McCain Says He, Not Rand Paul, Represents ‘Party Of Ronald Reagan’

He's not entirely off the mark. Reagan was a neocon who emphasized foreign policy before social policy, and used sweeping across the board fiscal measures instead of analyzing the economy sector by sector to see where things could work.

McCain is similarly obsessed with the big picture instead of the details, and he doesn't contend social policy at all. It's very well known that he's a RINO who takes pride in his foreign policy endeavors.

In a sense, Rand Paul should take it as a complement. There are some things worth not associating with.
McCain needs to keep reminding everyone why Moderate Republican cannot win on the national level

Keep up the good work Juan!
McCain is full of shit.

He is hybrid.. Half Republican, Half Democrat. I had to not only hold my nose, but hold my breath when I cast my ballot for him.
I actually respected McCain more when he followed the party of Ronald Regan. Now he's just jaded old man. Too bad Lindsey and him turned out to be such a couple of jackals.
McCain lost any credibility when he chose Sara Palin to be his 2008 running mate. Not that I'm complaining; after all, without Palin, we'd have missed all the Tina Fey led jokes. Classic.
McCain is absolutely correct that he represents the party of that bobbleheaded fucking idiot, Reagan, while Paul represents something new and healthy compared to the last thirty-some years of anti-American corporatism by avaricious scum. McCain, for example, abandoned his first wife and their children after she was injured in a car crash. He dated a woman looking at a hundred million dollar inheritance, then divorced his wife to marry money. His second wife reportedly supports the McCain's first family. Strangely, old animosities with his first family have vanished.

Reagan did the same thing only on an Irish (small time, petty) scale. He went for a doctor's failed actress daughter. His first children, the ones he abandoned are his only children that didn't write books explaining that he was a phone-it-in Dad more interested in blowing people with money and maybe a job offer than in his family.

So, both McCain and Reagan gave first families the heave-ho to chase money and opportunities. Like high political office on someone else's dime.

Meanwhile Rand Paul is more honest, smarter and less enthusiastic about corporatocracy than McCain's generation of nutballs. The fact is that if Paul doesn't have a secret drinking problem and if, for example, any gay porn movies he may have made in college are never played on Fox News, young Paul pretty much controls the nutball future for the next couple of years. His only serious competition is that Cuban asshole, and no real American is going to vote for him or the other minority placebo, Jindal, corporate nutballs are throwing out until they find a crooked white man or a suggestable woman with a nice ass to challenge Paul.
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At a time when there appears to be a burgeoning rift in Republican ranks over the government's use of drones, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) on Friday argued that he, not Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), represents former President Ronald Reagan's true legacy in the party.

McCain Says He, Not Rand Paul, Represents 'Party Of Ronald Reagan' (VIDEO)

He is 1000% correct.

John McCain, Warmonger

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

How many people would vote for John McCain if they knew his real agenda? It comes down to this: the military elite, working with the president, should draft America's teens and send them to kill and be killed in foreign lands so that US government can maintain a global military hegemony utterly alien to traditional American ideals."


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