Mexican Wall Question

The idea of a wall has to be seen as an insult, and to be told that they will be forced to pay for it would be enough to piss anybody off.

Hard as it is for Progressives to believe, Mexico is not part of the United States.

How can it be seen as an insult? Do they NOT have a wall between themselves and Guatemala? Does Mexico care if they insult anyone from South of THEIR border?

What happens if an American illegally crosses into Mexico?
You conservatives are naive and mentally pliable. You believe anything as long as they show you a picture.

Border Disorder

"This photograph does not show a barbed wire border fence between Mexico and Guatemala. It's actually a barrier between Israel and Egypt."

That is true about ONE PHOTO. Cute try though.
Show me one photo of the border fence between Mexico and Guatemala. Cute deflection.
How did the wall work between East and West Berlin? Does the FORTY FOOT WALL around the Vatican work? How about the one between North and South Korea?

Why are you adamantly opposed to controlling our immigration problem? Why are you opposed to us knowing who is coming into our country, why, where they are and if they have a criminal record? Specifically, please.

I already gave specifics on the Berlin wall and the Great Wall of China, but generally, a wall is only effective in a highly populated area where delaying the crosser for 5 or 10 minutes makes a difference. Open areas,like the 2000 mile border between Mexico and the US would be nothing more than an inconvenience. It won't do what you want.

Double wall with a paved road in between supplemented with night vision cameras and drones patrolling the border. Problem solved. Underground sensors or they probably have something which could be put on pick up trucks or other vehicles sensing underground activity.

All so you can pay $30 bucks for a tomato?
So you're against a $15 min wage.
Yes but that has nothing to do with my point.
You're point is the loss of slave labor would impact the economy.
Yes, and America has done it once.
I already gave specifics on the Berlin wall and the Great Wall of China, but generally, a wall is only effective in a highly populated area where delaying the crosser for 5 or 10 minutes makes a difference. Open areas,like the 2000 mile border between Mexico and the US would be nothing more than an inconvenience. It won't do what you want.

Double wall with a paved road in between supplemented with night vision cameras and drones patrolling the border. Problem solved. Underground sensors or they probably have something which could be put on pick up trucks or other vehicles sensing underground activity.

All so you can pay $30 bucks for a tomato?
So you're against a $15 min wage.
Yes but that has nothing to do with my point.
You're point is the loss of slave labor would impact the economy.
Yes, and America has done it once.
No. My point is only a naive fool would think a fence would keep people from getting into the US.
Double wall with a paved road in between supplemented with night vision cameras and drones patrolling the border. Problem solved. Underground sensors or they probably have something which could be put on pick up trucks or other vehicles sensing underground activity.

All so you can pay $30 bucks for a tomato?
So you're against a $15 min wage.
Yes but that has nothing to do with my point.
You're point is the loss of slave labor would impact the economy.
Yes, and America has done it once.
No. My point is only a naive fool would think a fence would keep people from getting into the US.
Only a 98% reduction.
What does that have to do with a dumb assed wall that won't work anyway?

How did the wall work between East and West Berlin? Does the FORTY FOOT WALL around the Vatican work? How about the one between North and South Korea?

Why are you adamantly opposed to controlling our immigration problem? Why are you opposed to us knowing who is coming into our country, why, where they are and if they have a criminal record? Specifically, please.

I already gave specifics on the Berlin wall and the Great Wall of China, but generally, a wall is only effective in a highly populated area where delaying the crosser for 5 or 10 minutes makes a difference. Open areas,like the 2000 mile border between Mexico and the US would be nothing more than an inconvenience. It won't do what you want.

Double wall with a paved road in between supplemented with night vision cameras and drones patrolling the border. Problem solved. Underground sensors or they probably have something which could be put on pick up trucks or other vehicles sensing underground activity.

All so you can pay $30 bucks for a tomato?
So you're against a $15 min wage.

I defy you to show where a Federal Minimum Wage has accomplished anything. The minimum wage should be eliminated.
Serious question.
Please only well thought out serious replies.
Why specifically is the Mexican government so adamantly opposed to the USA putting up a wall to prevent illegals from entering the country?
It's obvious that the mexican government has failed for decades to make mexico a place where most mexicans want to live. Why so?
If for some reason millions of Canadians started crossing into the US illegally and the US government said "we must put a stop to it by building a wall" would the Canadian government be adamantly opposed to the wall?
If so why so?

