Millions will die and we will be far less great because of loserterianism

I don't know enough about the guy to align with him.

I think Jews are annoying that doesn't make me a nazi
Fair enough, but I have seen enough from you to know that you dismiss your defeats and ignore your incongruities. Most of what you write are lies and deception.
Not true. Give examples. I'm 100 open and honest. Might be the only one here who's willing and capable to see the other side or both sides.
Ok, here is one example.... in post # 50 through #56 we had a discussion on the unfairness of our society and you could not tell me what was unfair yet you persisted in your belief. You either do not understand the concept of unfair or you are disingenuous.
Corporations and shareholders used to have a social contract with workers and they broke it. It started in the 70s. Think jack walsh. Long story short is what you think is fair is not what I think is fair. For example union members have a right to their job.

Now I'll agree sometimes unions are not reasonable but a guy like you agrees with Jack Walsh workers should have no right to their job. Should a company be allowed to fire you after you land the big deal so they don't have to pay you commission? I say there should be a thing called wrongfully terminated.

Long story short what you think is fair might not be fair.

You're asking me questions that take too long to answer properly. And I could give you a million examples. When workers don't get a raise but CEO pay goes up, that's not fair. What do I want to do about it? Fix it. How? Idk
There's a reason we don't try it the Libertarian way.

You mean the way Libertarians would END corp/govt colllusion and handouts and favoritism when neither the Dems or Reps will?

You mean the way Libertarians would force fiscal sanity where now there is none?

You mean the way Libertarians are NOT interested in projection of force in the World and interventions and occupations without being INVITED by trustworthy factions?

Wouldn't be so bad. Wouldn't have to endure the constant childish wailing from the 2 brand name tribes at war for 4 years. Would be blissful..
Have you noticed the Republicans have implemented a lot of libertarian policies in the last decade? Trumps a little like a libertarian, sort of

Of course. We were scorned for being gay lovers, potheads, pansy ass peaceniks. Just had to wander in the political desert for 25 years until America caught up with our principles. Those AMERICAN principles we started with. :rofl:

Added bonus is --- your 2 Brand Name parties are rapidly shrinking and killing themselves. Future is Bright. Keep it up. (Dem + Repubs) < (the rest of us) -- if you understand the math...:badgrin:
My problem with the philosophy of Libertarianism is amorality which leads to anarchy. I believe we should stand for good and oppose evil.
What do you mean only it companies? Every corporation wants the market flooded with workers. It keeps wages low. Supply and demand.

Only it companies? How naive
Why do Democrats want to flood the nation with illegal immigrants? This would be in addition to the legal ones you oppose, right?
We do? I've always said we have an illegal employer problem and this started on Reagan's watch.

I love it that trumps throwing illegals out. I'll give you this one. On this I'm with trump.

Obama deported more than bush did
Wow, are you really writing that with a straight face? Are you seriously going to try to pass off the Democratic Party as being tough on illegal immigration? Seriously? Give me a break. You cry about legal immigration and blame that on Republicans and then totally ignore the Democrats complicity in illegal immigration, and to add insult to injury, you pretend that Democrats are tough on illegal immigration. If you believe that bullshit then you are the stupidest person in America.
Well your party like mine has always been torn.

Your party it's the racists vs the corporations

My party it's the liberals vs the unions who knew illegals were bad. I think Hugo Chavez the union legend warned about illegals

BOTH of tribes are in deep doo doo. You got a whole lot of OLD PEOPLE who are what they are because their grandpappy was a Southern Blue Dog or their grand pappy hated FDR.. And a whole LOT of millenials and 20 somethings that see right thru the horseshit and pox on both of you... Ain't gonna be fun for the aging holdouts to watch about 200 fogies get benched out of Congress.
You ever read the 4th Turning by Howe and Strauss? Everything is cyclical.
Millions will die and we will be far less great because of loserterianism.
-Old people will lose their safetynet and find themselves dying on the side of the road. Most people within our nation that are over 50 are far more likely to currently be in debt. People that do work will spend the rest of their lives slaving away under a loserterian 19th century model. One that if they're not well off won't allow them to ever do better.

