Michael Steele blows over being civil With Trump


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Those who support trump need to face reality. After 4 years of their incivility, now that their candidate won, they think they can demand that everybody support their candidate and that we all should now be civil.

Fuck that.

Michael Steele blows up on Joe Scarborough over being civil with Trump

In a rare combative moment on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Michael Steele battled with co-host Joe Scarborough over the effectiveness of being "civil" with Donald Trump with the two talking over each other as the rest of the panel held their tongues.

"Joe, you had your moment, let me just finish my point," Steele admonished Scarborough. "I get that, but I'm telling you something you seem to forget –– so, let me make my point, you may not like it but I'm going to make it and the reality of it is, I take your civility argument, you like to say 78 million people voted for Donald Trump, well 82 million people voted for Joe Biden and he didn't get that civility that you're talking about from Donald Trump in those four years."

"So now the expectation is, because he has won again and he's got 78 million people, we all have to be civil to Donald Trump, well okay, I'm prepared to be civil ––."

"But the reality is, no, you are using the term civil, I'm using your term, you put civility on the table," Steele parried as Scarborough once again talked over him.

"But, Joe, I'm just saying –– fine, I'm not talking about that," Steele explained. "My main point is, everybody is looking at this from a one-way perspective; how we need to approach Donald Trump, how is he approaching us? The man wants to lock up citizens, the man wants to turn the government against them, how are we supposed to respond to that? Are we supposed to be civil?"

Those who support trump need to face reality. After 4 years of their incivility, now that their candidate won, they think they can demand that everybody support their candidate and that we all should now be civil.

Fuck that.

Michael Steele blows up on Joe Scarborough over being civil with Trump

In a rare combative moment on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Michael Steele battled with co-host Joe Scarborough over the effectiveness of being "civil" with Donald Trump with the two talking over each other as the rest of the panel held their tongues.

"Joe, you had your moment, let me just finish my point," Steele admonished Scarborough. "I get that, but I'm telling you something you seem to forget –– so, let me make my point, you may not like it but I'm going to make it and the reality of it is, I take your civility argument, you like to say 78 million people voted for Donald Trump, well 82 million people voted for Joe Biden and he didn't get that civility that you're talking about from Donald Trump in those four years."

"So now the expectation is, because he has won again and he's got 78 million people, we all have to be civil to Donald Trump, well okay, I'm prepared to be civil ––."

"But the reality is, no, you are using the term civil, I'm using your term, you put civility on the table," Steele parried as Scarborough once again talked over him.

"But, Joe, I'm just saying –– fine, I'm not talking about that," Steele explained. "My main point is, everybody is looking at this from a one-way perspective; how we need to approach Donald Trump, how is he approaching us? The man wants to lock up citizens, the man wants to turn the government against them, how are we supposed to respond to that? Are we supposed to be civil?"

The fake repub? Screw him. He's useless.
Those who support trump need to face reality. After 4 years of their incivility, now that their candidate won, they think they can demand that everybody support their candidate and that we all should now be civil.

Fuck that.

Michael Steele blows up on Joe Scarborough over being civil with Trump

In a rare combative moment on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Michael Steele battled with co-host Joe Scarborough over the effectiveness of being "civil" with Donald Trump with the two talking over each other as the rest of the panel held their tongues.

"Joe, you had your moment, let me just finish my point," Steele admonished Scarborough. "I get that, but I'm telling you something you seem to forget –– so, let me make my point, you may not like it but I'm going to make it and the reality of it is, I take your civility argument, you like to say 78 million people voted for Donald Trump, well 82 million people voted for Joe Biden and he didn't get that civility that you're talking about from Donald Trump in those four years."

"So now the expectation is, because he has won again and he's got 78 million people, we all have to be civil to Donald Trump, well okay, I'm prepared to be civil ––."

"But the reality is, no, you are using the term civil, I'm using your term, you put civility on the table," Steele parried as Scarborough once again talked over him.

