Earth in the Balance, by Al Gore


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
My notes and comments from Al Gore's idiotic book, when I read it some years ago:


Earth In The Balance by Al Gore

“Eight acres worth of prime topsoil floats past Memphis every hour.” - Page 3

[1. “Eight acres worth” is baby talk. 2. Topsoil does NOT “float.” ]

“…the unrestrained burning of cheap fossil fuel has many ferocious defenders…” - Page 6

[Like liberals who have been whining about “the high cost of gasoline” for months now.]

“We were anchored…” - Page 19

[Ships sitting on sand many miles from the Aral Sea are not “anchored.” One “anchors” only in water.]

“… one China’s worth of people…” - Page 30

[More baby talk from a man who liberals maintain is sophisticated and “intelligent.”]

“Relativity Theory can easily be explained with the help of a picture (of a funnel)…” - Page 48

“… a blind devotion to laissez-faire economics…” - P 75

[Elsewhere Gore waxes enthusiastic for capitalism and its triumph over communism.

Gore never examines his own “blind devotion” to environmental extremism and its impossibility, financial and political.]

New homes “strip the hillsides of vegetation that used to soak up the rain.” - P 76

[So we shouldn’t build new homes? Is that it?]

Are we “entitled to do so?” (Cut down three yew trees to save a woman’s life) - P 119

[No, Al, let her die.]

“… we are running out of places to put it (our garbage).” - P 151

[Drive from Las Vegas to Phoenix some time, Al.]

“…one African leader recently denounced ‘garbage imperialism’.” - P 155

[Al and other liberals like to quote socialist thugs who have devastated Africa in countless ways.]

“…the worst of all forms of pollution is wasted lives!” - P 162

[But abortion is just fine. No “lives” wasted there.]

“The Constitution … is still universally recognized as the world’s most forward-looking charter for self-government.” - P 171

BUT: “Perhaps the most sluggish of all, after our political system, is our system of economics.” ( P 181)

[We’re great. We’re “sluggish.” Stay focused, people.]

“awesome power and efficiency of our economic system…” - P 185

[We’re great. We’re sluggish. We have “blind devotion”.]

“…the loss of 75 percent of California’s annual moisture…” - P 192

[He meant “decrease in rainfall” not “loss of moisture.”]

“…our society has allowed…crime, drug abuse, poverty, ignorance, and desperation.” - P 210

[Okay, so stop all of them, Al.]

“Today a different form of dysfunction takes the form of ravenous, insatiable consumption…” - P 273

[Thus does a globe-trotting rich man who travels in his private jet lecture to the rest of us far beneath him.]

“…senseless trade barriers…” P 296

[There are various legitimate reasons to limit trade with despots, communists, and countries that hate us.
Al condemns all of those reasons with one word, "senseless," which Al Gore symbolizes.]
Thank god that Looney Tune did not become President 24 years ago.

He is a great example of how being a professional AGW Scammer pays damn well. He has three mega mansions and his very own jet airplane. Funny thing, one of his mansions is ocean front. You would think that if he really believes this AGW horseshit scam he would not have bought a home so close to the ocean with the melting ice caps, wouldn't you?

His book and movie were debunked so bad it is pitiful. Full of inaccuracies, cherry picked data and fraudulent assumptions.

However, he is the God of the AGW Scam. Where is Crick to defend the sonofabitch?
My notes and comments from Al Gore's idiotic book, when I read it some years ago:


Earth In The Balance by Al Gore

“Eight acres worth of prime topsoil floats past Memphis every hour.” - Page 3

[1. “Eight acres worth” is baby talk. 2. Topsoil does NOT “float.” ]

“…the unrestrained burning of cheap fossil fuel has many ferocious defenders…” - Page 6

[Like liberals who have been whining about “the high cost of gasoline” for months now.]

“We were anchored…” - Page 19

[Ships sitting on sand many miles from the Aral Sea are not “anchored.” One “anchors” only in water.]

“… one China’s worth of people…” - Page 30

[More baby talk from a man who liberals maintain is sophisticated and “intelligent.”]

