Megyn Kelly Gets a Taste of Her Own Medicine!!!

Name a politician and or President that doesn't do the same Mr. Deflection.

That is why they hire advisers to do that very thing.............
A leader hires the right people to do the job that they trust..........and gets their opinions and facts for him to make those decisions........

Do you think Obama goes to the Pentagon and does the research himself.

Your deflection is........


You followers need a strong leader like Trump.

Donald Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems - Nick Gass - POLITICO
I'm not convinced he's the real deal yet Mr. Diversion.............

You change the subject when you get hit on your other bs posts...............

I don't know if he the real deal or a plant yet...........but I'm enjoying the show........

I'm just keeping the fight fair and balanced on what I know............

Oops..........Fair and Balanced is hardly what the debate was about.

Since you didn't understand the first time I'll be a little more explicit. Trump is a fucking dummy, he doesn't know what he believes or why. Funny that he would mention Rosie O'Donnell......since he's so prone to yammering like a daffy bitch.
He mentioned Rosie ODonnell because the comment was directed at her and their feud back in 2006.

I put up the video on that about you................back up your are dancing like a chicken on a skillet.
Trump followers=birther dipshits=Clinton supporters.
I don't see his name on the foundation's webpage. appears he gives to both sides pretty evenly....Democrats and Republicans.

While favoring Democrats, Trump has donated more than $600,000 to Republicans as well, including Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), the party’s 2008 presidential nominee, whom Trump first supported in 1998.

He gave $95,000 to the Republican Governors Association for its record-breaking electoral push in 2010, and he has donated more than $80,000 to the three national GOP political committees in the past two decades. Individual Republicans supported by Trump include former congressmanTom DeLay (Tex.), former House speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.) and former senator George Allen (Va.).

Trump s donation history shows Democratic favoritism - The Washington Post
I don't see why. She is totally out of the public debate and is under a criminal investigation by the FBI.

She's nothing but a plastic politician with nothing to offer.
If Donald Trump were the GOP candidate Hilary would obviously win. He's the one, so called, Republican who could unite Democrats.
As if he has some special power to do so.

It doesn't matter who the Republicans put up fuckers will do the same number on him. By the time they get done with him liberals will think he's Jack The Ripper. What we need is someone who takes all of that mud and slings it back at them and put some stank on it.
Right, I forgot Megyn Kelly was part of the whole liberal media conspiracy thing.
She's the liberal media's darling now. Far as I'm concerned, I won't watch her anymore. She might as well get a job with MSNBC now.
You think that because Trump followers are all mindless automatons.

It's really a non issue kept alive by the left for propaganda purposes. Look at the posts. The clown faces are all agog over the perception that Ms. Kelly was insulted when on a normal day they would be calling for the boycott of all the Fox babes including Megan Kelly. So what's going on? Kelly pitched a smarmy question and Trump hit it out of the ball park. Every republican (including Trump) did amazingly well in the debate and the Kelly incident it's all the pathetic idiots on the left have.
It's really a non issue kept alive by the left for propaganda purposes. Look at the posts. The clown faces are all agog over the perception that Ms. Kelly was insulted when on a normal day they would be calling for the boycott of all the Fox babes including Megan Kelly. So what's going on? Kelly pitched a smarmy question and Trump hit it out of the ball park. Every republican (including Trump) did amazingly well in the debate and the Kelly incident it's all the pathetic idiots on the left have.
On the contrary.....Trump didn't handle that question well....but he redeemed himself later when Chris Wallace tried to hammer him on his company's bankruptcies.

They said after the debate that they spent a long time trying to figure out which questions to ask. Months even. My first reaction to Ms Kelly would be to not dignify that question with a response. I would scold her for bringing up old personal issues and not talking about current events like the Iranian deal and Hillary's emails. I would say that anyone who attacks me does so on their own and at their own peril.
I would have loved to be a mouse in Roger Ailes, Chris Wallace'. Bret Baier or Meryn Kelly's office yesterday and today.

Damage control... "My God, what did we do?" That had to be the topic of the morning.

You're kidding, right?


Fox hasn't been "damaged" by this. There's nothing to "control".

They just had their highest ratings in history.

Morons whining on the internet does not "damage" Fox.

No, but they do take themselves very seriously
Trump trashed himself again today. No one believes his lie that he meant Kelly's nose was the "wherever" in his crude comment. He had become so used to his suckers following him that he thinks everyone can be conned like his regular suckers.
Just looked at her pathetic facebook page. She sort of looks like a prick.
Trump trashed himself again today. No one believes his lie that he meant Kelly's nose was the "wherever" in his crude comment. He had become so used to his suckers following him that he thinks everyone can be conned like his regular suckers.

lol, if he's the tell it like it is guy he can't be running away from what he said the first time. That's what ordinary politicians do.
the NaziCons at FOXlead by Nazi kelly are going down!!

