Military intel predicted rise of ISIS in 2012, detailed arms shipments from Benghazi to Syria

People that join the military are of age and do not need parental consent. They know when they sign up going to war is a distinct possibility. Epic fail on your comment
You probably think that everyone joins the military with only patriotism and a willingness to die for their country as their only motivations. Most people join the military because it offers the best opportunity to start a family for a lot of poor people, it is no accident that they recruit most heavily from poor neighborhoods and states. I see our troops as people who would really like to see their kids grow up, not a disposable resource, they are precious to their families and we should respect that by not wasting them on stupid shit no matter how much you people like big cool explosions.

I come from a military family, please save your BS for someone you at least have a small chance of snowing
I do too, I am from Alabama and had four relatives in Iraq or Afghanistan at one time or another, I know why they joined. They served with distinction and all made it back, the thought sickens me that they could have been ordered back for more tours if people like you had their way.

BTW I served long ago too, I know what joining the military is all about.

Thank you for your service but I disagree with your stance
How can anyone of conscience not agree that wasting soldier's lives is bad? For a soldier war is not a glorious venture but a grim task akin to cleaning out the litter box. They just want to live through it and not lose their buddies. Respect that.
My best friend went to Iraq and came back with a lot less than he went with and we ended up losing him. Before he passed he told me he had no regrets and would do it again. If he felt that way there is no way I can disagree with what happened.
You should volunteer to go fight then. I support our troops and do not relish the thought of them dying for useless causes. Trying to occupy Iraq was fucking stupid in the first place and we have no business trying to own unfriendly territory outside our borders when our military command structure sucks so badly at winning the peace.

There's a lot of mom and dads out there not so willing to sacrifice their sons and daughters on the altar of MIC profits. You and your sons should just get on a plane, fly to Iraq, pick a faction and join up if you are so eager to see more American blood spilled on Iraqi soil, the rest of us are getting sick of the flag draped coffins coming back while nothing encouraging ever happens there. It would be different if it didn't seem like we were just burning money and lives to keep the pentagon defense hawks happy and rich.

People that join the military are of age and do not need parental consent. They know when they sign up going to war is a distinct possibility. Epic fail on your comment
You probably think that everyone joins the military with only patriotism and a willingness to die for their country as their only motivations. Most people join the military because it offers the best opportunity to start a family for a lot of poor people, it is no accident that they recruit most heavily from poor neighborhoods and states. I see our troops as people who would really like to see their kids grow up, not a disposable resource, they are precious to their families and we should respect that by not wasting them on stupid shit no matter how much you people like big cool explosions.

I come from a military family, please save your BS for someone you at least have a small chance of snowing
I do too, I am from Alabama and had four relatives in Iraq or Afghanistan at one time or another, I know why they joined. They served with distinction and all made it back, the thought sickens me that they could have been ordered back for more tours if people like you had their way.

BTW I served long ago too, I know what joining the military is all about.

YOU are the reason that so many men had to serve SO MANY TOURS.

As YOU and you cult lent the enemy YOUR PUBLIC SUPPORT...

And you can claim it to have been whatever the fuck you want. But the truth is, that every one of your anti-American motherfuckers might as well have been humpin' ammo and water for Islam as far as I'm concerned and I don't count you one iota less guilty than the asshat pedophile worshippin' brown-clowns who were buoyed by your protests and who used your protested for the inspiration to pack it up and head to Iraq.

Screw you eternally... you're not a dam' dimes different in my book than any one of those sand lizards. And the day is comin' when justice will be served on you low-rent cocksuckers. As nature requires it must.
Are you actually giving me shit because I do not see War as a glory-filled self-justifying exercise in patriotism worthy of any number of American lives? Fuck you.
You probably think that everyone joins the military with only patriotism and a willingness to die for their country as their only motivations. Most people join the military because it offers the best opportunity to start a family for a lot of poor people, it is no accident that they recruit most heavily from poor neighborhoods and states. I see our troops as people who would really like to see their kids grow up, not a disposable resource, they are precious to their families and we should respect that by not wasting them on stupid shit no matter how much you people like big cool explosions.

