Michele Bachmann: The Rapture Is Coming And It's Obama's Fault

Amazing Michelle has such a better understanding and connection to the bible and the end times.
Why didn't we hear this when Bush invaded, bombed, and murdered thousands in the middle east.

maybe you can give the count of how many Obama has MURDERED since he took office? He's only dropped bombs on seven different countries. or I guess he's so good, he didn't murder anyone

oops he murdered Osama bin Laden and spiked his head a million times

The difference is.......You didn't hear Quotes of the Bible being thrown around like they are now under Obama.
Oh excuse me....except when nutjob Jerry Farwell said it was the Gays who caused 9/11

I remember people saying that if we don't support our president ( then Bush) we are not being a christian....:ack-1: where are those people now. I knew very well why the war started over there, and the lies Bush and Cheney were throwing out.

The right was justifying it with scripture back then too.

Who gives these people the right to use the bible for their agenda.
If the Right can use an obscure passage in a letter from Paul to the Romans to build what they see as an unassailable redoubt against baking a cake for a same sex wedding, why aren't they lapping up this rapture crap like manna from heaven?
"...and it came to pass that the beast of dark persuasion dwelled in the mansion on the mount, and there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. The multitudes beheld visions from a Fox, who reveled the ending of times, because the people had turned away from the lord. And God beheld the darkness that fell upon the land, and lifted up the spirits of the righteous."

Book of Bachmann, verse 3:11.
Amazing Michelle has such a better understanding and connection to the bible and the end times.
Why didn't we hear this when Bush invaded, bombed, and murdered thousands in the middle east.

maybe you can give the count of how many Obama has MURDERED since he took office? He's only dropped bombs on seven different countries. or I guess he's so good, he didn't murder anyone

oops he murdered Osama bin Laden and spiked his head a million times

The difference is.......You didn't hear Quotes of the Bible being thrown around like they are now under Obama.
Oh excuse me....except when nutjob Jerry Farwell said it was the Gays who caused 9/11

I remember people saying that if we don't support our president ( then Bush) we are not being a christian....:ack-1: where are those people now. I knew very well why the war started over there, and the lies Bush and Cheney were throwing out.

The right was justifying it with scripture back then too.

Who gives these people the right to use the bible for their agenda.

Because the Bible says that the one world leader that will rise up comes from Persia which is Iran.
who frikken cares

I'm trying to survive under this thug Obama regime. I have way worse things I can say about that small man/child/idiot

Sure, there you go....rabid hatred of Obama is going to really help your chronic constipation...... (BTW, if that doesn't help, try a garden hose.)

I'm allowed to hate him the same all you rabid Democrat sheep hated Bush

now go sit in the corner child

Actually I never "hated: Bush...he was too dumb to hate...Now, Cheney and Rummy, were well worth hating especially because of the body bags coming home from Iraq and the wars on a credit card.
Amazing Michelle has such a better understanding and connection to the bible and the end times.
Why didn't we hear this when Bush invaded, bombed, and murdered thousands in the middle east.

maybe you can give the count of how many Obama has MURDERED since he took office? He's only dropped bombs on seven different countries. or I guess he's so good, he didn't murder anyone

oops he murdered Osama bin Laden and spiked his head a million times

The difference is.......You didn't hear Quotes of the Bible being thrown around like they are now under Obama.
Oh excuse me....except when nutjob Jerry Farwell said it was the Gays who caused 9/11

I remember people saying that if we don't support our president ( then Bush) we are not being a christian....:ack-1: where are those people now. I knew very well why the war started over there, and the lies Bush and Cheney were throwing out.

The right was justifying it with scripture back then too.

Who gives these people the right to use the bible for their agenda.

Because the Bible says that the one world leader that will rise up comes from Persia which is Iran.
Persian's had an empire which was larger than Iran...Iran today represents the boundaries from the British empire...
If the Right can use an obscure passage in a letter from Paul to the Romans to build what they see as an unassailable redoubt against baking a cake for a same sex wedding, why aren't they lapping up this rapture crap like manna from heaven?
Paul formed the church the whey he saw fit....but it wasn't the Paul that hung out with Jesus......
Amazing Michelle has such a better understanding and connection to the bible and the end times.
Why didn't we hear this when Bush invaded, bombed, and murdered thousands in the middle east.

maybe you can give the count of how many Obama has MURDERED since he took office? He's only dropped bombs on seven different countries. or I guess he's so good, he didn't murder anyone

oops he murdered Osama bin Laden and spiked his head a million times
So when Bush invades other countries, and bombs a bunch more, that is not the End Times. But when Obama bombs countries, it is.

Fascinating! God must have one of those one-way right wing measuring sticks.
"...and it came to pass that the beast of dark persuasion dwelled in the mansion on the mount, and there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. The multitudes beheld visions from a Fox, who reveled the ending of times, because the people had turned away from the lord. And God beheld the darkness that fell upon the land, and lifted up the spirits of the righteous."

Book of Bachmann, verse 3:11.

PERFECT !!!!! I love it.......
Amazing Michelle has such a better understanding and connection to the bible and the end times.
Why didn't we hear this when Bush invaded, bombed, and murdered thousands in the middle east.

maybe you can give the count of how many Obama has MURDERED since he took office? He's only dropped bombs on seven different countries. or I guess he's so good, he didn't murder anyone

oops he murdered Osama bin Laden and spiked his head a million times

The difference is.......You didn't hear Quotes of the Bible being thrown around like they are now under Obama.
Oh excuse me....except when nutjob Jerry Farwell said it was the Gays who caused 9/11

I remember people saying that if we don't support our president ( then Bush) we are not being a christian....:ack-1: where are those people now. I knew very well why the war started over there, and the lies Bush and Cheney were throwing out.