-People with health problems will lose their insurance and tens of thousands will die as they're told no. Please don't get sick if you made a mistake tuesday as our current government be it the federal or state government will become more cold hearted towards you. Wouldn't at all surprise me if the ER rules are changed so they can tell you no if you don't have a few hundred thousand bucks. You can fucking count on the corporations that run these hospitals to jack up rates to mind blowing levels...But, hell, if the government dares do anything about it = fascism..Don't you fucking know.

-The poor will become poorer and the rich will become richer. This is within the way of a central American shit hole and not so much like the current poor that can afford the niceties. This will become a fact for many reasons ranging from less education will being available for the lower classes, poorer food standards, less food and many of the problems of the third world starting to show up here in America. The rich will become richer as I believe anti-trust laws, unions and laws preventing dirty dealings by the part of corporations will also be phased out as loserterianism is about taking us back to the 19th century. Pretty much ugly for all but a few percent at the top.

-Education will become harder to get for the poor and some of the middle class as government aid will dry up. This will make the poor poorer and collapse our living standards as a nation. Many cities in the 18th and 19th century had two areas which were defined by class either super rich or super poor. The super poor areas were slums as people lived pretty much in their own shit and lived a lot like people do in current day Haiti or the poorer parts of India. The rich of course didn't give a damn about them and scuffed.

People that can afford private education will of course become richer and the poor poorer. This is just the sad facts of loserterianism. Education will become the definer that it once was as less people will have it.

-Monopolies will grow and shut out small businesses. As I said above such anti-trust laws will likely be phased out under losererianism and this will allow a few super powerful corporations to run everyone out of town as they did in the 1880s. This will be a huge part of the reason for the increase between the rich at the top and the poor on the bottom.

-Air, water and food quality within our country will slide to mexico or even China levels as Government deregulates. Cancer and food poisoning will become very real concerns within your lives. People will start watching their children die before they make it to adulthood and far worse diseases will start to reappear and rage through the country side as government won't raise a hand to stop it.

-Funding for research will dry up and allow for those diseases to do just that. Funding for warnings on extreme meteorological events from flash floods, hurricanes and tornadoes will be stripped to the bone and thousands of people will die once again as they once did during the 19th into the early portion of the 20th century.

-Roads will become toll roads and for profit. Once again if you're not well off = you're fucked. The few good roads that are tolls will also be taken advantage of by the riches within our society, while the poor that will make up the vast majority of this country in 20 years will have to use far shittier infrastructure.

-Loserterians for some reason will keep the drug war going and the for profit prisons...So don't you dare lite up you poor piece of shit. Don't you dare.
Complete idiot.
The human race survived for how many thousands of years before the brief progressive era in the United States?
I'm waiting to see who is actually on the list for cabinet positions.

The list floating in the media is part horror show, part same-old establishment.

I believe that signing a repeal bill before there's a viable replacement would be foolish.
Hopefully someone who wants to get rid of queer Muslims.
Millions will die and we will be far less great because of loserterianism.
-Old people will lose their safetynet and find themselves dying on the side of the road. Most people within our nation that are over 50 are far more likely to currently be in debt. People that do work will spend the rest of their lives slaving away under a loserterian 19th century model. One that if they're not well off won't allow them to ever do better.

-People with health problems will lose their insurance and tens of thousands will die as they're told no. Please don't get sick if you made a mistake tuesday as our current government be it the federal or state government will become more cold hearted towards you. Wouldn't at all surprise me if the ER rules are changed so they can tell you no if you don't have a few hundred thousand bucks. You can fucking count on the corporations that run these hospitals to jack up rates to mind blowing levels...But, hell, if the government dares do anything about it = fascism..Don't you fucking know.

-The poor will become poorer and the rich will become richer. This is within the way of a central American shit hole and not so much like the current poor that can afford the niceties. This will become a fact for many reasons ranging from less education will being available for the lower classes, poorer food standards, less food and many of the problems of the third world starting to show up here in America. The rich will become richer as I believe anti-trust laws, unions and laws preventing dirty dealings by the part of corporations will also be phased out as loserterianism is about taking us back to the 19th century. Pretty much ugly for all but a few percent at the top.

