Miami Doctor Issues An Ultimatum: Get Vaccinated Or Find Another Doctor.


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2012
East Tennessee
Go here for the story.

God bless you and her former patients always!!!


P.S. I hope the financial nosedive is enjoyed. If she didn't want to deal with certain people, what was her reason for becoming a doctor in the first place? At the end of the day, it isn't just about whether or not people are Covid vaccinated. What kind of treatment do those who are HIV positive get out of her for example once she learns that they have such a sickness? Are they shown the door too?
Go here for the story.

God bless you and her former patients always!!!


P.S. I hope the financial nosedive is enjoyed. If she didn't want to deal with certain people, what was her reason for becoming a doctor in the first place? At the end of the day, it isn't just about whether or not people are Covid vaccinated. What kind of treatment do those who are HIV positive get out of her for example once she learns that they have such a sickness? Are they shown the door too?
Fuck her--She violates her Hippocratic Oath.
I support doctors who do this as long as they are not critical physicians like ER docs as I generally support freedom of choice. I also support people refusing to get vaccinated.
I support doctors who do this as long as they are not critical physicians like ER docs as I generally support freedom of choice. I also support people refusing to get vaccinated.
The doctor's job is not to dictate to anyone. Their only job is understand the human body, its benefactors and diseases. They owe the patient options and care for the option the patient's choose. NOTHING more. They are NOT dictators.
Go here for the story.

God bless you and her former patients always!!!


P.S. I hope the financial nosedive is enjoyed. If she didn't want to deal with certain people, what was her reason for becoming a doctor in the first place? At the end of the day, it isn't just about whether or not people are Covid vaccinated. What kind of treatment do those who are HIV positive get out of her for example once she learns that they have such a sickness? Are they shown the door too?
Good for her.
Go here for the story.

God bless you and her former patients always!!!


P.S. I hope the financial nosedive is enjoyed. If she didn't want to deal with certain people, what was her reason for becoming a doctor in the first place? At the end of the day, it isn't just about whether or not people are Covid vaccinated. What kind of treatment do those who are HIV positive get out of her for example once she learns that they have such a sickness? Are they shown the door too?

If a patient does not listen to the advice from their doctor, why should they keep seeing them?
Go here for the story.

God bless you and her former patients always!!!


P.S. I hope the financial nosedive is enjoyed. If she didn't want to deal with certain people, what was her reason for becoming a doctor in the first place? At the end of the day, it isn't just about whether or not people are Covid vaccinated. What kind of treatment do those who are HIV positive get out of her for example once she learns that they have such a sickness? Are they shown the door too?
Yep....find another doctor if you won't take his medical advice. Pretty cut n' dried.
The doctor's job is not to dictate to anyone. Their only job is understand the human body, its benefactors and diseases. They owe the patient options and care for the option the patient's choose. NOTHING more. They are NOT dictators.

Correct, they are not dictators. But if a patient is not going to follow the medical advice from their doctor, it seems the best thing for them and their doctor for them to find a new doctor.
The funny thing is that the same M.D. would have been drummed out of the system if she/he refused to treat a homosexual who acquired the AIDS virus through risky sexual contact. Sodomites are still protected but anti-vax citizens are denied medical treatment. Who wooda thunk it?
Every situation has multiple options--it is the patient's choice which one is appropriate--if they ask for the doctor's advice, it is ultimately their body their choice--sound familiar?

I agree it is their choice. The Doc is not forcing anyone to do anything. He is just saying if you are not going to follow my medical advice, find a new doctor. Makes sense to me, why go to a doctor if you are going to ignore them?
For years oncologists have been telling their patients that they will not treat them unless they quit smoking.

Alcoholics have been told to quit drinking or they will not be eligible for an organ transplant.

This is nothing new.
And for years, police officers, nurses, and teachers have been told, "Get this list of vaccinations, or you cannot work here."

This is also nothing new.

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