You're all over this Nazi thing, aren't you?

Apparently she hasn't a clue about what a "Nazi" is...

I doubt she has a clue about anything. She looks like she gets her clothes from yard sales and they dont fit right.

Um...he was referring to you, my dear

I get my clothes from walmart!! Megan gets hers from yard sales held by drugged up former noght women.
I don't see his name on the foundation's webpage. appears he gives to both sides pretty evenly....Democrats and Republicans.

While favoring Democrats, Trump has donated more than $600,000 to Republicans as well, including Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), the party’s 2008 presidential nominee, whom Trump first supported in 1998.

He gave $95,000 to the Republican Governors Association for its record-breaking electoral push in 2010, and he has donated more than $80,000 to the three national GOP political committees in the past two decades. Individual Republicans supported by Trump include former congressmanTom DeLay (Tex.), former House speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.) and former senator George Allen (Va.).

Trump s donation history shows Democratic favoritism - The Washington Post
More evidence that Trump has no principles, he stands for nothing but Trump.
I think it's very nice that Mr. Trump has a paid staff to do the research so they can tell him what his positions are.
Name a politician and or President that doesn't do the same Mr. Deflection.

That is why they hire advisers to do that very thing.............
A leader hires the right people to do the job that they trust..........and gets their opinions and facts for him to make those decisions........

Do you think Obama goes to the Pentagon and does the research himself.

Your deflection is........


You followers need a strong leader like Trump.

Donald Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems - Nick Gass - POLITICO
I'm not convinced he's the real deal yet Mr. Diversion.............

You change the subject when you get hit on your other bs posts...............

I don't know if he the real deal or a plant yet...........but I'm enjoying the show........

I'm just keeping the fight fair and balanced on what I know............

Oops..........Fair and Balanced is hardly what the debate was about.

Since you didn't understand the first time I'll be a little more explicit. Trump is a fucking dummy, he doesn't know what he believes or why. Funny that he would mention Rosie O'Donnell......since he's so prone to yammering like a daffy bitch.
He mentioned Rosie ODonnell because the comment was directed at her and their feud back in 2006.

I put up the video on that about you................back up your are dancing like a chicken on a skillet.

To use Trump's own signature characterization.........Trump is a big baby.
Name a politician and or President that doesn't do the same Mr. Deflection.

That is why they hire advisers to do that very thing.............
A leader hires the right people to do the job that they trust..........and gets their opinions and facts for him to make those decisions........

Do you think Obama goes to the Pentagon and does the research himself.

Your deflection is........


You followers need a strong leader like Trump.

Donald Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems - Nick Gass - POLITICO
I'm not convinced he's the real deal yet Mr. Diversion.............

You change the subject when you get hit on your other bs posts...............

I don't know if he the real deal or a plant yet...........but I'm enjoying the show........

I'm just keeping the fight fair and balanced on what I know............

Oops..........Fair and Balanced is hardly what the debate was about.

Since you didn't understand the first time I'll be a little more explicit. Trump is a fucking dummy, he doesn't know what he believes or why. Funny that he would mention Rosie O'Donnell......since he's so prone to yammering like a daffy bitch.
He mentioned Rosie ODonnell because the comment was directed at her and their feud back in 2006.

I put up the video on that about you................back up your are dancing like a chicken on a skillet.

To use Trump's own signature characterization.........Trump is a big baby.
Name a politician and or President that doesn't do the same Mr. Deflection.

That is why they hire advisers to do that very thing.............
A leader hires the right people to do the job that they trust..........and gets their opinions and facts for him to make those decisions........

Do you think Obama goes to the Pentagon and does the research himself.

Your deflection is........


You followers need a strong leader like Trump.

Donald Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems - Nick Gass - POLITICO
I'm not convinced he's the real deal yet Mr. Diversion.............

You change the subject when you get hit on your other bs posts...............

I don't know if he the real deal or a plant yet...........but I'm enjoying the show........

I'm just keeping the fight fair and balanced on what I know............

Oops..........Fair and Balanced is hardly what the debate was about.

Since you didn't understand the first time I'll be a little more explicit. Trump is a fucking dummy, he doesn't know what he believes or why. Funny that he would mention Rosie O'Donnell......since he's so prone to yammering like a daffy bitch.
He mentioned Rosie ODonnell because the comment was directed at her and their feud back in 2006.

I put up the video on that about you................back up your are dancing like a chicken on a skillet.

To use Trump's own signature characterization.........Trump is a big baby.

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