Mike Pence's HIV Scandal Must Not Be Forgotten

The first thing to know about Mike Pence is that he hates abortion. I mean, really hates it. As in, a good gift for him would be a lapel pin that read, "Ask me how I feel about abortion." While many right-wing politicians have been screeching about defunding Planned Parenthood over the last year due to those hoax videos, Pence wanted to shut them down before it was cool. In 2011, Politico detailed Pence's "one-man crusade to deny all federal funding" to the organization. Reminder: Title X does not provide federal funding for abortions, and abortion makes up only three percent of the services that Planned Parenthood provides. PP's main function is STI and STD testing and treatment. Pence's response: "If Planned Parenthood wants to be involved in providing counseling services and HIV testing, they ought not be in the business of providing abortions."

In 2013, the only Planned Parenthood in Indiana's rural Scott County was forced to close due to lack of funding. The women of Scott County must now travel 50 miles to visit a gynecologist, according to the Chicago Tribune. The closure also left the county without an HIV testing center, and by June 2015, 150 of Austin, Indiana's 4,300 residents were infected with HIV. That's almost 3.5 percent of the population. For comparison, the overall HIV infection rate in the United States is less that 0.4 percent.

Austin's only physician, Dr. William Cooke, saw the epidemic coming a mile away. "We’ve been asking for help for a long time," he told MSNBC in 2015. "We identified long ago there was an undercurrent here that was very unhealthy."

Pence finally called the Centers for Disease Control to assist Cooke with the outbreak in March of that year. As of April 2016, 190 cases of HIV have been diagnosed in Austin, reported the Indy Star. The Scottsburg Planned Parenthood, which never performed abortions, remains permanently closed.

Mike Pence's HIV Scandal Must Not Be Forgotten

Pence really sounds like a religious psycho! And very dangerous for women!
How did he get hold of your medical records, Tonto?
No better then the witch doctor because he wants to replace rational thought based on evidence with faith. How the hell can anyone support this effin shit?

All of the people of faith support common sense, of which you have none.
I do not hate America. I do hate the Roe V. Wade law. Constitutional Law can be changed and I will work on that until my dying day.

Did you read any of the links I provided? Was there any PP propaganda in those news articles? PP is a Democratic fund raising machine using tax payer dollars to elect libtards all over the U. S..

It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe V Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since. We've had several Republican administrations over the last many decades and one full house and nothing changed on abortion. Republican administrations have always refused to give Supreme court nominees a litmus test on abortion and they never will.

So no you can't vote on abortion, you cannot make laws from your home district that will not be immediately overturned by a district court. After 45 years of Roe V Wade, it's clear it's not going anywhere.

It's been slowly hemmed in since it was passed by Blackmunn and Co. Blackmunn's legacy is that he essentially took a state level issue and made it federal. That is why he is on the wall of shame.

The decision was pooly written. Even the left agreed with that.

Of course you have a link to that claim? It is the U.S. Supreme Court Justices that wrote the legal terminology in Roe V. Wade--and it didn't come from the right or the left. So your poorly written comment
I do not hate America. I do hate the Roe V. Wade law. Constitutional Law can be changed and I will work on that until my dying day.

Did you read any of the links I provided? Was there any PP propaganda in those news articles? PP is a Democratic fund raising machine using tax payer dollars to elect libtards all over the U. S..

It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe V Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since. We've had several Republican administrations over the last many decades and one full house and nothing changed on abortion. Republican administrations have always refused to give Supreme court nominees a litmus test on abortion and they never will.

So no you can't vote on abortion, you cannot make laws from your home district that will not be immediately overturned by a district court. After 45 years of Roe V Wade, it's clear it's not going anywhere.

It's been slowly hemmed in since it was passed by Blackmunn and Co. Blackmunn's legacy is that he essentially took a state level issue and made it federal. That is why he is on the wall of shame.

The decision was pooly written. Even the left agreed with that.
I do not hate America. I do hate the Roe V. Wade law. Constitutional Law can be changed and I will work on that until my dying day.

Did you read any of the links I provided? Was there any PP propaganda in those news articles? PP is a Democratic fund raising machine using tax payer dollars to elect libtards all over the U. S..