The right was justifying it with scripture back then too.

Who gives these people the right to use the bible for their agenda.
omg omg omg omg omg quotes for the bible. omg omg omg

OMG OMG OMG. WHO gives her THE RIGHT to use the bible<a href="Hillary'>http://www.usmessageboard.com/posts/11217021/}">Hillary claims the Bible is her "biggest influence"</a>

the frikken Democrat say something stupid every about every hour...how funny you all NEVER post those

why: you all are shallow and petty
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Bachman, sarah palin, and usmb's "stephanie" all had the same electro shock therapist at the same condemned hospital in the outskirts of alberta canada, and then when the canadians no longer wanted them....they brought in a hypnotist to invent in their minds that they were americans and sent them over their respective borders.

Things like these are OBVIOUS.
Amazing Michelle has such a better understanding and connection to the bible and the end times.
Why didn't we hear this when Bush invaded, bombed, and murdered thousands in the middle east.

maybe you can give the count of how many Obama has MURDERED since he took office? He's only dropped bombs on seven different countries. or I guess he's so good, he didn't murder anyone

oops he murdered Osama bin Laden and spiked his head a million times

The difference is.......You didn't hear Quotes of the Bible being thrown around like they are now under Obama.
Oh excuse me....except when nutjob Jerry Farwell said it was the Gays who caused 9/11

I remember people saying that if we don't support our president ( then Bush) we are not being a christian....:ack-1: where are those people now. I knew very well why the war started over there, and the lies Bush and Cheney were throwing out.

The right was justifying it with scripture back then too.

Who gives these people the right to use the bible for their agenda.

Because the Bible says that the one world leader that will rise up comes from Persia which is Iran.

Will he/she be flying first class or economy?...
bearing a bag of pistacchio nuts and exceptional hand-woven rugs?
Good. Hopefully god can take the fundies, and leave the rest of America alone.

We can then devote the planets resources to science and space exploration. So that in a few decades, we could run the solar system and build starships.

Right now that isn't possible due to religious wars, fear, and ignorance.
Amazing Michelle has such a better understanding and connection to the bible and the end times.
Why didn't we hear this when Bush invaded, bombed, and murdered thousands in the middle east.

maybe you can give the count of how many Obama has MURDERED since he took office? He's only dropped bombs on seven different countries. or I guess he's so good, he didn't murder anyone

oops he murdered Osama bin Laden and spiked his head a million times

The difference is.......You didn't hear Quotes of the Bible being thrown around like they are now under Obama.
Oh excuse me....except when nutjob Jerry Farwell said it was the Gays who caused 9/11

I remember people saying that if we don't support our president ( then Bush) we are not being a christian....:ack-1: where are those people now. I knew very well why the war started over there, and the lies Bush and Cheney were throwing out.

The right was justifying it with scripture back then too.

Who gives these people the right to use the bible for their agenda.

Because the Bible says that the one world leader that will rise up comes from Persia which is Iran.
Persian's had an empire which was larger than Iran...Iran today represents the boundaries from the British empire...

Which is what the radical Muslims are fighting for, a caliphate that engulfs that whole region.
But the Bible refers to the first Persian Empire which was Iran in the 6 century B.C.E.
Easing up on the sanctions on Iran will put them in the political playing field again. The more money they can get the greater their strength becomes.
if some one from the sky comes down, I will take my chances and beg to be taken away from the stupidity of the human race racing to it's own demise. I think it's very likely that a few will try to leave this world as the cleanse it from all but a few of us stupid slaves so when they land we will do whatever they say as we do now regardless of our own interests.
Amazing Michelle has such a better understanding and connection to the bible and the end times.
Why didn't we hear this when Bush invaded, bombed, and murdered thousands in the middle east.

maybe you can give the count of how many Obama has MURDERED since he took office? He's only dropped bombs on seven different countries. or I guess he's so good, he didn't murder anyone

oops he murdered Osama bin Laden and spiked his head a million times

The difference is.......You didn't hear Quotes of the Bible being thrown around like they are now under Obama.
Oh excuse me....except when nutjob Jerry Farwell said it was the Gays who caused 9/11

I remember people saying that if we don't support our president ( then Bush) we are not being a christian....:ack-1: where are those people now. I knew very well why the war started over there, and the lies Bush and Cheney were throwing out.

The right was justifying it with scripture back then too.

Who gives these people the right to use the bible for their agenda.

Because the Bible says that the one world leader that will rise up comes from Persia which is Iran.
Persian's had an empire which was larger than Iran...Iran today represents the boundaries from the British empire...

Which is what the radical Muslims are fighting for, a caliphate that engulfs that whole region.
But the Bible refers to the first Persian Empire which was Iran in the 6 century B.C.E.
Easing up on the sanctions on Iran will put them in the political playing field again. The more money they can get the greater their strength becomes.
There will never be a totally unified Caliphate such as the one that was destroyed by the Mongols....No one has eased sanctions, in fact if a deal is not reached, more sanctions will kick in...Notice the Russian's playing Devil's advocate?

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