Minimum Wage Maximum Mess

From the article.

But Oregon Democrats acted before state economists even had a chance to weigh in. Last week, state analysts concluded in a prepared forecast the high wage will "result in approximately 40,000 fewer jobs in 2025 than would have been the case absent the legislation."

Orchard owner John Zielinski said his family business will‎ take a big hit.

"When those pears and apples are sold on the market, they're not going to give us any more money because we're from Oregon and have a higher pay rate," said Zielinski of E.Z. Orchards.

Rural counties threatened to file a lawsuit against the state, calling the minimum wage a maximum mess and an unfunded mandate. Oregon's constitution allows local governments to opt out of state programs that raise costs significantly and are not funded by the legislature.

Hearing the outcry, Democratic leaders quickly admitted they may have messed up. They promised a fix-it bill next year allowing for a lower training wages for young workers and some new hires.

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