"But, Joe, I'm just saying –– fine, I'm not talking about that," Steele explained. "My main point is, everybody is looking at this from a one-way perspective; how we need to approach Donald Trump, how is he approaching us? The man wants to lock up citizens, the man wants to turn the government against them, how are we supposed to respond to that? Are we supposed to be civil?"

xiden's term was a cake walk compared to Trump's first term. Hell xiden floated through his 4 years not knowing what was going on and someone else running the show. Steele is a neocon rino in the vein of the chaneys.

The incoming administration is issuing threats left and right. The latest, of course, is to deny disaster assistance to the Americans of a blue state after -- actually, during -- a horrific, historic fire.

There is no way to know how our press is being threatened behind the scenes. It's certainly being done overtly, in public, to a degree.

So, these are perilous times for anyone who doesn't line up behind the fuhrer. Literally, perilous.

The world has seen this before.
Those who support trump need to face reality. After 4 years of their incivility, now that their candidate won, they think they can demand that everybody support their candidate and that we all should now be civil.

Fuck that.

Michael Steele blows up on Joe Scarborough over being civil with Trump

In a rare combative moment on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Michael Steele battled with co-host Joe Scarborough over the effectiveness of being "civil" with Donald Trump with the two talking over each other as the rest of the panel held their tongues.

"Joe, you had your moment, let me just finish my point," Steele admonished Scarborough. "I get that, but I'm telling you something you seem to forget –– so, let me make my point, you may not like it but I'm going to make it and the reality of it is, I take your civility argument, you like to say 78 million people voted for Donald Trump, well 82 million people voted for Joe Biden and he didn't get that civility that you're talking about from Donald Trump in those four years."

"So now the expectation is, because he has won again and he's got 78 million people, we all have to be civil to Donald Trump, well okay, I'm prepared to be civil ––."

"But the reality is, no, you are using the term civil, I'm using your term, you put civility on the table," Steele parried as Scarborough once again talked over him.

"But, Joe, I'm just saying –– fine, I'm not talking about that," Steele explained. "My main point is, everybody is looking at this from a one-way perspective; how we need to approach Donald Trump, how is he approaching us? The man wants to lock up citizens, the man wants to turn the government against them, how are we supposed to respond to that? Are we supposed to be civil?"

Michael Steele seems to forget that xiden was the one that weappnized his office to harass and attack trump.

Was trump suppose to be nice to xiden after he sent his brown troops to raid his wife’s panty draw?

Steele is a sell out
Those who support trump need to face reality. After 4 years of their incivility, now that their candidate won, they think they can demand that everybody support their candidate and that we all should now be civil.

Fuck that.

Michael Steele blows up on Joe Scarborough over being civil with Trump

In a rare combative moment on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Michael Steele battled with co-host Joe Scarborough over the effectiveness of being "civil" with Donald Trump with the two talking over each other as the rest of the panel held their tongues.

"Joe, you had your moment, let me just finish my point," Steele admonished Scarborough. "I get that, but I'm telling you something you seem to forget –– so, let me make my point, you may not like it but I'm going to make it and the reality of it is, I take your civility argument, you like to say 78 million people voted for Donald Trump, well 82 million people voted for Joe Biden and he didn't get that civility that you're talking about from Donald Trump in those four years."

"So now the expectation is, because he has won again and he's got 78 million people, we all have to be civil to Donald Trump, well okay, I'm prepared to be civil ––."

"But the reality is, no, you are using the term civil, I'm using your term, you put civility on the table," Steele parried as Scarborough once again talked over him.

"But, Joe, I'm just saying –– fine, I'm not talking about that," Steele explained. "My main point is, everybody is looking at this from a one-way perspective; how we need to approach Donald Trump, how is he approaching us? The man wants to lock up citizens, the man wants to turn the government against them, how are we supposed to respond to that? Are we supposed to be civil?"

