Michael Moore to Libs "It's over, Trump won"

I vote for who I feel is the best person for the job and I don't care what letter is next to their name. I don't run with the sheeple or cling to one party. You can say I'm an informed voter.

All that takes a shit the minute you say that you support Trump. Sorry.
Who do you support?

In this election.....Clinton. Highly qualified. As honest as any politician. Dedicated public servant.
And you have the audacity to talk about anyone else.. I wish I could say I sympathize with you, but pity is the only verb that comes to mind.

OK. That's gonna sting!
I am sure you are used to it, loner..
I don't vote nor have I ever voted for right wing hacks. I voted for Obama in 08 and haven't voted since. Oh yeah I voted for Bill Clinton too.

How's that assuming working out for you now ;)

But now you support Trump who is the leader of an entire army of Louie Gohmerts. You have a head injury?
I vote for who I feel is the best person for the job and I don't care what letter is next to their name. I don't run with the sheeple or cling to one party. You can say I'm an informed voter.

All that takes a shit the minute you say that you support Trump. Sorry.
You're too emotional LL, perhaps you should push away from the keyboard.

That's funny. I'm actually on the shitter. Very relaxed.

You cannot claim to be an informed voter and then support Trump. You can be a frustrated voter. An angry voter. A fed up voter. But informed? No.
so what does that make you? A complete dumbfuck?
I don't vote nor have I ever voted for right wing hacks. I voted for Obama in 08 and haven't voted since. Oh yeah I voted for Bill Clinton too.

How's that assuming working out for you now ;)

But now you support Trump who is the leader of an entire army of Louie Gohmerts. You have a head injury?
I vote for who I feel is the best person for the job and I don't care what letter is next to their name. I don't run with the sheeple or cling to one party. You can say I'm an informed voter.

All that takes a shit the minute you say that you support Trump. Sorry.
You're too emotional LL, perhaps you should push away from the keyboard.

That's funny. I'm actually on the shitter. Very relaxed.

You cannot claim to be an informed voter and then support Trump. You can be a frustrated voter. An angry voter. A fed up voter. But informed? No.
You can add frustrated and fed up voter to my well informed voter column yes.
But now you support Trump who is the leader of an entire army of Louie Gohmerts. You have a head injury?
I vote for who I feel is the best person for the job and I don't care what letter is next to their name. I don't run with the sheeple or cling to one party. You can say I'm an informed voter.

All that takes a shit the minute you say that you support Trump. Sorry.
You're too emotional LL, perhaps you should push away from the keyboard.

That's funny. I'm actually on the shitter. Very relaxed.

You cannot claim to be an informed voter and then support Trump. You can be a frustrated voter. An angry voter. A fed up voter. But informed? No.
so what does that make you? A complete dumbfuck?

You really are upset. I get it. You have a great deal of hatred for Obama and Clinton....and any politician who you don't agree with. I get it. You are sick and tired of the same old corrupt assholes in DC! You just can't stand it.

You are willing to look past the fact that your guy doesn't know anything...and hand him the job because you think he'll be "different".
Who cares if he suggests that soldiers commit war crimes or hints at allowing more nations to develope "nuclear"? Who cares if his massive top loaded tax cuts will tank the economy? Who cares if he is a conspiracy theorist who denies climat change, thinks Obama is Kenyan and thinks vaccines cause autism?

None of that matters. He's an OUTSIDER!! He's gonna be a bull in DC's china shop and he's gonna repeal Obamacare!!!! Weeeeeeeee!
But now you support Trump who is the leader of an entire army of Louie Gohmerts. You have a head injury?
I vote for who I feel is the best person for the job and I don't care what letter is next to their name. I don't run with the sheeple or cling to one party. You can say I'm an informed voter.

All that takes a shit the minute you say that you support Trump. Sorry.
You're too emotional LL, perhaps you should push away from the keyboard.

That's funny. I'm actually on the shitter. Very relaxed.

You cannot claim to be an informed voter and then support Trump. You can be a frustrated voter. An angry voter. A fed up voter. But informed? No.
You can add frustrated and fed up voter to my well informed voter column yes.

Please. You think Trump has viable policies. That is not a sign of someone who is well informed. The man doesn't know anything....and he doesn't care to learn. It is painfully obvious.
I vote for who I feel is the best person for the job and I don't care what letter is next to their name. I don't run with the sheeple or cling to one party. You can say I'm an informed voter.

All that takes a shit the minute you say that you support Trump. Sorry.
You're too emotional LL, perhaps you should push away from the keyboard.

That's funny. I'm actually on the shitter. Very relaxed.

