MIT Replicates LANR Experiment Success


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Successful Cold Fusion/LANR Demonstration at MIT – Again « Cold Fusion Now

February 5 The JET Energy Solid State NANOR ‘IAP Cold Fusion/LANR Demonstration’ Has Just Successfully Completed Its First Week Continuously Operating at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA).

February 2 The NANOR used in the open MIT Demonstration is a ZrO2-PdD Cold Fusion/LANR solid state quantum electronic device – now ongoing for five days straight!

Dr. Mitchell Swartz of JET Energy, Inc and Dr. Peter Hagelstein of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science collaborated on the Short Course, held between semesters, which offered students a full one-week introduction to the discipline of condensed matter nuclear science.

“January 30-31, 2012 – Cambridge, MA. – As part of the IAP Course on COLD FUSION at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dr. Mitchell Swartz, JET Energy, and Prof. Peter Hagelstein demonstrated cold fusion openly for scientists and engineers. The demonstration was a two day part of the detailed, yet overview, seven day course run by Prof. Hagelstein and Dr. Swartz, and followed the first open demonstrations of cold fusion at MIT since 2003. This JET Energy NANOR(TM) demonstrated a significant energy gain greater than 10, much larger than the previous open demonstration. This exhibition is also remarkable because it confirmed the role of the nanoengineered lattice in enabling the CF/LANR activity. It followed Prof. Hagelstein sharing his breakthrough explanatory theory of cold fusion during the first 5 days. The NANOR technology of JET Energy may have already begun to shatter a few preconceived notions of skeptics and cold fusioneers.”

Of course, we all know what scammers thos MIT proffs are, right?

lol, LENR is going to happen, might as well accept it.

OpEdNews - Article: LENR Is Here, But Is It Real, and Has Its Time Come?

LENR produces heat... generally used to create hot water or steam. The steam coming from heat exchangers and water jackets can be used to replace fission nuclear reactors that use highly dangerous radioactive fuel. Or more importantly... dirty and poisonous coal, natural gas mined using polluting "fracking" means, or fuel oil coming from the highly toxic Alberta Tar Sands, drilled for using highly risky deep water wells, or from unfriendly and unstable countries often embroiled in wars our soldiers must fight and die in. All these are used to fire or otherwise heat boilers feeding the steam turbines that in turn power electrical generators. These are the polluting or inherently dangerous methods presently used to generate up to 80% of all energy used on the planet today for industry, homes, and increasingly... Electric Vehicles (EV's). Even if LENR was used to simply "pre-heat" water that went into a traditional coal-fired boiler, it could easily increase efficiency and lower fossil fuel use at an existing power plant by up to 70%. Such an interim "assisting" system could be installed with a minimum of time, cost, and disruption to existing coal-fired installations (and even be done without any service interruption); while all-new or heavily modified plants would be built to benefit from zero fossil fuel or fission nuclear use.

Several methods of LENR are being studied. The one that is most known, and first done by Pons and Fleischmann, uses palladium electrodes and deuterium (the "Heavy Water" atomic isotope of hydrogen naturally found in sea water at a ratio of 1:6,000 to "regular" H). What more recent studies have found, is that the atomic-level Lattice of the palladium surface interacts, in some "yet to be determined" way, with the deuterium to generate excess heat when electrical current and heat from an outside source are applied as stimulants (the current also performs electrolysis to disassociate the "heavy water" and provide the freed deuterium gas). Improved results have occurred when the biasing current is an oscillating waveform instead of flat "DC", and the carefully pulsed waveform appears to "shake" the palladium lattice into accepting more deuterium inside of it for increased reaction. Also, it is often reported that increased energy production is seen when the water bath has lithium salts dissolved in it (or other salts). A small electric heating element is used to pre-heat the water. When successful the reaction soon begins, the heating element is turn off, and much higher levels of heat are produced, up to 25 times that of the energy used to create and sustain the reaction.
*IF* This is true, it's a fantastic thing.

Unfortunately, it's from an advocacy blog which, well, they have a history of being wrong. I'll wait to see how many more labs can reproduce this. If it can be done, then reproduced large scale, in 50-100 years (assuming it can be expanded and put into industrial production) the world will be a better place.

Till then, I'm not holding my breath.
Energy Secretary Chu “looking” at LANR/CF. « Cold Fusion Now

Dr. Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy is looking at Lattice-assisted Nuclear Reactions (LANR) Cold Fusion as a part of implementing President Obama’s ambitious agenda to invest in clean energy, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, address the global climate crisis, and create millions of new jobs.

This weekend at (MIT) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, a global group of scientist and entrepreneurs met to discuss the latest advancements in LANR and CF.

On target with Dr. Chu vision to devote his recent scientific career to the search for new solutions to our energy challenges and stopping global climate change – a mission he continues with even greater urgency as Secretary of Energy. The event held at MIT brings together key players in the Cold Fusion LANR and other types of Nuclear Reactions.

– from Steven Chu looks at Lattice-assisted Nuclear Reactions Cold Fusion The Explorer | World News
*IF* This is true, it's a fantastic thing.

Unfortunately, it's from an advocacy blog which, well, they have a history of being wrong. I'll wait to see how many more labs can reproduce this. If it can be done, then reproduced large scale, in 50-100 years (assuming it can be expanded and put into industrial production) the world will be a better place.

Till then, I'm not holding my breath.

I agreethat advocacy blogs should not be trusted, but this one has been fairly reliable for the most part. Not that I am an expert or anything, but I have not yet found them to be spreading inaccurate data, though once I found them (at least I think it was them) repeating an unsubstantiated rumor about Rossi's first customer picking up his 1 MWt unit. This was not true, but other than that, these guys seem to be fairly rpofessional in the old school since of journalistic integrity.

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