Several reasons. First, its openly, xenophobically anti-mexican. And Mexico eats enough shit from the US for 3 countries.

Second, illegals are a huge industry in Mexico. In terms of economic impact, money sent by Mexican nationals in the US to mexico is second only to oil in the country and ahead of even tourism.

Third, walls make it much more likely that illegals will stay. And Mexico doesn't want to lose the citizens. They would much prefer the arrangement that they had with the US for most of the first half of the last century: seasonal migrant labor. Mexicans come to the US, work and go home. The more expensive, difficult and dangerous you make it to get into the US....the less likely Mexicans are to do that last part.

Fourth, it feeds the cartels. As the more difficult you make it, the more expensive it becomes. And the more professional coyotes charge. Meaning far more cash to criminal organizations. And they are already ludicrously powerful from all the drugs they sell a voracious US black market.

Fifth, it hurts their citizens. 60 years ago a mexican family could drive over the border, work for a season and come home. Now it costs thousands of dollars to a coyote, is dangerous, and often immensely traumatic. Its not uncommon for people who brave the trip to have PTSD's when they complete it.

Sixth, because Trump insists that Mexico is going to pay for it. Which is just thuggish horseshit. If we want the wall, we're gonna pay for it. And build it on our own territory.

My my, why all the compassion for the Mexicans and none for Americans? And no asshole, just because America is fed up with illegals dosen't make her xenophobic. Shove that xenophobia bs up your kiester.

All so you can pay $30 bucks for a tomato?
So you're against a $15 min wage.
Yes but that has nothing to do with my point.
You're point is the loss of slave labor would impact the economy.
Yes, and America has done it once.
No. My point is only a naive fool would think a fence would keep people from getting into the US.
Only a 98% reduction.
Such is the thinking of fools of your ilk.
The idea of a wall has to be seen as an insult, and to be told that they will be forced to pay for it would be enough to piss anybody off.

Hard as it is for Progressives to believe, Mexico is not part of the United States.

How can it be seen as an insult? Do they NOT have a wall between themselves and Guatemala? Does Mexico care if they insult anyone from South of THEIR border?

What happens if an American illegally crosses into Mexico?
You conservatives are naive and mentally pliable. You believe anything as long as they show you a picture.

Border Disorder

"This photograph does not show a barbed wire border fence between Mexico and Guatemala. It's actually a barrier between Israel and Egypt."

That is true about ONE PHOTO. Cute try though.
Show me one photo of the border fence between Mexico and Guatemala. Cute deflection.
Mexico deported 92,889 Central American individuals between October 2014 and April 2015. That is the number of “other than Mexican” illegals that Mexico sent back to their homelands. The U.S. only detained 70,226 “other than Mexican” illegals trying to get across our borders. These numbers are a stark contrast to what they were a year ago. From October 2013 to April 2014, the U.S. detained 159,103 “other than Mexican” individuals, while Mexico only detained 49,893 Central American illegals.
Shocking Statistic: Mexico Deports More Illegals Than The US Does
So you're against a $15 min wage.
Yes but that has nothing to do with my point.
You're point is the loss of slave labor would impact the economy.
Yes, and America has done it once.
No. My point is only a naive fool would think a fence would keep people from getting into the US.
Only a 98% reduction.
Such is the thinking of fools of your ilk.
Israel did it.
Not as good as the Jews?
The idea of a wall has to be seen as an insult, and to be told that they will be forced to pay for it would be enough to piss anybody off.

Hard as it is for Progressives to believe, Mexico is not part of the United States.

How can it be seen as an insult? Do they NOT have a wall between themselves and Guatemala? Does Mexico care if they insult anyone from South of THEIR border?

What happens if an American illegally crosses into Mexico?
You conservatives are naive and mentally pliable. You believe anything as long as they show you a picture.

Border Disorder

"This photograph does not show a barbed wire border fence between Mexico and Guatemala. It's actually a barrier between Israel and Egypt."

