Meet Con Artist Andrew Yang and his freedom dividend


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
See Andrew’s Story

Con artist Yang tells us how new technologies have “destroyed more than 4 million US jobs”. Con artist Yang is counting on the American people being too stupid to know that millions of new jobs are actually created when new technologies are introduced.

Con artists Yang also wants to use the force of government taxation to implement what he calls the “Freedom Dividend”, a universal basic income (UBI) for every American adult over the age of 18: “$1,000 a month, no strings attached.” [NOTE; America’s population above 18 is approximately 209 million.].

Con artist Yang proposes a new tax on those evil companies “benefiting most from automation”, to finance his UBI. But this is nothing more than a calculated gimmick ___ the old and tired attack on the wealthy ___ a rope-a-dope scheme which blatantly promises to abuse the power of federal taxation, using it to buy votes at $1,000 a month for each vote, or about $ 2.5 TRILLION a year rise in federal taxation to buy his votes, which would dwarf the annual federal pay out for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid

And this Con Artist is still in the race and qualifies to be in the next debate? Could con artist Yang be right, and that a majority of the American people are actually as stupid as Yang believes they are?


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.
Even if we stole every last penny of the wealthiest 100 it would only amount to about 3 trillion. So the idea is ludicrous but there are a large amount of people that would go all in one n it. They have no idea how to run a checkbook or fiqure out a budget.
Even if we stole every last penny of the wealthiest 100 it would only amount to about 3 trillion. So the idea is ludicrous but there are a large amount of people that would go all in one n it. They have no idea how to run a checkbook or fiqure out a budget.

Probably even less than that TBH. Who would have the money to buy out Bezos, Gates, and Zuckerberg at current market rates?

Even if somebody had it, why would they bother since they would be moving to the front of the line at the slaughter house.
See Andrew’s Story

Con artist Yang tells us how new technologies have “destroyed more than 4 million US jobs”. Con artist Yang is counting on the American people being too stupid to know that millions of new jobs are actually created when new technologies are introduced.

Con artists Yang also wants to use the force of government taxation to implement what he calls the “Freedom Dividend”, a universal basic income (UBI) for every American adult over the age of 18: “$1,000 a month, no strings attached.” [NOTE; America’s population above 18 is approximately 209 million.].

Con artist Yang proposes a new tax on those evil companies “benefiting most from automation”, to finance his UBI. But this is nothing more than a calculated gimmick ___ the old and tired attack on the wealthy ___ a rope-a-dope scheme which blatantly promises to abuse the power of federal taxation, using it to buy votes at $1,000 a month for each vote, or about $ 2.5 TRILLION a year rise in federal taxation to buy his votes, which would dwarf the annual federal pay out for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid

And this Con Artist is still in the race and qualifies to be in the next debate? Could con artist Yang be right, and that a majority of the American people are actually as stupid as Yang believes they are?


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.
Yang is a smart dude. Have you actually listened to his plans? If you think the freedom dividend is about power and votes than you are paying attention.
To be accurate, automation does “kill” certain jobs, but automation also creates jobs. I know first hand how automation actually creates new jobs. I used to deliver ice to people with ice boxes when I was about 12 years old. Eventually refrigerators eliminated this job for countless youths in New York City. The good news was, later in life I learned refrigeration and air-conditioning repair, and earned far more money repairing refrigeration equipment than I ever could earn delivering ice.

Yang is a con artist, and looking to buy votes with federal tax revenue as are the rest of the democrats running for office. His immigrant parents should be ashamed of him.


In every oppressive country like communist China, socialist Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, etc., the people are disarmed and suffer the loss of inalienable rights under an iron fisted government which live large on the people’s labor. Forewarned is forearmed.

Andrew Yang on illegal entrants

Yang, who also supports a pathway to citizenship for illegal entrants, uses the bait and switch con artist’s game when it comes to dealing with illegal entrants who are here. He States:

"Outside of increasing our guest worker program and making sure that those who receive temporary permission to come to the US to work leave when their time is up, we also need to find ways to address this massive community of undocumented immigrants who entered the country illegally.

Rounding up and deporting that many people is a nonstarter—it would be prohibitively expensive, disruptive, and inhumane to many communities, so a pathway to citizenship must be provided (after securing our southern border, so that we don’t end up right back where we started)."

No one I know has suggested “rounding up and deporting” illegal entrants. What is proposed by concerned Americans are various measures which would encourage illegal entrants to self deport:

Step up the prosecution of business owners who hire illegal entrants and pay them off the books, and below the going wage, in order to increase profits.

Encourage employers to use e-verify when hiring

Deny illegal entrants any tax payer financed medical/dental care (excepting life death situations.

Deny the children of illegal entrants access to a State’s public school system and all public assistance programs, i.e., deny them any privileges created by a state for its citizens;

Forbid state issued drivers licenses or other forms of identification to illegal entrants;

Direct the appropriate federal government agencies to identify aliens who have overstayed their visa and prioritized their expulsion from our country whenever their name comes up when applying for a driver’s license, stopped for a traffic infraction or other crime, etc.;

Enforce public housing laws which make it a crime for illegal entrants to live in any public housing unit or section eight housing, and evict American citizens from their public housing for harboring an illegal entrant.

Cut off all federal funds to sanctuary cities, especially New York and California.

And making it a point of law to never allow a person who has entered our country illegally, or is here illegally and caught, to re-enter our country legally in the future __ giving existing illegal entrants a two month period to leave our country on their own before implementing this rule.

Instead of proposing remedies to rid our country of illegal entrants, especially the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled and disease carrying illegal entrants, Andrew Yang has confirmed he welcomes them with a path to citizenship.

There is no surer way to weaken, subdue, demoralize and then conquer a prosperous and freedom loving people than by allowing and encouraging the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, criminal and diseased populations of other countries to invade that country, and make the country’s existing citizens tax-slaves to support the economic needs of such invaders.

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