McCain dead

Although I did not always agree with him, I am sorry for John McCain's loss, and my thoughts go out to his family and friends. I think that he always tried to do what he thought was right for the country within the parameters of what he thought this was.

To the politics types here on USMB, Sometimes he made the wrong choices. I will have to say that his selection of Sarah Palin, an entirely useless individual, as his running mate cost him dearly. I just don't know what got into him at the time. Her selection was a major blunder.
Riiight...because if he just hadn't picked Sarah Palin the left wouldn't have trashed him but instead voted for him.

We had our moments on other issues, but in most times McCain retained his dignity .Why did he pick Palin to run with him? She was/is just white-trash garbage. Major blunder.
He did it as a gesture to both the conservatives and Hillary supporters that were supporting him. It worked too. Palin helped him get the votes of people who hated him.

Too bad he was both a crappy candidate and campaigner.
Too bad he was running against Obama

He never had a chance
Yet another big state worshipper...unknowingly so.
McCain knew voting against the repeal of Obamacare was the wrong thing to do. He ran for the Senate on a platform to repeal Obamacare. However, the little arrogant shithead was so spiteful of Trump and didn't want to give Trump a win that he did the wrong thing. One of the most despicable acts ever done by a member of the Senate.

Like these filthy ass Moon Bats he was suffering from the mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Maybe that is what caused his brain cancer.
An unfortunate OP. Since entering the Senate, McCain voted with Republicans 87% of the time. The American Conservative Union gave McCain a rating of 81% through 2015. McCain voted for every Supreme Court nominee nominated by Republican presidents, including Alito, Roberts, and Gorsuch. Just before he died, he announced he would vote for Kavanaugh and called him "mainstream." Beyond his mostly conservative record, there is also the fact that he served in the U.S. Navy, turned down the North Vietnamese offer to be released early because of who he was, and endured torture at their hands.

So I am willing to overlook the handful of areas and actions of McCain's that I don't like and am willing to honor his memory in the aftermath of his passing.
Fuck him...the critical vote of his lifetime was on Obamacare...he and his ego grandstanded and made his egotistical “thumbs down” moment. Fuck him.
Liberal media will use this to criticize Trump...but ...”Oh my God! The Conservatives are exploiting Mollie Tibbetts!”
Let's be clear, the Ethics Committee is worthless. In fact, some have considered doing away with it because it is so worthless.

After all, how can you have someone like Charley Rangel who has clearly broken laws that was detailed by the Ethics Committee and, not only remain in office, but be reelected after 20 some ethics violations?

The system is a joke and everyone now knows it.

You do realize there's a difference between the Senate ethics committee and the House Ethics committee, right?

Here's the thing. The rich DO have too much influence in politics. McCain's reaction to Keating was to propose sweeping reforms, which the GOP opposed at every turn.
Let's be clear, the Ethics Committee is worthless. In fact, some have considered doing away with it because it is so worthless.

After all, how can you have someone like Charley Rangel who has clearly broken laws that was detailed by the Ethics Committee and, not only remain in office, but be reelected after 20 some ethics violations?

The system is a joke and everyone now knows it.

You do realize there's a difference between the Senate ethics committee and the House Ethics committee, right?

Here's the thing. The rich DO have too much influence in politics. McCain's reaction to Keating was to propose sweeping reforms, which the GOP opposed at every turn.
Fuck him.
Yikes. Ugly stuff. Dancing on graves.

I realize hating McCain has been a talk radio staple for a long time, but can't folks just step away from that stuff now and then? Detach a little?

I don't think you'd be tossed out of the tribe or anything.


Hey when Trump dies, I am going to spend a lot of time dancing on his grave.

What is this human stupidity that criticism of someone should automatically stop when they shuffle off the mortal coil?

We should tell people we love them when they are still alive, not after they are dead. The dead don't care about criticism or love.
McCain didn't back down
He was one of just three Republican senators to vote against - and thus defeat - a Trump-backed effort to repeal Barack Obama's signature health-care law. That single vote earned lasting disdain from the president.