It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe V Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since. We've had several Republican administrations over the last many decades and one full house and nothing changed on abortion. Republican administrations have always refused to give Supreme court nominees a litmus test on abortion and they never will.

So no you can't vote on abortion, you cannot make laws from your home district that will not be immediately overturned by a district court. After 45 years of Roe V Wade, it's clear it's not going anywhere.

It's been slowly hemmed in since it was passed by Blackmunn and Co. Blackmunn's legacy is that he essentially took a state level issue and made it federal. That is why he is on the wall of shame.

The decision was pooly written. Even the left agreed with that.

Poorly written or not, it is the law of the land.

What is your argument here.

That nothing has changed since Roe ?

Please make sure you are very clear on your position before your ignorance is shown to all.

What has changed with Roe V. Wade over the last 45 years?

Not a change, but a law that prevented taxpayers money paying for abortions until Planned Parenthood figured a way around it. With Obama's blessings!

"For more than 30 years, the Hyde Amendment has prevented federal tax dollars from being used to pay for Medicaid abortions. The Hyde Amendment is a rider which has been annually included in the appropriations bill for the Department of Health and Human Services since 1976. It prevents the DHHS from spending tax dollars on abortion."
While the indian princess started an OP declaring Gov. Pence of being involved in scandalous behavior re: the spread of HIV in the state of Indiana. After 125 posts it has been proven a fallacy. It is like someone is setting back and eating peyote and drifting in a dream state to make this up.
I will admit there is a medical problem in rural Indiana and I have provided the links in the OP to show what the problem is. CHEAP MEXICAN HEROIN. Pill Mills are also part of the problem. Burglaries stealing meds from legitimate users of pain meds. IV drug use is rampant The problem has been around a long time and it is getting worse.
Indian princess wanted to blame the scandal of the spread of HIV on Gov. Pence when the State Board of Health was opening Needle exchanges back in 2013. Pence had been Gov. for a year and was making headway on the problem. Now this is not just one rural County as the OP suggested it is pretty much state wide. And if folks were honest with themselves Indiana is not the only State with problems of this nature. Hell the bern man has been talking for a year about the Heroin problem in crystal clean Vermont.
This was a partisan attack on a possible VP choice and clearly a crock of shit...
It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe V Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since. We've had several Republican administrations over the last many decades and one full house and nothing changed on abortion. Republican administrations have always refused to give Supreme court nominees a litmus test on abortion and they never will.

So no you can't vote on abortion, you cannot make laws from your home district that will not be immediately overturned by a district court. After 45 years of Roe V Wade, it's clear it's not going anywhere.

It's been slowly hemmed in since it was passed by Blackmunn and Co. Blackmunn's legacy is that he essentially took a state level issue and made it federal. That is why he is on the wall of shame.

The decision was pooly written. Even the left agreed with that.

Of course you have a link to that claim? It is the U.S. Supreme Court Justices that wrote the legal terminology in Roe V. Wade--and it didn't come from the right or the left. So your poorly written comment
It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe V Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since. We've had several Republican administrations over the last many decades and one full house and nothing changed on abortion. Republican administrations have always refused to give Supreme court nominees a litmus test on abortion and they never will.

So no you can't vote on abortion, you cannot make laws from your home district that will not be immediately overturned by a district court. After 45 years of Roe V Wade, it's clear it's not going anywhere.

It's been slowly hemmed in since it was passed by Blackmunn and Co. Blackmunn's legacy is that he essentially took a state level issue and made it federal. That is why he is on the wall of shame.

The decision was pooly written. Even the left agreed with that.
It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe V Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since. We've had several Republican administrations over the last many decades and one full house and nothing changed on abortion. Republican administrations have always refused to give Supreme court nominees a litmus test on abortion and they never will.

So no you can't vote on abortion, you cannot make laws from your home district that will not be immediately overturned by a district court. After 45 years of Roe V Wade, it's clear it's not going anywhere.

It's been slowly hemmed in since it was passed by Blackmunn and Co. Blackmunn's legacy is that he essentially took a state level issue and made it federal. That is why he is on the wall of shame.