I come from a military family, please save your BS for someone you at least have a small chance of snowing
I do too, I am from Alabama and had four relatives in Iraq or Afghanistan at one time or another, I know why they joined. They served with distinction and all made it back, the thought sickens me that they could have been ordered back for more tours if people like you had their way.

BTW I served long ago too, I know what joining the military is all about.

Thank you for your service but I disagree with your stance
How can anyone of conscience not agree that wasting soldier's lives is bad? For a soldier war is not a glorious venture but a grim task akin to cleaning out the litter box. They just want to live through it and not lose their buddies. Respect that.
My best friend went to Iraq and came back with a lot less than he went with and we ended up losing him. Before he passed he told me he had no regrets and would do it again. If he felt that way there is no way I can disagree with what happened.
Make up your own mind if it was all worth it. You lost a best friend, would you send him again knowing what you know now?
I come from a military family, please save your BS for someone you at least have a small chance of snowing
I do too, I am from Alabama and had four relatives in Iraq or Afghanistan at one time or another, I know why they joined. They served with distinction and all made it back, the thought sickens me that they could have been ordered back for more tours if people like you had their way.

BTW I served long ago too, I know what joining the military is all about.

Thank you for your service but I disagree with your stance
How can anyone of conscience not agree that wasting soldier's lives is bad? For a soldier war is not a glorious venture but a grim task akin to cleaning out the litter box. They just want to live through it and not lose their buddies. Respect that.
My best friend went to Iraq and came back with a lot less than he went with and we ended up losing him. Before he passed he told me he had no regrets and would do it again. If he felt that way there is no way I can disagree with what happened.
Make up your own mind if it was all worth it. You lost a best friend, would you send him again knowing what you know now.

I didn't send him, he went of his own accord and I supported him. Just as all Americans should have, sadly they didn't
I do too, I am from Alabama and had four relatives in Iraq or Afghanistan at one time or another, I know why they joined. They served with distinction and all made it back, the thought sickens me that they could have been ordered back for more tours if people like you had their way.

BTW I served long ago too, I know what joining the military is all about.

Thank you for your service but I disagree with your stance
How can anyone of conscience not agree that wasting soldier's lives is bad? For a soldier war is not a glorious venture but a grim task akin to cleaning out the litter box. They just want to live through it and not lose their buddies. Respect that.
My best friend went to Iraq and came back with a lot less than he went with and we ended up losing him. Before he passed he told me he had no regrets and would do it again. If he felt that way there is no way I can disagree with what happened.
Make up your own mind if it was all worth it. You lost a best friend, would you send him again knowing what you know now.

I didn't send him, he went of his own accord and I supported him. Just as all Americans should have, sadly they didn't
There is a vast difference between not supporting a war and not supporting the troops. The highest form of supporting the troops is valuing their lives so that few as possible die in vain.
Thank you for your service but I disagree with your stance
How can anyone of conscience not agree that wasting soldier's lives is bad? For a soldier war is not a glorious venture but a grim task akin to cleaning out the litter box. They just want to live through it and not lose their buddies. Respect that.
My best friend went to Iraq and came back with a lot less than he went with and we ended up losing him. Before he passed he told me he had no regrets and would do it again. If he felt that way there is no way I can disagree with what happened.
Make up your own mind if it was all worth it. You lost a best friend, would you send him again knowing what you know now.

I didn't send him, he went of his own accord and I supported him. Just as all Americans should have, sadly they didn't
There is a vast difference between not supporting a war and not supporting the troops. The highest form of supporting the troops is valuing their lives so that few as possible die in vain.

If you support the troops you support the mission. You can't dither on this.
When we go to War..............We should go to Win............Period...............Not placing Rules of Engagement that the enemies use against us...................Not reading them their rights.................or the other BS this country whines about during these Wars....................

When we went Cold Turkey and left Iraq without even bare intel capabilities we ensured the end result............You can say SOFA SOFA SOFA............but the bottom line is that Iraq didn't trust Obama and knew he was going to have a full they said bye............and knew they were on their own...........Which pushed them into getting aid from Iran.....................

The ground we are hearing about now being lost and fought over was paid for in blood by our military..........and to throw it away by not ensuring final victory accounts to basically pissing on their graves.......................