Which he promised a vote to repeal the law. In other words, the guy lied to the American people.


A Trump supporter complaining that a politician lied about something????

Yikes. Ugly stuff. Dancing on graves.

I realize hating McCain has been a talk radio staple for a long time, but can't folks just step away from that stuff now and then? Detach a little?

I don't think you'd be tossed out of the tribe or anything.


Hey when Trump dies, I am going to spend a lot of time dancing on his grave.

What is this human stupidity that criticism of someone should automatically stop when they shuffle off the mortal coil?

We should tell people we love them when they are still alive, not after they are dead. The dead don't care about criticism or love.
That makes you a piece of shit that does not deserve the protection of the United States of America.
McCain knew voting against the repeal of Obamacare was the wrong thing to do. He ran for the Senate on a platform to repeal Obamacare. However, the little arrogant shithead was so spiteful of Trump and didn't want to give Trump a win that he did the wrong thing. One of the most despicable acts ever done by a member of the Senate.

Like these filthy ass Moon Bats he was suffering from the mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Maybe that is what caused his brain cancer.

The problem was, you don't overturn ObamaCare unless you have something ready to go to replace it... and the GOP didn't. So while it was easy to make that vote when Obama was there to veto it, throwing the system into chaos wasn't the answer.

The question is,why didn't your side have an alternative ready to go? You've been whining about it for 8 years.
The recessions, not Obama, beat McCain.

And Palin was a definite negative to more than 60% of the country.
Actually the voter turn out was only 2% higher than 2004. With Conservative turn out being a little over 1% less than 2004. Black voter turn out being extremely high.

Had nothing to do with the " issues" and everything to do with McCain being hated by conservatives and Obama being black.

No, it had to do with every demographic rejecting the GOP message.

In 2004, Bush got 55% of the male vote and 58% of the white vote, the two mainstays of the GOP electoral base. .

McCain got 48% of the male vote and 55% of the white vote.

(By comparison, Trumpenfuhrer 52% of the male vote and 57% of the white vote.)

When it came to groups that skew to the Democrats, he did worse. He got 4% of the black vote compared to 11% that Bush got. And because he backed away from his own immigration reform proposals to appeal to the knuckle-draggers in the GOP base, he only got 31% of the Hispanic vote compared to 44% that Bush got.

It really, really had to do with the fact that Bush had messed up everything so badly that
The black vote was 5% higher than previous elections ( and those black voters did not come out for Hillary in 2016 either)
And conservatives stayed home. It's really that simple.
Actually the voter turn out was only 2% higher than 2004. With Conservative turn out being a little over 1% less than 2004. Black voter turn out being extremely high.

Had nothing to do with the " issues" and everything to do with McCain being hated by conservatives and Obama being black.

No, it had to do with every demographic rejecting the GOP message.

In 2004, Bush got 55% of the male vote and 58% of the white vote, the two mainstays of the GOP electoral base. .

McCain got 48% of the male vote and 55% of the white vote.

(By comparison, Trumpenfuhrer 52% of the male vote and 57% of the white vote.)

When it came to groups that skew to the Democrats, he did worse. He got 4% of the black vote compared to 11% that Bush got. And because he backed away from his own immigration reform proposals to appeal to the knuckle-draggers in the GOP base, he only got 31% of the Hispanic vote compared to 44% that Bush got.

It really, really had to do with the fact that Bush had messed up everything so badly that
The black vote was 5% higher than previous elections ( and those black voters did not come out for Hillary in 2016 either)
And conservatives stayed home. It's really that simple.
100% right.
Although I did not always agree with him, I am sorry for John McCain's loss, and my thoughts go out to his family and friends. I think that he always tried to do what he thought was right for the country within the parameters of what he thought this was.

