Mexican Wall Question

The idea of a wall has to be seen as an insult, and to be told that they will be forced to pay for it would be enough to piss anybody off.

Then why does Mexico insult central and south America by having a harshly strict Southern border of its own? If you try to cross Mexicos Southern border they fuck you up.

But....libs never mention that.

What does that have to do with a dumb assed wall that won't work anyway?

How did the wall work between East and West Berlin? Does the FORTY FOOT WALL around the Vatican work? How about the one between North and South Korea?

Why are you adamantly opposed to controlling our immigration problem? Why are you opposed to us knowing who is coming into our country, why, where they are and if they have a criminal record? Specifically, please.

Come back when you have something intelligent to post.

The idea of a wall has to be seen as an insult, and to be told that they will be forced to pay for it would be enough to piss anybody off.

Then why does Mexico insult central and south America by having a harshly strict Southern border of its own? If you try to cross Mexicos Southern border they fuck you up.

But....libs never mention that.

What does that have to do with a dumb assed wall that won't work anyway?
Terrorism dropped 98% upon its completion.
Walls work. Just ask Obama who's raising the fence around the White House higher.
View attachment 73701
Walls dont work against sustained attacks. Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.
The idea of a wall has to be seen as an insult, and to be told that they will be forced to pay for it would be enough to piss anybody off.

Then why does Mexico insult central and south America by having a harshly strict Southern border of its own? If you try to cross Mexicos Southern border they fuck you up.

But....libs never mention that.

What does that have to do with a dumb assed wall that won't work anyway?

How did the wall work between East and West Berlin? Does the FORTY FOOT WALL around the Vatican work? How about the one between North and South Korea?

Why are you adamantly opposed to controlling our immigration problem? Why are you opposed to us knowing who is coming into our country, why, where they are and if they have a criminal record? Specifically, please.

I already gave specifics on the Berlin wall and the Great Wall of China, but generally, a wall is only effective in a highly populated area where delaying the crosser for 5 or 10 minutes makes a difference. Open areas,like the 2000 mile border between Mexico and the US would be nothing more than an inconvenience. It won't do what you want.

Double wall with a paved road in between supplemented with night vision cameras and drones patrolling the border. Problem solved. Underground sensors or they probably have something which could be put on pick up trucks or other vehicles sensing underground activity.
The idea of a wall has to be seen as an insult, and to be told that they will be forced to pay for it would be enough to piss anybody off.

Then why does Mexico insult central and south America by having a harshly strict Southern border of its own? If you try to cross Mexicos Southern border they fuck you up.

But....libs never mention that.

What does that have to do with a dumb assed wall that won't work anyway?

How did the wall work between East and West Berlin? Does the FORTY FOOT WALL around the Vatican work? How about the one between North and South Korea?

Why are you adamantly opposed to controlling our immigration problem? Why are you opposed to us knowing who is coming into our country, why, where they are and if they have a criminal record? Specifically, please.

I already gave specifics on the Berlin wall and the Great Wall of China, but generally, a wall is only effective in a highly populated area where delaying the crosser for 5 or 10 minutes makes a difference. Open areas,like the 2000 mile border between Mexico and the US would be nothing more than an inconvenience. It won't do what you want.

Double wall with a paved road in between supplemented with night vision cameras and drones patrolling the border. Problem solved. Underground sensors or they probably have something which could be put on pick up trucks or other vehicles sensing underground activity.

All so you can pay $30 bucks for a tomato?
The idea of a wall has to be seen as an insult, and to be told that they will be forced to pay for it would be enough to piss anybody off.

Then why does Mexico insult central and south America by having a harshly strict Southern border of its own? If you try to cross Mexicos Southern border they fuck you up.

But....libs never mention that.

What does that have to do with a dumb assed wall that won't work anyway?
Terrorism dropped 98% upon its completion.
Walls work. Just ask Obama who's raising the fence around the White House higher.
View attachment 73701
Walls dont work against sustained attacks. Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.

