Mike Barnicle had an interesting idea for Dem candidate to run as a TICKET


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Joe Biden and Sally Yates. Now I'm not so sure that Joe is the right guy (too old), although I DEFINITELY want him (and Obama) out campaigning for the chosen candidate.

But the "ticket" idea is an interesting one and I like the idea of a female VP - That pretty much guarantees a female POTUS within next ten years and we're LONG overdue on that.

My favorite picks prior to Mike's ticket concept were Amy Klobuchar, Tulsi Gabbard or Kamala Harris. But Yates? Hadn't thought about that - She'd be a GREAT choice.

For the ultimate ticket running AS a ticket from the get-go that would absolutely shellack the Toxic Orange Poopstain?

How about Julián Castro/ Sally Yates? :eusa_dance:

Terry MAuliffe rebuilt the DNC,paid off their debt and built a new Headquarters. Great fund raiser.

Of course I admire Sherrod Brown. He came back from his Mothers funeral to cast the deciding vote on the ACA. His wife is Connie Schultz,Pulitzer writer. I would like to keep him.:)

Too early to make a choice. Too much can happen.
Why dont the retarded dems elect a decent person who isnt a partisan hack? A complete fucking winger?
Jim Webb would have been a great choice last year. Of course, with the dem voting base, its no surprise he backed out so quick..
Hillary got less black turnout than Kerry. That ain't good

Black voter turnout rate declined sharply in 2016, dropping below that of whites

Is voter suppression working?

Some of that is a natural occurrence I think. Completely natural for blacks to have been excited about Obama.

But they'll be there for whomever the Dem candidate is this time around to give T-Rump his comeuppance.

Same with educated white suburban woman in the rustbelt. They've turned on Donald - Bigly

White Women in the Rustbelt Are Turning on Trump
Democrats, in order to seriously challenge the GOP'ers, need to develop a "Contract with the Middle Class" (something along the lines of what crooked Gingrich developed.

That "contract" would need to revert the tax cuts from 80% to 20% away from conglomerates and flip those percentile around.

There are several democrats who are good, young, honest, veterans to send the crooked McConnels of congress packing.......Rumors have it that Paul Ryan....once the rising star of the GOP, is calling it quits and GOOD RIDDANCE to spineless trash.
Why dont the retarded dems elect a decent person who isnt a partisan hack? A complete fucking winger?
Jim Webb would have been a great choice last year. Of course, with the dem voting base, its no surprise he backed out so quick..

Webb is worthy of consideration. How about Webb/ Klobuchar?

Amy is no partisan hack .. just left of center and likable with a proven record of working across the aisle.
Democrats, in order to seriously challenge the GOP'ers, need to develop a "Contract with the Middle Class" (something along the lines of what crooked Gingrich developed.

That "contract" would need to revert the tax cuts from 80% to 20% away from conglomerates and flip those percentile around.

There are several democrats who are good, young, honest, veterans to send the crooked McConnels of congress packing.......Rumors have it that Paul Ryan....once the rising star of the GOP, is calling it quits and GOOD RIDDANCE to spineless trash.
He said he wasnt. Try not to indulge in so much gossip, woman.
But gaaaawd do i wish he would. Along with about 700 more congressmen.
Why dont the retarded dems elect a decent person who isnt a partisan hack? A complete fucking winger?
Jim Webb would have been a great choice last year. Of course, with the dem voting base, its no surprise he backed out so quick..

Webb is worthy of consideration. How about Webb/ Klobuchar?

Amy is no partisan hack .. just left of center and likable with a proven record of working across the aisle.
IDK anything about the amy chick.
I wrote in Webb. I have always like Webb. I was so giddy when he announced he was running...
short lived :/
It's all too early but what about Sherrod Brown/Kamala Harris?

Sherrod Brown comes off as a younger version of Joe Biden without the gaffs, he's also more liberal but not really in your face about it. I think moderate and liberal Democrats could get behind him and he's from Ohio.

Then you have Kamala Harris, while not considered as liberal and seen more likely from the Clinton side of the Democratic Party, she is smart, and brings diversity to the ticket and I cold see her being president one day.

Anyway, big tent party needs big tent candidates.
Democrats, in order to seriously challenge the GOP'ers, need to develop a "Contract with the Middle Class" (something along the lines of what crooked Gingrich developed.

That "contract" would need to revert the tax cuts from 80% to 20% away from conglomerates and flip those percentile around.

There are several democrats who are good, young, honest, veterans to send the crooked McConnels of congress packing.......Rumors have it that Paul Ryan....once the rising star of the GOP, is calling it quits and GOOD RIDDANCE to spineless trash.

Yep, hear the same about The Creepy Munster Kid All Growed Up.

He can slither back under a rock with his fellow invertebrates.

The first two pages of voting records is all it took for me not to like amy.
She voted against removing unconstitutionally authorized soldiers in countries. She is all for illegals as well.
War mongering and supporting illegals is a big no no for me.
He said he wasnt. Try not to indulge in so much gossip, woman.

will you apologize if Ryan quits???

BTW, as an elderly male, I compliment you in spotting my sexy "feminine" side.....LOL

(need to go shave my legs and chest...)
Why dont the retarded dems elect a decent person who isnt a partisan hack? A complete fucking winger?
Jim Webb would have been a great choice last year. Of course, with the dem voting base, its no surprise he backed out so quick..

Webb is worthy of consideration. How about Webb/ Klobuchar?

Amy is no partisan hack .. just left of center and likable with a proven record of working across the aisle.
IDK anything about the amy chick.
I wrote in Webb. I have always like Webb. I was so giddy when he announced he was running...
short lived :/

Jim is not what one would call charismatic :)
Democrats, in order to seriously challenge the GOP'ers, need to develop a "Contract with the Middle Class" (something along the lines of what crooked Gingrich developed.

That "contract" would need to revert the tax cuts from 80% to 20% away from conglomerates and flip those percentile around.

There are several democrats who are good, young, honest, veterans to send the crooked McConnels of congress packing.......Rumors have it that Paul Ryan....once the rising star of the GOP, is calling it quits and GOOD RIDDANCE to spineless trash.
I’d like to see Joe Biden as a one term president with a young, up and comer as VP like Booker, Gildebrand or Harris
Why dont the retarded dems elect a decent person who isnt a partisan hack? A complete fucking winger?
Jim Webb would have been a great choice last year. Of course, with the dem voting base, its no surprise he backed out so quick..

Webb is worthy of consideration. How about Webb/ Klobuchar?

Amy is no partisan hack .. just left of center and likable with a proven record of working across the aisle.
IDK anything about the amy chick.
I wrote in Webb. I have always like Webb. I was so giddy when he announced he was running...
short lived :/

Jim is not what one would call charismatic :)

Jimm Webb is a moderate Republican and doesn't offer much.

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