Militants are dying, Americans aren't

Absolutely. And what of the five he recently released? ONE of which was one of the masterminds of the 9/11 attacks...being released to join these same people.

Astoudingly wrong. The Taliban is not to be confused with Al Quida. The 5 are not considered terrorists, but prisoners of war. This was settled during the Bush administration when the Guantanamo prison was set up. Go back and listen to Colin Powell.

WHAT is the GOAL of these Son-Of-Bitches son? :eusa_hand:

Report: Released Taliban Leader Played Key Role in 9/11 Taliban Strategy

One of the five senior Taliban leaders released in the prisoner swap for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl played a role in al-Qaida's strategy for the 9/11 terrorist attacks, The Weekly Standard reported.

Mohammad Fazl, who served as the Taliban's army chief of staff and deputy defense minister, worked with one of Osama bin Laden's chief lieutenants to execute a military offensive against the Northern Alliance on Sept. 10, 2001, according to the Standard.

The successful operation was a key part of the strategy to ensure that opposition to the Taliban in Afghanistan was weakened. The Taliban was preparing for an anticipated American retaliation immediately following 9/11.

A leaked Joint Task Force Guantanamo threat assessment of Fazl said that he met with Abdul Hadi al Iraqi to "immediately coordinate an attack with the Taliban against the Northern Alliance," according to the Standard. The attack was to be carried out the day after al-Qaida assassinated Northern Alliance commander Ahmed Shah Massoud in a suicide bombing so as to weaken the opposition's morale.

:eusa_hand: TRY AGAIN

Fazi terrifies me. I know him well. I've been at freedom and human rights for Afghan women since the mid 90's. Close to 20 years now. I know all the players.

And for you left wing whackos. Yes this conservative woman has been fighting for basic human rights for women in the middle east while liberal women in the west have been fighting for the right to kill children in their womb and outside if PP have their way.

I consider mine a more nobler quest.
Absolutely. And what of the five he recently released? ONE of which was one of the masterminds of the 9/11 attacks...being released to join these same people.

Astoudingly wrong. The Taliban is not to be confused with Al Quida. The 5 are not considered terrorists, but prisoners of war. This was settled during the Bush administration when the Guantanamo prison was set up. Go back and listen to Colin Powell.

Colin Powell went all wanker on us when he fell for a blonde left winger in his hey day. True story.

Now that aside.

Those five released are top echelon leaders in the Taliban. One is known world wide among Human Rights groups for his massacres of Shia.

Smarten up kid. Obama let loose the big guns in the Taliban. Like letting go one Rommel and 4 cabinet ministers to Hitler for one hostage.

BTW, i've seen you use that analogy wrongly before, so I should comment.

Rommel was a good guy. A soldier, yes, but was humane to prisoners of war, and he refused to ship Jews to the concentration camps. He was forced to swallow cyanide when caught up in the unsuccessful conspiracy to assassinate Hilter.

So, if we are sending a Rommel back to the Taliban, it is a good thing.
Sunni militants are dying in Iraq. Shiite militants are dying in Iraq. ISIS militants are dying in Iraq. According to some reports, soon Iranians will die in Iraq.

But guess what!! Americans are NOT dying in Iraq.

No wonder the GOP is staging a temper tantrum. Gosh, with all the dying in Iraq, Americans are getting left out.

Let me reiterate, for the first time in the 21st century, Americans are NOT dying in Iraq.

Three cheers for President Obama.

The war was won in 2003, why is Obama being blamed:

ABOARD USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN (CNN) -- President Bush on Thursday praised the toppling of Saddam Hussein as "a job well done," but he warned that the battle in Iraq was but "one victory in a war on terror."

Bush, addressing the nation not from the White House but from the dramatic setting of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, announced: "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended." (Transcript)

Standing on the giant flight deck, with a banner reading "Mission Accomplished" overhead on the bridge, the commander-in-chief saluted the men and women of the U.S. military.

"Because of you, our nation is more secure. Because of you, the tyrant has fallen, and Iraq is free," was his message. "America is grateful for a job well done."

Until gasoline goes to $9 per gallon, because the Middle East is in flames; then you Loons & Socialists will blame Republicans.

Then how many Americans killed per week in the Middle East are you willing to see killed if it keeps gas under $4 a gallon?

What's a fair trade? Give us a ballpark estimate.

Ah stop with that blood for oil shit and just build the Keystone you asshole.


It's been blood for oil. Oil was the reason we attacked Iraq in 1991. Bush Sr. said so. Explicitly.

btw, do you want to answer the question. It's worth American lives to keep the price of gas low, according to you and Macauly. So how many is it worth?

There has to be a number. I can't believe it's unlimited. Where's your limit?

Until gasoline goes to $9 per gallon, because the Middle East is in flames; then you Loons & Socialists will blame Republicans.

Then how many Americans killed per week in the Middle East are you willing to see killed if it keeps gas under $4 a gallon?

