

Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
Can we have a new title for the fake moderates. I say MINO (Moderate in Name Only). Who's with me?
What constitutes a "fake moderate?"

people who claim to be moderate but arent, which is most. I see Moonglow says he's a moderate. He believes everything that the left says and never attacks the left or a democrat. In essence he's trying to fool people, but you read a few posts, you get the gist. It's not hard.
Can we have a new title for the fake moderates. I say MINO (Moderate in Name Only). Who's with me?

That's a perfect name for those who pretend to be mainstream even though they are actually radical. I think a lot of people claim to be moderate simply because they are aware that the majority of people in this country do not embrace far left ideas, or far right.
Can we have a new title for the fake moderates. I say MINO (Moderate in Name Only). Who's with me?

That's a perfect name for those who pretend to be mainstream even though they are actually radical. I think a lot of people claim to be moderate simply because they are aware that the majority of people in this country do not embrace far left ideas, or far right.

yep, and I'm far right, I dont even try, I'm loud and I'm proud baby!!!!!
But I HATE HATE people that think they can fool someone with this moderate label. If they do that I have only one thing to say YEE-HA
What constitutes a "fake moderate?"

people who claim to be moderate but arent, which is most. I see Moonglow says he's a moderate. He believes everything that the left says and never attacks the left or a democrat. In essence he's trying to fool people, but you read a few posts, you get the gist. It's not hard.

There are several reasons for this.
1)everyone leans one way or the other. I lean slightly left, its no shocker, I can admit it, although I do find plenty of faults with democrats and Obama.
2) Republicans on this board make me hate republicans. There are some lefty nutjobs here, who I will not name, because this is not a flame thread. But there are far more righty wackjobs. Particularly the name calling. Its childish and petty. I've probably heard 50 different names for Obama since I've joined here. Are we 12? The vast majority aren't even funny. Obumba? Super lame. Obummer? Same. I admit I chuckled the first time I heard Obamanation. That one was kinda funny, none of the rest were at all. It also doesn't stop there. Its just not insulting Obama. Once you seem to be losing an argument, you attack the poster.

This goes for the RWs here in general, and specifically YOU. I just read a post where you were attacking someone, just minutes ago. Seriously, grow up.
What constitutes a "fake moderate?"

people who claim to be moderate but arent, which is most. I see Moonglow says he's a moderate. He believes everything that the left says and never attacks the left or a democrat. In essence he's trying to fool people, but you read a few posts, you get the gist. It's not hard.

There are several reasons for this.
1)everyone leans one way or the other. I lean slightly left, its no shocker, I can admit it, although I do find plenty of faults with democrats and Obama.
2) Republicans on this board make me hate republicans. There are some lefty nutjobs here, who I will not name, because this is not a flame thread. But there are far more righty wackjobs. Particularly the name calling. Its childish and petty. I've probably heard 50 different names for Obama since I've joined here. Are we 12? The vast majority aren't even funny. Obumba? Super lame. Obummer? Same. I admit I chuckled the first time I heard Obamanation. That one was kinda funny, none of the rest were at all. It also doesn't stop there. Its just not insulting Obama. Once you seem to be losing an argument, you attack the poster.

This goes for the RWs here in general, and specifically YOU. I just read a post where you were attacking someone, just minutes ago. Seriously, grow up.

Uh I do that, because people try and fool and make up stuff. If you're going to make a point and you are wrong, I will let you know about it. It's called trash talking. Maybe because I was a basketball player and it was about backing up what you say.
Again you proved my point, usually I see ALOT of liberals call people stupid, Rws dont believe in science, yadda yadd, yeah it may not be as vulgar, but they still do it just as much. The funny thing is people dont know me, my father is in the American Chemical Society hall of fame, in medicinal chemistry, so I'm real familiar with science, so when people come at me like that, they better be ready to go, that's all I'm saying. I'm not a polite RINO republican like McCain and I dont ever PRETEND to be. Derps called me far far right, which I agree (even though I'm sure he equates that with facist, which is wrong)
This is what I mean you arent for republicans because of the behavior, not true. You stated you were "Slightly" left (what does that mean?) when people say I'm slightly anything, it's because they want to avoid incoming between the armies. I can respect that and if someone wants to do that, it's fine, but if I see someone attacking another person, I dont go cry to a mod or to my mommie, I retaliate.
Look man, one thing you'll never see me do is HIDE. I'm an Ohio State fan in football and if even my own fans say stupid things, I'll call them out. People say they're for honesty until they get some. People have attacked me, it's ok, I can take it.
For the stuff with the President, I dont really like those names either. I do like Obumble or OblameO, but it's just my taste, not everything intended to be funny is.
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people who claim to be moderate but arent, which is most. I see Moonglow says he's a moderate. He believes everything that the left says and never attacks the left or a democrat. In essence he's trying to fool people, but you read a few posts, you get the gist. It's not hard.

There are several reasons for this.
1)everyone leans one way or the other. I lean slightly left, its no shocker, I can admit it, although I do find plenty of faults with democrats and Obama.
2) Republicans on this board make me hate republicans. There are some lefty nutjobs here, who I will not name, because this is not a flame thread. But there are far more righty wackjobs. Particularly the name calling. Its childish and petty. I've probably heard 50 different names for Obama since I've joined here. Are we 12? The vast majority aren't even funny. Obumba? Super lame. Obummer? Same. I admit I chuckled the first time I heard Obamanation. That one was kinda funny, none of the rest were at all. It also doesn't stop there. Its just not insulting Obama. Once you seem to be losing an argument, you attack the poster.