You cannot claim to be an informed voter and then support Trump. You can be a frustrated voter. An angry voter. A fed up voter. But informed? No.
so what does that make you? A complete dumbfuck?

You really are upset. I get it. You have a great deal of hatred for Obama and Clinton....and any politician who you don't agree with. I get it. You are sick and tired of the same old corrupt assholes in DC! You just can't stand it.

You are willing to look past the fact that your guy doesn't know anything...and hand him the job because you think he'll be "different".
Who cares if he suggests that soldiers commit war crimes or hints at allowing more nations to develope "nuclear"? Who cares if his massive top loaded tax cuts will tank the economy? Who cares if he is a conspiracy theorist who denies climat change, thinks Obama is Kenyan and thinks vaccines cause autism?

None of that matters. He's an OUTSIDER!! He's gonna be a bull in DC's china shop and he's gonna repeal Obamacare!!!! Weeeeeeeee!
Im not voting for trump. I have told you that repeatedly. I just don't want Hillary to win.
I don't have much faith in trump, but I KNOW Hillary is nothing but failure. She has a career full of it. And corruption. Like selling American uranium to The people she hates the most for $$$ or why the tax payers have to subsidize her 70M$ a year charity..
I vote for who I feel is the best person for the job and I don't care what letter is next to their name. I don't run with the sheeple or cling to one party. You can say I'm an informed voter.

All that takes a shit the minute you say that you support Trump. Sorry.
You're too emotional LL, perhaps you should push away from the keyboard.

That's funny. I'm actually on the shitter. Very relaxed.

You cannot claim to be an informed voter and then support Trump. You can be a frustrated voter. An angry voter. A fed up voter. But informed? No.
You can add frustrated and fed up voter to my well informed voter column yes.

Please. You think Trump has viable policies. That is not a sign of someone who is well informed. The man doesn't know anything....and he doesn't care to learn. It is painfully obvious.
When it comes to righting this ship Trump is the man to get it done....believe me.

Clinton had her 30 year chance to get things done and failed, I think she was given enough time to do at least something. Imagine if Trump were a developer for 30 years and built..well nothing.....ok maybe a deck for his son's back porch....should he be trusted to rebuild a dilapidated factory in Detroit? No I don't think so.
Michael Moore was a hero for libs when he was attacking Bush.
After saying "Trump won!" they may start calling him "Putin's agent".

Moore is just getting the troops all riled up... Take nothing for granted...
There is no lower life form than a career politician
So you reckon that an entry level position is the Presidency of the United States of America. How little you regard the power and influence of that office.
Michael Moore was a hero for libs when he was attacking Bush.
After saying "Trump won!" they may start calling him "Putin's agent".

Moore is just getting the troops all riled up... Take nothing for granted...
There is no lower life form than a career politician
So you reckon that an entry level position is the Presidency of the United States of America. How little you regard the power and influence of that office.
Do you know what the qualifications to be President are?
All that takes a shit the minute you say that you support Trump. Sorry.
You're too emotional LL, perhaps you should push away from the keyboard.

That's funny. I'm actually on the shitter. Very relaxed.

You cannot claim to be an informed voter and then support Trump. You can be a frustrated voter. An angry voter. A fed up voter. But informed? No.
You can add frustrated and fed up voter to my well informed voter column yes.

Please. You think Trump has viable policies. That is not a sign of someone who is well informed. The man doesn't know anything....and he doesn't care to learn. It is painfully obvious.
When it comes to righting this ship Trump is the man to get it done....believe me.

Clinton had her 30 year chance to get things done and failed, I think she was given enough time to do at least something. Imagine if Trump were a developer for 30 years and built..well nothing.....ok maybe a deck for his son's back porch....should he be trusted to rebuild a dilapidated factory in Detroit? No I don't think so.

You are parroting the 30 year thing? Good boy! You are an excellent Trump supporter. You even used "Believe me!". Have you been trolling me this entire time?

She has not been an elected official for 30 years. Just 6.

Her term as a Senator was served with distinction. She got shit done for the state of NY.

Her term a SOS was served with distinction. She is widely heralded as a success in that position. She is respected the world over.

The ship is in the process of being righted. Aren't you paying attention?

Trump has no knowledge and no viable policy positions.
All that takes a shit the minute you say that you support Trump. Sorry.
You're too emotional LL, perhaps you should push away from the keyboard.

That's funny. I'm actually on the shitter. Very relaxed.

You cannot claim to be an informed voter and then support Trump. You can be a frustrated voter. An angry voter. A fed up voter. But informed? No.
so what does that make you? A complete dumbfuck?

You really are upset. I get it. You have a great deal of hatred for Obama and Clinton....and any politician who you don't agree with. I get it. You are sick and tired of the same old corrupt assholes in DC! You just can't stand it.