-Education will become harder to get for the poor and some of the middle class as government aid will dry up. This will make the poor poorer and collapse our living standards as a nation. Many cities in the 18th and 19th century had two areas which were defined by class either super rich or super poor. The super poor areas were slums as people lived pretty much in their own shit and lived a lot like people do in current day Haiti or the poorer parts of India. The rich of course didn't give a damn about them and scuffed.

People that can afford private education will of course become richer and the poor poorer. This is just the sad facts of loserterianism. Education will become the definer that it once was as less people will have it.

-Monopolies will grow and shut out small businesses. As I said above such anti-trust laws will likely be phased out under losererianism and this will allow a few super powerful corporations to run everyone out of town as they did in the 1880s. This will be a huge part of the reason for the increase between the rich at the top and the poor on the bottom.

-Air, water and food quality within our country will slide to mexico or even China levels as Government deregulates. Cancer and food poisoning will become very real concerns within your lives. People will start watching their children die before they make it to adulthood and far worse diseases will start to reappear and rage through the country side as government won't raise a hand to stop it.

-Funding for research will dry up and allow for those diseases to do just that. Funding for warnings on extreme meteorological events from flash floods, hurricanes and tornadoes will be stripped to the bone and thousands of people will die once again as they once did during the 19th into the early portion of the 20th century.

-Roads will become toll roads and for profit. Once again if you're not well off = you're fucked. The few good roads that are tolls will also be taken advantage of by the riches within our society, while the poor that will make up the vast majority of this country in 20 years will have to use far shittier infrastructure.

-Loserterians for some reason will keep the drug war going and the for profit prisons...So don't you dare lite up you poor piece of shit. Don't you dare.
What are you talking about? :disbelief:
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Millions will die and we will be far less great because of loserterianism.
-Old people will lose their safetynet and find themselves dying on the side of the road. Most people within our nation that are over 50 are far more likely to currently be in debt. People that do work will spend the rest of their lives slaving away under a loserterian 19th century model. One that if they're not well off won't allow them to ever do better.

-People with health problems will lose their insurance and tens of thousands will die as they're told no. Please don't get sick if you made a mistake tuesday as our current government be it the federal or state government will become more cold hearted towards you. Wouldn't at all surprise me if the ER rules are changed so they can tell you no if you don't have a few hundred thousand bucks. You can fucking count on the corporations that run these hospitals to jack up rates to mind blowing levels...But, hell, if the government dares do anything about it = fascism..Don't you fucking know.

-The poor will become poorer and the rich will become richer. This is within the way of a central American shit hole and not so much like the current poor that can afford the niceties. This will become a fact for many reasons ranging from less education will being available for the lower classes, poorer food standards, less food and many of the problems of the third world starting to show up here in America. The rich will become richer as I believe anti-trust laws, unions and laws preventing dirty dealings by the part of corporations will also be phased out as loserterianism is about taking us back to the 19th century. Pretty much ugly for all but a few percent at the top.

-Education will become harder to get for the poor and some of the middle class as government aid will dry up. This will make the poor poorer and collapse our living standards as a nation. Many cities in the 18th and 19th century had two areas which were defined by class either super rich or super poor. The super poor areas were slums as people lived pretty much in their own shit and lived a lot like people do in current day Haiti or the poorer parts of India. The rich of course didn't give a damn about them and scuffed.

People that can afford private education will of course become richer and the poor poorer. This is just the sad facts of loserterianism. Education will become the definer that it once was as less people will have it.

-Monopolies will grow and shut out small businesses. As I said above such anti-trust laws will likely be phased out under losererianism and this will allow a few super powerful corporations to run everyone out of town as they did in the 1880s. This will be a huge part of the reason for the increase between the rich at the top and the poor on the bottom.

-Air, water and food quality within our country will slide to mexico or even China levels as Government deregulates. Cancer and food poisoning will become very real concerns within your lives. People will start watching their children die before they make it to adulthood and far worse diseases will start to reappear and rage through the country side as government won't raise a hand to stop it.