The current Leadership couldn't pour pee out of a boot with the instructions written on the heal...........He ignored the military saying we had to leave a residual force or the place would go to shit.............He ignored them.............and watched for years before doing a damned thing..............The blood going on now is SQUARELY ON HIS SHOULDERS...................and those that fought for these areas are disgusted for how it all turned out................For WHAT they say................just so some DUMB ASSED POLITICIAN CAN THROW IT ALL AWAY..............

The same DUMB ASS that demanded Egypt allow the Muslim Brotherhood to be part of the process...........

The same Dumb Ass that attacked Libya............and now says nothing as the entire place has gone to hell..............

Arming segments in Syria only to used by the very people we are ought to destroy.............

Politicians are Fucked up..........both sides..................and LOSE WARS............not the military..............and refuse to do what is necessary to achieve FINAL VICTORY.................When you play by the enemies rules..............and put rules out the ass on your own military you've Fucked our men and women and this country.
Thank you for your service but I disagree with your stance
How can anyone of conscience not agree that wasting soldier's lives is bad? For a soldier war is not a glorious venture but a grim task akin to cleaning out the litter box. They just want to live through it and not lose their buddies. Respect that.
My best friend went to Iraq and came back with a lot less than he went with and we ended up losing him. Before he passed he told me he had no regrets and would do it again. If he felt that way there is no way I can disagree with what happened.
Make up your own mind if it was all worth it. You lost a best friend, would you send him again knowing what you know now.

I didn't send him, he went of his own accord and I supported him. Just as all Americans should have, sadly they didn't
There is a vast difference between not supporting a war and not supporting the troops. The highest form of supporting the troops is valuing their lives so that few as possible die in vain.
They died in Vain because we hauled ass................and didn't leave even the basic support in intel to give Iraq a better chance of controlling the situation........

When we hauled ass they then died in vain.
People that join the military are of age and do not need parental consent. They know when they sign up going to war is a distinct possibility. Epic fail on your comment
You probably think that everyone joins the military with only patriotism and a willingness to die for their country as their only motivations. Most people join the military because it offers the best opportunity to start a family for a lot of poor people, it is no accident that they recruit most heavily from poor neighborhoods and states. I see our troops as people who would really like to see their kids grow up, not a disposable resource, they are precious to their families and we should respect that by not wasting them on stupid shit no matter how much you people like big cool explosions.

I come from a military family, please save your BS for someone you at least have a small chance of snowing
I do too, I am from Alabama and had four relatives in Iraq or Afghanistan at one time or another, I know why they joined. They served with distinction and all made it back, the thought sickens me that they could have been ordered back for more tours if people like you had their way.

BTW I served long ago too, I know what joining the military is all about.

YOU are the reason that so many men had to serve SO MANY TOURS.

As YOU and you cult lent the enemy YOUR PUBLIC SUPPORT...

And you can claim it to have been whatever the fuck you want. But the truth is, that every one of your anti-American motherfuckers might as well have been humpin' ammo and water for Islam as far as I'm concerned and I don't count you one iota less guilty than the asshat pedophile worshippin' brown-clowns who were buoyed by your protests and who used your protested for the inspiration to pack it up and head to Iraq.

Screw you eternally... you're not a dam' dimes different in my book than any one of those sand lizards. And the day is comin' when justice will be served on you low-rent cocksuckers. As nature requires it must.
Are you actually giving me shit because I do not see War as a glory-filled self-justifying exercise in patriotism worthy of any number of American lives? Fuck you.

No... I am formally stating that your attempt to paint yourself as the mother of US Troops, is a lie... that your loyalty is to yourself and yourself alone.

I am telling you that I know that you are not defending the lives of brave American boys... you're defending the money spent to fight the Pedophile worshippers that attacked us. And there's no means to convey to you through mere words the contempt that I hold for you and the panty-waste, anti-American, subversive cult you represent.

I've dealt with you fuckers for decades... and I've tossed the crosses that you losers tried to plant all up an down beaches, in your support of Islam.

You and your cult are on track to cause the deaths of MILLIONS of US Citizens, some of which will indeed be Americans. And you have the gall to blame the deaths of US Service men and woman, on the Mothers and Fathers that sent them into battle to kill the Pedophile Worshippers that attacked the United States, because of the policy YOU and THOSE YOU ELECTED, established that made that attack possible.