That is true about ONE PHOTO. Cute try though.
Show me one photo of the border fence between Mexico and Guatemala. Cute deflection.
Mexico deported 92,889 Central American individuals between October 2014 and April 2015. That is the number of “other than Mexican” illegals that Mexico sent back to their homelands. The U.S. only detained 70,226 “other than Mexican” illegals trying to get across our borders. These numbers are a stark contrast to what they were a year ago. From October 2013 to April 2014, the U.S. detained 159,103 “other than Mexican” individuals, while Mexico only detained 49,893 Central American illegals.
Shocking Statistic: Mexico Deports More Illegals Than The US Does
You said all that but failed to show me a picture of a fence.
How did the wall work between East and West Berlin? Does the FORTY FOOT WALL around the Vatican work? How about the one between North and South Korea?

Why are you adamantly opposed to controlling our immigration problem? Why are you opposed to us knowing who is coming into our country, why, where they are and if they have a criminal record? Specifically, please.

I already gave specifics on the Berlin wall and the Great Wall of China, but generally, a wall is only effective in a highly populated area where delaying the crosser for 5 or 10 minutes makes a difference. Open areas,like the 2000 mile border between Mexico and the US would be nothing more than an inconvenience. It won't do what you want.

Double wall with a paved road in between supplemented with night vision cameras and drones patrolling the border. Problem solved. Underground sensors or they probably have something which could be put on pick up trucks or other vehicles sensing underground activity.

All so you can pay $30 bucks for a tomato?

Work visas. Problem solved.

Good idea. Too bad the republicans have blocked an overhaul of our immigration laws for so long.
Why do you say that asshole? Why overhaul laws we do not enforce? What makes your ignorant ass think stupid democrats will enforce new laws?
Hard as it is for Progressives to believe, Mexico is not part of the United States.

How can it be seen as an insult? Do they NOT have a wall between themselves and Guatemala? Does Mexico care if they insult anyone from South of THEIR border?

What happens if an American illegally crosses into Mexico?
You conservatives are naive and mentally pliable. You believe anything as long as they show you a picture.

Border Disorder

"This photograph does not show a barbed wire border fence between Mexico and Guatemala. It's actually a barrier between Israel and Egypt."

That is true about ONE PHOTO. Cute try though.
Show me one photo of the border fence between Mexico and Guatemala. Cute deflection.
Mexico deported 92,889 Central American individuals between October 2014 and April 2015. That is the number of “other than Mexican” illegals that Mexico sent back to their homelands. The U.S. only detained 70,226 “other than Mexican” illegals trying to get across our borders. These numbers are a stark contrast to what they were a year ago. From October 2013 to April 2014, the U.S. detained 159,103 “other than Mexican” individuals, while Mexico only detained 49,893 Central American illegals.
Shocking Statistic: Mexico Deports More Illegals Than The US Does
You said all that but failed to show me a picture of a fence.
Nobody claimed Mexico had a fence.
You conservatives are naive and mentally pliable. You believe anything as long as they show you a picture.

Border Disorder

"This photograph does not show a barbed wire border fence between Mexico and Guatemala. It's actually a barrier between Israel and Egypt."

That is true about ONE PHOTO. Cute try though.
Show me one photo of the border fence between Mexico and Guatemala. Cute deflection.
Mexico deported 92,889 Central American individuals between October 2014 and April 2015. That is the number of “other than Mexican” illegals that Mexico sent back to their homelands. The U.S. only detained 70,226 “other than Mexican” illegals trying to get across our borders. These numbers are a stark contrast to what they were a year ago. From October 2013 to April 2014, the U.S. detained 159,103 “other than Mexican” individuals, while Mexico only detained 49,893 Central American illegals.
Shocking Statistic: Mexico Deports More Illegals Than The US Does
You said all that but failed to show me a picture of a fence.
Nobody claimed Mexico had a fence.
Markle did you idiot. What the hell did you think i was talking about?

"How can it be seen as an insult? Do they NOT have a wall between themselves and Guatemala? Does Mexico care if they insult anyone from South of THEIR border?"
How did the wall work between East and West Berlin? Does the FORTY FOOT WALL around the Vatican work? How about the one between North and South Korea?