You are willing to look past the fact that your guy doesn't know anything...and hand him the job because you think he'll be "different".
Who cares if he suggests that soldiers commit war crimes or hints at allowing more nations to develope "nuclear"? Who cares if his massive top loaded tax cuts will tank the economy? Who cares if he is a conspiracy theorist who denies climat change, thinks Obama is Kenyan and thinks vaccines cause autism?

None of that matters. He's an OUTSIDER!! He's gonna be a bull in DC's china shop and he's gonna repeal Obamacare!!!! Weeeeeeeee!
Im not voting for trump. I have told you that repeatedly. I just don't want Hillary to win.
I don't have much faith in trump, but I KNOW Hillary is nothing but failure. She has a career full of it. And corruption. Like selling American uranium to The people she hates the most for $$$ or why the tax payers have to subsidize her 70M$ a year charity..

Conspiracy theory forum is down there!
Michael Moore was a hero for libs when he was attacking Bush.
After saying "Trump won!" they may start calling him "Putin's agent".
on the other hand, him saying Trump will win scares me.
Moore has never been right about anything in his life, what is it that would cause me to think this is the one time that he will be.
If he says Trump is going to win, then Hillary is going to walk away with every electoral vote out there.
What I find interesting about the pundits/polls this morning about the debate is that the debate was called in favor of Clinton when the pundits were calling it but emphatically for Trump when the people voted on websites?

Why the big difference? I will vote for Trump, but over all, I think he blew it at the debate. He took the bait and squandered time trying to defend himself and getting irritated. Hillary kept on message although the message did not resonate with me. Where were the questions about her Aides getting immunity, her incompetence of not recognizing Top Secret emails and putting our secrets on an unsecured server for all hostile nations to hack.

But why the difference in who really won the debate?
1. The Media Pundits are usually in the tank for Hillary, so websites who generated the opinion with station employees called it for her.

2. Those websites that asked their subscribers or readers to vote was overwhelmingly in the tank for Trump. Even though it was not a great m oment for him.

3. The answer: Trump supporters are more passionate about their candidate and will support him through thick and thins. And there are boat loads more supporters for him while just handfuls of people turn out for Hillary's stumps.

4. This passion for the Trump candidate will result in higher turnouts for him and the Clinton voters will come out and vote in November, if they are in the mood.

5. So, the liberal Moore just might be right. From what we witnessed last night and today...It's over. Trump wins.

I almost want to give you a big hug and tell you that everything is gonna be OK.

The online polls, my dear, are open to multiple votes. You see? Nutbags get on there and vote many, many times. If you don't understand this....there
is little hope that you can grasp the complexities of any major issue.
Oh, I see. So, Trump's supporters voted multiple times and Clinton's didn't...possible didn't even bother at all.

Which brings me back #3, 4 and 5. The passion is with Trump and not so much with Hillary. Blacks are not as enthusiastic for her as they were for Obama. She's still trying to get the Millennial vote and who knows how successful that will be. That could definitely result in Trump is edging into her grasp on all minorities and young people. He won't get the majority, but it will cut into the number she needs to be successful.
You're too emotional LL, perhaps you should push away from the keyboard.

That's funny. I'm actually on the shitter. Very relaxed.

You cannot claim to be an informed voter and then support Trump. You can be a frustrated voter. An angry voter. A fed up voter. But informed? No.
so what does that make you? A complete dumbfuck?

You really are upset. I get it. You have a great deal of hatred for Obama and Clinton....and any politician who you don't agree with. I get it. You are sick and tired of the same old corrupt assholes in DC! You just can't stand it.

You are willing to look past the fact that your guy doesn't know anything...and hand him the job because you think he'll be "different".
Who cares if he suggests that soldiers commit war crimes or hints at allowing more nations to develope "nuclear"? Who cares if his massive top loaded tax cuts will tank the economy? Who cares if he is a conspiracy theorist who denies climat change, thinks Obama is Kenyan and thinks vaccines cause autism?

None of that matters. He's an OUTSIDER!! He's gonna be a bull in DC's china shop and he's gonna repeal Obamacare!!!! Weeeeeeeee!
Im not voting for trump. I have told you that repeatedly. I just don't want Hillary to win.
I don't have much faith in trump, but I KNOW Hillary is nothing but failure. She has a career full of it. And corruption. Like selling American uranium to The people she hates the most for $$$ or why the tax payers have to subsidize her 70M$ a year charity..

Conspiracy theory forum is down there!
Are you saying Hillary didn't sign off on the deal or are you saying Uranium one chairmans charity didn't donate almost 3M to her slush fund?
Or are you saying the GSA lied about subsidizing their slush fund?
Michael Moore was a hero for libs when he was attacking Bush.
After saying "Trump won!" they may start calling him "Putin's agent".