Trump is running the government more like Steele supposedly liked when he was Republican leader. So, this means Steele is a tool of globalism.
Michael Steele seems to forget that xiden was the one that weappnized his office to harass and attack trump.

Was trump suppose to be nice to xiden after he sent his brown troops to raid his wife’s panty draw?

Steele is a sell out
Biden did not do that. Trump broke multiple laws for which he was charged. That's how our court system works.
Michael Steele is a W loyalist, a 911 Traitor, a supporter of big government, and state sponsored DNA discrimination, and without the last one, he would have spent his life where the "merit" of his life was, flipping burgers at Burger King...
Biden did not do that. Trump broke multiple laws for which he was charged. That's how our court system works.
Xiden didn’t get any conviction for breaking any laws…he illegally appointed a political prosecutor after he couldn’t get garland to do his dirty work

Xiden is a demafasict and a threat to our democracy.
Those who support trump need to face reality. After 4 years of their incivility, now that their candidate won, they think they can demand that everybody support their candidate and that we all should now be civil.

Fuck that.

Michael Steele blows up on Joe Scarborough over being civil with Trump

In a rare combative moment on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Michael Steele battled with co-host Joe Scarborough over the effectiveness of being "civil" with Donald Trump with the two talking over each other as the rest of the panel held their tongues.

"Joe, you had your moment, let me just finish my point," Steele admonished Scarborough. "I get that, but I'm telling you something you seem to forget –– so, let me make my point, you may not like it but I'm going to make it and the reality of it is, I take your civility argument, you like to say 78 million people voted for Donald Trump, well 82 million people voted for Joe Biden and he didn't get that civility that you're talking about from Donald Trump in those four years."

"So now the expectation is, because he has won again and he's got 78 million people, we all have to be civil to Donald Trump, well okay, I'm prepared to be civil ––."

"But the reality is, no, you are using the term civil, I'm using your term, you put civility on the table," Steele parried as Scarborough once again talked over him.

"But, Joe, I'm just saying –– fine, I'm not talking about that," Steele explained. "My main point is, everybody is looking at this from a one-way perspective; how we need to approach Donald Trump, how is he approaching us? The man wants to lock up citizens, the man wants to turn the government against them, how are we supposed to respond to that? Are we supposed to be civil?"

Trust me, on these forums, civility is a rare commodity.

And, the left haven't been civil since the moment trump announced his candidacy, even through bidens presidency. I don't expect they will be civil through trumps second term, and beyond.

Yes, rightys have been uncivil as well, but why should they be, after the left has tried everything in the legal world to remove their candidate?
The incoming administration is issuing threats left and right. The latest, of course, is to deny disaster assistance to the Americans of a blue state after -- actually, during -- a horrific, historic fire.

There is no way to know how our press is being threatened behind the scenes. It's certainly being done overtly, in public, to a degree.

So, these are perilous times for anyone who doesn't line up behind the fuhrer. Literally, perilous.

The world has seen this before.
I agree trump shouldn't go after the press, but, you'd think the press would have more journalistic integrity? Maybe?

You have to admit, there is almost no integrity in most of these "news" outlets anymore. After the hatchet job they did on trump for the last 10 years.
Those who support trump need to face reality. After 4 years of their incivility, now that their candidate won, they think they can demand that everybody support their candidate and that we all should now be civil.

Fuck that.

Michael Steele blows up on Joe Scarborough over being civil with Trump

In a rare combative moment on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Michael Steele battled with co-host Joe Scarborough over the effectiveness of being "civil" with Donald Trump with the two talking over each other as the rest of the panel held their tongues.

"Joe, you had your moment, let me just finish my point," Steele admonished Scarborough. "I get that, but I'm telling you something you seem to forget –– so, let me make my point, you may not like it but I'm going to make it and the reality of it is, I take your civility argument, you like to say 78 million people voted for Donald Trump, well 82 million people voted for Joe Biden and he didn't get that civility that you're talking about from Donald Trump in those four years."