Why are you adamantly opposed to controlling our immigration problem? Why are you opposed to us knowing who is coming into our country, why, where they are and if they have a criminal record? Specifically, please.

I already gave specifics on the Berlin wall and the Great Wall of China, but generally, a wall is only effective in a highly populated area where delaying the crosser for 5 or 10 minutes makes a difference. Open areas,like the 2000 mile border between Mexico and the US would be nothing more than an inconvenience. It won't do what you want.

Double wall with a paved road in between supplemented with night vision cameras and drones patrolling the border. Problem solved. Underground sensors or they probably have something which could be put on pick up trucks or other vehicles sensing underground activity.

All so you can pay $30 bucks for a tomato?

Work visas. Problem solved.

Good idea. Too bad the republicans have blocked an overhaul of our immigration laws for so long.

Which is because the Progressives demand, as a prerequisite for negotiations, amnesty for all those here already. President Reagan was promised, by the Democrats, a comprehensive immigration bill IF he gave a ONE TIME amnesty to all 4 MILLION illegal aliens here at the time. He did, and the Democrats reneged.
That is true about ONE PHOTO. Cute try though.
Show me one photo of the border fence between Mexico and Guatemala. Cute deflection.
Mexico deported 92,889 Central American individuals between October 2014 and April 2015. That is the number of “other than Mexican” illegals that Mexico sent back to their homelands. The U.S. only detained 70,226 “other than Mexican” illegals trying to get across our borders. These numbers are a stark contrast to what they were a year ago. From October 2013 to April 2014, the U.S. detained 159,103 “other than Mexican” individuals, while Mexico only detained 49,893 Central American illegals.
Shocking Statistic: Mexico Deports More Illegals Than The US Does
You said all that but failed to show me a picture of a fence.
Nobody claimed Mexico had a fence.
Markle did you idiot. What the hell did you think i was talking about?

"How can it be seen as an insult? Do they NOT have a wall between themselves and Guatemala? Does Mexico care if they insult anyone from South of THEIR border?"

Fences work. Even simple fences.
Show me one photo of the border fence between Mexico and Guatemala. Cute deflection.
Mexico deported 92,889 Central American individuals between October 2014 and April 2015. That is the number of “other than Mexican” illegals that Mexico sent back to their homelands. The U.S. only detained 70,226 “other than Mexican” illegals trying to get across our borders. These numbers are a stark contrast to what they were a year ago. From October 2013 to April 2014, the U.S. detained 159,103 “other than Mexican” individuals, while Mexico only detained 49,893 Central American illegals.
Shocking Statistic: Mexico Deports More Illegals Than The US Does
You said all that but failed to show me a picture of a fence.
Nobody claimed Mexico had a fence.
Markle did you idiot. What the hell did you think i was talking about?

"How can it be seen as an insult? Do they NOT have a wall between themselves and Guatemala? Does Mexico care if they insult anyone from South of THEIR border?"

Fences work. Even simple fences.
View attachment 73705
No semantics. You just proved you are an idiot that cant read or even follow a logical conclusion.

Fences dont work. See?
Several reasons. First, its openly, xenophobically anti-mexican. And Mexico eats enough shit from the US for 3 countries.

Second, illegals are a huge industry in Mexico. In terms of economic impact, money sent by Mexican nationals in the US to mexico is second only to oil in the country and ahead of even tourism.

Third, walls make it much more likely that illegals will stay. And Mexico doesn't want to lose the citizens. They would much prefer the arrangement that they had with the US for most of the first half of the last century: seasonal migrant labor. Mexicans come to the US, work and go home. The more expensive, difficult and dangerous you make it to get into the US....the less likely Mexicans are to do that last part.

Fourth, because Trump insists that Mexico is going to pay for it. Which is just thuggish horseshit. If we want the wall, we're gonna pay for it. And build it on our own territory.
#1 I have no idea what you are talking about. Either do you.
#2 So any country ought to allow millions of illegals in so they can work for half of what legal citizens do the job for?

So the fucking mexican government has sunk so low it depends on its citizens committing illegal acts to prop up the economy? That's pretty pathetic. "Hey kids. You all need to go out a do some stealing because us parents can't survive without it" Ya fuckijng right?

