Mia Love (R-UT): Remove ourselves from the New Slavery: Being dependent on people in power

Formerly segregationist democrats have established a plantation mentality that holds Black people in bondage to the federal government. Those who escape the democrat plantation are openly ridiculed like the vicious racist cartoons syndicated nationally that depicted Dr. Condie Rice as a slave mammy with a grotesque face and ragged clothes. Nobody ever apologized. Being a democrat means never having to apologize for bigotry.
While the slavery rhetoric is ridiculously hyperbolic, I agree with Love's underlying sentiment. We need to stop handing power over to the federal government.

It just baffles me to see liberals demanding more and more government expansion, and then they whine when money flows toward that power and captures it. They fail to see the cause and effect!

It is far easier to buy one Congress and one President than it is to buy 50 state legislatures and 50 Governors. Figure it out!

Now the dumbasses have handed even more control of our healthcare over to the government. Now watch the retards go into shock when the healthcare system is even more imprisoned by monied special interests.
The dumbasses just gave more control of their healthcare to a Congress they give a 15 percent approval rating.

Just how fucking retarded is THAT?!?!

Wakey wakey!
:0) Mia Love is speaking to and for her audience .. republicans .. the only people who should pay any attention to what Mia Love has to say.
Today, "Liberalism" is a laughably misnamed agenda. It has nothing to do with liberty, and everything to do with people controlling you whom you never asked for.

Not exactly true. There are a lot of people who actually do ask for it because freedom requires some effort and self-reliance. A lot of people would rather let someone else run their lives for them.

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