-Funding for research will dry up and allow for those diseases to do just that. Funding for warnings on extreme meteorological events from flash floods, hurricanes and tornadoes will be stripped to the bone and thousands of people will die once again as they once did during the 19th into the early portion of the 20th century.

-Roads will become toll roads and for profit. Once again if you're not well off = you're fucked. The few good roads that are tolls will also be taken advantage of by the riches within our society, while the poor that will make up the vast majority of this country in 20 years will have to use far shittier infrastructure.

-Loserterians for some reason will keep the drug war going and the for profit prisons...So don't you dare lite up you poor piece of shit. Don't you dare.
OMG...without a communist system of government millions will die!!! OMG...! Lmfao.
I don't know enough about the guy to align with him.

I think Jews are annoying that doesn't make me a nazi
Fair enough, but I have seen enough from you to know that you dismiss your defeats and ignore your incongruities. Most of what you write are lies and deception.
Not true. Give examples. I'm 100 open and honest. Might be the only one here who's willing and capable to see the other side or both sides.
Ok, here is one example.... in post # 50 through #56 we had a discussion on the unfairness of our society and you could not tell me what was unfair yet you persisted in your belief. You either do not understand the concept of unfair or you are disingenuous.
Corporations and shareholders used to have a social contract with workers and they broke it. It started in the 70s. Think jack walsh. Long story short is what you think is fair is not what I think is fair. For example union members have a right to their job.

Now I'll agree sometimes unions are not reasonable but a guy like you agrees with Jack Walsh workers should have no right to their job. Should a company be allowed to fire you after you land the big deal so they don't have to pay you commission? I say there should be a thing called wrongfully terminated.

Long story short what you think is fair might not be fair.

You're asking me questions that take too long to answer properly. And I could give you a million examples. When workers don't get a raise but CEO pay goes up, that's not fair. What do I want to do about it? Fix it. How? Idk
No. Corporations (i.e. Board of Directors, BoD) only have a fiduciary obligation to shareholders. Usually this aligns with the needs of society and its employees, but not always. Some BoD take shortsighted views which are counter to the best interest of its shareholders but is not readily apparent at the time those decisions are made. Other times BoD are dishonest and do not fulfil their fiduciary obligations. Typically when capitalism fails it is due to incompetence and/or a failure of morality but in no instance do employees, union or otherwise, have a guaranteed job. Even union contracts allow for layoffs to happen.

But putting this aside, my question to you was is it fair to reap what you sow?
Corporations and shareholders used to have a social contract with workers and they broke it. It started in the 70s. Think jack walsh. Long story short is what you think is fair is not what I think is fair. For example union members have a right to their job.

Now I'll agree sometimes unions are not reasonable but a guy like you agrees with Jack Walsh workers should have no right to their job. Should a company be allowed to fire you after you land the big deal so they don't have to pay you commission? I say there should be a thing called wrongfully terminated.

Long story short what you think is fair might not be fair.

You're asking me questions that take too long to answer properly. And I could give you a million examples. When workers don't get a raise but CEO pay goes up, that's not fair. What do I want to do about it? Fix it. How? Idk

So in these posts you accuse blue collar workers of somehow being LESS INTELLIGENT, and LESS EDUCATED than a bunch of sixth grade dropouts that comprise most of Hollywood, and a bunch of looser liberal arts students that learned to define the color of a dress, or the name of a particular spectrum of blue pastel colors. Then you make a giant leap to the liberal idea that Corporate America is not giving their workers anything, and that a person that has a large chunk of capital and invests it is somehow screwing the rest of the people in this country. Then you tell all of us how the liberal agenda has saved us all from the bad old capitalists that provide most of the jobs in this country, and therefore a large percentage of the actual tax revenue that the government collects. I am really sorry for people like you who have formulated the idea that the people who actually support this country's economy OWE every other person in this country something other than an equal chance to succeed if they will choose the right paths and do the needed work to attain their goals. The problem with the equal outcome \ equal income for all is that human nature, especially that of those with your mentally defective ideas results in those who will not contribute anything except hot air to the community while taking a full measure FROM it.
There's a reason we don't try it the Libertarian way.

You mean the way Libertarians would END corp/govt colllusion and handouts and favoritism when neither the Dems or Reps will?

