Militia in NV setting up checkpoints and demand ID's

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I think the country is ready to go to war.

You're out of your mind if you honestly believe that.

I don't think she means that the country *wants* to go to war, but that people are drawing lines in the sand.

The federal government has become so godamned powerful and intrusive and corrupt that it is now a tyrannical regime, and the libtard press just ignores the worst of it all.

People are getting fed up on both sides, reacting to the corrupt manipulaters propaganda on both opposite sides; the liberals reacting to press about conservatives wanting to end Social Security and end welfare and conservatives reacting to the Obama regime's heavy handed use of regulatory circumvention of Congress.

I agree with her; the country is ready to go to war, and if the Dems lose the Senate I think the odds go way up.
Wait until it breaks in Texas! If the BLM doesn't end their land grab, Texas intends to put up a full resistance.

You did that once already, even had a few other states with you, how did that turn out:badgrin:

Not a single federal officer or trooper on Texas soil.

You are really ignorant about history.

Besides, there is no potato famine today, so who will you force to fight such a stupid and costly war, moron? Welfare stoners? Gay parade queens?

You are so stupid as hell it is blinding.

Ridiculous statement. No BLM people, that is because the Federal land in Texas are owned by the Army Corps of Engineers, Nat. Forest, Nat. Parks, Agencies that control Native American land holdings (Reservations) the Dept of Defense, etc. Hell, if we took all the US Troops out of Texas the state's economy would crash. And plenty of US Marshall Service, FBI, ATF and other are there.
any one get the feeling this administration is just dying to justify using a drone strike on american soil so they can set a precedent?

Without a doubt.

They have already established that the President can have Americans killed on foreign soil for supporting a terrorist organization. And they have established that pro-lifers, Tea Partiers, NRA members and various other conservative groups are terrorist leaning organizations.

It is no stretch at all to imagine the Obama Regime declaring the NRA a terrorist organization then, contrary to their own legal findings, attack NRA members with lethal force, indefinite incarceration without trial or notice to next of kin or lawyers. THEY HAVE ALREADY DONE IT WITH INDIVIDUAL CASES.
You did that once already, even had a few other states with you, how did that turn out:badgrin:

Not a single federal officer or trooper on Texas soil.

You are really ignorant about history.

Besides, there is no potato famine today, so who will you force to fight such a stupid and costly war, moron? Welfare stoners? Gay parade queens?

You are so stupid as hell it is blinding.

Ridiculous statement. No BLM people, that is because the Federal land in Texas are owned by the Army Corps of Engineers, Nat. Forest, Nat. Parks, Agencies that control Native American land holdings (Reservations) the Dept of Defense, etc. Hell, if we took all the US Troops out of Texas the state's economy would crash. And plenty of US Marshall Service, FBI, ATF and other are there.
Bull shit.
Not a single federal officer or trooper on Texas soil.

You are really ignorant about history.

Besides, there is no potato famine today, so who will you force to fight such a stupid and costly war, moron? Welfare stoners? Gay parade queens?

You are so stupid as hell it is blinding.

Ridiculous statement. No BLM people, that is because the Federal land in Texas are owned by the Army Corps of Engineers, Nat. Forest, Nat. Parks, Agencies that control Native American land holdings (Reservations) the Dept of Defense, etc. Hell, if we took all the US Troops out of Texas the state's economy would crash. And plenty of US Marshall Service, FBI, ATF and other are there.
Bull shit.

What is bull shit?
You did that once already, even had a few other states with you, how did that turn out:badgrin:

Not a single federal officer or trooper on Texas soil.

You are really ignorant about history.

Besides, there is no potato famine today, so who will you force to fight such a stupid and costly war, moron? Welfare stoners? Gay parade queens?

You are so stupid as hell it is blinding.

Ridiculous statement. No BLM people, that is because the Federal land in Texas are owned by the Army Corps of Engineers, Nat. Forest, Nat. Parks, Agencies that control Native American land holdings (Reservations) the Dept of Defense, etc. Hell, if we took all the US Troops out of Texas the state's economy would crash. And plenty of US Marshall Service, FBI, ATF and other are there.

