McConnell Ate The Lunches Of Pelosi & Schumer


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
One can only wonder why Dems so consistently make abject fools of themselves. What's next for Nancy ... another hissy-fit?

Mitch McConnell just ate Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer's lunch (opinion) - CNN
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer have been bested by Mitch McConnell yet again. The two Democrats attempted to create impeachment leverage where none existed by withholding the Articles of Impeachment passed last month against President Donald Trump.

But like your Aunt Frieda threatening not to bring her awful fruitcake to Christmas Dinner, their plan didn't work. Nobody wanted it in the first place.

McConnell won this round against his Keystone Cops opposition because he has something Schumer and Pelosi don't: a reasonable argument.
One can only wonder why Dems so consistently make abject fools of themselves. What's next for Nancy ... another hissy-fit?

Mitch McConnell just ate Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer's lunch (opinion) - CNN
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer have been bested by Mitch McConnell yet again. The two Democrats attempted to create impeachment leverage where none existed by withholding the Articles of Impeachment passed last month against President Donald Trump.

But like your Aunt Frieda threatening not to bring her awful fruitcake to Christmas Dinner, their plan didn't work. Nobody wanted it in the first place.

McConnell won this round against his Keystone Cops opposition because he has something Schumer and Pelosi don't: a reasonable argument.

Too bad it won't stop their continuous crying about it.

From the above CNN link, most lefticrats will ignore:

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer have been bested by Mitch McConnell yet again. The two Democrats attempted to create impeachment leverage where none existed by withholding the Articles of Impeachment passed last month against President Donald Trump.

But like your Aunt Frieda threatening not to bring her awful fruitcake to Christmas Dinner, their plan didn't work. Nobody wanted it in the first place.

McConnell won this round against his Keystone Cops opposition because he has something Schumer and Pelosi don't: a reasonable argument.

The Senate majority leader has insisted from the beginning that if the House were to impeach Trump, the Senate should treat him the same way it treated Bill Clinton in 1998. So, McConnell has steadfastly argued for the same rules package that passed the Senate 100-0 in the Clinton iteration. "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" makes a pretty sensible argument.

The Democrats have raged against his position. This is different, they say. They are right -- this is different. The articles of impeachment against Clinton were bipartisan, and the ones against Trump aren't."


Can hardly wait for the tortured rationalizations from lefticrats here in the forum!!!

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When CNN bails on the Dimwingers you know it's bad.
Our leaders don’t care. We are ruled by mercenaries who feel no long-term obligation to the people they rule. They’re day traders. Substitute teachers. They’re just passing through. They have no skin in this game, and it shows. They can’t solve our problems. They don’t even bother to understand our problems.
Republicans are very good at describing things in black and white; Democrats are very good at describing the 11 shades of gray
One can only wonder why Dems so consistently make abject fools of themselves. What's next for Nancy ... another hissy-fit?

Mitch McConnell just ate Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer's lunch (opinion) - CNN
Too bad it won't stop their continuous crying about it.
One can no more stop their crying than fix their stupidity but perhaps a few more Americans will realize our Democrats - even the top of their (dung) heap - are just petulant crybabies who hate this country.
Wow! When CNN bails on the Dimwingers you know it's bad.
The author is prolly getting death threats from bitter, unhinged leftards as we post.
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From the above CNN link, most lefticrats will ignore:
...The Senate majority leader has insisted from the beginning that if the House were to impeach Trump, the Senate should treat him the same way it treated Bill Clinton in 1998. So, McConnell has steadfastly argued for the same rules package that passed the Senate 100-0 in the Clinton iteration. "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" makes a pretty sensible argument.

The Democrats have raged against his position. This is different, they say. They are right -- this is different. The articles of impeachment against Clinton were bipartisan, and the ones against Trump aren't."

Can hardly wait for the tortured rationalizations from lefticrats here in the forum!!!:coffee:
Not just here. PMSNBC squawking heads are currently having a hissy-fit. There is no way to spin this into anything but a win for America but they - at usual - are doing their best.

You can't buy the kind of childish petulance leftards provide for free.
Senile Pelosi, RELEASE the impeachment articles. End the games.

One can only wonder why Dems so consistently make abject fools of themselves. What's next for Nancy ... another hissy-fit?

Mitch McConnell just ate Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer's lunch (opinion) - CNN
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer have been bested by Mitch McConnell yet again. The two Democrats attempted to create impeachment leverage where none existed by withholding the Articles of Impeachment passed last month against President Donald Trump.

But like your Aunt Frieda threatening not to bring her awful fruitcake to Christmas Dinner, their plan didn't work. Nobody wanted it in the first place.

McConnell won this round against his Keystone Cops opposition because he has something Schumer and Pelosi don't: a reasonable argument.