Then why does Mexico insult central and south America by having a harshly strict Southern border of its own? If you try to cross Mexicos Southern border they fuck you up.

But....libs never mention that.

What does that have to do with a dumb assed wall that won't work anyway?

How did the wall work between East and West Berlin? Does the FORTY FOOT WALL around the Vatican work? How about the one between North and South Korea?

Why are you adamantly opposed to controlling our immigration problem? Why are you opposed to us knowing who is coming into our country, why, where they are and if they have a criminal record? Specifically, please.

I already gave specifics on the Berlin wall and the Great Wall of China, but generally, a wall is only effective in a highly populated area where delaying the crosser for 5 or 10 minutes makes a difference. Open areas,like the 2000 mile border between Mexico and the US would be nothing more than an inconvenience. It won't do what you want.

Double wall with a paved road in between supplemented with night vision cameras and drones patrolling the border. Problem solved. Underground sensors or they probably have something which could be put on pick up trucks or other vehicles sensing underground activity.

All so you can pay $30 bucks for a tomato?

Work visas. Problem solved.
Serious question.
Please only well thought out serious replies.
Why specifically is the Mexican government so adamantly opposed to the USA putting up a wall to prevent illegals from entering the country?
It's obvious that the mexican government has failed for decades to make mexico a place where most mexicans want to live. Why so?
If for some reason millions of Canadians started crossing into the US illegally and the US government said "we must put a stop to it by building a wall" would the Canadian government be adamantly opposed to the wall?
If so why so?

Please post a link to what the Mexican government has actually said.
Mexico won't pay for Trump wall, treasury secretary says -
The idea of a wall has to be seen as an insult, and to be told that they will be forced to pay for it would be enough to piss anybody off.

Then why does Mexico insult central and south America by having a harshly strict Southern border of its own? If you try to cross Mexicos Southern border they fuck you up.

But....libs never mention that.

What does that have to do with a dumb assed wall that won't work anyway?
Terrorism dropped 98% upon its completion.
Walls work. Just ask Obama who's raising the fence around the White House higher.
View attachment 73701
Walls dont work against sustained attacks. Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.
There would be no sustained attacks.
Any attempt to remove the wall would have only one result.
Then why does Mexico insult central and south America by having a harshly strict Southern border of its own? If you try to cross Mexicos Southern border they fuck you up.

But....libs never mention that.

What does that have to do with a dumb assed wall that won't work anyway?

How did the wall work between East and West Berlin? Does the FORTY FOOT WALL around the Vatican work? How about the one between North and South Korea?

Why are you adamantly opposed to controlling our immigration problem? Why are you opposed to us knowing who is coming into our country, why, where they are and if they have a criminal record? Specifically, please.

I already gave specifics on the Berlin wall and the Great Wall of China, but generally, a wall is only effective in a highly populated area where delaying the crosser for 5 or 10 minutes makes a difference. Open areas,like the 2000 mile border between Mexico and the US would be nothing more than an inconvenience. It won't do what you want.

Double wall with a paved road in between supplemented with night vision cameras and drones patrolling the border. Problem solved. Underground sensors or they probably have something which could be put on pick up trucks or other vehicles sensing underground activity.

All so you can pay $30 bucks for a tomato?
So you're against a $15 min wage.
The idea of a wall has to be seen as an insult, and to be told that they will be forced to pay for it would be enough to piss anybody off.

Then why does Mexico insult central and south America by having a harshly strict Southern border of its own? If you try to cross Mexicos Southern border they fuck you up.

But....libs never mention that.

What does that have to do with a dumb assed wall that won't work anyway?

How did the wall work between East and West Berlin? Does the FORTY FOOT WALL around the Vatican work? How about the one between North and South Korea?

Why are you adamantly opposed to controlling our immigration problem? Why are you opposed to us knowing who is coming into our country, why, where they are and if they have a criminal record? Specifically, please.