He was referencing the Civil War, dumshit, and so was I. At the end of the war no feds were in Texas, having all been driven out repeatedly. FACT.
Ridiculous statement. No BLM people, that is because the Federal land in Texas are owned by the Army Corps of Engineers, Nat. Forest, Nat. Parks, Agencies that control Native American land holdings (Reservations) the Dept of Defense, etc. Hell, if we took all the US Troops out of Texas the state's economy would crash. And plenty of US Marshall Service, FBI, ATF and other are there.
Bull shit.

What is bull shit?

Your stupid response, obviously
You're out of your mind if you honestly believe that.

Ready or not, the smallest of sparks will ignite an inferno.

The democrats today use Soviet Era tactics to attack not only the opposition party, but the concepts of Republican Government - ergo the Constitution. The party IS actively crushing the very foundations of this nation. Many see that the corruption (another of the Soviet tactics used by democrats) inherent at all levels has nullified the checks and balances.

No one wants war, but the reality that it is looming cannot be ignored. Khrushchev said you would crush us and your boot is upon our throat - too much pressure and we will push you off of us.
You haven't provided a dozen links. You haven't even produced one. You don't get to tell everyone what a statement means in "legal speak" based on your opinion that just happens to support your opinion and agenda. This is like the fourth time I've asked for a source for the claim that Sheriff Gillespie or any leading law enforcement officer has categorically denied or confirmed that checkpoint incidents or situations did not occur. I don't know what the big deal is. Why is it so important for you to keep this lie going? Just give the link or source for your claim and quit bullshitting.

Here's what I don't understnd, why are you such a fucking liar? Do you think it helps your cause?

{Pressed further, Roybal said police were trying to verify Horsford’s claims but Roybal was not certain to what extent that investigation had gone.

Roybal added the sheriff was "in contact with multiple people in elected office" regarding the matter.

If someone does encounter the claimed checkpoints or people with guns near churches or schools, Roybal also said, "they need to report it to (Metro)."}

Metro investigating concerns over militia activity near Bundy ranch - Las Vegas Sun News

Between Koshergrl and I, you have been given links a dozen times, from a variety of sources - but you just continue to lie.

I swear, if one of you Communists claim it is daytime at high noon, you should not be believed until it is verified.
All it takes is a couple wrong moves. The feds start shooting people that resist their regulatory bull shit, the people start shooting back, the feds start rounding people up.. we'll go to civil war. Don't think for a minute we'll let our family members rot in federal jails for defending their livelihood. The escalation from small skirmish to state wide rebellion could happen in a heartbeat in the internet age. Think flash mob but on a statewide level. I say statewide cause I have no doubt that certain regions like NYC are already so tightly controlled that any rebellion would be quickly squashed.

The British held New York City the first time we fought for freedom. so it's not surprising to have it in the hands of tyrants.
Hell, if we took all the US Troops out of Texas the state's economy would crash.
Bull shit.

What is bull shit?[/QUOTE]
That one. That is complete bull shit.[/QUOTE]

OK, I'll concede on that one.
It does appear that the Army Corps of Engineers own a good deal of real estate, but their authority appears restricted compared to some other states in regards to "navigable" waters and in general, the use of water for purposes other than navigation.
Not a single federal officer or trooper on Texas soil.

You are really ignorant about history.

Besides, there is no potato famine today, so who will you force to fight such a stupid and costly war, moron? Welfare stoners? Gay parade queens?

You are so stupid as hell it is blinding.

Ridiculous statement. No BLM people, that is because the Federal land in Texas are owned by the Army Corps of Engineers, Nat. Forest, Nat. Parks, Agencies that control Native American land holdings (Reservations) the Dept of Defense, etc. Hell, if we took all the US Troops out of Texas the state's economy would crash. And plenty of US Marshall Service, FBI, ATF and other are there.

He was referencing the Civil War, dumshit, and so was I. At the end of the war no feds were in Texas, having all been driven out repeatedly. FACT.