That's what I am telling you.
How can anyone of conscience not agree that wasting soldier's lives is bad? For a soldier war is not a glorious venture but a grim task akin to cleaning out the litter box. They just want to live through it and not lose their buddies. Respect that.
My best friend went to Iraq and came back with a lot less than he went with and we ended up losing him. Before he passed he told me he had no regrets and would do it again. If he felt that way there is no way I can disagree with what happened.
Make up your own mind if it was all worth it. You lost a best friend, would you send him again knowing what you know now.

I didn't send him, he went of his own accord and I supported him. Just as all Americans should have, sadly they didn't
There is a vast difference between not supporting a war and not supporting the troops. The highest form of supporting the troops is valuing their lives so that few as possible die in vain.

If you support the troops you support the mission. You can't dither on this.
Oh I think I can, supporting the mission means supporting the government, do you support the government? Maybe only when the government wants to kill a bunch of scary brown people? The government lies, why would you trust their justifications for starting something as profitable and corrupt in it's funding as a war?
How can anyone of conscience not agree that wasting soldier's lives is bad? For a soldier war is not a glorious venture but a grim task akin to cleaning out the litter box. They just want to live through it and not lose their buddies. Respect that.
My best friend went to Iraq and came back with a lot less than he went with and we ended up losing him. Before he passed he told me he had no regrets and would do it again. If he felt that way there is no way I can disagree with what happened.
Make up your own mind if it was all worth it. You lost a best friend, would you send him again knowing what you know now.

I didn't send him, he went of his own accord and I supported him. Just as all Americans should have, sadly they didn't
There is a vast difference between not supporting a war and not supporting the troops. The highest form of supporting the troops is valuing their lives so that few as possible die in vain.

If you support the troops you support the mission. You can't dither on this.
Oh yes I can. Trusting the mission means trusting the government to engage in the most corrupting money spending it ever does. Truckloads of hundred dollar-bills just vanished over there, never mind the legitimate Trillion that is on the books, when there is a profit motive in war those who want it the most are the least trustworthy.
My best friend went to Iraq and came back with a lot less than he went with and we ended up losing him. Before he passed he told me he had no regrets and would do it again. If he felt that way there is no way I can disagree with what happened.
Make up your own mind if it was all worth it. You lost a best friend, would you send him again knowing what you know now.

I didn't send him, he went of his own accord and I supported him. Just as all Americans should have, sadly they didn't
There is a vast difference between not supporting a war and not supporting the troops. The highest form of supporting the troops is valuing their lives so that few as possible die in vain.

If you support the troops you support the mission. You can't dither on this.
Oh I think I can, supporting the mission means supporting the government, do you support the government? Maybe only when the government wants to kill a bunch of scary brown people? The government lies, why would you trust their justifications for starting something as profitable and corrupt in it's funding as a war?
My best friend went to Iraq and came back with a lot less than he went with and we ended up losing him. Before he passed he told me he had no regrets and would do it again. If he felt that way there is no way I can disagree with what happened.
Make up your own mind if it was all worth it. You lost a best friend, would you send him again knowing what you know now.

I didn't send him, he went of his own accord and I supported him. Just as all Americans should have, sadly they didn't
There is a vast difference between not supporting a war and not supporting the troops. The highest form of supporting the troops is valuing their lives so that few as possible die in vain.

If you support the troops you support the mission. You can't dither on this.
Oh yes I can. Trusting the mission means trusting the government to engage in the most corrupting money spending it ever does. Truckloads of hundred dollar-bills just vanished over there, never mind the legitimate Trillion that is on the books, when there is a profit motive in war those who want it the most are the least trustworthy.

I think you need to reevaluate what supporting our military really means. Have a nice make me want to heave
How can anyone of conscience not agree that wasting soldier's lives is bad? For a soldier war is not a glorious venture but a grim task akin to cleaning out the litter box. They just want to live through it and not lose their buddies. Respect that.
My best friend went to Iraq and came back with a lot less than he went with and we ended up losing him. Before he passed he told me he had no regrets and would do it again. If he felt that way there is no way I can disagree with what happened.
Make up your own mind if it was all worth it. You lost a best friend, would you send him again knowing what you know now.