Moore is just getting the troops all riled up... Take nothing for granted...
There is no lower life form than a career politician
So you reckon that an entry level position is the Presidency of the United States of America. How little you regard the power and influence of that office.
The entry level, was by in large Jr. Senator and POTUS for Obama. I regard the power of that office with a great deal of importance. The influence, however was reduced by the incompetence of Obama, Hillary and Kerry. Foreign nations just don't have high esteem for the country any longer.
Michael Moore was a hero for libs when he was attacking Bush.
After saying "Trump won!" they may start calling him "Putin's agent".

Moore is just getting the troops all riled up... Take nothing for granted...
There is no lower life form than a career politician
So you reckon that an entry level position is the Presidency of the United States of America. How little you regard the power and influence of that office.
Do you know what the qualifications to be President are?
Constitutionally, yes. But believing Trump is qualified is like believing a professional wrestler is qualified.
Michael Moore was a hero for libs when he was attacking Bush.
After saying "Trump won!" they may start calling him "Putin's agent".

Moore is just getting the troops all riled up... Take nothing for granted...
There is no lower life form than a career politician
So you reckon that an entry level position is the Presidency of the United States of America. How little you regard the power and influence of that office.
Do you know what the qualifications to be President are?
Constitutionally, yes. But believing Trump is qualified is like believing a professional wrestler is qualified.
Both you and I are qualified. Everything else is purely subjective.
YOu know what I would be most happy with? A common Joe. Then, our interests would actually matter..
Big govt bureaucrats do us NO good.
What I find interesting about the pundits/polls this morning about the debate is that the debate was called in favor of Clinton when the pundits were calling it but emphatically for Trump when the people voted on websites?

Why the big difference? I will vote for Trump, but over all, I think he blew it at the debate. He took the bait and squandered time trying to defend himself and getting irritated. Hillary kept on message although the message did not resonate with me. Where were the questions about her Aides getting immunity, her incompetence of not recognizing Top Secret emails and putting our secrets on an unsecured server for all hostile nations to hack.

But why the difference in who really won the debate?
1. The Media Pundits are usually in the tank for Hillary, so websites who generated the opinion with station employees called it for her.

2. Those websites that asked their subscribers or readers to vote was overwhelmingly in the tank for Trump. Even though it was not a great m oment for him.

3. The answer: Trump supporters are more passionate about their candidate and will support him through thick and thins. And there are boat loads more supporters for him while just handfuls of people turn out for Hillary's stumps.

4. This passion for the Trump candidate will result in higher turnouts for him and the Clinton voters will come out and vote in November, if they are in the mood.

5. So, the liberal Moore just might be right. From what we witnessed last night and today...It's over. Trump wins.

I almost want to give you a big hug and tell you that everything is gonna be OK.

The online polls, my dear, are open to multiple votes. You see? Nutbags get on there and vote many, many times. If you don't understand this....there
is little hope that you can grasp the complexities of any major issue.
Oh, I see. So, Trump's supporters voted multiple times and Clinton's didn't...possible didn't even bother at all.

Which brings me back #3, 4 and 5. The passion is with Trump and not so much with Hillary. Blacks are not as enthusiastic for her as they were for Obama. She's still trying to get the Millennial vote and who knows how successful that will be. That could definitely result in Trump is edging into her grasp on all minorities and young people. He won't get the majority, but it will cut into the number she needs to be successful.

Yes.....Trump supporters loaded the online polls. It is common practice for them. I'm almost surprised that you don't know this. That's not passion. That is dishonesty.

Have you seen the three scientific polls that were done regarding who won the debate?
Michael Moore was a hero for libs when he was attacking Bush.
After saying "Trump won!" they may start calling him "Putin's agent".

Moore is just getting the troops all riled up... Take nothing for granted...
There is no lower life form than a career politician
So you reckon that an entry level position is the Presidency of the United States of America. How little you regard the power and influence of that office.
The entry level, was by in large Jr. Senator and POTUS for Obama. I regard the power of that office with a great deal of importance. The influence, however was reduced by the incompetence of Obama, Hillary and Kerry. Foreign nations just don't have high esteem for the country any longer.

Of course they do. You simply do not know what you are talking about.
Michael Moore also told people to get used to saying "President Romney"

I'm a huge Romney fan but that was certainly the wrong call on Moore's part

Oh he did? I don't remember that. So, he is playing mind games to pump up libs.
No offense but I don't see how you can be a huge Romney fan. He's a traitor as far as I am concerned.

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