I already gave specifics on the Berlin wall and the Great Wall of China, but generally, a wall is only effective in a highly populated area where delaying the crosser for 5 or 10 minutes makes a difference. Open areas,like the 2000 mile border between Mexico and the US would be nothing more than an inconvenience. It won't do what you want.

Double wall with a paved road in between supplemented with night vision cameras and drones patrolling the border. Problem solved. Underground sensors or they probably have something which could be put on pick up trucks or other vehicles sensing underground activity.

Great. Who is going to pay for that? We all know Mexico won't. The Korean wall is 149 miles long and takes more than 1/2 million soldiers to man it. WE HAVE 2000 MILES. I know a wall sounds good at first, but it's really just childish and a waste of money.
Serious question.
Please only well thought out serious replies.
Why specifically is the Mexican government so adamantly opposed to the USA putting up a wall to prevent illegals from entering the country?
It's obvious that the mexican government has failed for decades to make mexico a place where most mexicans want to live. Why so?
If for some reason millions of Canadians started crossing into the US illegally and the US government said "we must put a stop to it by building a wall" would the Canadian government be adamantly opposed to the wall?
If so why so?

Because the illegals come here to work under the table and they send their earnings back to Mexico. A wall would cut their stream of cash flowing in. Secondly the children receive free education here and food stamps. Me? I am for the wall, and I do not care that they see it as an insult. I am insulted by the fact that they are here protesting in our streets, waving their flags and removing money from my pockets.
The idea of a wall has to be seen as an insult, and to be told that they will be forced to pay for it would be enough to piss anybody off.

Then why does Mexico insult central and south America by having a harshly strict Southern border of its own? If you try to cross Mexicos Southern border they fuck you up.

But....libs never mention that.
The Mexicans freely allow the flow from south of their border to our border, they are very much involved in this illegal invasion. Trump is correct. The question is will he do what he promises to do?
What does that have to do with a dumb assed wall that won't work anyway?

How did the wall work between East and West Berlin? Does the FORTY FOOT WALL around the Vatican work? How about the one between North and South Korea?

Why are you adamantly opposed to controlling our immigration problem? Why are you opposed to us knowing who is coming into our country, why, where they are and if they have a criminal record? Specifically, please.

I already gave specifics on the Berlin wall and the Great Wall of China, but generally, a wall is only effective in a highly populated area where delaying the crosser for 5 or 10 minutes makes a difference. Open areas,like the 2000 mile border between Mexico and the US would be nothing more than an inconvenience. It won't do what you want.

Double wall with a paved road in between supplemented with night vision cameras and drones patrolling the border. Problem solved. Underground sensors or they probably have something which could be put on pick up trucks or other vehicles sensing underground activity.

All so you can pay $30 bucks for a tomato?

Work visas. Problem solved.

Good idea. Too bad the republicans have blocked an overhaul of our immigration laws for so long.
Then why does Mexico insult central and south America by having a harshly strict Southern border of its own? If you try to cross Mexicos Southern border they fuck you up.

But....libs never mention that.

What does that have to do with a dumb assed wall that won't work anyway?

How did the wall work between East and West Berlin? Does the FORTY FOOT WALL around the Vatican work? How about the one between North and South Korea?

Why are you adamantly opposed to controlling our immigration problem? Why are you opposed to us knowing who is coming into our country, why, where they are and if they have a criminal record? Specifically, please.

I already gave specifics on the Berlin wall and the Great Wall of China, but generally, a wall is only effective in a highly populated area where delaying the crosser for 5 or 10 minutes makes a difference. Open areas,like the 2000 mile border between Mexico and the US would be nothing more than an inconvenience. It won't do what you want.

Double wall with a paved road in between supplemented with night vision cameras and drones patrolling the border. Problem solved. Underground sensors or they probably have something which could be put on pick up trucks or other vehicles sensing underground activity.

Great. Who is going to pay for that? We all know Mexico won't. The Korean wall is 149 miles long and takes more than 1/2 million soldiers to man it. WE HAVE 2000 MILES. I know a wall sounds good at first, but it's really just childish and a waste of money.
The 73 million on welfare or aid can either go help build the wall or chose to lose their benefits.