"So now the expectation is, because he has won again and he's got 78 million people, we all have to be civil to Donald Trump, well okay, I'm prepared to be civil ––."

"But the reality is, no, you are using the term civil, I'm using your term, you put civility on the table," Steele parried as Scarborough once again talked over him.

"But, Joe, I'm just saying –– fine, I'm not talking about that," Steele explained. "My main point is, everybody is looking at this from a one-way perspective; how we need to approach Donald Trump, how is he approaching us? The man wants to lock up citizens, the man wants to turn the government against them, how are we supposed to respond to that? Are we supposed to be civil?"

True Fucking Uncle Tom.
I agree trump shouldn't go after the press, but, you'd think the press would have more journalistic integrity? Maybe?

You have to admit, there is almost no integrity in most of these "news" outlets anymore. After the hatchet job they did on trump for the last 10 years.

They are not news outlets

They are the publicity wing of The Democratic Party.
Those who support trump need to face reality. After 4 years of their incivility, now that their candidate won, they think they can demand that everybody support their candidate and that we all should now be civil.

Fuck that.

Michael Steele blows up on Joe Scarborough over being civil with Trump

In a rare combative moment on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Michael Steele battled with co-host Joe Scarborough over the effectiveness of being "civil" with Donald Trump with the two talking over each other as the rest of the panel held their tongues.

"Joe, you had your moment, let me just finish my point," Steele admonished Scarborough. "I get that, but I'm telling you something you seem to forget –– so, let me make my point, you may not like it but I'm going to make it and the reality of it is, I take your civility argument, you like to say 78 million people voted for Donald Trump, well 82 million people voted for Joe Biden and he didn't get that civility that you're talking about from Donald Trump in those four years."

"So now the expectation is, because he has won again and he's got 78 million people, we all have to be civil to Donald Trump, well okay, I'm prepared to be civil ––."

"But the reality is, no, you are using the term civil, I'm using your term, you put civility on the table," Steele parried as Scarborough once again talked over him.

"But, Joe, I'm just saying –– fine, I'm not talking about that," Steele explained. "My main point is, everybody is looking at this from a one-way perspective; how we need to approach Donald Trump, how is he approaching us? The man wants to lock up citizens, the man wants to turn the government against them, how are we supposed to respond to that? Are we supposed to be civil?"

Steele makes his living being one of the "pet" conservatives on MSNBC! He's nothing more than a media whore.
Those who support trump need to face reality. After 4 years of their incivility, now that their candidate won, they think they can demand that everybody support their candidate and that we all should now be civil.

Fuck that.

Michael Steele blows up on Joe Scarborough over being civil with Trump

In a rare combative moment on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Michael Steele battled with co-host Joe Scarborough over the effectiveness of being "civil" with Donald Trump with the two talking over each other as the rest of the panel held their tongues.

"Joe, you had your moment, let me just finish my point," Steele admonished Scarborough. "I get that, but I'm telling you something you seem to forget –– so, let me make my point, you may not like it but I'm going to make it and the reality of it is, I take your civility argument, you like to say 78 million people voted for Donald Trump, well 82 million people voted for Joe Biden and he didn't get that civility that you're talking about from Donald Trump in those four years."

"So now the expectation is, because he has won again and he's got 78 million people, we all have to be civil to Donald Trump, well okay, I'm prepared to be civil ––."

"But the reality is, no, you are using the term civil, I'm using your term, you put civility on the table," Steele parried as Scarborough once again talked over him.

"But, Joe, I'm just saying –– fine, I'm not talking about that," Steele explained. "My main point is, everybody is looking at this from a one-way perspective; how we need to approach Donald Trump, how is he approaching us? The man wants to lock up citizens, the man wants to turn the government against them, how are we supposed to respond to that? Are we supposed to be civil?"

Steele is correct. Magaturds have been nothing but miserable, entitled c*nts.

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