This goes for the RWs here in general, and specifically YOU. I just read a post where you were attacking someone, just minutes ago. Seriously, grow up.

Uh I do that, because people try and fool and make up stuff. If you're going to make a point and you are wrong, I will let you know about it. It's called trash talking. Maybe because I was a basketball player and it was about backing up what you say.
Again you proved my point, usually I see ALOT of liberals call people stupid, Rws dont believe in science, yadda yadd, yeah it may not be as vulgar, but they still do it just as much. The funny thing is people dont know me, my father is in the American Chemical Society hall of fame, in medicinal chemistry, so I'm real familiar with science, so when people come at me like that, they better be ready to go, that's all I'm saying. I'm not a polite RINO republican like McCain and I dont ever PRETEND to be. Derps called me far far right, which I agree (even though I'm sure he equates that with facist, which is wrong)
This is what I mean you arent for republicans because of the behavior, not true. You stated you were "Slightly" left (what does that mean?) when people say I'm slightly anything, it's because they want to avoid incoming between the armies. I can respect that and if someone wants to do that, it's fine, but if I see someone attacking another person, I dont go cry to a mod or to my mommie, I retaliate.
Look man, one thing you'll never see me do is HIDE. I'm an Ohio State fan in football and if even my own fans say stupid things, I'll call them out. People say they're for honesty until they get some. People have attacked me, it's ok, I can take it.
For the stuff with the President, I dont really like those names either. I do like Obumble or OblameO, but it's just my taste, not everything intended to be funny is.

See this is exactly what I am talking about. Dean isn't even part of this thread, yet you go out of your way to insult him. Now I understand that he is a partisan hack, but I rarely see him insulting people, and never have I seen him insult someone who isn't part of the thread. That shit belong in the flame zone and should stay there.

I'll go even further. Often times I wont post how I agree with someone because I don't like them. This happens twice as much for the right as for the left.
There are several reasons for this.
1)everyone leans one way or the other. I lean slightly left, its no shocker, I can admit it, although I do find plenty of faults with democrats and Obama.
2) Republicans on this board make me hate republicans. There are some lefty nutjobs here, who I will not name, because this is not a flame thread. But there are far more righty wackjobs. Particularly the name calling. Its childish and petty. I've probably heard 50 different names for Obama since I've joined here. Are we 12? The vast majority aren't even funny. Obumba? Super lame. Obummer? Same. I admit I chuckled the first time I heard Obamanation. That one was kinda funny, none of the rest were at all. It also doesn't stop there. Its just not insulting Obama. Once you seem to be losing an argument, you attack the poster.

This goes for the RWs here in general, and specifically YOU. I just read a post where you were attacking someone, just minutes ago. Seriously, grow up.

Uh I do that, because people try and fool and make up stuff. If you're going to make a point and you are wrong, I will let you know about it. It's called trash talking. Maybe because I was a basketball player and it was about backing up what you say.
Again you proved my point, usually I see ALOT of liberals call people stupid, Rws dont believe in science, yadda yadd, yeah it may not be as vulgar, but they still do it just as much. The funny thing is people dont know me, my father is in the American Chemical Society hall of fame, in medicinal chemistry, so I'm real familiar with science, so when people come at me like that, they better be ready to go, that's all I'm saying. I'm not a polite RINO republican like McCain and I dont ever PRETEND to be. Derps called me far far right, which I agree (even though I'm sure he equates that with facist, which is wrong)
This is what I mean you arent for republicans because of the behavior, not true. You stated you were "Slightly" left (what does that mean?) when people say I'm slightly anything, it's because they want to avoid incoming between the armies. I can respect that and if someone wants to do that, it's fine, but if I see someone attacking another person, I dont go cry to a mod or to my mommie, I retaliate.
Look man, one thing you'll never see me do is HIDE. I'm an Ohio State fan in football and if even my own fans say stupid things, I'll call them out. People say they're for honesty until they get some. People have attacked me, it's ok, I can take it.
For the stuff with the President, I dont really like those names either. I do like Obumble or OblameO, but it's just my taste, not everything intended to be funny is.

See this is exactly what I am talking about. Dean isn't even part of this thread, yet you go out of your way to insult him. Now I understand that he is a partisan hack, but I rarely see him insulting people, and never have I seen him insult someone who isn't part of the thread. That shit belong in the flame zone and should stay there.

I'll go even further. Often times I wont post how I agree with someone because I don't like them. This happens twice as much for the right as for the left.

Oh I'm sorry I dont have message board ettique. Look, if people try to pretend they're something their not, I will smoke them out. If you see my posts, I do agree with the left on somethings, usualy about how stupid some comments from republicans are, but I never see a lefty do any of that, but they act like they're some kind of independant thinker, even when you prove them wrong. And I just got attacked in another thread by somone who I just politely disagreed with, and I got a F bomb at me, which I can handle, but if you wanna toss bombs, you need to be ready. i'm about honesty and fairness. As for Dean, the guy is a hit and runner, he doesnt have discussion, he posts some whacky left wing crap and then doesnt back it up. I mean if an "objective" person like Randi Rhodes says it, then it must be true....uh no....So when I post stuff, I try to stay away from Rush and Sean Hannity and stuff, because they are great, but they're right wing and I try to post stuff from the middle.

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