What are you babbling about? Who said a thing about 'allowing millions of illegals'? We're discussing why Mexico would oppose a wall.

And Mexicans aren't stealing. They're working.

#3 You are so fucking dumb you are contradicting yourself within the same sentence!
Mexican LEGAL labor allowed into the US to pick crops are NOT the problem! It's the millions of mexicans who are totally illiterate, can't speak english, have zero skills who expect to be given free shit from the Makers in the US who are the problem.

See, shitstain......there's your dilemma. 60 years ago a Mexican family would drive across the border, work for a season and then go home. Then do it again the next year. They were migrant laborers. And their decision is an economic one.

As you ramped up border security and made it more difficult to go home and come back.....people don't go home. They stay. Which is why the illegal population in the US skyrocketed as we ramped up border security...increasing 4 fold as we 'secured our border'.

Creating a wall will make it more expensive to go home and come back. So they'll be even less likely to go home. As their decisions are still economic ones. They'll have to work longer just to cover the cost of the border crossing. And be far less likely to go home because they'd have to brave it all again.

It also feeds cartels hundreds of millions of dollars as they control the professional coyotes.

Its also traumatic and dangerous for the illegals. Its not uncommon for those who brave the trip to arrive in the US with PTSDs. Making it even less likely that they'd want to brave the trip again unless they had to. Thus increasing the likelyood that they stay.
Very simple question pal: So why did the government "ramp up" border security? This ought to be good.

You tell me. Its your argument. Just remember that our illegal population exploded as we ramped it up.
No. I asked you a reasonable question. You said the US border security was "ramped up". So why do think that happened?

If you have an argument to make about why we ramped up border security, make it.

I'm not making it for you.
Mexico deported 92,889 Central American individuals between October 2014 and April 2015. That is the number of “other than Mexican” illegals that Mexico sent back to their homelands. The U.S. only detained 70,226 “other than Mexican” illegals trying to get across our borders. These numbers are a stark contrast to what they were a year ago. From October 2013 to April 2014, the U.S. detained 159,103 “other than Mexican” individuals, while Mexico only detained 49,893 Central American illegals.
Shocking Statistic: Mexico Deports More Illegals Than The US Does
You said all that but failed to show me a picture of a fence.
Nobody claimed Mexico had a fence.
Markle did you idiot. What the hell did you think i was talking about?

"How can it be seen as an insult? Do they NOT have a wall between themselves and Guatemala? Does Mexico care if they insult anyone from South of THEIR border?"

Fences work. Even simple fences.
View attachment 73705
No semantics. You just proved you are an idiot that cant read or even follow a logical conclusion.

Fences dont work. See?
Great analogy. Keeps out millions but the 0.0000001% who get thru are arrested within minutes.
You said all that but failed to show me a picture of a fence.
Nobody claimed Mexico had a fence.
Markle did you idiot. What the hell did you think i was talking about?

"How can it be seen as an insult? Do they NOT have a wall between themselves and Guatemala? Does Mexico care if they insult anyone from South of THEIR border?"

Fences work. Even simple fences.
View attachment 73705
No semantics. You just proved you are an idiot that cant read or even follow a logical conclusion.

Fences dont work. See?
Great analogy. Keeps out millions but the 0.0000001% who get thru are arrested within minutes.
That works when you have a small army watching the fence every second. However it pretty much kills your theory that fences work on anything but livestock and even then they manage to get around them a lot.
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I already gave specifics on the Berlin wall and the Great Wall of China, but generally, a wall is only effective in a highly populated area where delaying the crosser for 5 or 10 minutes makes a difference. Open areas,like the 2000 mile border between Mexico and the US would be nothing more than an inconvenience. It won't do what you want.

Double wall with a paved road in between supplemented with night vision cameras and drones patrolling the border. Problem solved. Underground sensors or they probably have something which could be put on pick up trucks or other vehicles sensing underground activity.

All so you can pay $30 bucks for a tomato?

Work visas. Problem solved.

Good idea. Too bad the republicans have blocked an overhaul of our immigration laws for so long.
Why do you say that asshole? Why overhaul laws we do not enforce? What makes your ignorant ass think stupid democrats will enforce new laws?


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