Question for Hillary

Might as well title the thread, "Another question that Hillary won't answer."

Her plan is to watch polls and see what people want to hear, then give speeches that sound good. No questions will be answered because she can't answer them honestly and still look good. She will not be put on the spot.

She thinks she can just copy Obama and give fancy speeches and never be challenged. She is expecting to be handled with kid gloves and be given a free pass. After all, it worked for the first black candidate, so she figures it will work for the first woman candidate.
Her answer will be yes because she too would have honored the force withdrawal agreement negotiated and signed by George W. Bush with the Iraqi government. There is no need to hide from that question. The choice was to treat Iraq like a vassal state or treat them like a sovereign nation. Reneging on our agreements would have subjected our soldiers to a fresh round of attacks and made the US look like a lying sack of shit, why the fuck did you people want to stay?
Might as well title the thread, "Another question that Hillary won't answer."

Her plan is to watch polls and see what people want to hear, then give speeches that sound good. No questions will be answered because she can't answer them honestly and still look good. She will not be put on the spot.

She thinks she can just copy Obama and give fancy speeches and never be challenged. She is expecting to be handled with kid gloves and be given a free pass. After all, it worked for the first black candidate, so she figures it will work for the first woman candidate.

I agree with your diagnosis of her plan but I expect it will work. Obama got elected and reelected as a bucket list candidate and I suspect Hillary will be elected at about 3 to 2 odds in favor. At this point gimmick candidates are all the Ds have left.
I agree with your diagnosis of her plan but I expect it will work. Obama got elected and reelected as a bucket list candidate and I suspect Hillary will be elected at about 3 to 2 odds in favor. At this point gimmick candidates are all the Ds have left.

I am afraid you are right because many of the liberals have low expectations of their candidates when it comes to transparency. They will vote simply because she is a Dem. Some might vote to prove they aren't engaging in a "war on women."

I have some liberals in my family and I was surprised to hear that they don't like Hillary. My liberal friend will vote for her and the reason made me laugh. She said if Hillary wins, Bill will be back in the WH and she loves Bill. Of course, Hillary doesn't give a shit what Bill thinks about anything and if people believe he will influence her, they are wrong.

I suspect that some would prefer Fauxahontas, but Hillary will be the candidate because she is in line for the throne. You'd think qualifications would be the determining factor, but some simply go by race, gender or seniority.
Her answer will be yes because she too would have honored the force withdrawal agreement negotiated and signed by George W. Bush with the Iraqi government. There is no need to hide from that question. The choice was to treat Iraq like a vassal state or treat them like a sovereign nation. Reneging on our agreements would have subjected our soldiers to a fresh round of attacks and made the US look like a lying sack of shit, why the fuck did you people want to stay?

Oh, look, an official Hillary spokesperson. I guess since she refuses to answer questions, we can count on others to step up and do it for her.

Hey, Dipstick, if there is no need to hide from questions, why isn't she answering them?
Her answer will be yes because she too would have honored the force withdrawal agreement negotiated and signed by George W. Bush with the Iraqi government. There is no need to hide from that question. The choice was to treat Iraq like a vassal state or treat them like a sovereign nation. Reneging on our agreements would have subjected our soldiers to a fresh round of attacks and made the US look like a lying sack of shit, why the fuck did you people want to stay?

Oh, look, an official Hillary spokesperson. I guess since she refuses to answer questions, we can count on others to step up and do it for her.

Hey, Dipstick, if there is no need to hide from questions, why isn't she answering them?
Who gives a fuck, I do not like Hillary at all and have no interest in her campaign but I can tell you that she would have honored the withdrawal agreement because that's what America does, this is not the old west where treaties and agreements are not worth the paper they are written on. If we had just broke that agreement diplomacy would have been impossible with anyone in the region.

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