To the politics types here on USMB, Sometimes he made the wrong choices. I will have to say that his selection of Sarah Palin, an entirely useless individual, as his running mate cost him dearly. I just don't know what got into him at the time. Her selection was a major blunder.
Riiight...because if he just hadn't picked Sarah Palin the left wouldn't have trashed him but instead voted for him.

We had our moments on other issues, but in most times McCain retained his dignity .Why did he pick Palin to run with him? She was/is just white-trash garbage. Major blunder.
He did it as a gesture to both the conservatives and Hillary supporters that were supporting him. It worked too. Palin helped him get the votes of people who hated him.

Too bad he was both a crappy candidate and campaigner.
Too bad he was running against Obama

He never had a chance

Sure, McCain had a chance.

But he chose to be deferential and apologetic toward Obama, instead of fighting him tooth and nail like he did against Romney in the primaries.

McCain was a Republican who liked to use all off his ammunition and all of his venom during the Primary Season leaving nothing for the general election when it counts
Although I did not always agree with him, I am sorry for John McCain's loss, and my thoughts go out to his family and friends. I think that he always tried to do what he thought was right for the country within the parameters of what he thought this was.

To the politics types here on USMB, Sometimes he made the wrong choices. I will have to say that his selection of Sarah Palin, an entirely useless individual, as his running mate cost him dearly. I just don't know what got into him at the time. Her selection was a major blunder.
Riiight...because if he just hadn't picked Sarah Palin the left wouldn't have trashed him but instead voted for him.

We had our moments on other issues, but in most times McCain retained his dignity .Why did he pick Palin to run with him? She was/is just white-trash garbage. Major blunder.
He did it as a gesture to both the conservatives and Hillary supporters that were supporting him. It worked too. Palin helped him get the votes of people who hated him.

Too bad he was both a crappy candidate and campaigner.
Too bad he was running against Obama

He never had a chance
Of course he didn't conservatives hated him. Which is why he was installed as the candidate.
And the alt right shows its general lack of class and too much ass in these matters.
McCain knew voting against the repeal of Obamacare was the wrong thing to do...
In your opinion, and that of those who think like you. However, declaring it thus, does not render it thus.

...He ran for the Senate on a platform to repeal Obamacare...
The Devil is in the details, and the problem with that claim is that McCain wanted to replace ObamaCare with something more fair and better, which was not being proposed.

...However, the little arrogant shithead...
Captain (Senator) John McCain was more of a man, and more valuable to the People and their Republic, than you, or a hundred like you... pi$$ant.

...was so spiteful of Trump and didn't want to give Trump a win that he did the wrong thing...
People of Quality and Principle always take a stand against Demagogues and Autocrats and others like your Creature who are dangerous to Democracy.

...One of the most despicable acts ever done by a member of the Senate...
Correction... his famous "thumbs down" vote on ObumbleCare was righteous, courageous, and in the best interests of the People and their Republic.

...Like these filthy ass Moon Bats he was suffering from the mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome...
Or, alternatively, he chose to speak out against your lewd, crude, boorish, crying, lying Creature channeling the Ghost of Benito Mussolini.

...Maybe that is what caused his brain cancer.
Republicans eating their own, for not subscribing to their Fuhrer's Diktat, and those of Lush Limpbaugh, Faux News and such ilk.
The governor may well appoint Cindy McCain who serve until at least the 2020 election.

Why not, we do live in a virtual Monarchy.

The guv should name Joseph Arpaio who was recently exonerated by his President on false charges, or perhaps another prominent Arizonian like Ralph Barger who has led one of America's most prominent motorcycle clubs for half a century.
Correction. He was not exonerated, he was pardoned. He is still guilty.
And the alt right shows its general lack of class and too much ass in these matters.

I didn't hear anything from the alt right on this at all, not yet. What did Alt Right Spokesman Dave Duke have to say? I know most of the alt right worked for Obama, Jason Kessler endorse B Hussein O in 08 against McCain.

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