You mean the way Libertarians would force fiscal sanity where now there is none?

You mean the way Libertarians are NOT interested in projection of force in the World and interventions and occupations without being INVITED by trustworthy factions?

Wouldn't be so bad. Wouldn't have to endure the constant childish wailing from the 2 brand name tribes at war for 4 years. Would be blissful..
Have you noticed the Republicans have implemented a lot of libertarian policies in the last decade? Trumps a little like a libertarian, sort of

Of course. We were scorned for being gay lovers, potheads, pansy ass peaceniks. Just had to wander in the political desert for 25 years until America caught up with our principles. Those AMERICAN principles we started with. :rofl:

Added bonus is --- your 2 Brand Name parties are rapidly shrinking and killing themselves. Future is Bright. Keep it up. (Dem + Repubs) < (the rest of us) -- if you understand the math...:badgrin:
My problem with the philosophy of Libertarianism is amorality which leads to anarchy. I believe we should stand for good and oppose evil.

Simple Ding. Tolerance --- which is the cornerstone of free societies, does not indict you for exercising it.. Just because you "allow" people to MAKE choices, doesn't mean that you condone them or endorse them. In fact, Ayn Rand roundly condemned the brand new Libertarians for not being judgmental enough.. And she's right. We need to get the message straight that because we TOLERATE stuff -- doesn't mean we're ammoral or plan to make those choices ourselves..

For instance, I could approve of legalized prostitution or gambling, but STILL belong to groups that attempt to reduce it's harmful side effects. And chastize people who take part in those choices..
There's a reason we don't try it the Libertarian way.

You mean the way Libertarians would END corp/govt colllusion and handouts and favoritism when neither the Dems or Reps will?

You mean the way Libertarians would force fiscal sanity where now there is none?

You mean the way Libertarians are NOT interested in projection of force in the World and interventions and occupations without being INVITED by trustworthy factions?

Wouldn't be so bad. Wouldn't have to endure the constant childish wailing from the 2 brand name tribes at war for 4 years. Would be blissful..
Have you noticed the Republicans have implemented a lot of libertarian policies in the last decade? Trumps a little like a libertarian, sort of

Of course. We were scorned for being gay lovers, potheads, pansy ass peaceniks. Just had to wander in the political desert for 25 years until America caught up with our principles. Those AMERICAN principles we started with. :rofl:

Added bonus is --- your 2 Brand Name parties are rapidly shrinking and killing themselves. Future is Bright. Keep it up. (Dem + Repubs) < (the rest of us) -- if you understand the math...:badgrin:
My problem with the philosophy of Libertarianism is amorality which leads to anarchy. I believe we should stand for good and oppose evil.

Simple Ding. Tolerance --- which is the cornerstone of free societies, does not indict you for exercising it.. Just because you "allow" people to MAKE choices, doesn't mean that you condone them or endorse them. In fact, Ayn Rand roundly condemned the brand new Libertarians for not being judgmental enough.. And she's right. We need to get the message straight that because we TOLERATE stuff -- doesn't mean we're ammoral or plan to make those choices ourselves..

For instance, I could approve of legalized prostitution or gambling, but STILL belong to groups that attempt to reduce it's harmful side effects. And chastize people who take part in those choices..
Fair enough, I agree that one cannot be made to be virtuous, but we live in a shared society with shared consequences. One of which is anarchy which is where amorality leads.
It occurs to me that progressives don't want to have religion in their government but do want to force religious like morality onto others through the government. The irony never ends.
My problem with the philosophy of Libertarianism is amorality which leads to anarchy. I believe we should stand for good and oppose evil.

Simple Ding. Tolerance --- which is the cornerstone of free societies, does not indict you for exercising it.. Just because you "allow" people to MAKE choices, doesn't mean that you condone them or endorse them. In fact, Ayn Rand roundly condemned the brand new Libertarians for not being judgmental enough.. And she's right. We need to get the message straight that because we TOLERATE stuff -- doesn't mean we're ammoral or plan to make those choices ourselves..

For instance, I could approve of legalized prostitution or gambling, but STILL belong to groups that attempt to reduce it's harmful side effects. And chastize people who take part in those choices..

