McCain dead

This kind of all-or-nothing conservative radicalism is as bad as the all-or-nothing liberal radicalism that we see so often on this board.
My uncle laid out on Nejmagan Bridge (sp?) for 72 hrs after being gut shot by the SS. Fuck McCain and his thumbs down bullshit. Obamacare needed to be replaced with nothing.
McCain was not a hero

After enduring so much torture, he was given the chance to walk away from it and go home. But seeing that the offer was a plot by his captors to discourage his fellow POWs in hopes they'd turn their backs on their country, McCain refused. In all of your life you will never exhibit as much courage as he did in the time it took to say "no."
The governor may well appoint Cindy McCain who serve until at least the 2020 election.

Why not, we do live in a virtual Monarchy.

The guv should name Joseph Arpaio who was recently exonerated by his President on false charges, or perhaps another prominent Arizonian like Ralph Barger who has led one of America's most prominent motorcycle clubs for half a century.

I agree. Now that McCain is gone the rightards are going to do exactly as I know they will.

Go even further rightard.

And in an environment where the country is moving away from rightard, that only helps the resistance even more in the midterms.
And the alt right shows its general lack of class and too much ass in these matters.

Fom kos this morning.

It’s reported that the late Senator has forbidden Donald Trump from attending his funeral, and asked for George W. Bush and Barack Obama to give eulogies. With that final wish in mind, we’ve omitted the current White House resident’s soulless response.

You’re not missing anything.
McCain will forever be recognized as a hero and great American and people who disparaged him like the OP the day he died and days following his death before he is even buried will forever be judged as horrible losers and the lower elements of American society and culture. Your coffin and body will not lay in state in the Capitols of your home and nation, nor will you receive the honor of being buried at a National Military Acadamy alongside other nationally recognized and accepted American heroes.
Did you talk about him when he ran for president?


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This idiot didn’t know shit about an economy. All he knew was the military (half-assed most of the time) and that was it. Lost an election to Barack Obama? How? Thumbs down on repeal of the worst program ever. No use for this guy. Lefty will politicize his death. Obama will speak. In the end...McCain was not a hero...he was just a lying assed politician.
My uncle laid out on Nejmagan Bridge (sp?) for 72 hrs after being gut shot by the SS. Fuck McCain and his thumbs down bullshit. Obamacare needed to be replaced with nothing.
cool story shitbird. The reality is your uncle was a child raping piece of shit who contracted AIDS from taking multiple dicks in exchange for drugs
Please allow me to repost my comment from another thread that underlines why McCain is not a role model:

"I don't buy the story " he was an honor student and no one knows why he turned to a life of crime" in order to forgive the guilty.

Even if McCain was tortured, his past is not an excuse for how he lived his life.

McCain was corrupt. Thousands lost life savings in what was a huge savings and loan scandal and the taxpayers had to foot the bill.

Keating 5. Read the details of his very close relationship to Charles Keating and how he acted on Keating's behalf. McCain spent time at Keating's home in the Bahamas, flew on Keating's private jet, received campaign donations, had McCain's wife buy into a Keating shopping center.......

McCain may have suffered but he was not a good man."

Sigh... not this again.

Okay, one more time. The problem with the Keating Five is that it was really the Keating Three.

Keating Five - Wikipedia

After a lengthy investigation, the Senate Ethics Committeedetermined in 1991 that Cranston, DeConcini, and Riegle had substantially and improperly interfered with the FHLBB's investigation of Lincoln Savings, with Cranston receiving a formal reprimand. Senators Glenn and McCain were cleared of having acted improperly but were criticized for having exercised "poor judgment".

All five senators served out their terms. Only Glenn and McCain ran for re-election, and they both retained their seats. McCain would go on to run for President of the United States twice, and was the Republican Party nominee in 2008.

The Ethics Committee ruled that the involvement of McCain in the scheme was also minimal, and he too was cleared of all charges against him.[55][56] McCain was criticized by the Committee for exercising "poor judgment" when he met with the federal regulators on Keating's behalf.[7] The report also said that McCain's "actions were not improper nor attended with gross negligence and did not reach the level of requiring institutional action against him....Senator McCain has violated no law of the United States or specific Rule of the United States Senate."[59] On his Keating Five experience, McCain has said: "The appearance of it was wrong. It's a wrong appearance when a group of senators appear in a meeting with a group of regulators, because it conveys the impression of undue and improper influence. And it was the wrong thing to do."[7]

Let's be clear, the Ethics Committee is worthless. In fact, some have considered doing away with it because it is so worthless.

After all, how can you have someone like Charley Rangel who has clearly broken laws that was detailed by the Ethics Committee and, not only remain in office, but be reelected after 20 some ethics violations?

The system is a joke and everyone now knows it.

Sadly this is painfully true.

There is a complete lack of accountability in Congress.

Yikes. Ugly stuff. Dancing on graves.

