Maybe THIS Is Why Liberals Are Freaked Out Over Latest USSC Decision

How is use of an AR15 materially different from use of an M16? Yes, I know about fully auto that is rarely used.
The M-16 has a selector switch that has semi-auto and 3 round burst the Military hasn't fielded a fully automatic version since the early 80's. You can actually buy an fully automatic M-16 but they are hideously expensive and their is a rather invasive process to legally purchase one. I've seen them cost as much as $40,000.

The AR-15 has never been issued to troops and is semi-only other than the buffer system and looking similar they are not the same weapon. You loons basically want to ban a firearm because of cosmetics. Educating yourself on the differences would somewhat improve your arguments, but it still does not address the constitutionality of bans.
Whether Jefferson said it doesn't matter. Crazy right wing gun nuts have said it a lot.
They are still not wrong as far as the sentiment goes, just wrong in who they attribute it to.

I understand, I did not know it was coined by Mr. Barnhill either till just a several years ago when I ran across a Monticello Association article on it at my dentist's office of all places.

Anyhoo....The fact remains that opposing a socialist agenda was not wrong in 1914 (as the facts bore out shortly thereafter) nor is opposing a dem-led quasi-socialist US government today.

Indeed these dealers in failed socialist ideas (usually Ivy League leftists) need to be dug-out of our government root and stem.....Hopefully by the ballot box instead of the more "messy" cartridge box. ;)
The courts are 1/3 of our government. Gun nuts demand access to military style weapons because it is important for our government to be afraid of the people. Your logic demands the Supremes be afraid, doesn't it?

So how many gun people were out protesting in front of the justices homes over this decision? How many planned to take a life of a leftist justice that voted against their beliefs?
The courts are 1/3 of our government. Gun nuts demand access to military style weapons because it is important for our government to be afraid of the people. Your logic demands the Supremes be afraid, doesn't it?
At this point, I think it wise to buy machine guns given how our government and Soros terror squads of anti-fa and BLM behave/attack others.
Thank you for agreeing. Crazy right wing gun nuts want to be prepared for insurrection.
First we need to be prepared to ward off rabid lefties. Your "protests" will not be allowed in our neighborhoods. We'll chase you protesting asses right out of town. And out of the next town, and the next . You will learn to leave our children alone. Or we will start dealing with your threats and intimidation in our own way.

Don't believe me? Try me. Try it and see what happens. Let's see you fuckers burn out one of the Justice's homes. Go ahead, I triple dare you. We'll have a hundred of you fuckers in tar and feathers on live national television.
It is what the Founders desired. If you assholes weren't such fascists you would have nothing to fear.
I'm pretty sure they didn't intend well armed insurrection. They did mention assembly, and the redress of grievences, but I don't recall anything in the constitution about armed insurrection. Perhaps you can point out that clause.

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