The decision was pooly written. Even the left agreed with that.

Poorly written or not, it is the law of the land.

What is your argument here.

That nothing has changed since Roe ?

Please make sure you are very clear on your position before your ignorance is shown to all.

What has changed with Roe V. Wade over the last 45 years?

Not a change, but a law that prevented taxpayers money paying for abortions until Planned Parenthood figured a way around it. With Obama's blessings!

"For more than 30 years, the Hyde Amendment has prevented federal tax dollars from being used to pay for Medicaid abortions. The Hyde Amendment is a rider which has been annually included in the appropriations bill for the Department of Health and Human Services since 1976. It prevents the DHHS from spending tax dollars on abortion."

Of all the women in the United States that abortion activists claim, as in the thousands, they cannot seem to find one single woman who will testify that taxpayer dollars paid for her abortion at a Planned Parenthood location. Yet they continually attack Planned Parenthood. Amazing

Thankfully the U.S Supreme court slapped down the Texas law that stated no abortions in hospitals. Imagine this: A pregnant women gets into a serious accident, doctors are desperately trying to save her life, so in their efforts they would be required to send her miles away to get an abortion, then bring her back to save her. This is how STUPID they are.


And Governor Pence thinks he's some kind of a doctor--LOL
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer

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The indian princess has conveniently left out so much of the story to push her PP bullshit...

How an HIV outbreak hit rural Indiana -- and why we should be paying attention

Drug use, poverty, limited health care factor in rural Indiana HIV outbreak

Years ago, William Cooke sensed a crisis building. The only doctor in rural Austin, Indiana, noticed that intravenous drug use was soaring in his town of roughly 4,300, where 23 percent of residents live below the poverty line. He feared that people addicted to injectable painkillers might be plucking used needles off lawns, shooting up — and passing them on.

A surge of drug overdoses hit Cooke's family practice, where he'd treat anyone with $10. More hepatitis C infections followed. Next came an HIV diagnosis in December, rare in southeastern Scott County. By Friday, the number of new cases had climbed toward 80.

Last week, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence declared the outbreak a public health emergency, the worst in state history, authorizing a short-term needle exchange program. The announcement came as a surprise: Rates of new HIV transmission have been declining in Indiana for years, from 463 reported in 2002 to 205 in 2012

The indian princess is so mentally unstable that she is using biased links from romper room. Kill those babies princess...

Spin, baby, spin...
You surely are aren't you!
Can you be any more stupid.

Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and look at any issue where the SCOTUS rules. It is never totally settled.....

Analysis: The death of Roe v. Wade

Again--what has changed with Roe V Wade over the last 45 years. I don't want to read your conspiracy theories or read what some group of nut cases thinks that can be done about Roe V Wade. You ANSWER the question what has changed with Roe V Wade over the last 45 years.

You can't read anything.

There have been plenty of laws passed in states, incremental laws, that are slowly chipping away.

Sorry chump....this is reality.

I really don't care if you don't like it.

All it's going to take is one single challenge and you can kiss your law good-bye. The only reason they're getting away with it is because no one has challenged it.

It's not if it will be challenged it's when. And when that happens enjoy the taxpayer dollar expense for your state Attorney General to take it all the way up to the U.S. Supreme court, only to watch it go up in smoke.

Wrong again.

These laws are not being challenged and have not been because the pro-choice crowd fears a huge setback.

And even if they are and the pro life group loses....the same silent group that has been quietly hemming Roe in will just go back to square 1 and keep at it.

Mind you, I really don't care. But it amazes me as to how ignorant people like you are to how this process works.

There are strategies to get around the Citizens United decision that sent so many on the far left into a tailspin. Once again, while the loud baboons are screaming and throwing poop, some are slowly working to hem it in. Something I totally support (it was a terrible ruling in my estimation).

They will be eventually challenged and you will lose in a Federal District court, or the U.S. Supreme court.

In Oklahoma recently a legislator got a bill passed and sent up to the female Republican Governor, and she refused to sign it into law--because she knew it would be immediately challenged in court--and overruled. And she saved the Taxpayers of that state a lot of money by refusing to sign it. She acted responsibly.