The modern LIbEral version of “tolerance” holds that madness, perversion, and outright evil must be tolerated, and treated as at least equal to (and in reality, “more equal than”) reason, decency, and good. And yet, there is little tolerance found for those who would stand against perversion, madness, and evil; for doing so, we get condemned as “hateful” and “bigoted”.

It is amazing that there are so many people who have allowed themselves to become so oblivious and dulled that they cannot clearly see the toll that this has already taken on our society, and what it will continue to do to our society if it is allowed to continue. It is, as Einstein observed, the case that those who actively do evil are not so great a threat to society as are supposedly “good” people who allow evil to happen.

Those of you who foolishly preach “tolerance”, and under that guise, allow our society to be overrun by the evils for which you demand this “tolerance”; your hands are not clean of the consequences of this evil. This is on you.
My problem with the philosophy of Libertarianism is amorality which leads to anarchy. I believe we should stand for good and oppose evil.

Simple Ding. Tolerance --- which is the cornerstone of free societies, does not indict you for exercising it.. Just because you "allow" people to MAKE choices, doesn't mean that you condone them or endorse them. In fact, Ayn Rand roundly condemned the brand new Libertarians for not being judgmental enough.. And she's right. We need to get the message straight that because we TOLERATE stuff -- doesn't mean we're ammoral or plan to make those choices ourselves..

For instance, I could approve of legalized prostitution or gambling, but STILL belong to groups that attempt to reduce it's harmful side effects. And chastize people who take part in those choices..

The modern LIbEral version of “tolerance” holds that madness, perversion, and outright evil must be tolerated, and treated as at least equal to (and in reality, “more equal than”) reason, decency, and good. And yet, there is little tolerance found for those who would stand against perversion, madness, and evil; for doing so, we get condemned as “hateful” and “bigoted”.

It is amazing that there are so many people who have allowed themselves to become so oblivious and dulled that they cannot clearly see the toll that this has already taken on our society, and what it will continue to do to our society if it is allowed to continue. It is, as Einstein observed, the case that those who actively do evil are not so great a threat to society as are supposedly “good” people who allow evil to happen.

Those of you who foolishly preach “tolerance”, and under that guise, allow our society to be overrun by the evils for which you demand this “tolerance”; your hands are not clean of the consequences of this evil. This is on you.

Don't think you're getting to the basis of what a FREE nation is. It is TOLERANCE. It's not running to the Govt as your first instrument of choice if you're OFFENDED by someone's actions. You need to show DIRECT harm. Then you can go to the COURTS ---- instead of hijacking the govt and using it to ENFORCE MORALS AND TOLERANCE.

Tolerance is worth NOTHING if it's law.. It's the same as the 1st amendment speech thingy. Supporting the right for Madonna or Judd to scream about their pussies --- is not as you say....

and under that guise, allow our society to be overrun by the evils for which you demand this “tolerance”; your hands are not clean of the consequences of this evil. This is on you.

Nope -- On YOU -- for only thinking that govt SHOULD BE in the biz of ENFORCING "inclusiveness" or tolerance.
The human race survived for how many thousands of years before the brief progressive era in the United States?
But it was the biggest greatest happiest middle class the world had ever seen.

But the rich didn't like sharing the wealth so we have unhappy blue collar trump voters
Corporations and shareholders used to have a social contract with workers and they broke it. It started in the 70s. Think jack walsh. Long story short is what you think is fair is not what I think is fair. For example union members have a right to their job.

Now I'll agree sometimes unions are not reasonable but a guy like you agrees with Jack Walsh workers should have no right to their job. Should a company be allowed to fire you after you land the big deal so they don't have to pay you commission? I say there should be a thing called wrongfully terminated.

Long story short what you think is fair might not be fair.