What's a fair trade? Give us a ballpark estimate.


I don't want to lose any Americans in any war. But, sometimes only evil choices are available to the wisdom of man.

Islam is a pestilence that will have to be dealt with sooner or later. Obama will choose later. So be it. But, when the shit hits the fan because of his choices--9 buck gasoline--you Loons and Socialists will blame Republicans.

By the way, there are some Kill numbers to consider. We lost 4,000 men in Iraq. We loose 40,000 Americans a year--every year--- without a word said---on our highways because we like to ride and because we like to have the necessities of life delivered to us by trucks.

9 buck gasoline will save way way more lives on the roads than we ever lost in Iraq---but our way of life will be gone.

Then argue with the posters here like tinydancer who claim this isn't about blood for oil.
Iraq is now in a civil war that is no more our business than our Civil War was their business.


Until gasoline goes to $9 per gallon, because the Middle East is in flames; then you Loons & Socialists will blame Republicans.

If gas goes to $9 a gallon, I'll buy a 40 mpg car to replace my 20 mpg gallon car and effectively break even.
Here is a suggestion then for you and all the NRA gun boys who want to pack and show their guns around town:even if you have already served, F*ck sign up again and go show your guns to those people for a bit.

Until they show up again in OUR back yard. YOU idiots don't think you?

An excellent idea. Set up a battalion of volunteers to go to Iraq and help out......who are they helping out again?

We have a volunteer military. .. that is something a person who was in the navy would know

tapatalk post
Over the last decade ... More Americans have been killed by cops here in the states than died in Iraq.

And....that makes a case for sending Americans to Iraq to be shot at, blown up, maimed and killed?

Was anyone trying to make a case for sending Americans to Iraq to be killed or maimed ... Or were we stating facts about when and where Americans are killed and by who?
Do you want to send more troops to Iraq ... Or are you trying to debate the fact more Americans have been killed by cops here in the states over the last decade than died in Iraq?

Absolutely not!

Until gasoline goes to $9 per gallon, because the Middle East is in flames; then you Loons & Socialists will blame Republicans.

Then how many Americans killed per week in the Middle East are you willing to see killed if it keeps gas under $4 a gallon?

What's a fair trade? Give us a ballpark estimate.

Ah stop with that blood for oil shit and just build the Keystone you asshole.


George Bush Sr., 1990, speech to Congress, giving the reason to attack Iraq:

Nor do we exaggerate when we say Saddam Hussein will fail. Vital economic interests are at risk as well. Iraq itself controls some 10 percent of the world's proven oil reserves. Iraq plus Kuwait controls twice that.

An Iraq permitted to swallow Kuwait would have the economic and military power, as well as the arrogance, to intimidate and coerce its neighbors -- neighbors who control the lion's share of the world's remaining oil reserves. We cannot permit a resource so vital to be dominated by one so ruthless. And we won't.

Blood for oil. In black and white.

George Bush Presidential Library and Museum :: Public Papers - 1990 - September
When we invaded Iraq, George W. Bush did not know the difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims.

It helps to have a smart president.

On the other hand, Bush knew, as did most Americans over the age of 12, that there were 50 states in the USA not 58 as Obama believed (Obama said he had been to 57 states and had one more to go). And Bush knew, as most Americans knew, that the word “corpsman” was pronounced “” not “” as Obama read the word from his teleprompter (he did it twice). And Bush knew, as almost every adult on the planet knew, that Europe was a continent not a country as Obama claimed it was. And so forth and so forth.

It's strange that when Bush said something foolish, the Democrats and their allies in the MSM made him out to be a blubbering idiot, but when Obama did the same thing they said he simply misspoke. Well, fuck that double standard.

Bush said some stupid things.
Obama said some stupid things.

Neither one is the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
Astoudingly wrong. The Taliban is not to be confused with Al Quida. The 5 are not considered terrorists, but prisoners of war. This was settled during the Bush administration when the Guantanamo prison was set up. Go back and listen to Colin Powell.

Colin Powell went all wanker on us when he fell for a blonde left winger in his hey day. True story.

Now that aside.

Those five released are top echelon leaders in the Taliban. One is known world wide among Human Rights groups for his massacres of Shia.

Smarten up kid. Obama let loose the big guns in the Taliban. Like letting go one Rommel and 4 cabinet ministers to Hitler for one hostage.

BTW, i've seen you use that analogy wrongly before, so I should comment.

Rommel was a good guy. A soldier, yes, but was humane to prisoners of war, and he refused to ship Jews to the concentration camps. He was forced to swallow cyanide when caught up in the unsuccessful conspiracy to assassinate Hilter.

So, if we are sending a Rommel back to the Taliban, it is a good thing.

Oh I know Rommel well. I was speaking only of his ability as a military tactitian.