Like FDRs road building, great job opportunities abound.
The idea of a wall has to be seen as an insult, and to be told that they will be forced to pay for it would be enough to piss anybody off.

Then why does Mexico insult central and south America by having a harshly strict Southern border of its own? If you try to cross Mexicos Southern border they fuck you up.

But....libs never mention that.

What does that have to do with a dumb assed wall that won't work anyway?
Terrorism dropped 98% upon its completion.
Walls work. Just ask Obama who's raising the fence around the White House higher.
View attachment 73701
Walls dont work against sustained attacks. Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.
There would be no sustained attacks.
Any attempt to remove the wall would have only one result.
View attachment 73703
Youre silly but I think you already knew that.
The idea of a wall has to be seen as an insult, and to be told that they will be forced to pay for it would be enough to piss anybody off.

Hard as it is for Progressives to believe, Mexico is not part of the United States.

How can it be seen as an insult? Do they NOT have a wall between themselves and Guatemala? Does Mexico care if they insult anyone from South of THEIR border?

What happens if an American illegally crosses into Mexico?
You conservatives are naive and mentally pliable. You believe anything as long as they show you a picture.

Border Disorder

"This photograph does not show a barbed wire border fence between Mexico and Guatemala. It's actually a barrier between Israel and Egypt."

That is true about ONE PHOTO. Cute try though.
What does that have to do with a dumb assed wall that won't work anyway?

How did the wall work between East and West Berlin? Does the FORTY FOOT WALL around the Vatican work? How about the one between North and South Korea?

Why are you adamantly opposed to controlling our immigration problem? Why are you opposed to us knowing who is coming into our country, why, where they are and if they have a criminal record? Specifically, please.

I already gave specifics on the Berlin wall and the Great Wall of China, but generally, a wall is only effective in a highly populated area where delaying the crosser for 5 or 10 minutes makes a difference. Open areas,like the 2000 mile border between Mexico and the US would be nothing more than an inconvenience. It won't do what you want.

Double wall with a paved road in between supplemented with night vision cameras and drones patrolling the border. Problem solved. Underground sensors or they probably have something which could be put on pick up trucks or other vehicles sensing underground activity.

All so you can pay $30 bucks for a tomato?

Work visas. Problem solved.
So why are you conservatives blocking work visas then?
Then why does Mexico insult central and south America by having a harshly strict Southern border of its own? If you try to cross Mexicos Southern border they fuck you up.

But....libs never mention that.

What does that have to do with a dumb assed wall that won't work anyway?
Terrorism dropped 98% upon its completion.
Walls work. Just ask Obama who's raising the fence around the White House higher.
View attachment 73701
Walls dont work against sustained attacks. Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.
There would be no sustained attacks.
Any attempt to remove the wall would have only one result.
View attachment 73703
Youre silly but I think you already knew that.
Fact remains, almost 500 miles of wall works.
What does that have to do with a dumb assed wall that won't work anyway?

How did the wall work between East and West Berlin? Does the FORTY FOOT WALL around the Vatican work? How about the one between North and South Korea?

Why are you adamantly opposed to controlling our immigration problem? Why are you opposed to us knowing who is coming into our country, why, where they are and if they have a criminal record? Specifically, please.

I already gave specifics on the Berlin wall and the Great Wall of China, but generally, a wall is only effective in a highly populated area where delaying the crosser for 5 or 10 minutes makes a difference. Open areas,like the 2000 mile border between Mexico and the US would be nothing more than an inconvenience. It won't do what you want.

Double wall with a paved road in between supplemented with night vision cameras and drones patrolling the border. Problem solved. Underground sensors or they probably have something which could be put on pick up trucks or other vehicles sensing underground activity.

All so you can pay $30 bucks for a tomato?
So you're against a $15 min wage.
Yes but that has nothing to do with my point.

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