024:
Wow..what a sad post. You see the world as black and white and it is not that way, Rush has been spewing his brand of hate for the past thirty years. It shows. People like you have bought into his brand of garbage without question. I guess you missed all the times that Rush said he was an entertainer. An entertainer who makes tens of millions off of the gullible.

Yes, he is an entertainer. So what? That doesn't mean what he says isn't the truth. He's absolutely correct on so many things while still entertaining at the same time.
The more outrageous Rush is, the more money he makes. The more angry people get, the more they tune in, the more money he makes. Think about it.

Not at all. Years ago I was ignorant about politics. I didn't care much about it. As I got older and into my early 30's, I started to pay more attention.

One day at a family doing, my father and I were arguing about politics; our favorite pastime Dad and son thing we did. My then brother-in-law was helping my sister bring dinner to the table. As he listened on, he said "You must be a diehard Rush fan" as he chuckled. I had no idea WTF he was even talking about. Rush? That's one of my favorite bands out of Canada!!!!

Some time went by, and the Democrats did something (I forget what now) that really pissed me off. I recalled the comment my brother-in-law made to me months ago, and found this Rush guy.

I was amazed. It was like my thoughts were being amplified over the radio. Unlike the left who are slaves to NPR and CNN, Rush didn't tell me what to think, he broadcast what I've been thinking all along, and from that time, I was a fan. It's that way with most of his listeners.

Rush tells how his listeners to think every day. His broadcast is pure opinion. Rush is entertaining I will give him that. But don’t confuse his opinion for news.

No, not at all. You highlight something else he's said so many times "Folks, if you ever want to know what Democrats are up to, just pay attention to what they accuse the Republicans of."
That is classic projection. No one has caused more to the division of this nation than Rush.
Hey Dummy, learn to read. I never said I supported him. I simply said he was entertaining.

Are you really this dumb, or is it an act?
Hey dumbass where did I say you were?
In the post I quoted, moron.

Right here:

Just like Trump. Who’d figure that Trump supporters and Trafficant supporters were one in the same. I’ll have to remember this. It says a helluva lot. Corruption is secondary to the entertainment value they provide.
So what...Idiot. You said he was entertaining I said like Trump. What you insecure mind reads into it afterward is your psychological issue. Where Di I say Nosepick is a Trafficant supporter?
You claimed I supported him.

You have been caught in yet another lie, idiot.:5_1_12024:
Show me where I said Nosetro is a Trafficant supporter? You can’t. Damn liar.
Already did, Chowderhead.

I'm not following you down your rabbit hole today. You got busted in yet another lie.

Deal with it.
Not sure if there was a thread on this yet or not, I didn't see one in Politics.

Judging by reactions online, there are a number of conservatives who are angry:

Mitt Romney 'formally not invited' to CPAC after impeachment vote on witnesses

The chairman of CPAC announced that Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is "formally not invited" to the conservative group's annual conference this year.

Matt Schlapp, the head of the American Conservative Union, said Romney is not allowed at the event after the Utah Republican voted in favor of summoning witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump. Romney was one of two Republicans who joined 47 Democrats in supporting the motion, which failed to pass on Friday.

"BREAKING: The 'extreme conservative' and Junior Senator from the great state of Utah, @SenatorRomney is formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020," Schlapp wrote in a tweet, which featured a photo of a troubled-looking Romney.

Can Willard "Mitt" Romney be expelled from the Republican party and forced to run as an independant?

That would be the worst thing. He would syphon Republican voters away from our candidate. That's why Sander's never ran as a Socialist. The two-party system is alive and well.
Hey dumbass where did I say you were?
In the post I quoted, moron.

Right here:

Just like Trump. Who’d figure that Trump supporters and Trafficant supporters were one in the same. I’ll have to remember this. It says a helluva lot. Corruption is secondary to the entertainment value they provide.
So what...Idiot. You said he was entertaining I said like Trump. What you insecure mind reads into it afterward is your psychological issue. Where Di I say Nosepick is a Trafficant supporter?
You claimed I supported him.

You have been caught in yet another lie, idiot.:5_1_12024:
Show me where I said Nosetro is a Trafficant supporter? You can’t. Damn liar.
Already did, Chowderhead.

I'm not following you down your rabbit hole today. You got busted in yet another lie.

Deal with it.
You proved nothing but that you lied.
Romney the RINO just needs to come clean and switch to the Democrat party. ... :cool:

A few of them do. Collins also voted with Romney. Why can't our party have unity like the Democrat party? Every Democrat voted for witnesses. We can never do that with our party, because these phony Republicans sneak their way in.

I don't know about that. Not one Republican voted for the impeachment farce and attempt to tamper with 2020 in the house. That's pretty solid unity.

This won't be done in time to recall Mitt the bitch, but it shows how Utah feels about the scumbag.

Utah lawmaker files bill to allow recall of sitting U.S. senator
Wow..what a sad post. You see the world as black and white and it is not that way, Rush has been spewing his brand of hate for the past thirty years. It shows. People like you have bought into his brand of garbage without question. I guess you missed all the times that Rush said he was an entertainer. An entertainer who makes tens of millions off of the gullible.

Yes, he is an entertainer. So what? That doesn't mean what he says isn't the truth. He's absolutely correct on so many things while still entertaining at the same time.
The more outrageous Rush is, the more money he makes. The more angry people get, the more they tune in, the more money he makes. Think about it.

Not at all. Years ago I was ignorant about politics. I didn't care much about it. As I got older and into my early 30's, I started to pay more attention.

One day at a family doing, my father and I were arguing about politics; our favorite pastime Dad and son thing we did. My then brother-in-law was helping my sister bring dinner to the table. As he listened on, he said "You must be a diehard Rush fan" as he chuckled. I had no idea WTF he was even talking about. Rush? That's one of my favorite bands out of Canada!!!!

Some time went by, and the Democrats did something (I forget what now) that really pissed me off. I recalled the comment my brother-in-law made to me months ago, and found this Rush guy.

I was amazed. It was like my thoughts were being amplified over the radio. Unlike the left who are slaves to NPR and CNN, Rush didn't tell me what to think, he broadcast what I've been thinking all along, and from that time, I was a fan. It's that way with most of his listeners.

Rush tells how his listeners to think every day. His broadcast is pure opinion. Rush is entertaining I will give him that. But don’t confuse his opinion for news.
It's funny to me how Dimwingers whine and cry about Rush, but turn around and claim they listen to him every day.

I'm sure Rush thanks you for his fat wallet, Rube.:5_1_12024:
Where the hell did I say I listen to Rush everyday, liar?

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