Mighty Mitch McConnell Lays Down the Law and Sets Pelosi Straight on Impeachment, ‘No Haggling, We Will Not Cede Our Authority to House Dems’

The House Democrats’ turn is over. The Senate has made its decision. This is for the Senate, and the Senate only, to decide,” McConnell said in a tweet.

Even Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein is fed up with Pelosi’s delay tactics and demanded the articles of impeachment be delivered to the Senate.

“If we’re going to do it, she should send them over,” Feinstein said blasting Pelosi. “I don’t see what good delay does.”


Bet or get off the pot

She can’t even carry out an Impeachment. The longer she withholds the Articles, the less significance for an already ridiculous Democrat-led Impeachment. They started talking Impeachment Day 1 with full support from the media and their base and she still can’t get it right.
From the above CNN link, most lefticrats will ignore:

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer have been bested by Mitch McConnell yet again. The two Democrats attempted to create impeachment leverage where none existed by withholding the Articles of Impeachment passed last month against President Donald Trump.

But like your Aunt Frieda threatening not to bring her awful fruitcake to Christmas Dinner, their plan didn't work. Nobody wanted it in the first place.

McConnell won this round against his Keystone Cops opposition because he has something Schumer and Pelosi don't: a reasonable argument.

The Senate majority leader has insisted from the beginning that if the House were to impeach Trump, the Senate should treat him the same way it treated Bill Clinton in 1998. So, McConnell has steadfastly argued for the same rules package that passed the Senate 100-0 in the Clinton iteration. "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" makes a pretty sensible argument.

The Democrats have raged against his position. This is different, they say. They are right -- this is different. The articles of impeachment against Clinton were bipartisan, and the ones against Trump aren't."


Can hardly wait for the tortured rationalizations from lefticrats here in the forum!!!


Crickets from the board's radical leftists?
One can only wonder why Dems so consistently make abject fools of themselves. What's next for Nancy ... another hissy-fit?

Mitch McConnell just ate Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer's lunch (opinion) - CNN
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer have been bested by Mitch McConnell yet again. The two Democrats attempted to create impeachment leverage where none existed by withholding the Articles of Impeachment passed last month against President Donald Trump.

But like your Aunt Frieda threatening not to bring her awful fruitcake to Christmas Dinner, their plan didn't work. Nobody wanted it in the first place.

McConnell won this round against his Keystone Cops opposition because he has something Schumer and Pelosi don't: a reasonable argument.

They planned to impeach Trump before he took office.
Just wait until Trump gets another SC justice pick...then the leftists will REALLY be cryin' :crybaby:
From the above CNN link, most lefticrats will ignore:

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer have been bested by Mitch McConnell yet again. The two Democrats attempted to create impeachment leverage where none existed by withholding the Articles of Impeachment passed last month against President Donald Trump.

But like your Aunt Frieda threatening not to bring her awful fruitcake to Christmas Dinner, their plan didn't work. Nobody wanted it in the first place.

McConnell won this round against his Keystone Cops opposition because he has something Schumer and Pelosi don't: a reasonable argument.

The Senate majority leader has insisted from the beginning that if the House were to impeach Trump, the Senate should treat him the same way it treated Bill Clinton in 1998. So, McConnell has steadfastly argued for the same rules package that passed the Senate 100-0 in the Clinton iteration. "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" makes a pretty sensible argument.

The Democrats have raged against his position. This is different, they say. They are right -- this is different. The articles of impeachment against Clinton were bipartisan, and the ones against Trump aren't."


Can hardly wait for the tortured rationalizations from lefticrats here in the forum!!!


There will be none. It's not team blue so they will never calm down. Like all tantrum throwing children you slap their hand, set them in the corner and do what your going to do inspite of their screeching. 2020 to 2024 will be awesome. All their screening will have been for nothing and will likely prevent a democrat from being president after Trump.
She can’t even carry out an Impeachment. The longer she withholds the Articles, the less significance for an already ridiculous Democrat-led Impeachment. They started talking Impeachment Day 1 with full support from the media and their base and she still can’t get it right.
They planned to impeach Trump before he took office.
Even Senate Dems weary of Pelosi's childish games:

‘She Should Send Them Over’: Senate Democrats Want Pelosi To End Stalemate Over Impeachment Articles
A growing number of Senate Democrats are breaking with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over her handling of articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump.

Seven Democrats — Sens. Dianne Feinstein, Doug Jones, Chris Murphy, Joe Manchin, Richard Blumenthal, Jon Tester, and Chris Coons — told various news outlets Wednesday that they are ready for Pelosi to transmit the articles so that the Senate can move forward with Trump’s trial.

Angus King, an Independent from Maine, also said he supported passing the impeachment baton to the Senate.

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