Mexican Wall Question

Show me one photo of the border fence between Mexico and Guatemala. Cute deflection.
Mexico deported 92,889 Central American individuals between October 2014 and April 2015. That is the number of “other than Mexican” illegals that Mexico sent back to their homelands. The U.S. only detained 70,226 “other than Mexican” illegals trying to get across our borders. These numbers are a stark contrast to what they were a year ago. From October 2013 to April 2014, the U.S. detained 159,103 “other than Mexican” individuals, while Mexico only detained 49,893 Central American illegals.
Shocking Statistic: Mexico Deports More Illegals Than The US Does
You said all that but failed to show me a picture of a fence.
Nobody claimed Mexico had a fence.
Markle did you idiot. What the hell did you think i was talking about?

"How can it be seen as an insult? Do they NOT have a wall between themselves and Guatemala? Does Mexico care if they insult anyone from South of THEIR border?"

Fences work. Even simple fences.
View attachment 73705
Yes add a million volt and it will indeed work.
Mexico deported 92,889 Central American individuals between October 2014 and April 2015. That is the number of “other than Mexican” illegals that Mexico sent back to their homelands. The U.S. only detained 70,226 “other than Mexican” illegals trying to get across our borders. These numbers are a stark contrast to what they were a year ago. From October 2013 to April 2014, the U.S. detained 159,103 “other than Mexican” individuals, while Mexico only detained 49,893 Central American illegals.
Shocking Statistic: Mexico Deports More Illegals Than The US Does
You said all that but failed to show me a picture of a fence.
Nobody claimed Mexico had a fence.
Markle did you idiot. What the hell did you think i was talking about?

"How can it be seen as an insult? Do they NOT have a wall between themselves and Guatemala? Does Mexico care if they insult anyone from South of THEIR border?"

Fences work. Even simple fences.
View attachment 73705
Yes add a million volt and it will indeed work.
Until someone shorts it out in about 10 seconds.
Nobody claimed Mexico had a fence.
Markle did you idiot. What the hell did you think i was talking about?

"How can it be seen as an insult? Do they NOT have a wall between themselves and Guatemala? Does Mexico care if they insult anyone from South of THEIR border?"

Fences work. Even simple fences.
View attachment 73705
No semantics. You just proved you are an idiot that cant read or even follow a logical conclusion.

Fences dont work. See?
Great analogy. Keeps out millions but the 0.0000001% who get thru are arrested within minutes.
That works when you have a small army watching the fence every second. However it pretty much kills your theory that fences work on anything but livestock and even then they manage to get around them a lot.
73 million Americans need good jobs.
Why are you opposed to work programs during difficult economic times?
Markle did you idiot. What the hell did you think i was talking about?

"How can it be seen as an insult? Do they NOT have a wall between themselves and Guatemala? Does Mexico care if they insult anyone from South of THEIR border?"

Fences work. Even simple fences.
View attachment 73705
No semantics. You just proved you are an idiot that cant read or even follow a logical conclusion.

Fences dont work. See?
Great analogy. Keeps out millions but the 0.0000001% who get thru are arrested within minutes.
That works when you have a small army watching the fence every second. However it pretty much kills your theory that fences work on anything but livestock and even then they manage to get around them a lot.
73 million Americans need good jobs.
Why are you opposed to work programs during difficult economic times?
73 million Americans need a good income if your figures are correct not jobs.

I am opposed to work programs based on silliness like watching a fence.
The idea of a wall has to be seen as an insult, and to be told that they will be forced to pay for it would be enough to piss anybody off.

Using the $150 million in annual US aid to Mexico would be a decent start. There are of course other sources as well

After a few years, wall.

Frankly, a national ID, mandatory prosecutions of companies that hire illegals and serious reductions in welfare freebs would be more effective, and cheaper in the long run.

You could require an ID to buy so much as a candy bar.
Such is the authoritarian right, and the stupidity that facilitates bigotry.
Serious question.
Please only well thought out serious replies.
Why specifically is the Mexican government so adamantly opposed to the USA putting up a wall to prevent illegals from entering the country?

