Is that what she said?

That is her intent

Why else mention it?

In other words, you're a fucking liar.

She is a fucking racist
At least arguably, and sponsors don't pay for controversial bimbos

When pressed, democrats are revealed as the illogical, misogynistic hypocrites they are.
Oh I find beauty pagents to be bimbo pagents, but I don't pay bimbos for sex
Oh I find beauty pagents to be bimbo pagents, but I don't pay bimbos for sex

A lot of doors open and money flows to women who are successful in them. The women who work to keep themselves in shape and attend the pageants probably work harder at it than anything you've worked at in your entire life.
She is obviously a Nazi. Bathe her and send her to my tent for the appropriate punishment.

This the type of shit we get out of the intolerant bigoted Moon Bat idiots.

TDS is a serious mental illness. These Moon Bats haz it.
At least arguably, and sponsors don't pay for controversial bimbos

There is nothing ''controversial'' about the monolithic numbers of black crime as documented by the FBI. Black America is MANY more times as violent and criminal as any other segment of America and it's not close.

To compete in beauty pageant you can’t be an asshole

Miss Zhu has failed miserably
It matters little how she "seems" to YOU. What really matters is how she actually IS, and exactly what she ACTUALLY said. The rest is just leftist interpretation through their triggered colored glasses. Animals deal in feelings. Men deal in facts. So good of you to declare yourself, but... We all already knew...

This is my favourite post of the day! One of my best friends did his doctoral thesis on the psychometry of linguisitics. He explained that how people use language, is highly indicative of their biases and prejudices, and how such useage in the hands of those skilled in manipulation use language to twist arguments with no basis in fact or substance, and engender an emotional response, because emotions trump logic every single time.

Here Vastator uses a highly overwrought, emotional argument which to overcome the dispassionate fact that saying black murders are only a black problem and that black people need to deal with that is a highly inflammatory and racist remark.

Old Lady, her entire post is rampantly racist since it singles out blacks and blames them for a problem that exists across all demographics problem. That's about a racist as it gets.

Oh, you have a friend who did a thesis? That makes you an expert! :lol:

No it doesn’t make me an expert in psychometrics,but it makes me aware of the issue. Racism was one area of research for him because there are so many ways that racists have used psychometrics to control the debate. Abortion is another.

And while I’m not a famous researcher on language, I am a law clerk with more than 30 years experience in testing and writing complex legal contracts so I am fully aware of how to speak and write in carefully crafted sentences so there is no mistaking the meaning.

It’s why purveyors of hate sit every little language hair to deny their agenda. It’s why the anti-abortion movement calls itself “pro-life” even though it approves of the death penalty and war, instead of anti-women’s rights. Pro-Life sounds so much better

And it’s why Trump keeps repeating “no collusion”, even though no that wasn’t what Mueller was looking for.
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You can blame this on tRump as well. His racism and hatred have created the fear that all conservatives are racist and hateful causing people and organizations to cut ties at the slightest hint someone might be about to go off on a tRump style racist social media rant. Better safe than sorry.
That's brilliant. Let's shut down all free speech. Better safe than sorry.
How did you get that out of what I said?
"slightest hint"
TDS on the world stage.......bunch of easily offended............

They are like Nitro...............little bump big explosion.................boom.

To hell with the committee and the Miss World..............who da hell cares.
That is her intent

Why else mention it?

In other words, you're a fucking liar.

She is a fucking racist
At least arguably, and sponsors don't pay for controversial bimbos

When pressed, democrats are revealed as the illogical, misogynistic hypocrites they are.
Oh I find beauty pagents to be bimbo pagents, but I don't pay bimbos for sex
The Progs and globalists are selling obese women as sexual and desirable. Even infecting once popuar magazines of cheesecake. In their early 20's and weighing that much is not good. A woman can be chubby. However she hopefully should be good in taking care of a home. Of course plenty of guys have lost out in that daily double.
Her opinions are "an issue". What's the issue? She is too conservative.
No, the issue is that she got political.
No. The issue is that she expressed opinions on social media that Miss World didn't agree with. In essence, they fired her for it. Do you think people should be fired for their opinions?
I am going to lose sleep tonight over the fact that Miss Michigan no longer has a throne or a crown. Oh! The humanity!

You're a fascist and have NO PROBLEM with people being ostracized for expressing truthful, but unpopular facts.
Let it be known that you have equated dog whistle racism with conservatism. Not anyone else. You.
Nice try. At no time did I mention racism. You did. You are the one hearing dog whistles.

Read the link. From the article, "she is a University of Michigan student and vice chair of her campus Republican student group. Zhu is also a prominent online conservative..."
And it’s why Trump keeps repeating “no collusion”, even though no that wasn’t what Mueller was looking for.

Mueller and his goons were looking for anything that they could use to damage Trump and those who support him. You don't think that they actually really believed that Trump conspired with Putin, do you?
I like her, particularly this.

Zhu wrote in reply: “Statistics and facts are not always pleasant. It’s disgusting how you would rather lie to the public’s face than be supportive of someone that is trying to make a difference by talking about subjects that no one dares to say.”

Democrats only want facts that support their agenda, other facts are off limits. For example, she pointed out that most black are killed by other blacks. Evidently, that little factoid is very offensive to some.

It's also true that nearly all white murders are committed by white people. Why didn't she say that? It's not that the factoid is offensive, it is the manner in which it's used.

The selective use of language to single out and slam one racial or demographic group, without qualifying that statistic by how it stacks up against other similar demographics, is a standard tactic of racists everywhere. In every segregated society, you are far more likely to be murdered by someone you share race with because those are the people you have the most contact with. Her tweet says that the black community needs to solve this problem, because it doesn't concern the rest of us.

Across every demographic, you're far more likely to be murdered by someone of your own race, but there is two consistent factors across the murder statistics across for every racial demographic of murderer and victim. Poverty and easy access to guns.

For generations conservatives have told white Americans that high levels of crime and violence in the inner cities is because non-whites are inferior. But now that displaced white American production workers are falling into poverty and drug abuse, crime rates are now higher in rural middle America than in the cities.

Last but not least: The girl is a racist, stirring up racial animosity, when she's supposed to be a good will ambassador for corporate America. That's what the job of beauty queen really is. She is supposed to be apolitical and promote American culture. This is a corporate job, not a political platform.
True. most murders are done by someone of the same race as the victim. She cited black on black crime. So, you're saying she's a racist because she didn't quote every color combination of crime statistics?!

Her job is to be a good will ambassador for corporate America? And not be political? Corporate America isn't political?!

And please show us where she said non whites are inferior.

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