Media Gloats Over Trumps low Poll Numbers But Here is the Catch....


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Trumps numbers are much higher that the confidence the American people have for the media in general.

Soaring Economic Enthusiasm Boosts Trump's Approval Rating

Thanks to a rapidly expanding economy, a booming stock market, real job growth, and the optimism that comes with all of that, President Trump’s approval rating jumped to 42 percent,according to CNBC.​

If CNBC says 42% it is more likely 52%.

Even so, 42% is higher than 32%

Poll: Majority says mainstream media publishes fake news

According to data from the latest Harvard-Harris poll, which was provided exclusively to The Hill, 65 percent of voters believe there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media.

That number includes 80 percent of Republicans, 60 percent of independents and 53 percent of Democrats. Eighty-four percent of voters said it is hard to know what news to believe online.

“Much of the media is now just another part of the partisan divide in the country with Republicans not trusting the ‘mainstream’ media and Democrats seeing them as reflecting their beliefs,” said Harvard-Harris co-director Mark Penn. “Every major institution from the presidency to the courts is now seen as operating in a partisan fashion in one direction or the other.”

President Trump has railed against the “fake news” media, casting the press as the “opposition party” and opening the White House to once-fringe outlets, to the frustration of the mainstream press.

The president’s critics have accused him of using the “fake news” moniker for any story that casts him in a negative light.

Many conservatives believe the media has dramatically loosened its reporting standards when it comes to Trump, taking an anything-goes approach and running with anonymously sourced material that it would never print about a more traditional Republican or Democratic administration.

A cottage industry of conservative media critics has sprung up online to draw attention to the salacious details about Trump that spread across social media or are aggregated countless times before they’re revealed to be mischaracterized or untrue.

The net affect is that Trump’s image, and public trust in the media, are at all-time lows.

Trump’s job approval rating is at 45 percent approval and 55 percent disapproval in the latest Harvard-Harris survey. Gallup’s annual survey on public trust in the media — conducted before the election — found that only 32 percent trusted the press.​
Meh the media gloated over Cankle's polls. How'd that end up?

Now wait for some loon to scream "but she won the popular vote!!"
The MSM/Hollywood always attacks a Republican president and then they take a skewed poll to see how well their propaganda is working
Meh the media gloated over Cankle's polls. How'd that end up?

Now wait for some loon to scream "but she won the popular vote!!"

But isnt it ironic for the media to argue that Trumps numbers are so low he deserves no credibility when their own numbers are much worse?
Trumps numbers are much higher that the confidence the American people have for the media in general.

Soaring Economic Enthusiasm Boosts Trump's Approval Rating

Thanks to a rapidly expanding economy, a booming stock market, real job growth, and the optimism that comes with all of that, President Trump’s approval rating jumped to 42 percent,according to CNBC.​

If CNBC says 42% it is more likely 52%.

Even so, 42% is higher than 32%

Poll: Majority says mainstream media publishes fake news

According to data from the latest Harvard-Harris poll, which was provided exclusively to The Hill, 65 percent of voters believe there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media.

That number includes 80 percent of Republicans, 60 percent of independents and 53 percent of Democrats. Eighty-four percent of voters said it is hard to know what news to believe online.

“Much of the media is now just another part of the partisan divide in the country with Republicans not trusting the ‘mainstream’ media and Democrats seeing them as reflecting their beliefs,” said Harvard-Harris co-director Mark Penn. “Every major institution from the presidency to the courts is now seen as operating in a partisan fashion in one direction or the other.”

President Trump has railed against the “fake news” media, casting the press as the “opposition party” and opening the White House to once-fringe outlets, to the frustration of the mainstream press.

The president’s critics have accused him of using the “fake news” moniker for any story that casts him in a negative light.

Many conservatives believe the media has dramatically loosened its reporting standards when it comes to Trump, taking an anything-goes approach and running with anonymously sourced material that it would never print about a more traditional Republican or Democratic administration.

A cottage industry of conservative media critics has sprung up online to draw attention to the salacious details about Trump that spread across social media or are aggregated countless times before they’re revealed to be mischaracterized or untrue.

The net affect is that Trump’s image, and public trust in the media, are at all-time lows.

Trump’s job approval rating is at 45 percent approval and 55 percent disapproval in the latest Harvard-Harris survey. Gallup’s annual survey on public trust in the media — conducted before the election — found that only 32 percent trusted the press.​
The Fake Alt Right Media (FARM) is reduced to hopeful if unsupported guessing.

That is sad. :)
Polls are like the ultimate fake news tactic. Whenever they see a positive response to Trump from the people, they quickly publish a poll that shows how negatively people are responding to him. These polls are pre-determined and orchestrated by the msm as a means of combatting the truth. Fortunately, the last election put to rest the myth that polls are somehow an accurate reflection of public opinion, rather than what the msm want us to believe.

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