I didn't send him, he went of his own accord and I supported him. Just as all Americans should have, sadly they didn't
There is a vast difference between not supporting a war and not supporting the troops. The highest form of supporting the troops is valuing their lives so that few as possible die in vain.
They died in Vain because we hauled ass................and didn't leave even the basic support in intel to give Iraq a better chance of controlling the situation........

When we hauled ass they then died in vain.
Bullshit, you cannot say with certainty the place would now be peaceful if we were there to be a target for militants instead of each other. Why do you want to kill them so bad when they are doing so well at killing one another?
You probably think that everyone joins the military with only patriotism and a willingness to die for their country as their only motivations. Most people join the military because it offers the best opportunity to start a family for a lot of poor people, it is no accident that they recruit most heavily from poor neighborhoods and states. I see our troops as people who would really like to see their kids grow up, not a disposable resource, they are precious to their families and we should respect that by not wasting them on stupid shit no matter how much you people like big cool explosions.

I come from a military family, please save your BS for someone you at least have a small chance of snowing
I do too, I am from Alabama and had four relatives in Iraq or Afghanistan at one time or another, I know why they joined. They served with distinction and all made it back, the thought sickens me that they could have been ordered back for more tours if people like you had their way.

BTW I served long ago too, I know what joining the military is all about.

YOU are the reason that so many men had to serve SO MANY TOURS.

As YOU and you cult lent the enemy YOUR PUBLIC SUPPORT...

And you can claim it to have been whatever the fuck you want. But the truth is, that every one of your anti-American motherfuckers might as well have been humpin' ammo and water for Islam as far as I'm concerned and I don't count you one iota less guilty than the asshat pedophile worshippin' brown-clowns who were buoyed by your protests and who used your protested for the inspiration to pack it up and head to Iraq.

Screw you eternally... you're not a dam' dimes different in my book than any one of those sand lizards. And the day is comin' when justice will be served on you low-rent cocksuckers. As nature requires it must.
Are you actually giving me shit because I do not see War as a glory-filled self-justifying exercise in patriotism worthy of any number of American lives? Fuck you.

No... I am formally stating that your attempt to paint yourself as the mother of US Troops, is a lie... that your loyalty is to yourself and yourself alone.

I am telling you that I know that you are not defending the lives of brave American boys... you're defending the money spent to fight the Pedophile worshippers that attacked us. And there's no means to convey to you through mere words the contempt that I hold for you and the panty-waste, anti-American, subversive cult you represent.

I've dealt with you fuckers for decades... and I've tossed the crosses that you losers tried to plant all up an down beaches, in your support of Islam.

You and your cult are on track to cause the deaths of MILLIONS of US Citizens, some of which will indeed be Americans. And you have the gall to blame the deaths of US Service men and woman, on the Mothers and Fathers that sent them into battle to kill the Pedophile Worshippers that attacked the United States, because of the policy YOU and THOSE YOU ELECTED, established that made that attack possible.

That's what I am telling you.
I know, you are calling me a coward along with a bunch of other blah-blah bluster like every war hawk does when asked to consider the human cost of war and if the aftermath justifies that cost.
My best friend went to Iraq and came back with a lot less than he went with and we ended up losing him. Before he passed he told me he had no regrets and would do it again. If he felt that way there is no way I can disagree with what happened.
Make up your own mind if it was all worth it. You lost a best friend, would you send him again knowing what you know now.

I didn't send him, he went of his own accord and I supported him. Just as all Americans should have, sadly they didn't
There is a vast difference between not supporting a war and not supporting the troops. The highest form of supporting the troops is valuing their lives so that few as possible die in vain.
They died in Vain because we hauled ass................and didn't leave even the basic support in intel to give Iraq a better chance of controlling the situation........

When we hauled ass they then died in vain.
Bullshit, you cannot say with certainty the place would now be peaceful if we were there to be a target for militants instead of each other. Why do you want to kill them so bad when they are doing so well at killing one another?
No one can say that.................but you don't haul ass and allow ground to be lost paid for with American blood.....................In doing so you MADE SURE THEY DIED IN VAIN....................