You're asking me questions that take too long to answer properly. And I could give you a million examples. When workers don't get a raise but CEO pay goes up, that's not fair. What do I want to do about it? Fix it. How? Idk

So in these posts you accuse blue collar workers of somehow being LESS INTELLIGENT, and LESS EDUCATED than a bunch of sixth grade dropouts that comprise most of Hollywood, and a bunch of looser liberal arts students that learned to define the color of a dress, or the name of a particular spectrum of blue pastel colors. Then you make a giant leap to the liberal idea that Corporate America is not giving their workers anything, and that a person that has a large chunk of capital and invests it is somehow screwing the rest of the people in this country. Then you tell all of us how the liberal agenda has saved us all from the bad old capitalists that provide most of the jobs in this country, and therefore a large percentage of the actual tax revenue that the government collects. I am really sorry for people like you who have formulated the idea that the people who actually support this country's economy OWE every other person in this country something other than an equal chance to succeed if they will choose the right paths and do the needed work to attain their goals. The problem with the equal outcome \ equal income for all is that human nature, especially that of those with your mentally defective ideas results in those who will not contribute anything except hot air to the community while taking a full measure FROM it.
We love paying our fair share in taxes when you pay us our fair share of the profits.

Stop bragging that you pay 70℅ of the taxes when you keep 90℅ of the profits.
My problem with the philosophy of Libertarianism is amorality which leads to anarchy. I believe we should stand for good and oppose evil.

Simple Ding. Tolerance --- which is the cornerstone of free societies, does not indict you for exercising it.. Just because you "allow" people to MAKE choices, doesn't mean that you condone them or endorse them. In fact, Ayn Rand roundly condemned the brand new Libertarians for not being judgmental enough.. And she's right. We need to get the message straight that because we TOLERATE stuff -- doesn't mean we're ammoral or plan to make those choices ourselves..

For instance, I could approve of legalized prostitution or gambling, but STILL belong to groups that attempt to reduce it's harmful side effects. And chastize people who take part in those choices..

The modern LIbEral version of “tolerance” holds that madness, perversion, and outright evil must be tolerated, and treated as at least equal to (and in reality, “more equal than”) reason, decency, and good. And yet, there is little tolerance found for those who would stand against perversion, madness, and evil; for doing so, we get condemned as “hateful” and “bigoted”.

It is amazing that there are so many people who have allowed themselves to become so oblivious and dulled that they cannot clearly see the toll that this has already taken on our society, and what it will continue to do to our society if it is allowed to continue. It is, as Einstein observed, the case that those who actively do evil are not so great a threat to society as are supposedly “good” people who allow evil to happen.

Those of you who foolishly preach “tolerance”, and under that guise, allow our society to be overrun by the evils for which you demand this “tolerance”; your hands are not clean of the consequences of this evil. This is on you.

Don't think you're getting to the basis of what a FREE nation is. It is TOLERANCE. It's not running to the Govt as your first instrument of choice if you're OFFENDED by someone's actions. You need to show DIRECT harm. Then you can go to the COURTS ---- instead of hijacking the govt and using it to ENFORCE MORALS AND TOLERANCE.

Tolerance is worth NOTHING if it's law.. It's the same as the 1st amendment speech thingy. Supporting the right for Madonna or Judd to scream about their pussies --- is not as you say....

and under that guise, allow our society to be overrun by the evils for which you demand this “tolerance”; your hands are not clean of the consequences of this evil. This is on you.

Nope -- On YOU -- for only thinking that govt SHOULD BE in the biz of ENFORCING "inclusiveness" or tolerance.

My version of a free nation necessarily includes the right of a decent baker, caterer, or other small businessman to refuse to provide services in support of a sick, immoral homosexual mockery of a wedding. Lately, the power of law has been abused in order to force such support, and to punish those who refused to give it. This is a clear example of government policy being used explicitly to uphold evil over good; and to support the “freedom” of sick, immoral perverts to force their immorality on decent people who want nothing to do with it.

And then there are the recent legal actions which give sick, creepy male perverts the “freedom” to claim to “identify” as women, and on that basis, to intrude into restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and such that are designated to protect the privacy of genuine women and girls.¨ It is now explicitly the law, here in California, that public schools are no longer allowed to protect female students from these perverts. If a male student claims to “identify as female”, by law, he now has to be allowed into the girls' locker room, even when actual girls are in there undressed and showering.

This is what you get when you promote a morality-blind version of “freedom”. Evil becomes “more equal than” good.

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