Because they consider the Southwest to be Mexican territory and are intent upon repatriating it by re-populating it with a majority of Mexicans. Research the Reconquista Movement.
100% spot on!
The corrupt mexican government elected officials along the US border have been running on and being elected by promising their 18th century peasants that one day all of the US SE will once again belong to mexico.
Picture the city of Dallas empty of all Whites. They've all left. The city now belongs to the mexicans.
In four months the city would be worse off than Detroit and that's saying something.
More stupidity and bigotry from the right.

Fences work. Even simple fences.
View attachment 73705
No semantics. You just proved you are an idiot that cant read or even follow a logical conclusion.

Fences dont work. See?
Great analogy. Keeps out millions but the 0.0000001% who get thru are arrested within minutes.
That works when you have a small army watching the fence every second. However it pretty much kills your theory that fences work on anything but livestock and even then they manage to get around them a lot.
73 million Americans need good jobs.
Why are you opposed to work programs during difficult economic times?
73 million Americans need a good income if your figures are correct not jobs.

I am opposed to work programs based on silliness like watching a fence.
Thus the difference between the left and the rest of us. We believe in the oath taken by the President.
No semantics. You just proved you are an idiot that cant read or even follow a logical conclusion.

Fences dont work. See?
Great analogy. Keeps out millions but the 0.0000001% who get thru are arrested within minutes.
That works when you have a small army watching the fence every second. However it pretty much kills your theory that fences work on anything but livestock and even then they manage to get around them a lot.
73 million Americans need good jobs.
Why are you opposed to work programs during difficult economic times?
73 million Americans need a good income if your figures are correct not jobs.

I am opposed to work programs based on silliness like watching a fence.
Thus the difference between the left and the rest of us. We believe in the oath taken by the President.
Which oath would that be? Be careful now.
Want a wall? Easily built. Want Mexico to pay for it? Done

Every time ICE catches a Mexican sneaking into the US , we send an inner city negro to Mexico. Within ONE week, Mexico would start building a wall.

That's the damn truth, and everyone here knows it.
Want a wall? Easily built. Want Mexico to pay for it? Done

Every time ICE catches a Mexican sneaking into the US , we send an inner city negro to Mexico. Within ONE week, Mexico would start building a wall.

That's the damn truth, and everyone here knows it.
How are you going to that without getting your ass kicked?
Serious question.
Please only well thought out serious replies.
Why specifically is the Mexican government so adamantly opposed to the USA putting up a wall to prevent illegals from entering the country?
It's obvious that the mexican government has failed for decades to make mexico a place where most mexicans want to live. Why so?
If for some reason millions of Canadians started crossing into the US illegally and the US government said "we must put a stop to it by building a wall" would the Canadian government be adamantly opposed to the wall?
If so why so?

It's a great question. An even better question is why are Liberals opposed to it as well? The wall is about stopping ILLEGAL immigration, not legal immigration. It's about stopping drugs and violent criminals from crossing the border. It's about stopping those who ignore our laws from taking jobs from Americans. It's makes to much sense, which is probably why Liberals don't get it.

No, that's not what the wall is about.

A wall will not even slow the drugs. As long as the US is buying, someone will always be selling.

No one "takes jobs away from Americans".
Employers give jobs away.

Its moot however because no wall will be built by Dun Donuld. He knows that and so should you.
Want a wall? Easily built. Want Mexico to pay for it? Done

Every time ICE catches a Mexican sneaking into the US , we send an inner city negro to Mexico. Within ONE week, Mexico would start building a wall.

That's the damn truth, and everyone here knows it.

Fair&Balanced What an idiotic choice of names for some ignorant asshole like you.

The US is not going to be sending Americans to Mexico and only sub-human, inbred, trailer trash like you would suggest it.

Are you aware that US businesses actually advertise, in Mexico, for Mexican workers? Do you know what ICE actually does with those people?

You're very stupid and have no interest in facts but if you want to educate yourself, you might want to watch the documentary, Food Inc.

If we want to improve our country, we need to get rid of ignorant slime like you and keep the Mexicans here. Mexico is too good for you. No place else would want you either.

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