Now Fazi differs. He's like Baghdadi. A mercilless killer who loves the blood he spills.
Sunni militants are dying in Iraq. Shiite militants are dying in Iraq. ISIS militants are dying in Iraq. According to some reports, soon Iranians will die in Iraq.

But guess what!! Americans are NOT dying in Iraq.

No wonder the GOP is staging a temper tantrum. Gosh, with all the dying in Iraq, Americans are getting left out.

Let me reiterate, for the first time in the 21st century, Americans are NOT dying in Iraq.

Three cheers for President Obama.

The war was won in 2003, why is Obama being blamed:

ABOARD USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN (CNN) -- President Bush on Thursday praised the toppling of Saddam Hussein as "a job well done," but he warned that the battle in Iraq was but "one victory in a war on terror."

Bush, addressing the nation not from the White House but from the dramatic setting of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, announced: "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended." (Transcript)

Standing on the giant flight deck, with a banner reading "Mission Accomplished" overhead on the bridge, the commander-in-chief saluted the men and women of the U.S. military.

"Because of you, our nation is more secure. Because of you, the tyrant has fallen, and Iraq is free," was his message. "America is grateful for a job well done."

And might I add...holding the carrier off the coast of San Diego one extra day while the families had to wait some more while their loved ones were within view....sitting there as a photo op.
Absolutely. And what of the five he recently released? ONE of which was one of the masterminds of the 9/11 attacks...being released to join these same people.

Astoudingly wrong. The Taliban is not to be confused with Al Quida. The 5 are not considered terrorists, but prisoners of war. This was settled during the Bush administration when the Guantanamo prison was set up. Go back and listen to Colin Powell.

WHAT is the GOAL of these Son-Of-Bitches son? :eusa_hand:

Report: Released Taliban Leader Played Key Role in 9/11 Taliban Strategy

One of the five senior Taliban leaders released in the prisoner swap for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl played a role in al-Qaida's strategy for the 9/11 terrorist attacks, The Weekly Standard reported.

Mohammad Fazl, who served as the Taliban's army chief of staff and deputy defense minister, worked with one of Osama bin Laden's chief lieutenants to execute a military offensive against the Northern Alliance on Sept. 10, 2001, according to the Standard.

The successful operation was a key part of the strategy to ensure that opposition to the Taliban in Afghanistan was weakened. The Taliban was preparing for an anticipated American retaliation immediately following 9/11.

A leaked Joint Task Force Guantanamo threat assessment of Fazl said that he met with Abdul Hadi al Iraqi to "immediately coordinate an attack with the Taliban against the Northern Alliance," according to the Standard. The attack was to be carried out the day after al-Qaida assassinated Northern Alliance commander Ahmed Shah Massoud in a suicide bombing so as to weaken the opposition's morale.

:eusa_hand: TRY AGAIN
Did you think I wouldn't read your link?

You edited this line from your quote,

"Fazi, who served as the Taliban's army chief of staff and deputy defense minister prior to his detention at Guantánamo, did not have a hand in planning the actual 9/11 hijackings. "

In fact, you twisted the quote, so that it would appear to support you.

I'm not surprised, but Tiny's faith in you is likely shattered.
Here is a suggestion then for you and all the NRA gun boys who want to pack and show their guns around town:even if you have already served, F*ck sign up again and go show your guns to those people for a bit.

Sunni militants are dying in Iraq. Shiite militants are dying in Iraq. ISIS militants are dying in Iraq. According to some reports, soon Iranians will die in Iraq.

But guess what!! Americans are NOT dying in Iraq.

No wonder the GOP is staging a temper tantrum. Gosh, with all the dying in Iraq, Americans are getting left out.

Let me reiterate, for the first time in the 21st century, Americans are NOT dying in Iraq.

Three cheers for President Obama.

Until they show up again in OUR back yard. YOU idiots don't think you?
I already served and protected DUMBASSES like YOU.

Stow it shitstain.:eusa_hand:
So you want us to run air cover for Iranian troops who are already assisting the Iraqi government. Brilliant idea.

If it's a stupid idea, it's YOUR stupid idea. You posted it. Nobody's is talking about runnnig air cover for Iranian troops. The air strikes are on behalf of the American people, to protect them from the nuclear ANNIHILATION that would result, if/whenever ISIS were to acquire control over Iraq, its massive oil reserves, its massive wealth, and thereby a nuclear arsenal.

Wow. What a bizarre fantasy.

The Sunni crazy group is not getting control of Iraq and its non existent nuclear capacity.

Upon what do you base that statement ? Some particular set of facts, or pure speculation ?
Here is a suggestion then for you and all the NRA gun boys who want to pack and show their guns around town:even if you have already served, F*ck sign up again and go show your guns to those people for a bit.

Until they show up again in OUR back yard. YOU idiots don't think you?
I already served and protected DUMBASSES like YOU.

Stow it shitstain.:eusa_hand: should not need much training before you go, right? However, I should point out, there may not be much alcohol there.

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