No he wasn't.
It does appear that the Army Corps of Engineers own a good deal of real estate, but their authority appears restricted compared to some other states in regards to "navigable" waters and in general, the use of water for purposes other than navigation.

Agreed. Texas is one of the few states in the country that would likely get along just fine without aid from the federal government. More to the point, Texas would likely thrive if it were allowed to peacefully secede. Texas would of course remain an ally of the USA not unlike Canada. Texas' books are in pretty good order. The possible additional revenue afforded by not having it's citizens pay federal taxes would also be a boon, since we would no longer be funding wars around the globe, and likely funding less welfare programs. It would be an interesting split. Not saying I want that to happen just pointing out that Texas is a net + to the America not a net -.
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Ridiculous statement. No BLM people, that is because the Federal land in Texas are owned by the Army Corps of Engineers, Nat. Forest, Nat. Parks, Agencies that control Native American land holdings (Reservations) the Dept of Defense, etc. Hell, if we took all the US Troops out of Texas the state's economy would crash. And plenty of US Marshall Service, FBI, ATF and other are there.

Pssst; Comrade - you DO realize that he was saying that during the CIVIL WAR, not a single federal troop of agent entered Texas, doncha?
If you google the local news in Clark county and read the last days news and the comments from the locals that go along with the latest stories you will discover that the main statements from law enforcement are that they are investigating bomb threats made at the Holiday Inn that came along with demands that the BLM employees staying there get kicked out. In addition they are investigating allegations of personal threats made against individual employees of the Holiday Inn. In more news, the business community in Mesquite is claiming the presence of the militia in the area has cost local business over $100,000 in lost revenue due to fears about the presence of the militia. They claim the whole Bundy and militia situation has given the area an undeserved black eye and bad reputation.
Perhaps the real story is in how locals are voicing their opinions in the comment sections. The militia are being call "meth heads", and a popular question being asked is how the militia people support themselves since they seem to have lots of time to lay around the Bundy ranch. Locals can't seem to hurl enough insults at the out of state "government freeloaders" as they call them and clearly want the militia people out of their community. Fraudulent disability claimants seem to be a popular name they like calling them. See for yourself. Google the latest Bunkerville/Clark County news media.

well those irrational fears certainly give strong motive for someone to LIE about road blocks.

thanks for the post. just more evidence this story is false.
"On Tuesday, during the Review-Journal’s unannounced visit to Bundy’s residence, about a dozen militia members toted assault rifles or sidearms on the approach to his ranch, from the state Route 170 bridge that crosses the Virgin River near Interstate 15 to a militia camp, dubbed “Bunker Hill,” on the south side of the river off Gold Butte Road.

"The only checkpoint was at the driveway leading to his ranch house where a few non-militia guards were on hand to protect Bundy and his family, according one guard who said he was a Marine veteran and not part of a militia group."

“They’re not at schools, not at churches and there are no checkpoints,” she said. “They are some of the nicest people. I felt more threatened when the BLM looked through binoculars and scopes.”

Lingering militia presence draws mixed reaction in Bunkerville | Las Vegas Review-Journal
It does appear that the Army Corps of Engineers own a good deal of real estate, but their authority appears restricted compared to some other states in regards to "navigable" waters and in general, the use of water for purposes other than navigation.

Agreed. Texas is one of the few states in the country that would likely get along just fine without aid from the federal government. More to the point, Texas would likely thrive if it were allowed to peacefully secede. Texas would of course remain an ally of the USA not unlike Canada. Texas' books are in pretty good order. The possible additional revenue afforded by not having it's citizens pay federal taxes would also be a boon, since we would no longer be funding wars around the globe, and likely funding less welfare programs. It would be an interesting split. Not saying I want that to happen just pointing out that Texas is a net + to the America not a net -.

most states would probably survive without aid from the federal government. what people fail to realize is states that get the most aid do so because the federal government has elected to put a federal facility such as military bases, prisons, government centers or something in those states. its not that those states can't pay their own way
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