"Gov. Mary Fallin of Oklahoma vetoed a bill on Friday that would impose felony charges on doctors who perform abortions, calling the measure vague and unconstitutional.

Ms. Fallin is a conservative Republican with a strong record of supporting restrictions on abortion, which she emphasized in a statement announcing her decision a day after the Legislature had passed the bill.

The bill, which passed both houses of the Republican-dominated Legislature by wide margins, said doctors who performed abortions could be criminally charged and face prison terms of one to three years. It also said the state would revoke the medical license of any doctors who performed an abortion unless it was necessary to protect the life of the mother.

Because it would effectively ban abortion in the state, the bill would have been quickly blocked as unconstitutional, legal experts said.


Now any state legislator, which apparently was the majority in Oklahoma--put their constituents at great risk for civil and legal lawsuits in their attempt to rewrite the U.S. Constitution, and these legislators do NOT belong in any official government elected position, because they are blatantly ignorant of the laws that govern and protect a woman's right to choose in this country, or the consequences of going up against the U.S. Supreme Court.

And now you have the problem with Pence--that is going to played out all over National T.V.
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer

And what is your point ?

I said they are chipping away at it...and they are.

This was a stupid move because someone went for the home run.

That strategy isn't working.

The other is.

I really don't care.

But you, apparently, don't get the difference.

Sit back and enjoy the thought that Roe was just like it was...the law of the land.

Even the left admits it's been gutted on several fronts.
They hit the bricks after I posted this link. Scattered like cockroaches when the lights come on...

Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973
Republicans have this weird idea they care about the fetus. But they dump shit on the baby. Show us how Republicans help the born. You can't. Republicans want to get a baby born to an unfit mother and when they baby dies, prosecute her for being unfit. It's the GOP that should be prosecuted.

Don't project your experiences onto others.

It seems you got a lot of s**t dumped on you, then you went air deficient. It explains why your I.Q. is around 80.
It's been slowly hemmed in since it was passed by Blackmunn and Co. Blackmunn's legacy is that he essentially took a state level issue and made it federal. That is why he is on the wall of shame.

The decision was pooly written. Even the left agreed with that.

Of course you have a link to that claim? It is the U.S. Supreme Court Justices that wrote the legal terminology in Roe V. Wade--and it didn't come from the right or the left. So your poorly written comment
It's been slowly hemmed in since it was passed by Blackmunn and Co. Blackmunn's legacy is that he essentially took a state level issue and made it federal. That is why he is on the wall of shame.

The decision was pooly written. Even the left agreed with that.
It's been slowly hemmed in since it was passed by Blackmunn and Co. Blackmunn's legacy is that he essentially took a state level issue and made it federal. That is why he is on the wall of shame.

The decision was pooly written. Even the left agreed with that.

Poorly written or not, it is the law of the land.

What is your argument here.

That nothing has changed since Roe ?

Please make sure you are very clear on your position before your ignorance is shown to all.

What has changed with Roe V. Wade over the last 45 years?

Not a change, but a law that prevented taxpayers money paying for abortions until Planned Parenthood figured a way around it. With Obama's blessings!

"For more than 30 years, the Hyde Amendment has prevented federal tax dollars from being used to pay for Medicaid abortions. The Hyde Amendment is a rider which has been annually included in the appropriations bill for the Department of Health and Human Services since 1976. It prevents the DHHS from spending tax dollars on abortion."

Of all the women in the United States that abortion activists claim, as in the thousands, they cannot seem to find one single woman who will testify that taxpayer dollars paid for her abortion at a Planned Parenthood location. Yet they continually attack Planned Parenthood. Amazing

Thankfully the U.S Supreme court slapped down the Texas law that stated no abortions in hospitals. Imagine this: A pregnant women gets into a serious accident, doctors are desperately trying to save her life, so in their efforts they would be required to send her miles away to get an abortion, then bring her back to save her. This is how STUPID they are.


And Governor Pence thinks he's some kind of a doctor--LOL
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer

How many of the women that had Planned Parenthood abortions will testify that THEY paid for the abortion?

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