I realize hating McCain has been a talk radio staple for a long time, but can't folks just step away from that stuff now and then? Detach a little?

I don't think you'd be tossed out of the tribe or anything.
Actually they probably would. Look what happened to McCain for stepping outta line.
This thread is a train wreck. I thought this was going to be a thread to memorialize an American icon. Not board assholes taking shots at each other. This garbage should be shut down and erased from USMB history and a new memorial thread to Senator McCain put up.

I have been a serious kick ass beyond staunch critic of McCain but even I was prepared to post a tribute to him. But this bullshit thread won't get it. Wow. You jerks just couldn't keep your partisan bullshit out of a so called memorial thread. This is an embarrassment to the board and it should be removed.
This idiot didn’t know shit about an economy. All he knew was the military (half-assed most of the time) and that was it. Lost an election to Barack Obama? How? Thumbs down on repeal of the worst program ever. No use for this guy. Lefty will politicize his death. Obama will speak. In the end...McCain was not a hero...he was just a lying assed politician.

Wow, we can feel the love, buddy.

The sad commentary is that your party hates war heroes like McCain, Dole and the real Bush-41, genuine heroes who loved their country, and embraces a creep like Trump who dodged the draft, cheated on all three of his wives, and is an otherwise awful human being.
Must be why Obama's campaign centered on discrediting McCain's military service and all his attack dogs (including Biden) would make the media rounds claiming "McCain doesn't know how to win wars..he spent the war in a POW camp."
My uncle laid out on Nejmagan Bridge (sp?) for 72 hrs after being gut shot by the SS. Fuck McCain and his thumbs down bullshit. Obamacare needed to be replaced with nothing.
You want some kind of credit for something your uncle did 84 years ago? Why are you telling this tale? Doesn't make you appear any less scuzzy and like a foul crude punk?
McCain knew voting against the repeal of Obamacare was the wrong thing to do. He ran for the Senate on a platform to repeal Obamacare. However, the little arrogant shithead was so spiteful of Trump and didn't want to give Trump a win that he did the wrong thing. One of the most despicable acts ever done by a member of the Senate.

Like these filthy ass Moon Bats he was suffering from the mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Maybe that is what caused his brain cancer.
McCain ran on “Repeal and Replace”
He voted in favor of the GOP plan to replace Obamacare. Unfortunately, when Republicans put forth a plan to just repeal Obamacare and throw millions off their healthcare plan with nothing to replace it, McCain chose to do what was right....just say no
This idiot didn’t know shit about an economy. All he knew was the military (half-assed most of the time) and that was it. Lost an election to Barack Obama? How? Thumbs down on repeal of the worst program ever. No use for this guy. Lefty will politicize his death. Obama will speak. In the end...McCain was not a hero...he was just a lying assed politician.

Wow, we can feel the love, buddy.

The sad commentary is that your party hates war heroes like McCain, Dole and the real Bush-41, genuine heroes who loved their country, and embraces a creep like Trump who dodged the draft, cheated on all three of his wives, and is an otherwise awful human being.
BTW that was another method of attack from the left. Making the media rounds claiming McCain dumped his disabled wife for a gold digger and tramp.

You assholes need some new material.
This idiot didn’t know shit about an economy. All he knew was the military (half-assed most of the time) and that was it. Lost an election to Barack Obama? How? Thumbs down on repeal of the worst program ever. No use for this guy. Lefty will politicize his death. Obama will speak. In the end...McCain was not a hero...he was just a lying assed politician.

Wow, we can feel the love, buddy.

The sad commentary is that your party hates war heroes like McCain, Dole and the real Bush-41, genuine heroes who loved their country, and embraces a creep like Trump who dodged the draft, cheated on all three of his wives, and is an otherwise awful human being.
Must be why Obama's campaign centered on discrediting McCain's military service and all his attack dogs (including Biden) would make the media rounds claiming "McCain doesn't know how to win wars..he spent the war in a POW camp."

Could I see that quote?
It doesn’t sound like something Joe Biden would say and I can’t find it on the interweb

What I did find and it reflects what I remember

Biden on friendship with McCain: 'We're like two brothers'
This idiot didn’t know shit about an economy. All he knew was the military (half-assed most of the time) and that was it. Lost an election to Barack Obama? How? Thumbs down on repeal of the worst program ever. No use for this guy. Lefty will politicize his death. Obama will speak. In the end...McCain was not a hero...he was just a lying assed politician.

Wow, we can feel the love, buddy.

The sad commentary is that your party hates war heroes like McCain, Dole and the real Bush-41, genuine heroes who loved their country, and embraces a creep like Trump who dodged the draft, cheated on all three of his wives, and is an otherwise awful human being.
BTW that was another method of attack from the left. Making the media rounds claiming McCain dumped his disabled wife for a gold digger and tramp.

You assholes need some new material.
That was Gingrich
The Alt Right all voted against Clinton, most for Trump, a few for Johnson, but almost none for McMullin, the only conservative in the race.

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