“Relativity Theory can easily be explained with the help of a picture (of a funnel)…” - Page 48

“… a blind devotion to laissez-faire economics…” - P 75

[Elsewhere Gore waxes enthusiastic for capitalism and its triumph over communism.

Gore never examines his own “blind devotion” to environmental extremism and its impossibility, financial and political.]

New homes “strip the hillsides of vegetation that used to soak up the rain.” - P 76

[So we shouldn’t build new homes? Is that it?]

Are we “entitled to do so?” (Cut down three yew trees to save a woman’s life) - P 119

[No, Al, let her die.]

“… we are running out of places to put it (our garbage).” - P 151

[Drive from Las Vegas to Phoenix some time, Al.]

“…one African leader recently denounced ‘garbage imperialism’.” - P 155

[Al and other liberals like to quote socialist thugs who have devastated Africa in countless ways.]

“…the worst of all forms of pollution is wasted lives!” - P 162

[But abortion is just fine. No “lives” wasted there.]

“The Constitution … is still universally recognized as the world’s most forward-looking charter for self-government.” - P 171

BUT: “Perhaps the most sluggish of all, after our political system, is our system of economics.” ( P 181)

[We’re great. We’re “sluggish.” Stay focused, people.]

“awesome power and efficiency of our economic system…” - P 185

[We’re great. We’re sluggish. We have “blind devotion”.]

“…the loss of 75 percent of California’s annual moisture…” - P 192

[He meant “decrease in rainfall” not “loss of moisture.”]

“…our society has allowed…crime, drug abuse, poverty, ignorance, and desperation.” - P 210

[Okay, so stop all of them, Al.]

“Today a different form of dysfunction takes the form of ravenous, insatiable consumption…” - P 273

[Thus does a globe-trotting rich man who travels in his private jet lecture to the rest of us far beneath him.]

“…senseless trade barriers…” P 296

[There are various legitimate reasons to limit trade with despots, communists, and countries that hate us.
Al condemns all of those reasons with one word, "senseless," which Al Gore symbolizes.]

Meanwhile the actual Earth climate data continues to read precisely

NO BREAKOUT in Cane Activity
The choices were him and THE WORST TRAITOR in American History.
Bush was a RINO just like his father but Gore is a mentally disturbed certified idiot. Between the two Bush comes out on top for that low bar.

This profession of being a AGW Scammer fits him well. It also paid well for him.
Bush was a RINO just like his father but Gore is a mentally disturbed certified idiot. Between the two Bush comes out on top for that low bar.

This profession of being a AGW Scammer fits him well. It also paid well for him.

HW is unfairly tarnished by W. HW cared about America. W did not. What W actually did in office requires an IQ over 5 to notice...
HW is unfairly tarnished by W. HW cared about America. W did not. What W actually did in office requires an IQ over 5 to notice...
Gore was Slick Willy's VP. That tells us everything we need to know about him being a douchebag even if he hadn't taken up the profession to be an AGW Scammer.
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Bush was a RINO just like his father but Gore is a mentally disturbed certified idiot. Between the two Bush comes out on top for that low bar.

Governor of the State of Texas, President of the United States who was reelected.
Your credentials are what, exactly? Please list them and impress everyone.
Governor of the State of Texas, President of the United States who was reelected.
Your credentials are what, exactly? Please list them and impress everyone.
Sorry but Bush is not one of my favorite Presidents. Big RINO. Better than idiot Gore or that traitor Kerry but not very high on my list of Best Presidents.
The choices were him and THE WORST TRAITOR in American History.
No, Biden did not run against Gore. No traitor comes close to Biden on the take for millions from communist China and you don't care, you close your eyes and sing "la la."
No, Biden did not run against Gore. No traitor comes close to Biden on the take for millions from communist China and you don't care, you close your eyes and sing "la la."

Top 10 Traitors in US History

1. W
2. LBJ
3. Joe Biden
4. Barack Obama (assuming you call her an "American")
5. George Tenet
6. Michael Mukasey
7. Chris Wray
8. J Edgar Hoover
9. Eric Holder
10. Dianne Feinstein
The "Unibomber" had a copy of Al Gore's book in his hut when he was apprehended. The ultra liberal Nobel Prize was awarded to Gore for, I forget.

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