Mexican stabs four to death in Mexifornia...will Democrats cry for knife control?

The only thing they will be crying about is how the man should go free. They were white, probably had it coming. Good to see a dent on that white privilege.

Well. hope the perpetrator was illegal, otherwise the law might still apply.

Also, knife control is what they did in London after the immigrants increased knife attacks by hundreds of percentages. Don't give them ideas.
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To bad Someone didn't blow his stupid brain through the back of his head.
No need for knife control, they're not a threat to government troops.
They don't allow Plastic straws but Steel knives are just Fine. He would never have tried to try to stab 4 people with a plastic Knife or Spork. Outlaw Sharp objects (except needles of course) in California, I'm just sayin :dance:
Why wouldn’t they?
Is it the life lost that matters or is it the object used to take the life that matters?
Why not fight for handgun control in all blue shitholes?
California gang member in custody after stabbing, robbery spree that killed 4, wounded 2: police

The knife attacks took hours.

An assault rifle would kill 4 people in 5 seconds.

What is a assault rifle? you mean semi automatic?....we have had those available to the public since the second world war....
It takes hours to kill a person with a knife?

Are these people serious? It takes one stab. It's possible to die from a gunshot hours and hours later as well.

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