Win the War............that's not an option anymore is it....................same as Vietnam...........same as Korea...........................fight a while and then leave instead of making sure we win................don't tell me we couldn't have won Vietnam..............another Politicians War..........Korea.............we should have fought it to Win as well................and there would be No North Korea today................

1st Gulf War..............We didn't finish the job............when we had far more assets than now.............

We learned to LOSE WARS and not WIN THEM....................That's our problem............and the Middle east is still imploding...............causing a possible bigger War later..............
Make up your own mind if it was all worth it. You lost a best friend, would you send him again knowing what you know now.

I didn't send him, he went of his own accord and I supported him. Just as all Americans should have, sadly they didn't
There is a vast difference between not supporting a war and not supporting the troops. The highest form of supporting the troops is valuing their lives so that few as possible die in vain.
They died in Vain because we hauled ass................and didn't leave even the basic support in intel to give Iraq a better chance of controlling the situation........

When we hauled ass they then died in vain.
Bullshit, you cannot say with certainty the place would now be peaceful if we were there to be a target for militants instead of each other. Why do you want to kill them so bad when they are doing so well at killing one another?
No one can say that.................but you don't haul ass and allow ground to be lost paid for with American blood.....................In doing so you MADE SURE THEY DIED IN VAIN....................

Win the War............that's not an option anymore is it....................same as Vietnam...........same as Korea...........................fight a while and then leave instead of making sure we win................don't tell me we couldn't have won Vietnam..............another Politicians War..........Korea.............we should have fought it to Win as well................and there would be No North Korea today................

1st Gulf War..............We didn't finish the job............when we had far more assets than now.............

We learned to LOSE WARS and not WIN THEM....................That's our problem............and the Middle east is still imploding...............causing a possible bigger War later..............
Wars don't get won if you entrust brutal people such as yourself to win the peace. We won the peace in Europe and the Pacific because the places we occupied saw us as decent people. We do not have that moral high ground when we just invade other places who were not a clear military threat to us. People such as yourself only like the bombs and the guns part and totally fuck up the part where we have to clean up the mess and set the conquered back on their feet as allies.
I didn't send him, he went of his own accord and I supported him. Just as all Americans should have, sadly they didn't
There is a vast difference between not supporting a war and not supporting the troops. The highest form of supporting the troops is valuing their lives so that few as possible die in vain.
They died in Vain because we hauled ass................and didn't leave even the basic support in intel to give Iraq a better chance of controlling the situation........

When we hauled ass they then died in vain.
Bullshit, you cannot say with certainty the place would now be peaceful if we were there to be a target for militants instead of each other. Why do you want to kill them so bad when they are doing so well at killing one another?
No one can say that.................but you don't haul ass and allow ground to be lost paid for with American blood.....................In doing so you MADE SURE THEY DIED IN VAIN....................

Win the War............that's not an option anymore is it....................same as Vietnam...........same as Korea...........................fight a while and then leave instead of making sure we win................don't tell me we couldn't have won Vietnam..............another Politicians War..........Korea.............we should have fought it to Win as well................and there would be No North Korea today................

1st Gulf War..............We didn't finish the job............when we had far more assets than now.............

We learned to LOSE WARS and not WIN THEM....................That's our problem............and the Middle east is still imploding...............causing a possible bigger War later..............
Wars don't get won if you entrust brutal people such as yourself to win the peace. We won the peace in Europe and the Pacific because the places we occupied saw us as decent people. We do not have that moral high ground when we just invade other places who were not a clear military threat to us. People such as yourself only like the bombs and the guns part and totally fuck up the part where we have to clean up the mess and set the conquered back on their feet as allies.
Their Culture's are not the same...........................and you forget they we bombed their countries back into the stone age................Kinda missed that part...............

Kinda missed the part were we Nuked two Cities to say SURRENDER OR DIE.......................

War is BRUTAL..................and if you want to get BRUTAL................after 9/11 I'd have hit the middle east so hard that their dead ancestors would have felt it............I wouldn't have occupied anything.............I would have left it in rubble and left...............and said hit us again and you'll get this again.............

But that wasn't our strategy, so I supported the strategy of the United States even though I didn't completely agree with all of it..............

Bottom line...........Obama pulled out without any residual and ensured this shit would happen........end of story. He OWNS IT.

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