Michael Steele blows over being civil With Trump

Since I'm not proficient in your alternate reality, I'll try not to judge your beliefs, but here in the real world you are full of shit, and undoubtedly batshit crazy.
We show you facts. You claim "misinformation", "bat shit crazy", "cult lies" and "brainwashing"! It's what someone does when they can't use facts.
Those who support trump need to face reality. After 4 years of their incivility, now that their candidate won, they think they can demand that everybody support their candidate and that we all should now be civil.

Fuck that.

Michael Steele blows up on Joe Scarborough over being civil with Trump

In a rare combative moment on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Michael Steele battled with co-host Joe Scarborough over the effectiveness of being "civil" with Donald Trump with the two talking over each other as the rest of the panel held their tongues.

"Joe, you had your moment, let me just finish my point," Steele admonished Scarborough. "I get that, but I'm telling you something you seem to forget –– so, let me make my point, you may not like it but I'm going to make it and the reality of it is, I take your civility argument, you like to say 78 million people voted for Donald Trump, well 82 million people voted for Joe Biden and he didn't get that civility that you're talking about from Donald Trump in those four years."

"So now the expectation is, because he has won again and he's got 78 million people, we all have to be civil to Donald Trump, well okay, I'm prepared to be civil ––."

"But the reality is, no, you are using the term civil, I'm using your term, you put civility on the table," Steele parried as Scarborough once again talked over him.

"But, Joe, I'm just saying –– fine, I'm not talking about that," Steele explained. "My main point is, everybody is looking at this from a one-way perspective; how we need to approach Donald Trump, how is he approaching us? The man wants to lock up citizens, the man wants to turn the government against them, how are we supposed to respond to that? Are we supposed to be civil?"

I judge you on the content of your character, not the color of your skin.
Biden has a long list of accomplishments. Perhaps he was faltering at the last, but he didn't have his wife take over like Reagan did.
Faltering at the last? Joe Biden was faltering going in the door! By the end Dr. Jill was running meetings. Who the hell knows who's been running the country for the last four years. Whoever it is are idiots. One policy disaster after another. Joe's been such a failure that even Gavin Newsome thought he could beat him out in a primary and we all know what a putz Newsome is!
Faltering at the last? Joe Biden was faltering going in the door! By the end Dr. Jill was running meetings. Who the hell knows who's been running the country for the last four years. Whoever it is are idiots. One policy disaster after another. Joe's been such a failure that even Gavin Newsome thought he could beat him out in a primary and we all know what a putz Newsome is!
That's what cult radio is saying. but they are a cult. No credible evidence of their claims though except for the last couple of months, and that is probably exaggerated.
That's what cult radio is saying. but they are a cult. No credible evidence of their claims though except for the last couple of months, and that is probably exaggerated.
I hate to break this to you, Bulldog but Joe Biden has been cognitively impaired long before the last couple months and people in power in the Democratic Party and the Legacy Media KNEW it! They played you. They played you and you bought it hook, line and sinker.
I hate to break this to you, Bulldog but Joe Biden has been cognitively impaired long before the last couple months and people in power in the Democratic Party and the Legacy Media KNEW it! They played you. They played you and you bought it hook, line and sinker.
Credible verified examples?
So, you don't have any credible verifiable examples?
Credible examples of Joe Biden's cognitive decline? LOL At this point there are so many examples it borders on farce, Bulldog! Just about every Biden public appearance was a credible example that he was failing mentally.
Biden has a long list of accomplishments. Perhaps he was faltering at the last, but he didn't have his wife take over like Reagan did. Trump is still campaigning against him.
Illegal invasion. Check.
Illegal crime wave. Check.
Flooded the country with Fentanyl. Check
70,000 dead per year from Fenanyl. Check.
$8 trillion added to the debt. Check.
Rampang inflation. Check.
High energy prices. Check.
Americans worse off than before Biden. Check.
Laughingstock around the globe. Check.
Billions wasted on Ukraine. Check.


Worst in history, by far.
Biden has a long list of accomplishments. Perhaps he was faltering at the last, but he didn't have his wife take over like Reagan did. Trump is still campaigning against him.
Reagan's wife didn't take over anything. He was still on his game until the end. Biden was a vegetable in 2019.

Here is Reagan's farewell address. Compare it to Tater's


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